

Lieutenant Ya'Han

(Picture - cosplayer Yaya Han)
Gender: Female
Race: Nylaan, within Ferengi controlled space
Age: 28 Terran Years
Date of Birth: (2406) SB:06313.0
* General: Shapely and glamorous
* Height: 5'6" / 167 cm
* Weight: 140 lbs / 63.5 kg
* Eyes: Large, black
* Hair: Straight, below her waist, usually a mixture of red and black
* Academy Major: Security (Hand-to-Hand combat)
* Academy Minor: Tactical

Additional Training:
* Likes to study ancient battle tactics from various worlds as well as their version of martial arts. Has received courses in both music and dance as shown by her skills in those areas.

Family Information:
* Father: Claims that he is deceased
* Mother: Claims that she is deceased

* Several although she never gives any specifics

* None
* None

Extended Family:
* Oce'Han, grandmother, age 81

Personal Information:
Favourite Drink: Risian Tea
Preferred Food: Pythronian Cloud Cake
Hobbies & Interests: Talented musician and dancer, Ya'Han enjoys performing for others

Goals: To live her life happily and to its fullest.

Awards and Service Ribbons


War of Shadows

Starfleet History:
(24)25005.1 - Entered Starfleet Academy
(24)28339.1 - Graduated Starfleet Academy
(24)29014.1 -  Entered Senior Officer Training
(24)29285.1 - Completed Senior Officer Training & promoted to Ensign
(24) 29285.1 - Assigned to USS ANUBIS as Sec/Tac
(24)31294.1 - Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade by Captain Morningstar
(24)34020.1 - Promoted to Lieutenant by Captain Morningstar
(24)34295.1 - Awarded War of Shadows Ribbon

Personal History:
Public knowledge:
Ya'Han is very secretive about her past, telling others only the bare minimum and only when it is absolutely necessary.  As far as everyone is concerned, she is a loner, maybe even possibly an orphan who joined Starfleet to broaden her horizons and see the universe.  She never speaks of her past although it is easy for others to see that she has gone through a lot.

Actual history (Classified):
Ya'Han was, at the time of her birth, the youngest of 13 children, and the 7th daughter of the NYLAAN royal family, making it possible for her to change her hair color to purple.  From birth she received all of the attention that a child of her lineage demanded, receiving classes on every aspect of her people's culture as well as countless others.  Economy, science and combat skills were soon added to her list of classes which by the age of 10 had already included the many required music and dance classes that all NYLAAN females are expected to have, making it possible for her to easily change her hair color to green.

By the age of 12 she had mastered enough of the respective fields to be able to change her hair color to white, green and red. Unfortunately Ya'Han was never able to grasp any aspects in the field of sciences making it impossible for her to change her hair color to blue.

On Stardate 20235.1, 78 days before her 14th birthday, she was betrothed to Daimon Ardax, a wealthy Ferengi merchant who saw endless opportunities for profit in both his marrying into the royal family and the growing woman's beauty and skills as a performer. The wedding was set to coincide with her birthday, at which point she would officially become worthy of being taken as a woman. Following the announcement of their wedding and before her birthday, Ya'Han escaped from the royal palace and fled her home planet to never return.

Trading her skills as a dancer and musician for passage on various freighters she manage to stay one step ahead of her family and would-be husband's efforts to find her.  After nearly two years on the run Ya'Han finally managed to cross into Federation control territory hoping that she would be fully out of reach of those hunting her.

For the next 2 years she continued to trade her skills to survive and find transport to go deeper into Federation controlled space. Each time she would encounter a Ferengi though, her fears would return leaving her to believe that there would never be a true escape from her past.  When she found her way onto the Federation starbase PARASIDIO on Stardate 24081, Ya'Han saw an opportunity to insure that she would forever be safe from her family and would-be husband.  With the help of the starbase's CO, she applied and was accepted to Starfleet Academy.

It was only during her training at Starfleet Academy that Ya'Han finally managed to grasp enough in the field of science to allow her to change her hair color to blue, something that she was fortunate enough to avoid anyone seeing.

