OLD-P235: USS ANUBIS: Fanggot: Day 4 - 2305 ("Finally Working Together")

"Finally Working Together"
Previous post: "Fe' (Faith)"

Stardate: 63073.2300


The PARADOX was much larger than the Kzinti had at first thought, making it much easier to hear the echos from down the different corridors. Hex listened intensely to each and every sound, noting how her father did the same while moving closely behind her. Though his nearness made the Sec/Tac officer uncomfortable, she felt somewhat relieved to have him there fighting at her side.

A noise from far down the right-hand corridor caught the younger Kzinti's attention momentarily. Motioning quickly with her hand to the elder Kzinti, the furred woman knelt down in an offensive combat pose, waiting to strike. A brief moment passed before the alien enemy was within Hex's striking range. Dealing him a quick blow to the back of his skull with the palm of her hand, then following it up with a quick two-fingered jab to the stomach, the creature was soon rendered motionless on the floor.

Quickly moving over him to check his pulse and get a higher view-point, Hex nodded once to Grex before fluidly changing then holding her new defensive position atop the unconscious form, examining each way thoroughly before motioning to move on. The imposing bounty hunter now in the lead, the younger Kzinti held back to watch the opposite corridor carefully as the group moved swiftly ahead of her.

This was easy, this was something that Hex could excel at with a very limited amount of effort. Their bodies made to tackle the harsher conditions on KZINTI PRIME, both Kzinti's were always battle-ready and eager to fight. Sighing, the huntress noted inwardly that their upbringing alone would make it more than difficult for the hunters to work together. Determination fueling her, the fuzzball moved back to the front of the line.

In passing, the Kzinti looked over the condition of the group.The Betazoid, though seeming more bashful than previously, was unharmed and ready as were the kindly priest and COO. Hex touched Adriana's shoulder briefly, giving her a reassuring grin before hurrying forward to once again take the lead. 

"No signs." Grex stated bluntly, crouching to peer around yet another corner, "I'm sure we'll have more resistance further in."

"Nothing we can't handle." Hex replied, turning toward Mortina and signaling her quietly.

Though worried, the Betazoid approached carefully, watching each step as though it may have been her last. When going by the Efrosian, Hex noticed a faint increase in her color and made a mental note to ask the young woman about that afterward.

"Can you try to sense where anyone from our group is located?" Hex questioned, still keeping watch from the corner of her eyes.

Closing her eyes, the woman concentrated, "Near the cargo area, but their emotions are weak."

Nodding her approval, Hex moved ahead slowly. The others followed behind her quietly, not making a single sound that might alert a nearby guard or enemy aware of their intrusion. A protective feeling washed over the Kzinti huntress as she looked back again at the group. The Ensign wanted to protect these people, even if it meant her life.

Surprisingly, they encountered little resistance on the way down to the cargo bays, which led the group to wonder as to why. Hex thought it too, but her mind was elsewhere, on the possibly hurt member of her crew and the rest of the USS ANUBIS officers. Looking back briefly again, the huntress could tell by the looks on their faces, that was all on Elliot and Adriana were thinking about too.

The little group walked quickly through the corridors, taking care to watch their step and listen to each hall they passed. This ship was inhabited, but obviously not used to having unexpected visitors. Most of their crew were either relaxing, eating or playing around from what Hex and the others could here. Leaving them all confused, but thankfully undetected, the group moved on.

Adriana watched as the others moved ahead of her, somewhat fearful for the other away team officers, but keeping her mind on task. Mortina would often grab her arm and point in a direction, obviously listening to something important.

"These people all came here hired as guards, engineers, you name it they have it. Recently there's been a lot of damage to the ship, they all seem to be worrying about when they're going to leave." the Betazoid informed her in a whisper, moving at her side, "Some were thinking about new people coming on board, but the faces were blurry. Do you know a giant of some sort? An engineer maybe? Some of them are thinking envious thoughts about a very tall blue man."

Adriana almost jumped out of her skin, struggling to remain calm, she confided, "Yeah, he's with us. He's our head engineer."

"He was with a group of others and, from what I'm getting, they're being help prisoner somewhere in the ship." Mortina continued, her face becoming grave.

The sound of a blast, made both women freeze. Looking ahead, the realized they were under fire from a turning corridor. Grex and Hex had both pulled out weapons, but the smaller Kzinti seemed to be less energetic than before. Holding her wound from before, the huntress hissed in pain.

"Do you always get hurt?" Grex chided, returning fire quickly before ducking behind the wall again as phaser shots zoomed by where his head had just been.

"Only... around you it seems" Hex joked breathlessly, a shot having grazed her wound just before the fire-fight began.

Struggling to stand, the Kzinti jumped out into the open area, firing several shots rapidly into the joining corridor before rolling to her side to regain cover further along the corridor.

"Grex, cover fire for them. Everyone will have to run across, the cargo hold is this way and we can take care of this little annoyance." Hex said quickly, her voice coming out more harsh than she wanted.

Taking aim, the elder Kzinti began to fire as the Efrosian priest ran by, covered by Elliot's constant phaser fires. They made it to the other side safely, though somewhat shell-shocked from the sudden attack and breathing hard. Mortina went next, running fast with her weapon aimed, but tripping just as she got close. Cursing, Hex began to fire her phaser rifle as the Betazoid was pulled out of the range of fire by the others.

"Come on Adriana! You're next!" Hex called, hissing as a phaser shot grazed her fur.

"I'm coming right after you" Grex stated, taking cover to speak, "So keep going no matter what, understand?"

Nodding, Adriana got ready to run. The Kzinti's looked at each other for a long moment, then both their ears twitched. The second the twitch occurred, they both leaned in a began firing their weapons spontaneously into the corridor. Adriana ran, helping with her added fire-power as well as noting the sounds of pain from further down the corridor as she made it to the other side.

"Anyone hurt?" Hex called back, taking a break from firing again.

"No warrior, we all seem to be fine, if a little shaken." the priest offered with a sincere smile as he helped the blushing Betazoid to her feet slowly.

Blushing slightly, Hex turned back to the fight, "Move along then, we'll be there soon" the Kzinti stated lamely, swaying on her feet slightly before shaking off the dizzy feeling.

"Be careful... " Adriana cautioned, placing her hand lightly on the furred-humanoid's shoulder.

The Kzinti smiled at her crew mate and nodded, "You bet."

Adriana stayed close behind the men as the sounds of firing phasers faded further and further into the distance. Elliot suddenly stopped and knelt down. "Darn it... there's guards."

"How many?" Adriana asked, peeking around the corner slightly.

"Five, all well armed." the COO replied, looking over his tricorder frustrated.

"And focused, they're professionals... " Motina added, muttering to herself.

Adriana saw a black blur in the corner of her eye. Moving back under cover, the aCMO ducked just as a phaser shot whirled by. Only one shot was fired, singeing into the far wall uselessly. Mortina held her breath, hoisting up her weapon cautiously. Elliot checked Adriana's condition before looked around the corner and sighing.

"Well, that's one way to execute a surprise attack." the COO mumbled, standing up and walking out and around the corner.

"Elliot! Where are you going?!" Adriana called, reaching for the man before seeing what he had.

A small, somewhat worse for wear, Kzinti stood in the middle of a group of knocked out aliens, a imposing elder Kzinti by her side. Grex was holding his hand over a red spot on his shoulder, looking more triumphant than hurt. Hex was out of breath and trembling, but other than that, Adriana could tell that it was only her shoulder that was still hurt.

"Amazing... " Mortina sighed, "It's too bad they hate each other... "

Adriana sighed, wondering to herself if that was really the case between the two Kzinti's as she watched them pull open a door marked Cargo Bay 6.

Ashley Shane

Ensign Hex Fanggot
Assistant Sec/Tac officer

"The man who smiles when things go wrong has thought of someone to blame it on."
-Robert Bloch
OLD-P234: USS EGYPT: B'exar: Day 4 - 0935 ("Fe")

"Fe' (Faith)"
Previous post "Training Program 1-1-6" by Marissa

Setting: USS EGYPT, Holodeck
Stardate: 63073.0935

Sitting next to the holographically-duplicated Texas Hill Country lake, Sam B'exar let out a long sigh. He was on the holodeck of the USS EGYPT, en route to his new ship assignment. He supposed he should be excited, supposed he should be, rather, thrilled at the prospect of new adventures and new worlds...

But he wasn't.

Instead, Sam felt a longing to be back home on EARTH, hiking and climbing and generally getting into a quiet, calm state which fell upon him when he could spend time outdoors. He wasn't strictly a loner-- ::but you know, I think I need more down time lately. Just like a part-empath, know something's wrong but not know how to fix it,:: he thought wryly.

He stood up, stretching a little, and took off at a slight trot around the lake, headed for a trail leading into the hills bordering the lake. He let his body relax, enjoying the breeze and sounds he'd programmed into the holodeck, glad he'd managed to replicate the sounds well. As he ran, he took off his shirt and smiled, knowing no one was watching but smiling at the rare feeling of virtual wind on bare skin.

Sam trotted up the first of the trails to the first stop, halting to listen again to the sounds. He sat on a bench and closed his eyes,
willing his body to relax even more, pushing worries and stress about the mission to come out of his head. He was a little annoyed that it took a minute or two, but was able to still his mind enough to bring up clear and accurate images of those he'd left behind. As was his habit, he spoke aloud to his mother-- non-Betazoid that she was, he still felt she could hear him.

"'ama... I hope you're doing well! I'm hanging out by the lake-- the one we used to swim in when Dad was alive? It's nice...well, at least as nice as the holodeck can manage.

"I wish I could talk directly to you... you know those weird feelings I get sometimes? The ones that feel like something is coming? I've been having them again. And I'm not afraid... but i wish I knew what they were about, you know?"

He sighed and stood again. "Anyway, 'ama... I'll be at my new ship soon, with new people to get to know and new places to go. Yeah, I'm excited... I admit it! And I hope I'm up to the job. It'd be good to fully test out everything I went to school for and then some, no? Anyway... 'ama, pray for me. Or, think of me now and then out here. Your little boy could still use those good thoughts, huh? Te amo!"

Sighing, he began trotting up the next part of the trail, pushing himself a little more. The sun and wind felt great on his skin as he jogged, shirt in one hand.As usual, he wished he could spend his whole life in shorts and shirt, then remembered that a starfleet career mitigated that possibility. "Oh well," he said softly, smiling. "Maybe in my next life."

Sam passed the next trail marker, and sped up through the next two. He had become so focused on the run that the electric voice scared him. "Hijo!!" he yelled as the computer announced imminent arrival. Realizing he was going to have to change and shower, he called out to the computer as he walked. "Computer, end program." Wistfully, he watched the image disappear and his reality reappear. The nest few hours held the potential to change his life, and well-- ::better be ready for it.::

Samadhi Metta Bexar

Ensign Sam B'exar
OLD-P233: USS ANUBIS: Lopez: Day 4 - 2300 ("Training Program 1-1-6")

"Training Program 1-1-6"
[Previous post: "The Touch"]

Stardate: 63073.2300

The SPHINX had landed in one of the PARADOX's shuttle bays without any incident and judging by the emptiness of the room, without having been noticed by anyone.  As the crew exited the mobile command unit one after the other, Adriana was reminded of a training exercise that she had taken part in while at Starfleet Academy.

In the safety of the holodeck, the cadets had boarded a starship that had fallen under the control of an unknown adversary.  The objective had been a simple one, to regain control of the ship and deal with whatever obstacles the program would see fit to throw in their path.

Although there had been many similarities between the current situation and the training program, such as the general look of the environment and the situation itself, the aCMO had to constantly remind herself that the PARADOX had not been a holodeck, and that there had been no safeties involved.  The phaser riffle she nervously held in her hands had been fully charged and set to its highest possible stun setting, a favor that those who had taken over the ship had likely omitted to reciprocate.

Slowly, quietly, Hex led the team closely followed by her father, the sight of the two Kzinti hunters side by side having been a most foreboding one to say the least.  As much as the two might have disliked or maybe even hated each other, it appeared that they had both decided to set their differences aside for the sake of the mission.  Arguing with one another would have distracted them of the real threats that could be encountered in any of the corridors, or could spring onto them from anywhere winthin the ship.

Following closely behind the Kzinti hunters Elliot and the Efrosian priest Ojall had taken on the role of information gathering, using their tricorders as well as their senses to try and obtain a better idea of their immediate situation.  This had left the Betazoid Mortina and Adriana to bring up the rear and insure that nothing would sneak up behind them.

As the group cautiously made their way through the corridors, Adriana could hear the background noises usually indistinguishable on a starship.  Like ghosts the team pressed on, not giving the slightest hint to anyone as to their presence or objective.  Adriana could not help but smile as she watched those in front of her move as silently as a cat would, the two Hunters having more than a natural ability for this for obvious reasons.

Adriana stopped when Mortina took hold of her arm, the Betazoid having telepathically sensed something.  The aCMO turned to look at the woman in the hopes that she might be able to get more details but all that the Ensign received for her trouble was a gesture from her to look ahead to the Hunters.  There she noted that the two Kzinti had taken on more defensive postures and that oddly enough Hex had appeared to be somewhat taller.

The aCMO's eyes opened to their widest as she discovered the reason for this optical illusion, the ANUBIS' Chief Security Officer having been standing on what appeared to be the body of some unspecified alien.

With a gesture of his hand the larger of the two Hunters directed the group's attention down one particular corridor while he and his daughter kept their eyes down the opposite way as if expecting someone else to stumble upon the intruders.

"I didn't even get the chance to sense that guy's thoughts," the Betazoid whispered in admiration to the aCMO as she looked at the unconscious form of the alien upon whom the smaller Kzinti had been standing on.

"She's good," Adriana stated in the same whispered voice, referring to the Sec/Tac officer knowing all too well that the Kzinti had been one to keep on your side of any conflict.  [[Too bad she was not part of that training program back at the Academy.  Might have actually made it to the end without dying.]]

Marissa Montonera-Lombardi

Ensign Adriana Lopez
Assistant Chief Medical Officer
OLD-P232: USS ANUBIS: Summers: Day 4 - 2255 ("The Touch")

"The Touch"
[Previous post: "The Look",written by the devoted William]

Setting: USS PARADOX, Cargo Bay 6
Stardate: 63073.2255

The last thing Lea remembered had been this feeling of loneliness. This questioning of decision taken long ago which had shaped her life. That was until she felt it. A strange sensation, a gentle caress on her cheek, a feeling that she had only dreamt of before. Had this been just that, a dream?

Slowly she opened her eyes and saw his. At first Lea believed that they had been those of the Oltharian but the CMO quickly dismissed that thought. As gentle as she knew Elan's touch to be, the eyes looking into her soul had not belonged to him. The only other man she could imagine acting this way had been Elliot. The COO would have never dared to hurt Aki's feeling by acting this way.

Lea closed her eyes for a brief moment. Her mind filled with questions and confusion. What had happened to her? She could recall their mission, the trade center and then the pain of her beating returned. Yes she had been beaten, severely. This explained her confused state.

Satisfied that she had found the answer Lea tried to open her eyes once more but found that she couldn't. The caress on her cheek had been so gentle, so loving that she just could not do something to cause it to end. Who had this man been and why had he made her feel this way? How could a simple touch from his fingers render her so powerless?

Dreams had never before felt so real, nor made Lea wish that it would never end. There had been something different about those eyes, something familiar. As she delighted in the sensation of his touch the CMO searched for answers. Diving deep into her memories she hunted for the answers not certain that she would actually find it. Yet something drew her into her own past.

Subconsciously Lea knew where to find what she had been searching for. The answer as to the ownership of the eyes that she had seen. The answer as to why that man's touch made her feel as it did. Images came and went at an astonishing rate as she traveled through the pages of her life. Everything stopped when she arrived at her time at the Academy. There she recalled the eyes and the touch, but in a different way.

Back then those eyes had not been filled with the passion or sorrow she had seen in them last. Back then the touch had not been as tender and loving as she now felt it to be. Something had changed but something had also remained the same. But how could this be possible? Had this truly been him and if so had he carried the torch for her all those years?

Finally Lea managed to reopen her eyes and look into those of the man kneeling by her side. Confusion formed on her face as her thoughts were confirmed. The eyes had indeed been his although aged in a way she could not imagine. The touch had also been his, filled with a love that she could not understand.

Then she felt another gentle hand taking hold of hers. Smaller, younger than the one caressing her cheek. Lea turned and saw the smile of a young boy who seemed on the verge of tears. Yet the boy did not appear sad in the least, in fact he seemed beyond happy. The woman strained to hear the word he had spoken certain that she had made a mistake. Maybe the beating had caused some sort of internal damage. Some swelling in the brain that had caused these hallucinations.

Yes, that had to be it. How else could she explain everything that she had seen? How else could she accept everything that she had felt? How else could she reason what she had just heard?

Lea once again closed her eyes as the caress on her cheek washed away all of her questions. Such peace, such affection in such a simple gesture. She felt such at ease that she did not even flinch when she heard the word spoken by the young boy again. She had not imagined it. He had said the same word only a few seconds ago with as much love as she felt through the man's touch.


Tiffany Reeve

Lt. Lea Summers
Chief Medical Officer
OLD-P231: USS ANUBIS: Russell: Day 4 - 2250 ("The Look")

"The Look"
[Previous post: "The Answer is: Doer"]

Setting: USS PARADOX, Cargo Bay 6
Stardate: 63073.2250

Adam watched as Anya attended to the injured Starfleet officer, the Arcadian being true to herself in her desires to help those in need. Things had gone from bad to worse over the last little while but fate had extended a helping hand in the form of this ship and the people that it had brought together.

"Can you get me the medical kit hidden behind the panel over there," Anya asked of Shawn who immediately did as he had been told.  The young boy had taken a liking to the Arcadian woman, that much had been easy to see, and to tell the truth Adam  had started to get used to having someone of the fairer sex around as well, if even only for a friend whose loyalty he still had not been 100% certain about.

"DAD!!!" Shawn gasped, the sound of his troubled voice having been followed by the crash of the medical kit onto the floor which drew everyone's attention onto the young boy.

Adam rushed to his son's side, fear having given him wings to travel the relatively short distance separating them in record time.  As he held Shawn the man could see a look of confusion in the boy's eyes, a look that he could not understand until her followed the frozen gaze onto the reason for the commotion.

There, resting against the crate, Adam saw something he had never expected, someone he had never dreamt of seeing again.  His hear filled with joy and his eyes with tears as conflicting emotions fought for control of his reason.  How could this have been possible?

Adam dropped to his knees and extended a trembling hand towards the partially conscious woman, his senses having solely focussed on the blonde in the dress, ignoring everything else around him.  Lost in his own mind, Ensign Russell did not even hear Anya's repeated questions which had been echoed by Captain Rikar.  How could any of them understand what he had seen?

Memories of happier times flooded Adam's mind as his fingers drew ever closer to the woman's skin, his heart racing for fear that she would vanish once they would reach their mark.  Her hair had been shorter and styled in a different way, but it had been years since he had seen her last.  Still the shape of her face, of her eyes, of her lips had been exactly as he remembered further fuelling the unpalatable thought that this had been a dream, a mistake, an illusion.  Why would the universe play such a cruel joke on both him and his son?

Adam held his breath as his fingers finally made contact and he felt the softness of the woman's skin beneath his own.  She had not vanished into nothingness, his mind had not played a cruel trick, she had indeed been there within his reach to shatter the memory of her death so long ago.

Beckoned by the tenderness of caress on her cheek Lea slowly opened her eyes to meet those of the man kneeling by her side.  As much as Adam wanted to speak, the words remained lodged in his throat, the emotions he felt having been simply too much for him to control or even comprehend.

The universe had not played a cruel joke on them, in fact it had done quite the opposite.  Lea, his wife and the mother of his child had been returned to them.

William Reeve

Ensign Adam Russell
(in another reality)
Flight Control Officer
OLD-P230: USS ANUBIS: Fairborn: Day 4 - 2310 ("The Answer is: Doer")

"The Answer is: Doer"
[Previous Post Sabrina's "Prisoners"]

Some are meant to look up into the night's sky and dream of the endless wonders that can be found in the eternity of time and space.
Some are meant to come up with ways of exploring these astonishing wonders and bridge the gap between our world and theirs.
Some are meant to create the tools used to reach these realms that once could only be imagined, turning dreams into reality.
Which are you? Dreamer? Thinker? Doer?
- Oltharian Proverb

Setting: USS PARADOX, Main Engineering
Stardate: 63073.2310

The Oltharian had wasted no time in getting to work on the PARADOX's systems, quickly identifying those that had been broken, sabotaged and repaired, at least to some extent. It had been easy for the ANUBIS' CEO to see that whoever had attempted to effect repairs had possessed only a basic knowledge of Starfleet Engineering. Actually the towering man had been ready to state that whoever had tried to make these repairs had in fact possessed only a passing knowledge of engineering as a whole.