As a member of the fleet, Ya'Han is happy to be able to live her life to the fullest, out of reach of her family and their wishes to see her marry, and we quote, "a Ferengi troll."

Established members of the Nylaan Royal Family :
Ya'Fen (M), High Sovereign of NYLA IV
Na'Rin (F), Wife to the High Sovereign and mother to the 13 officially recognized children of the royal family
Ya'Kun (M), oldest brother and heir to the throne of NYLA IV
Ya'Del (M), 2nd child
Ya'Min (F), oldest sister, 3rd child
Ya'Rin (F), 10th child, a strong believer in the ways of their world and in their father the High Sovereign
Ya'Don (M), 11th child, youngest brother
Ya'Jun (F), 12th child, escaped NYLA IV thanks to Fenix, a Rutian terrorist. Both were encountered on the MASQUERADES DREAM
Ze'Kon (M), Trusted aide to the High Sovereign who was later found to be working with the Lokustaar to see Ya'Kun ascend to the throne
"Nan" (F), an old woman who trained all of the High Sovereign's daughters in the art of control and balance Sho'Kal (M), a skilled and passonate Royal Physician

Ya'Han's Flashbacks / Memories (See FLASHBACKS)

Played by: Hanali Han

Understanding Ya'Han
Ya'Han is a complex and multifaceted character. As the Chief of Security and Tactical Officer aboard the USS ANUBIS, understanding her background and personal history is crucial to fully grasp who she is. Central to her story is the rigorous training required to earn the ability to change her hair color, a reflection of the societal caste system on her homeworld.

Background and Personal History
As the youngest of 13 children, Ya'Han grew up under the constant scrutiny of her siblings and her father, the High Sovereign of NYLA IV. The immense demands placed upon her instilled a drive for perfection and an unspoken—at times desperate—desire for approval. Her upbringing was defined by a struggle between who she wished to become and who she was told she needed to be. This internal duality shaped her ability to instinctively weigh “wants” against “needs,” enabling her to respect and challenge authority in equal measure.

Physical Appearance
Ya'Han is shapely and glamorous, her royal upbringing subtly influencing her posture and movements. While many attribute her poise to Starfleet training, it originates from her time as a princess. Her large black eyes and waist-length straight hair add to her natural charm, though she often struggles to embrace these features as they remind her of her royal lineage.

Her hair, typically a mixture of black and red, symbolizes her connection to both her past and her present. The black, denoting commoner status in Nylaan culture, represents her rejection of her royal heritage and her desire to isolate herself from her people. This rejection of her purple hair, a color reserved for the royal family, was a deliberate act of defiance, reflecting her unwillingness to associate with her past until she felt ready to confront it.

Skills and Training
A natural perfectionist, Ya'Han is constantly striving to improve herself, often feeling she has yet to reach her potential. This mindset stems from the relentless criticism she endured as a child, where excellence was seen as the bare minimum. Her drive for self-improvement carried over into her time at Starfleet Academy, as she sought to forge a new identity while unknowingly perpetuating the same critical expectations her father imposed on her.

Her extensive training in combat, tactics, and performance arts, combined with her relentless pursuit of self-betterment, makes her an exceptionally skilled and formidable officer.

Personality Traits
Ya'Han is dedicated to her duties and exhibits a strong sense of integrity. However, she struggles with the concept of “family,” as the term evokes painful memories of her childhood. Her developing feelings for Jayson present an additional challenge; raised to view relationships through the lens of obedience and duty, she now finds herself exploring genuine affection and care, territory that is both unfamiliar and daunting.

At her core, Ya'Han is a private individual who seldom discusses her past, even with those she deeply trusts. Her experiences as the youngest daughter of the High Sovereign, followed by the harsh months spent aboard cargo ships during her escape, have given her a sobering view of the universe. To her, the world is often cruel and unforgiving, fostering an ingrained belief in self-reliance.

While she has gradually integrated with her crew aboard the ANUBIS, Ya'Han still finds it difficult to entrust her safety, and her heart, to others. Her journey is one of strength and vulnerability, as she works to reconcile her past with the person she is becoming.

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