On the other hand the saboteur had clearly appeared to have a more rounded understanding of Starfleet systems, able to maximise the impact of their limited time and accessibility to the PARADOX's complex systems. Of course Elan would have never openly stated this at this time, but the Oltharian had been rather impressed by the way the sabotage had been performed. Someone without a more in-depth knowledge of Starfleet engineering would have been here for hours just to figure out what systems had been tampered with. This had given the general appearance to those watching that the ANUBIS' Chief Engineering Officer had truly been the man for this job.

Within the first five minutes the gentle giant had already taken apart several consoles and removed any component that had not been part of the original construction or had been irreparably damaged through one or more means. Five minutes later, Elan had already started to replicate several of the parts needed to restore many of the ship's primary systems, such as the defensive, internal and navigational sensors.

To the guards that watched over each and every move the Oltharian made, the engineer had been complying with Vellanor's demands in a way that surprised everyone. Obviously the Vorta had held some sort of power over the giant in making him do her bidding with such haste and devotion. Logic dictated that one or more of those being held in Cargo Bay 6 had meant a great deal to the towering giant, thus insuring his dedication to his work.

To the Intel Operative who had taken position on the upper level of the room, unnoticed by any of the others including the imposing Engineer, the Oltharian had simply been doing what he had been born to do. Knowing Elan as she did, Enaii only saw a Starfleet Chief Engineer addressing a mechanical situation that had caused a starship to not perform as it had been designed to. Although the ILO had known that the captivity of their CO, CSciO and CMO had played a role in the speed of the CEO's work, his dedication to the work had been his and his alone.

As she observed the towering engineer work his usual magic, the Intel Operative quickly estimated that the PARADOX would be fully operational within the next eight hours, maybe less. This had been her timeframe to take full control of the ship away from the Vorta with the assistance of those members of the Orion Syndicate who had already been onboard.
Francois Charette
Lieutenant Elan Talak Fairborn
Chief Engineering Officer
Robotics Engineering Officer
OLD-P229: USS ANUBIS: Rikar: Day 4 - 2300 ("Prisoners")

(Previous Post was Dawn's "Unstable Minds")

Setting: USS PARADOX, Cargo Bay 6
Stardate: 63073.2300

The young woman quickly pushed herself off the smooth hard floor of the cargo bay that she had fallen unto… the guards who had brought the prisoners to this location having thought that it would be amusing to shove the red skinned Jorelian as hard as possible making her lose her balance. As angered as the ANUBIS' CO might have been at her own treatment, Rikar had been happy to see that Maya had been spared a similar indignity… likely because she had been helping the groggy infected Rutian who had begun to regain consciousness while in the turbo life.

"Where are we?" Doctor Summers inquired, her voice trailing off in a way that clearly indicated that the woman had not fully regained all of her senses.

"We are safe," the Shillian softly reassured as she scanned the content of the room and located a small container upon which she would be able to lean the CMO against.

"That's a matter of opinion," the Jorelian freighter captain sighed as she watched the guards close the door, the subsequent sound of a force-field being activated indicated that the only access to the room had been sealed and secured. "How is she doing?" Rikar inquired as she pivoted on her heels and made her way back towards the other two women who had made themselves as comfortable as possible given their situation.

"She seems to be alright," Maya reported as she checked the CMO's pulse in the old fashion way… by delicately placing her fingers against the woman's throat. "Pulse is strong and steady, but I think it will still be a while before the effects of the sedative you injected her with wears off."

"There was not all that much choice," the red skinned woman stated with disdain. "I did what I could with what I had."

"Although her condition does seem stable," the CSciO stated as she carefully eased Lea's head down on the crate, "It would be prudent to get Doctor Summers to some sort of medical facility."

"Somehow I doubt that Vellanor is going to let us just walk out of here… even if it is to only go to Sickbay," the ANUBIS' CO said as she made her way to the force-field protected door of the Cargo Bay. "Our primary objective is to escape and gain control of this ship… everything else will have to wait."

"As you wish Captain," the Shillian acknowledge in a way that reflected far more the true personas of the two women as compared to the roles that had elected on playing for this mission.

"Captain?" A male voice echoed the shape-shifter's word, the man having found it strange that a Founder would address a Jorelian with such respect.

The young woman quickly turned to see that there had been far more people present in the room than she had initially believed… a Human male, a female Arcadian and a young Human boy who appeared to be roughly the age of the young woman's own adoptive daughter Talia.

"Sorry," Adam offered still a little cautious about stepping closer. "I wasn't sure if you three could be trusted. My name if Adam Russell, this is my son Shawn and this is Anya Green… we have been trying to delay these people from taking over the PARADOX. Are you from Starfleet?"

Rikar considered her answer very carefully given that she knew nothing about the two adults and child who had appeared out of nowhere. The fact that the guards had not seemed concerned about anyone else being in the Cargo Bay proved that it had been safe to assume that their presence had been unknown which supported the trio's claim of not having been part of the current crew.

"I am Captain Sabrina Rikar," the Jorelian woman announced. "This is my Chief Science Officer Lieutenant Commander Maya and the injured woman is my Chief Medical Officer, Doctor Lea Summers."

Without saying anything the Arcadian woman made her way towards Lea, the look on her face clearly indicated that she had wished to rendered assistance in whatever way she could.

"Are you three the only ones here?" Adam inquired, curious to know if he could officially consider the cavalry has having arrived.

"There is one other," the ANUBIS' CO stated not feeling ready to reveal the entire truth at this time. "My Chief Engineer was taken down to help fix this ship under threat of us being jettisoned into space if he did not cooperate."

"Then we have to act quickly," Adam half grinned. "An actual Starfleet Engineer will be able to get this ship back to full operational status in a fraction of the time that those ignorant fools would have taken without his help."

"I'll be happy to get out of here at your convenience," Rikar grinned as she hoped that this meant they had indeed found someone new to help them in their mission to regain control of the PARADOX."
Sabrina Jones

Captain Sabrina Rikar 
Commanding Officer 

"We are Grey, we stand between the Candle and the Star, between the Darkness and the Light" 
-Entilza Delenn, Babylon 5
OLD-P228: USS ANUBIS: Mitshiba: Day 4 - 2300 ("Unstable Minds")

"Unstable Minds"
(Cont. from "Arrival")

Setting: USS PARADOX, Observation Lounge
Stardate: 63073.2300

Aki's eyes were glued on the seat where the Selay had been sitting only moments ago before the beam from the disrupter ripped his body apart into nothingness.  The reptilian's scream of tortured agony still echoed in the aCSciO's mind along with the words spoken with such venom by Vellarno.  [[I can't stand being lied to.]]

How would the Vorta react should she discover that those in the room wish her had also lied to her, not only about their identities but also about their intentions?  If Vellanor had been so upset about the Selay's hidden agenda that she had deemed him worthy of a quick, yet painful death, the aCSciO could only dread the fate that any of the members of the away team would be made to suffer.

The undercover Starfleet officer dressed in civilian Romulan attire felt a gentle hand being placed on her shoulder, the gesture had been perfectly harmless but it still caused Aki to jump startled.  Despite all of her training and experience the aCSicO had been deeply disturbed by what she had witnessed, a sight that she uncontrollably feared would be soon repeated.  Ensign Mitshiba had been rightfully concerned that she would be the next target, but her fears had not been limited to her own safety.  Ensign Dalziel as well as the others from the ANUBIS had all risked the same fate by having come onboard the PARADOX.

It took several seconds for Aki to turn her attention towards the owner of the hand and see Eve simply motion to the Romluan to follow, the Vorta having already left the Observation Lounge after having told everyone to get some rest. Before doing as she had been instructed, Aki glanced back at the seat one last time in morbid fascination of what had taken place, the empty chair having become a shrine to her feelings.

Setting: USS PARADOX, Guest Quarters
Stardate: 63073.2330

Caden, Natalie Portree and Saaki had been escorted to individual quarters on some lower deck of the ship by a handful of guards.  The aCSciO had been in such a state that she had not even taken note as to which deck or section of the ship they had been taken to.  In fact Aki had been so lost in her own thoughts about what had happened that she could only vaguely recall that Eve had spoken to her before each one had vanished into their assigned quarters.

Now with nothing but her own thoughts and memories of recent events to keep her company, Aki began to truly feel the psychological impact of what she had witnessed in the Observation Lounge.  The sight of the Selay's body being ripped atom from atom while the air filled with his scream of suffering haunted the aCSciO's soul like she had never thought possible.

Death was, unfortunately, an all too common part of being in Starfleet, one that each and every crewmember on any starship had been required to accept and face in one form or another.  From small cargo freighters to the full size heavy cruisers, anyone onboard a star faring vessel had to deal with the reality that accidents happened and people died.  Even with this knowledge firmly in hand, Aki could not just dismiss what she had seen, the death of the Selay not having been an accident by any stretch of the imagination.

Alone with her thoughts, the Asian woman stood by the nearest window, her gaze lost on the few visible stars appearing from, and disappearing behind the shifting asteroids.

Dawn Bohr

Ensign Akira 'Aki' Mitshiba
Assistant Chief Science Officer
OLD-P227: USS ANUBIS: Rikar: Day 4 - 2230 ("Arrival")

(Previous Post was William's "What Would Be")

Setting: Unknown Transport Vessel
Stardate: 63073.2230

The young woman sat on the hard bench, her emerald green eyes darted from one guard to the next with the occasional pause on the members of her crew who had also been on the transport. Past, present and future had been forced to meet in this region of space placing the safety of the galaxy and every sentient life form contained within it in danger… yet the Jorelian freighter captain could only focus her thoughts on one question. What had Enaii been up to?

Sabrina had never fallen prey to the idea that her life-mate had betrayed the Federation… as dark and cold as the ILO had been, one characteristic held beyond all others; her loyalty to those she cared most about. Since the list had been a rather short one, it had been easy to deduce that the Intel Operative had figured out a plan to get them all safe and sound onto the PARADOX in order to complete their mission.

The only issue had been that the plan in questions had been known to the ILO alone… a fact that unfortunately had made helping or even going along with it slightly more difficult for the rest of the undercover away team members currently onboard the transport vessel.

A loud noise echoed through the ship before the sound of the engines subsided indicating that the transport vessel had arrived at its destination. The young woman glanced at Enaii to see if the ILO had any instructions but all that Sabrina received was a cold, icy glare.

"Alright," Vellanor announced as she stepped into the room where the Vorta's guests had been kept safe and out of the way by the numerous guards. "Take the tall one to Engineering and put him to work," the Vorta commanded as she waved a casual hand in the Oltharian's direction. "Take the others to one of the cargo bays that has access to space," the Dominion's Lieutenant continued before she turned back to face the still sitting giant. "Do as I ask, fix this ship, or she and the others die a most gruesome death… it is very cold in space and I am sure that you do not want their blood on your conscience," the woman concluded with as she ever so gently caressed the cheek of Doctor Summers who had still been unconscious in the giant's arms.

"What about us?" Natalie Portree, better known as Ensign Eve Dalziel to her fellow shipmates of the USS ANUBIS, inquired not entirely certain that her group, sitting on the other side of the small room, had been included in the Vorta's order to the guards to be escorted to one of the cargo bays.

"You, your Romulan associate and your Ferengi friend will be coming with me," Vellanor stated in a rather pleased manner. "There is something I want to show you."

Eve and Akira watched, along with Caden, as the others were escorted off the transport by the armed guards, each and every last one appearing as if they had been ready to fire at a moment's notice. Once the first group had disembarked, Vellanor took the lead and instructed Sumarris and the others to follow, which they all did without question.

Oddly enough Enaii had been left alone in the transport vessel to disembark at her leisure and venture into the PARADOX without as much as a guard by her side.

Setting: USS PARADOX, Deck 1, Observation Lounge
Stardate: 63073.2245

The journey to the command deck of the ship had been a rather quiet one, no one daring to inquire as to what the Vorta had wished to show them, all having feared in one way, shape or form what this revelation might be.

As the group entered the room, Vellanor invited her guests to take a seat hinting by her demeanour that this would be an important display. As the Human pirate, Romulan civilian, Ferengi entrepreneur and Selay priest each took a seat, the Vorta grinned at the nearest guard who responded by depositing his Cardassian-made disrupter riffle on the table in front of the woman.

"Only a fool would believe that someone does not have an ulterior motive to do what they do," the Vorta began as she lowered herself into the seat at the end of the table, the one usually occupied by the ship's commanding officer. "Even a slave does what he is told, not because he wants to but because he has some reason unique to him or her. Take that giant you saw in the transport vessel… he will do what I asked, not because I was polite or because he has a need to help others, but because he wants to make sure that his friends remain safe. Understanding the reason why people do what they do gives you power over them," Vellanor added before she paused for a moment and met the eyes of each of her guests.

"So you want us to tell you our personal reasons as to why we need transport away from this forsaken place," Natalie chuckled dryly, half hoping that this had been as simple as she had said.

"Not at all," the Vorta replied, the smile on her lips having grown to more than twice its original size. "I already know *why* you are here, or at the very least have a general good idea. You are a backwater mercenary dealing in small time deals and figured that this was a golden opportunity to score big. Likely you got this idea from your Romulan friend there who is either an exiled Tal Shiar operative, or a member of the Romulan council who has fallen in disfavour with those around her. The Ferengi is the easiest of you all to figure, his entire species being motivated by a single thing… greed, and the simple idea of this ship would have been enough to draw his type here."

"Then why have you brought us here?" Akira inquired in as calm a manner as she could, doing her best to appear as an unconcerned Romulan with nothing to fear.

"Because," Vellanor replied, her tone having suddenly shifted from easy going confident to angered in the blink of an eye. "I can't stand being lied to," the Vorta added as she quickly took the disruptor riffle into her hands and pointed it in the general direction of her *guests*.

Everyone held their breaths for those eternal seconds before the Vorta pressed the trigger and fired an energy discharge at one of the four sitting aliens. Set at its highest possible setting, the weapon reduced its target into nothingness but not before a ear-perceive hiss of agony filled the room.

Eve, Akira and Caden looked at each other, stunned and fearful that they would soon be made to follow the Selay into an early grave, but instead the Vorta tossed the weapon back to the guard and smiled at her three remaining guests.

"This ship," Vellanor offered with a pleased expression on her face, "is meant to return the Dominion to its rightful place in the galaxy, not to be used to restore some insignificant religious order that would have been made to either submit to the Dominion or be destroyed by it."
Sabrina Jones
Captain Sabrina Rikar 
Commanding Officer 

"We are Grey, we stand between the Candle and the Star, between the Darkness and the Light" 
-Entilza Delenn, Babylon 5
OLD-P226: USS ANUBIS: Russell: Day 4 - 2200 ("What Would Be")

"What Would Be"
[Previous post: "What Could Have Been"]

Setting: USS PARADOX, Cargo Bay 6
Stardate: 63073.2200

The Bolian had left Anya and Adam in the cargo bay with strict instructions, to stay put.  With the expected return of Sumariss and the arrival of the woman only referred to as Onyx the Orion Syndicate had a great many things to do in order to take control of the ship.

"Who is this Onyx?" Adam quietly asked of Anya, Shawn having fallen asleep in the arms of his father.  Because he had been so busy crawling through Jefferies Tubes to sabotage the ship, the Father had not spent nearly as much time with his son as he had liked to. Judging by the way the small boy had curled up in his father's arms it was easy to see that Shawn had felt the same way.

"I can't really tell you," the Arcadian replied, her eyes taking in the sweetness of the sight of the man and his son with renewed delight.  "All I know is that she is a high ranking member of the Syndicate and that her position alone makes it unwise to not follow her orders."

"So you are going to just turn over this ship to her because she *wants* it?!?" Ensign Russel said, his voice having become slightly louder, enough so that Anya raised her hands and motioned for the man to keep calm so as to not awaken his child.  The boy needed rest and there had been no better place for him to do so than in the arms of his father.

"It's not that simple," Anya said with a sigh.  "It never is.  If Sumariss had been allowed to take control of the PARADOX who knows what would have happened.  All we know is that he was planning on righting something that had gone wrong on his home planet.  When the Orion Syndicate learned that the Dominion had taken interest in this little adventure it was clear that we needed to act.  In the hands of the Founders this ship could have been used to change the face of the entire quadrant, maybe even the galaxy."

"Nice try," Adam sighed.  "I agree that the PARADOX could not be allowed to fall in the hands of the Founders, but it's going to take a hell of a lot more to convince me that the Orion Syndicate is doing this out of the kindness of their heart.  As far as I can tell, this Onyx person is just as bad as the Founders, if not more so."  The Ensign stopped for a moment to collect his thoughts and play in his son's hair, a small gesture that eased his troubled mind almost instantly.  "Tell me honestly, do you fear this Onyx person?"

"Yes," Anya reluctantly admitted.

"Why?" Adam continued without losing a beat.  "You admitted yourself that you didn't know her, so how can you fear someone that you do not know?"

"I don’t know her, but I have heard of her," the Arcadian clarified in a nervous manner.

"So you're telling me that what little you heard of her is enough to make you fear her?"  He asked to see a look in Anya's eyes that he had figured would be there soon enough.  "I don’t know this Sumariss, not do I personally know the Founders.  What I do know of them is what I have heard or seem with my own eyes, and to be honest this Onyx person strikes me as the worst of the three, the only problem is that I have no idea what she wants with this ship.  That's what truly scares me."

Adam went silent after that, keeping his thoughts to himself.  This entire story surrounding the PARADOX had quickly gone out of hand and with the Orion Syndicate so deeply involved there had been little the Ensign could do about it.  All that he could do was to hope and wonder about a single yet all important thing.  What would be?

William Reeve

Ensign Adam Russell
(in another reality)
Flight Control Officer
OLD-P225: USS ANUBIS: Summers: Day 4 - 2200 ("What Could Have Been")

"What Could Have Been"
[Previous post: "Understanding is Like Truth, a Three-Edge Sword", written by the insightful Jessica]

Setting: Unknown Transport Vessel
Stardate: 63073.2200

In the arms of her protector Lea had been safe. At least her body had been while in the tender care of the Oltharian. Her mind though had been another story. Alone and vulnerable within the confines of the battered fragile shell. The beating had been vicious, brutal, merciless. It had made sense for Lea to find some way to escape it, to find refuge in the only place she could.

Setting: Unknown Planet

Here only peace could be found. Soft, white cottony clouds traveled the clear blue sky pushed by gentle winds. The grassy hills surrounded her as far as the eyes could see to vanish into an unseen horizon. Lea felt at peace here, away from the hardships of life and physical pain.

Here Lea's mind could enjoy the moment and let it stretch into forever. She could chose to take a single memory and cradle it or explore things that had not been.

The smiling Oltharian appeared before Lea. The smile on his face rightfully belonging to the peaceful place as if he had been here all along. There had been something about Elan that had always made her feel safe, at peace. Now had been no different as she could feel his embrace around her.

How much her life would have been different had she been able to be with him. Not as a friend onboard a ship. Not even as a couple venturing amongst the stars together. What would it have been like to be with him, on a planet alone with nothing else but each other?

Decisions and choices had been made. So many of them in fact that Lea could not remember them all. Elan had been the last of her failed relationship, one that had not really even started. The Oltharian's heart belonged to an other and there had been nothing Lea could have done to change this.

Where had it all gone wrong? At what time in her life had Lea doomed herself to being alone? To never feel the tender touch and all encompassing embrace of love? Had she wronged some all powerful being in another life and condemned to suffering?

The image of the smiling Elan vanished to instead be replaced by a darker form. Much smaller than the Oltharian, Lea knew who it was before the cloud even took form. Even as only a memory the woman could instil fear by her presence.

"You cannot be here!' Lea screamed at the short, blonde woman having nearly been brought to tears.

"We all have darkness within us," the woman said, her eyes as black and empty as Lea suspected her soul to be.

"You don't belong here!" Lea snapped, her fists clenched in anger and frustration.

"Neither do you," came the soft spoken reply, an evil smile having flashed over the woman's lips before vanishing along with her form.

Lea suddenly felt heavy and tired. The clouds overhead had begun to fade into a darker sky. Had night finally come to claim her from this place?

Through the growing shadows that surrounded her, Lea discerned faces from her past. People who had in one way touched her life through their presence or decisions she had made because of them.

Sabrina Rikar. The woman who had welcomed Lea onboard the ANUBIS. Her strength and dedication to her crew had always been a source of strength. An inspiration for Lea to find courage within her to face the hardships of their missions.

Admiral Koniki. The man responsible for Lea having been lost for nearly four month because of the Yal'Tonil. A man she suspected as having been the one who initially recruited her into SFI. The man responsible for shaping her life as it now was.

There had not been that many in her life. Lea had chosen a path of solitude despite herself. Elan had been the last step in that journey. As she searched her memories through the growing darkness, Lea realised where it had all started. On that fateful day after her graduation from the Academy she had made a choice.

Lea had decided that her career had been more important than romance, or even the chance for it. Adam had been sweet but he had not been what she had wanted. What she had needed at that time, or was he? It had been so long ago that she could not remember exactly what she had felt. Why she had decided to leave him behind.

If she had said yes. If she had accepted to go with him to DS6. What could have been?

Tiffany Reeve

Lt. Lea Summers
Chief Medical Officer
OLD-P224: USS ANUBIS: Maya: Day 4 - 2220
("Understanding is Like Truth, a Three-Edged Sword")

"Understanding is Like Truth, a Three-Edge Sword"
(Previous Post: "Heating Up")

Setting: Unknown Transport Vessel
Stardate: 63073.2220
It was with great sense of relief that the undercover Shillian noted a faint smile on the lips of the red skinned Jorelian as she returned the medical scanning device and hypospray to the case that had been given to her. The med-kit had been basic to say the least but it had contained what the woman had been required to take care of the injuries suffered by Doctor Summers during her beating while on the trade center.
"Thank you," Captain Rikar sincerely offered to the guard who had provided the med-kit, not having seen any reasons to hold any ill feelings towards that one man who had, like the others around the small room, done only what their employer had demanded of them.
The Chief Science Officer fought back the urge to inquire as to the condition of the Chief Medical Officer, knowing that there had been nothing that she could have done beyond what the Captain had already accomplished. Asking such a question would actually weaken their already precautious situation in that it would confirm some sort of familiarity between the shapeshifter and the Rutian woman.
Enaii, in her capacity as Intel Operative onboard the USS ANUBIS had tutored the Shillian in some of the basics of undercover work and one of the most important rules that had been mentioned stated that no information could be revealed about any members of an away team to anyone. It was true that the Commander Enaii came across as being somewhat paranoid in everything she did, but in this particular instant the Chief Science Officer had seen no reason to not heed those words.
While undercover it had been best to play to roles taken to their fullest even if the initial concept of their cover had been breached. Until such time as irrefutable proof had been provided as to the real identities of one or more of the away team members, there had always been the chance that the alternate identity could still prove useful in some way. This had been another point that the Intel Liaison Officer had explained to the Chief Science Officer during one of her many training sessions.
Of course this line of thinking made the shapeshifter change the focus of her attention away from the Chief Medical Officer to instead come to fully rest on the Intel Operative herself. The reason for her having revealed that the Federation had been here had still been unknown, but the Shillian could still not accept the idea that this had been some sort of betrayal on the part of the operative. Enaii never played a game by the established rules, especially not a game that possibly dealt with the fate of the entire galaxy. Different situations required different approaches and the Intel Liaison Officer of the USS ANUBIS had been well known for being one to think on her feet and several moves ahead of the current status of the game.
Although there had been no way for the Chief Science Officer to confirm her suspicions at this very moment, the shapeshifter believed that the actions taken by the Intel Operative had been meant to bring the undercover team exactly where they had been now; onboard a transport vessel heading for the USS PARADOX.
Once there though the team would have to deal with an unknown number of individuals who were currently in control of a starship possessing abilities like none other.

Jessica Solarik

Lieutenant Commander Maya
Chief Science Officer

"To see the world in a grain of sand,
and a heaven in a wild flower.
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
and eternity in an hour."
- William Blake (British, 1757-1827)
OLD-P223: USS ANUBIS: Fanggot: Day 4 - 2215 ("Heating Up")

"Heating UP"
Previous post: "False Tracking"

Stardate: 63073.2215


~~~ Marissa's post ~~~

"Brace yourselves!" Elliot called out as the SPHINX was sent into a hard, sharp turn to avoid impacting against a rapidly moving asteroid. Mortina and Adriana found themselves plastered to one of the walls of the rear section and before either one of them had been able to get back onto their feet, the Efrosian priest had appeared and offered a helping hand, one that the Betazoid accepted with joy as well as flustered red cheeks.

Adriana sighed once more at the romantic air that had filled the room despite the situation, one that had likely been about to become much worst thanks to the fact that Hex had been thrown onto Grex following the COO's emergency maneuver.

~~~ And to mine ~~~

A mere twitch of the ear signaled her discomfort before Hex was pushed back up, not too gently, into a sitting position. Her ears pinned to the sides of her head, the younger Kzinti hissed under her breath as she stumbled for something to hold onto that wasn't covered in dark fur.

"A little more warning next time would be appreciated Elliot... " Hex growled, smoothing out her fur and trying to look anywhere but at the imposing figure of Grex.

"Sorry about that... this signal is hard to follow since it continues so far into the field." the Ensign grumbled, his full attention back on the monitors in front of him.

Grex had rose to his feet and was standing posed for another maneuver, his feet wide apart and crouching down. Hex stayed on the floor and examined the room once over quickly, noting that the blushing Betazoid and gallant Efrosian unharmed as well as Adriana.

"You should have been ready for that." Grex stated bluntly, keeping his eyes straight ahead though obviously meaning to direct the comment to the younger Kzinti huntress.

"I should have been ready? What about you *oh great bounty hunter*? What's your excuse?" Hex hissed, an annoyed undertone creeping into her words.

Thinking fast, Adriana stepped back a few paces, lending the two Kzinti's space as the atmosphere around them became more heated. Hex had stood, moving so her back was to the wall and was glaring at Grex menacingly, which he returned in kind.

"You have a sharp tongue for such a small, unimposing warrior," Grex noted absently, grinning venomously as he watched Hex's features turn dark with rage.

"I may be small, but I can take on as many opponents as you'd like to throw at me." the Kzinti woman growled, notable to ignore the obvious height differences between her and the bounty hunter.

"How about one of your own kind?" Grex challenged, changing his stance from neutral to defensive in a single fluid movement.

"Gladly." Hex grinned, raising her hand to strike out at the elder Kzinti.

"HEX! This isn't the time or place to be doing this, we're on a mission remember?" Adriana cried, grabbing hold of the Ensign's arm and rooting herself down so as not to be pulled up from the floor.

Hex visibly calmed as the elderly priest placed his palm on her shoulder, nodding his agreement to the aCMO's words.

Mortina smiled warmly, nodding her agreement as well. The younger Kzinti sighed deeply before turning around sharply and, placing her back between her and Grex, walked over to Elliot.

"What's your problem?" Adriana commented, watching her friend stalk off, "She's your daughter right? Why are you so distant from her?"

"I don't think that's any of your business." Grex hissed, moving back to place his back at the wall again.

"It is when you start fights on a ship I'm standing in. You could have hurt someone fighting here." the aCMO stated, waving her hand toward the other passengers while glaring at the imposing figure of the Kzinti bounty hunter.

Leaning in close, Grex growled deeply. An icy chill swept over the aCMO as he stalked a step closer. "And what makes you think that I would care for anyone, or anything, within this ship?" the Kzinti spat, his body tensing.

"I know you care about Hex. You did carry her all the way to the temple when she was hurt... " Adriana recalled, backing away slightly and trying to swallow the lump that had formed in her throat.

Grex paused a minute in his advance, his eyes darting in the direction of the mentioned Starfleet officer before he straightened and moved away. His ear twitched ever so slightly, but he remained silent.

Mortina smiled slightly, somewhat blushing as she realized the Efrosian priest standing so close to her. Adriana moved to her side, winking at her playfully before moving past towards Hex.

"I'm telling you there's something wrong with the signal!" Elliot claimed loud enough for the entering aCMO to hear.

"And I'm telling you that if we slow down to fix whatever it is we might lose everyone." Hex stated calmly, watching the monitors with keen, though unfocused, cat-like eyes.

"If we're following a decoy we'll only lose them twice as fast!" the COO noted, dodging past yet another flying piece of space debris.

"What's going on?" Adriana questioned, taking a place beside Hex to better view of the screen.

"That signal has been on a steady course and speed since we have been tracking it. Which means it's most likely a decoy." Hex noted, pointing to the monitor.

"WHAT?!" Grex bellowed, "WE'VE BEEN FOLLOWING A DECOY?!"

"What are we going to do?" Mortina asked, moving forward to get a better look as well.

"I... I don't know... " Hex answered glumly, staring hard at the screen as Elliot continued his piloting.

Ashley Shane

Ensign Hex Fanggot
Assistant Sec/Tac officer

"Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all its pupils..."
- Louis Hector Berlioz
OLD-P222: USS ANUBIS: Morningstar: Day 4 - 2215 ("False Tracking")

"False Tracking"
[Previous Post Marissa's "Getting Closer"]

May the stars carry your sadness away,
May the flowers fill your heart with beauty,
May hope forever wipe away your tears,
And, above all, may silence make you strong.
- Native American blessing, Chief Dan George

Setting: YUDARA Asteroid Field, Viper 3
Stardate: 63073.2215

As per the instructions received from Ensign Thomas onboard the SPHINX, the two remaining VIPERs had altered course to track the signal they had been given the specifications for. While dodging what had appeared to be an increasingly numerous set of asteroids the Native American glanced at his instruments and realised that something had not been as it should have been.

"Morningstar to Drell," Erik called out after having opened the comm channel.

=/\= What happened to radio silence? =/\= the Klingon pilot growled back not having seen anything that had warranted the for CO of the USS LANCELOT to jeopardize their mission by revealing their presence to anyone listening in.

"Using a line-of-sight carrier beam," the Native American explained in haste. "Tell me what your instruments are picking up."

=/\= Signal moving at a constant rate on heading 0-1-3 mark 11, why? =/\=

"How long as the signal been moving at that same speed?" Morningstar continued not having bothered to reply to the Klingon's question. If the Native American had been right, as he suspected he was, the answer to the pilot's query would come soon enough.

=/\= Since we started tracking it. Are you going to tell me what this is all about now? =/\=

"Since we started our search of this asteroid field we must have been forced to do emergency course and speed changes a few hundred times to avoid running into one of those floating rocks out there, yet that signal has been on a steady course and speed since we have been tracking it," the Native American explained, the frustration in his voice more caused by the fact that he had taken so long to realise this more than anything else. "There is *no* way a ship would be able to travel through this pee soup like this, even the asteroids themselves have erratic flight paths because they run into each other once in a while."

=/\= We have been tracking a decoy!?! =/\= Drell angrily stated, so much so that Morningstar had been glad to have been in a different ship well out of range as that of the Klingon.

"Either the signal was a fake from the start or there is something in place in these asteroids to throw unwelcome ships onto a false trail in case someone is tracking them," Erik theorized as he called up the sensor logs of his Interceptor-class ship to see if he could figure out what had actually happened.

=/\=There was a sudden energy spike a while back that momentarily blinded our sensors,=/\= the Klingon recalled.

"I remember," the Native American confirmed. "It lasted only a second or so but it would have been enough to mark the original signal and replace it with a decoy. That would explain why the signal suddenly began to move at a perfectly steady rate along a constant heading."

=/\= Using sensor log data we can roughly extrapolate where this happened and in what direction the original signal went, =/\= Drell stated obviously having already begun the process. =/\= Got it, changing course. =/\=

The Native American pulled on the old fashion flight controls to bring VIPER 3 back on course with VIPER 2 leaving Erik to hope that the SPHINX had either figured out this little trick or that they had never actually been decoyed.

Pushing their engines as far as they dared given the risky nature of their environment, the former CO of the LANCELOT felt a wave of relief and satisfaction wash over his body when after several minutes the two Interceptors came upon something other than another asteroid. Not only had they discovered the trickery they had fallen prey to, but now they had found what they had been searching from since this mission had begun: the USS PARADOX.

=/\= Now what? =/\= The Klingon demanded having opened a comm channel in the same manner as the other pilot had not so long ago.

"Too risky to head back and try to find the others," the Native American stated. "Our best hope is to get onboard and assess the situation from there."

=/\= I doubt they will just open the shuttle bay doors for us, =/\= Drell huffed.

"There are certain advantages in being a Captain, one of which is having certain command clearances. If I can access the PARADOX's computer I maybe able to use my own command codes to open the shuttle bay door," the Native American explained as he sent a narrow-beam signal towards the ship.

=/\= You are as sneaky as a Ferengi, =/\= Drell playfully growled as he noted on his instruments that one of the shuttle bay doors of the PARADOX had begun to open.

"Now we get to see if these VIPERs are as *invisible* to sensors as Elan claimed them to be," Erik added as he and the Klingon made their way closer with the hopes of reaching the shuttle bay without being detected.
Francois Charette
Lieutenant Elan Talak Fairborn
Chief Engineering Officer
Robotics Engineering Officer
OLD-P221: USS ANUBIS: Lopez: Day 4 - 2210 ("Getting Closer")

"Getting Closer"
[Previous post: "Out Of Reach"]

Stardate: 63073.2210

The mobile command unit swerved through the asteroid field under the expert piloting of Ensign Thomas as he followed the tracking signal from the transport ship.  With all of his attention focused on that task alone everyone had remained silent so as to not distract the ANUBIS' COO.

With her heart jumping each time the ship flew by a moving asteroid large enough to turn them into a pile of floating debris, the aCMO had decided to retreat to the back section and take care of something she had wanted to do for a while.

"So," the Betazoid grinned as she watched the Kerelian shed her betrothal dress.  "You're not planning on getting married."

Adriana sighed before she chuckled, rushing to put her Starfleet Uniform back on.  "I do hope to get married," the aCMO replied.  "One day, but not as a Kerelian and definitively not with anyone that was down on that rock."

"Don't be so harsh in your judgment," Mortina added, a gentle smile having formed on her lips as she turned to look at the Efrosian priest who had remained at the front of the SPHINX.  "For every hundred of questionable individuals in that trade center, there is at least one worth some attention."

Felling far more comfortable now that she had been back in her uniform, Ensign Lopez tilted her head to see past the standing Betazoid and confirm whom she had been looking at.  "Isn't Ojall a little old?" Adriana pointed out guessing that the Efrosian had been in his late 50s or early 60s.

"It is not the age of the body that counts," the Betazoid replied in a dreamy voice.  "It's the strength of the soul that matters.  Over time the body fails, but the soul only grows stronger, and his is remarkable.

"I'm guessing that being a Betazoid gives you a unique perspective into other people," the aCMO said while looking at the two Kzinti hunters standing next to one another and still managing to appear galaxies apart.  "Looking into someone deepest thoughts and even their proverbial soul can give you a unique insight into someone."

"I never go looking into anyone's thoughts or soul," Mortina quickly said in her defense as she snapped back to look at the aCMO.  "At least not without their permission and knowledge, but there is something different about Ojall and I felt it the moment he came to my rescue."

"Your rescue?" Adriana gasped.

I had been held captive by some unknown individual who I suspected wanted to either use my telepathic abilities or get information from me," Mortina explained rather quickly as if she had wanted to forget the event as soon as the words had crossed her lips.  "He came to my rescue and brought me back to that temple, and during all that time his mind had been wide open.  No secrets, no hidden agenda, not even a passing thought about who I was or what reason he needed to have to rescue me other than I needed it."

"Sounds very selfless," the aCMO said in admiration of the man she didn't really know, yet the Betazoid's words rang oddly accurate based on what the Ensign had seen thus far of the Efrosian priest.

"There is a generosity about him that seems boundless," the Betazoid continued, her voice having changed from dreamy to mesmerize.  Adriana grinned and wished that Eve had been here to see this, as a ship's Counselor Ensign Dalziel would have likely had a field day with the Betazoid's enthrallment with the Efrosian.

"Brace yourselves!" Elliot called out as the SPHINX was sent into a hard, sharp turn to avoid impacting against a rapidly moving asteroid. Mortina and Adriana found themselves plastered to one of the walls of the rear section and before either one of them had been able to get back onto their feet, the Efrosian priest had appeared and offered a helping hand, one that the Betazoid accepted with joy as well as flustered red cheeks.

Adriana sighed once more at the romantic air that had filled the room despite the situation, one that had likely been about to become much worst thanks to the fact that Hex had been thrown onto Grex following the COO's emergency maneuver.

Marissa Montonera-Lombardi

Ensign Adriana Lopez
Assistant Chief Medical Officer
OLD-P220: USS ANUBIS: Mitshiba: Day 4 - 2150 ("Out of Reach")

"Out of Reach"
(Cont. from "Following")

Setting: Unknown Transport Vessel
Stardate: 63073.2150

Saaki, or to those who knew her better as Aki, sat next to her teammate, both of their eyes locked on the beaten form of Doctor Summers held within the caring arms of the Oltharian.

"We need to help her," the aCSciO whispered to Natalie Protree, also better known as Eve Dalziel, the ANUBIS' own Cns.

"We can't," Eve whispered back, her hand having taken a hold of the troubled Asian's arm to insure that she should not do something impulsive.  The Cns had also wanted to cross the small room and help the CMO in whatever way she could, but the half dozen armed guards around them had made this impossible.  Their presence hadalso made Eve remember her own words which she had spoken to Aki when they had arrived at the trade center.  [[If anything happens to me, your only obligation is to save yourself and complete the mission. Don't try to be a hero. The needs of the many far outweigh the needs of the one.]] Strangely though, the space pirate had not felt as strongly now as she had then; not now that it had been Lea's life on the line instead of her own.

"Please," Captain Rikar pleaded to the nearest guard.  "Let me at least give her something for the pain."

The guard huffed and smiled as he looked at the bruised and bloodied woman in the arms of the giant.  As far as he had been concerned the Rutian had gotten exactly what she had deserved and his employer had not mentioned that empathy had been part of his duties.

"There is no profit in letting a prisoner die," Calen said as any self respecting Ferengi would.  "In fact I suspect that your Vorta friend might actually be rather upset if it happened, and frankly I wouldn't put a single slip of latnium on your odds if she lost a bargaining chip.  Your boss strikes me as the type to get even, not angry."

After having considered the Ferengi's words for a few moments the guard reached for the nearest med-kit and tossed it into the hands of the Jorelian freighter captain who immediately went into action.

While Captain Rikar addressed the injured CMO, Aki and Eve turned their attention onto the now smug looking Ferengi who had crossed his arms and leaned back against the bulkhead in as a relaxing posture as he could manage given the accommodations.

"That was," Natalie began then paused as she carefully searched for a word to accurately describe what she felt in regards to the Ferengi's actions, "unexpected.  I never expected you to be the *caring* type."

Caden offered a toothy smile to the space pirate and leaned in closer while keeping his eyes on the civilian dressed Romulan sitting on the other side of Natalie.  "The universe is full of surprises, and opportunities," he stated as he gently rubbed a finger against his lob.

Once Caden had returned to his original sitting position it was Saaki's turn to lean in towards the space pirate.  "What was that all about?" The ANUBIS' aCSciO asked in a whispered voice.

"I'm not entirely certain," Eve replied wish a faint sigh.  "And to tell you the truth that's what is bothering me the most right now," the Cns added as she shot a quick sideways glance at the Ferengi who appeared now more conceited than ever before.

Dawn Bohr

Ensign Akira 'Aki' Mitshiba
Assistant Chief Science Officer
OLD-P219: USS ANUBIS: Rikar: Day 4 - 2130 ("Following")

(Previous Post was Tiffany's "Shades of Grey")

Setting: YUDARA Asteroid Field, Planetoid, Trade Center
Stardate: 63073.2130

The young woman did her best to keep an eye on the ANUBIS' CEO and CMO despite the repeated pushes she had been the target of… the thugs who had been escorting them having apparently taken a liking to shoving the Jorelian freighter captain. There had not been an opportunity to check on Doctor Summer's condition since her brutal beating and the red skinned woman could not take the chance to enlist the wrath of the Vorta by stopping. Given the current mood of Vellanor it had been easy to imagine that any deviation from the current timeframe could prove to be fatal for one or more members of the undercover team.

For the time being Rikar had no other option but to accept that the fate of the Rutian-looking woman had been in the hands of the Oltharian. At least there the CO knew that Elan would protect Doctor Summers to the very end should the situation demanded it… which hopefully would not happen.

The group made their way through the winding streets of the trade center until they reached one of the landing platforms… where several other individuals including a reptilian looking alien had apparently been waiting.

"It'sss about time," the reptilian alien stated, the elongated hissing sound in his speech as he spoke having left no doubts that the creature had been Selay in origin.

"We had a few problems," the Vorta calmly explained, obviously not interested in giving the Selay any details as to the cause of the mentioned problems. "Who are they?" Vellanor demanded as she saw three unknown figures standing behind Sumariss.

"They are here to help us with our mutual problem," the Selay unhappily replied as he scrutinized the five strangers the Vorta and her gang had brought along with them. Although he had wanted to ask about their identities and the reason for their presence, Sumariss' attention suddenly became focussed on the short woman who had been glaring back at him.

"Allow me to introduce ourselves," the ANUBIS' Cns offered as she jumped into the discussion in an effort to see if the other teams needed assistance. "My name is Natalie Portree, pilot and engineer. This is Saaki, a knowledgeable business associate and the dirty looking pair of lobs back there is Caden," Eve announced as she kept the shock of seeing Doctor Summers in the state that she had been in hidden.

The next several moments were spent in complete silence as various glares were exchanged between the two groups… any questions that might have been considered remained unspoken for the time being. Eventually the Vorta motioned for her group to proceed to the landing platform where a transport vessel had been waiting to take them back to the PARADOX.

Setting: YUDARA Asteroid Field, Planetoid, Landing Platform D
Stardate: 63073.2140

Hex and Adriana had easily managed to keep up with the leading Betazoid who had been using her telepathic abilities to locate the source of the pain she had experienced earlier. Interestingly enough the three women had been followed by an Efrosian Priest and an imposing Kzinti Hunter, both men having elected to stay several steps back.

The tactic to follow from a distance had been Grex's idea and although he had stated that this would allow them to intervene with greater knowledge of a situation should something happen, Ojall suspected that the Kzinti had simply wanted to give his offspring a little more breathing room. Given that they would most likely become involved in some sort of a conflict, the elder Kzinti Hunter had thought it best to limit internal conflicts to a minimum.

The group, still lead by the Betazoid, made their way onto the landing platform just in time to see the door to the transport vessel close and the Vorta looking back at them, a rather pleased grin having appeared on Vellanor's face.

"She's getting away!" Grex yelled in a full blown rage as he rushed the ship, arriving at the door too late to do anything about their departure. The moment the Kzinti drew is weapon, Hex leaped in his direction and made sure that no shot would impact with the ship.

"What do you think you are doing!?" The massive Kzinti demanded of the smaller one, rage clearly visible in his eyes as he showed his fangs in a menacing manner.
"*My* people are in there," the smaller Kzinti replied. "Whatever it is that you are after will just have to wait."

"I have been after that Vorta for months," Grex growled as he looked up at the departing ship, now well out of range of his hand-held weapon. "Now I may never know where she went."

"I wouldn't be so sure about that," the aCMO offered as she kneeled down to retrieve something that had been buried into the ground with obvious haste. "This looks like an isolinear rod, one that I believe Enaii is fond in using."

"We need to get back to the SPHINX now," Hex quickly instructed as she made her way off the landing platform and towards the nearest beam-out location being monitored by Ensign Thomas.

Setting: USS SPHINX, C&C
Stardate: 63073.2150

Although Elliot had been more than pleased with the return of Ensign Fanggot and Mitshiba, he had been less than happy with the fact that three others had beamed onto the SPHINX with them.

"I hope you know what you are doing?" Elliot sighed in a whispered voice as he eyed the towering Kzinti hunter.

"We are still not entirely certain as to what we will be dealing with," Akira stated trying to keep her own uncertainty hidden from the others.

"The isolinear rod contained the frequency of a tracking device," Hex announced from the control station she had rushed to in order to investigate the content of the small data storage device. "I have already recalibrated the sensors and it looks like we can track the ship that Enaii is on."

"We are not even certain that she was onboard that ship," Ensign Mitshiba stated.

"It's the only lead we have," the Sec/Tac officer pointed out.

"So what are we waiting for," Grex added with a certain tone of impatience, obviously wanting to catch up with the Vorta as soon as possible.

"Elliot," the Kzinti security officer began as she invited the COO to return to his station. "Set course to follow that signal and contact Captain Morningstar to have him track that signal as well. Maybe he can also tell us how come we found one of Enaii's storage devices on the trade center."

Sabrina Jones

Captain Sabrina Rikar 
Commanding Officer 

"We are Grey, we stand between the Candle and the Star, between the Darkness and the Light" 
-Entilza Delenn, Babylon 5
OLD-P218: USS ANUBIS: Summers: Day 4 - 2125 ("Shades of Grey")

"Shades of Grey"
[Previous post: "Black And White", written by the devoted William]

Setting: YUDARA Asteroid Field, Planetoid, Trade Center, a dark alley
Stardate: 63073.2125

"STOP!" The Jorelian freighter captain screamed once again. The efforts to break free from the three aliens holding her back had left her with no other recourse but to plea. "You're killing her!"

The Vorta appeared unimpressed by the undercover officer's appeal. Vellanor even smiled as the next kick from one of her men sent a splatter of blood gushing from the mouth of the Rutian woman. Gasping for air the Rutian, if indeed that had been what she was, could not see past the pool of blood in front of her. Unable to hold herself up on her hands and knees, Lea could not even hear the pleas from her friends.  The last thing the CMO thought to be the last thing she would see had been the ILO looking down at her. A cold and unemotional expression on her face.  Had this been her last and ultimate payback for what Doctor Summers had done on the LANCELOT?

Lea's body became lifeless as her consciousness drifted away. The sight of the CMO in such a pitiful state had finally been more than the Oltharian could take. Elan rushed to the healer's side easily breaking free from the four men that had been holding him back.  The CEO had never been a physical being, but in this instance he had made an exception.

"I will do anything and everything you ask," the Oltharian said almost in tears. "Just stop hurting her," he added as he easily shielded the doctor's body from another attack with his own.

"If she tries to escape again I will have all of you killed on the spot," Vellanor hissed. With a nod of her head she instructed the rest of her men to resume their journey to the landing platform.

"She was not trying to escape," Rikar growled at the Vorta as she passed next to her. "She tripped and your men made sure that she fell in this alleyway."

"You people needed to see that I am serious," the Vorta said in a cruel whispered voice. The evil smile that formed on her lips pointed that this had not been as much an accident as might have been thoughts. Vellanor's face drew within a hair's width away from that of the red skin Jorelian before she continued. "Plus I could not pass up this opportunity to teach the mighty Federation a lesson in manners. Those who do not mind their own business get hurt my dear."

As the Vorta continue on her way, Rikar's eyes fell onto Enaii who walked right by. The fact that the Intel Operative had not even acknowledged her life-mate's presence had been troubling. Whatever part the ILO had decided to play in this, she had kept the details of her role to herself.

Pressured by the men gathered around him, the Oltharian gently picked up Lea's unconscious form into his arms. A quick memory of their training mission flashed in Elan's mind, but this time things had been for real.  The giant did his best to keep the CMO comfortable in his hold why he followed the others.  If only Enaii had not motioned for him to stay put, he would have intervened sooner.  If only the Intel Operative herself had acted the CMO would not have suffered so. Had the ILO wished for Doctor Summers to suffer or had this incident served another purpose?

No one but the ILO knew this for sure, and she did not seemed in the mood to share at this time.

Tiffany Reeve

Lt. Lea Summers
Chief Medical Officer
OLD-P217: USS ANUBIS: Russell: Day 4 - 2115 ("Black And White")

"Black And White"
[Previous post: "Kzinti Mind Play"]

Setting: USS PARADOX, Jefferies Tube
Stardate: 63073.2115

To say that following the Bolian and Arcadian had been easy would have been a flat out lie.  One things had been the truth though, from what Adam had been able to gather from the way the two had so far interacted, Anya knew her blue skin rescuer well.  Well enough in fact for her to lead him to the one location the Arcadian knew to be out of the way and relatively safe from the rest of the crew; Cargo Bay 6.

Setting: USS PARADOX, Cargo Bay 6
Stardate: 63073.2125

Adam rushed into the large room to find the pair had already arrived and the Arcadian holding on to Shawn as a mother would a child.  With the Bolian standing immediately behind the Anya, Ensign Russell's heart sank certain that he had somehow been betrayed.

"I was worried something had happened to you when you weren't here," Anya said with relief, the smile on her face having quickly been overshadowed by the young boy's own excitement at seeing his father return safe and sound.  The Arcadian did nothing to hold back the boy who left the embrace he had been in to seek the loving arms of his father.

"I went looking for you," Adam said as he welcomed his son into an embrace that made it seem as if all had been right with the universe. "I was ready to mount a rescue in Sickbay when *Captain Blue Skin* there came in and replaced you with a hologram."

"I feel so special," Anya giggled.  "I had two brave men came to my rescue."

"This is the guy you mentioned?" The Bolian asked of the Arcadian in an almost laughter manner.

"Don't be such an ass," Anya snapped back.  "He is the one responsible for the majority of the sabotage that plagued this ship and the reason why you and the others had enough time to get here.  Plus he's a nice guy, you could actually learn one or two things from him."

"Only one or two?" Adam hissed as he shot a glare at the blue skin man, not at all having taken a liking to the obnoxious Bolian despite the fact that he had rescued Anya in a manner that had been far better than anything the Ensign could have come up with.

"You are right," the Bolian sarcastically sighed.  "I can see that's he's a real charmer, but in the end it doesn't matter.  Jade sent word that Onyx is here and that she will be coming onboard the PARADOX."

"Jade? Onxy? Who the hell are these people and what do they have to do with this ship?" Ensign Russell demanded while holding on tightly to his son as if some evil force had threatened to snatch him from his grasp at any moment.

"We really don’t have time to play twenty questions," the Bolian snapped at Adam before turning back to Anya.  "All that Jade said was that Onyx would be bringing help and that we are to assist her in gaining complete control of this ship."

"Wait," the Arcadian quickly interrupted before the Bolian could continued.  "We are going to held *her* gain control of the ship!  She is not going to help *us*?"

"Those are our new orders," the Bolian nodded, not appearing either pleased or displeased with this change of plan.

"Who is this *us* you are referring to?" Adam demanded, his frustration having reached the boiling point.

"The Orion Syndicate if you absolutely need to know," the Bolian impatiently replied obviously holding a higher position in the organization than the Arcadian did.  "It was our goal to take this ship before Sumariss and his Vorta associate could make use of it. Now we are going to make sure Onyx leaves here with it."

"Why would the Orion Syndicate turn the ship over to this *Onyx*?" Ensign Russell demanded, confused more than ever before.

"Because she *wants* it," what the only reply given by the blue skinned man.  "It's that simple."

William Reeve

Ensign Adam Russell
(in another reality)
Flight Control Officer
OLD-P216: USS ANUBIS: Fanggot: Day 4 - 2125 ("Kzinti Mind Play")

"Kzinti Mind Play"
Previous post: "Thoughts and Feelings"

Setting: YUDARA Asteroid Field, Planetoid, Trade Center, T'Kon Temple
Stardate: 63073.2125


Running as fast as they could, the aCMO and Betazoid arrived at the door of the room where Hex rested. Slightly out of breath, they noticed that their large, imposing Kzinti bodyguard was no where in sight and the door was ajar.

"I've never seen someone act so... distant from one of their species, not to mention one of their own family members. He didn't even stay by her door." Mortina reflected out loud, stepping into the room cautiously as to not disturb Ojall.

"I'm sure there is more than there seems... " Adriana noted with a short chuckle as both women noticed their missing Kzinti sitting next to the bed on which Hex lay, his back to the wall and eyes on the door.

"Your friend is recuperating well, though I suggest she not do any excesive physical activities for the next little while." Ojall said, smiling warmly, "Though, I admit it is rather hard to treat her when she keeps thrashing."

"Thrashing?" the newly turned Kerelian betrothed questioned, a hint of worry lacing through the word.

"Yes, her mind is constantly ill at ease, but I can't seem to get through enough to calm her completely." Ojall answered kindly, holding down one of the younger Kzinti's arms as it twitched violently.

"Let me try to see what's wrong, we have a problem and we'll need her on her feet." Mortina offered gently, moving to stand beside the Kzinti huntress.

Closing her eyes, Mortina reached out and touched the forehead of her patient. Gasping sharply, the Betazoid was dragged down into the Kzinti's mind, more forcefully than expected. Pictures blurred and stretched, raw emotions floated through the air, almost tangible. Reaching out carefully into the confusion, the young woman touched the center of Hex's mind. A force like an explosion sounded, then all was still as the Betazoid watched the surrounding pictures with interest.


"You're so stupid, thinking that our father is really dead!" A young male Kzinti voiced, laughing as though telling a joke. His fur was longer than that of the young Kzinti in his arms, and much darker. The other Kzinti child squirmed violently as though trying to escape from a coiled snake.

"You're the stupid one Damon! Mother said he died, so he died." The female answered breathlessly, thrashing in the arms of the larger Kzinti but to no effect.

"She said that to hide the truth from you little sister. Father left the day you were born so he wouldn't have to put up with you!" Damon answered, tightening his grip on the thrashing child.

"Stop calling me *little*, I have a name you know." The girl stated venomously, going limp a moment before thrashing again, "I'll get bigger one day, so don't act so cocky."

"Yeah right, you're a shrimp and you're staying a shrimp. The doctor even said so Hex." The older Kzinti simply grinned, releasing his hold and watching as his companion fell to the ground.

Damon began to walk away, leaving Hex to rub her sore arms. Sitting back, the Kzinti sighed in relief and closed her eyes, her ear twitching slightly as she repeated her brother's words to herself slowly, "Wouldn't... have to put up with... me"

A sharp pain filled the memory as it faded into darkness. The observing Betazoid could just barely make out the sound of the young Kzinti crying as she was pulled away from the memory.


"Wow... " Mortina gasped, feeling herself pushed out of the Kzinti's mind and back into her own.

"What? What did you see?" Adrianna asked, concern once again making itself known across her features.

"Yes... I would like to know as well." A voice rasped. Looking down, the Betazoid noticed the shining violet eyes of the Kzinti watching her intently as a low hiss slithered through her teeth.

Pulling back her hand quickly, Mortina stared at Hex a moment before standing up straight and smiling warily. The Kzinti merely watched her, but the intent gaze flickered over to the waiting aCMO soon enough, breaking the mental contact.

"Adrianna, who are these people?" Hex hissed, sitting up painfully but being shoved back down by a large, furred hand.

"They're friends, they want to help. Are you able to move?" Adrianna asked, watching the imposing Kzinti with as wary an eye as she would a ready-to-attack Klingon.

"I would be if *someone* would let me." Hex grumbled, shooting a glare in Grex's direction, "Is there something wrong?"

"Someone is hurt, most likely someone you both know." Mortina stated, watching Hex with a thoughtful expression.

Hex sat up so fast that if the aCMO were to have blinked, Adrianna was sure she would have missed it. "then why are we just standing around? We have to get moving!"

"You're still in need of more rest." Ojall noted kindly, watching the four people with mildly showing interest.

"Never mind it... I've fought and trained in far worse condition. Come on Adrianna, we should go." Hex hissed, grabbing her wounded shoulder before jumping down from the bed and sprinting out the door, Grex hot on her heels.

"Adrianna," Mortina called, catching the aCMO's arm before she could join Hex at a brisk run, "Watch her carefully... I think there is definitely far more than I thought there was."

The aCMO nodded as the Betazoid released her arm. Running after Hex again, Adrianna made a mental note to ask Hex about all this when time permitted.

Ashley Shane

Ensign Hex Fanggot
Assistant Sec/Tac officer

"Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today"
- James Dean
OLD-P215: USS ANUBIS: Lopez: Day 4 - 2120 ("Thoughts and Feelings")

"Thoughts and Feelings"
[Previous post: "Fear in Any Form is The One True Enemy"]

Setting: YUDARA Asteroid Field, Planetoid, Trade Center, T'Kon Temple
Stardate: 63073.2120

Adriana sat on the steps of the temple, her thoughts so lost on her injured Kzinti friend and the other members of the away team that the Kerelian betrothed had actually forgotten what her current attire had represented and meant to others.

"Do you really think it is safe for you to sit like this in view of everyone, alone?" The Betazoid woman playfully said, lowering herself down next to the visibly troubled woman.

"What?" the aCMO replied having been drawn out of her thoughts.  It was only then that Adriana noticed that Mortina had sat down next to her.  "You mean this," she continued as she looked down at her torn dress.  "Guess I wasn't thinking."

"It's alright," Mortina offered with a gentle pat on the Kerelian's shoulder.  "This temple is a safe haven for those in need and I doubt anyone would dare to get close to it wanting to stir up trouble."

"Still," Adriana said with a smile.  "I should get back inside and check on my friend."

"There is no rush," Mortina said in a very calming voice.  "You did an amazing job back there and now your friend is being cared for by Ojall, so you have nothing to be concerned about even if that huge Kzinti hunter is there with them.  That priest could sooth a Klingon with a raging tooth ache.  So relax, you have nothing to worry about, your friend will be back on her feet by the time you are ready to return to your ship."

The aCMO turned her head to look at Mortina with puzzlement.  Ensign Lopez had never mentioned a ship and certainly not that Hex and her had been on the same crew.

Having felt the sudden wave of confusion from the Kerelian, the other woman offered a warm, reassuring smile.  "Relax, first I'm a Betazoid and although I don’t usually pry into the minds of others, your feelings for your ship and crewmates were impossible to ignore. Second, you have nothing to fear from me, I am also from Starfleet.  I was kidnapped and brought here for a reason that I have yet to discover, but like yourself right now all I want is to be able to go home safe and sound."

"Going home will be nice," Adriana admitted.  "But there is something we need to do first, for all of our sakes."

"Something relating to what has been happening here on this asteroid?" Mortina asked.  "There has been a lot of strange things happening here lately, an no one seems able to explain any of it."

"Like this temple," Adriana chuckled as she looked at the structure behind them.  "The temple looks exactly as it was described to be thousands of years ago."

For a brief moment the two women enjoyed the simple sight of the imposing structure, its ageless appearance filling them both with a strange sensation of awe.  That moment was brought to an end when Mortina took hold of the Kerelian's arm before speaking.  "Someone, a Starfleet officer, is in trouble."

Adrianna jumped to her feet and went to run inside the temple only to be stopped by the Betazoid's hold on her arm.  "Let me go, Hex needs me."

"It's not your friend that is in trouble," Mortina explained.  "It's someone else, and they are in pain."

"We need to go, *now*!" the aCMO said as she rushed back into the temple dragging the Betazoid with her.  Hopefully the Kzinti Sec/Tac officer  had recuperated enough for her to get back into action and deal with whatever Mortina had telepathically picked up.

Marissa Montonera-Lombardi

Ensign Adriana Lopez
Assistant Chief Medical Officer
OLD-P214: USS ANUBIS: Maya: Day 4 - 2120
("Fear in Any Form is The One True Enemy")

"Fear in Any Form is The One True Enemy"
(Previous Post: "A Logical Explanation")

Setting: YUDARA Asteroid Field, Planetoid, Trade Center, Tavern
Stardate: 63073.2120
Even though the group had been outnumbered three-to-one, the Shillian-turned-Founder still considered the possibility for the undercover Starfleet officers to fight their way out of this predicament. There had been no need for any confrontation to be extensive or even deadly, the ultimate goal having been for them to simply reach the streets so that the quartet could vanish into the crowd. From there they would be able to reach the emergency beam-out coordinates being monitored by the SPHINX.
The Shillian had carefully reviewed the merits of her shapeshifting ability in this instance, likely granting the Chief Science Officer an easy way to escape her captors through surprise while at the same time giving the other members of the away team a diversion that they could easily use to their advantage. The idea had nearly reached the final stage where thoughts would be made into action when the Intel Liaison Officer suddenly took a firm hold of the scientist.
Enaii glared at the taller alien woman, her icy stare drilled into the soul of the shapeshifter in a may that froze the Chief Science Officer dead in her tracks and made her breathing short and shallow. Even though the Shillian had extensive experience in working with the Intel Operative, the scientist could not recall ever having seen such a frigid, unemotional expression engraved on the face of the woman. At that moment in time, and in complete honesty, the Shillian had truly feared the Intel Liaison Officer as well as for her own life. 
Even if the shapeshifter had wished to transform right there and then, their would have been no way for the scientist to focus her thoughts enough to initiate the required cellular shift her species used to achieve other forms. Unlike the being the Chief Science Officer had impersonated, the Shillian had not possessed the skill to change her form without previous careful preparations, not that a small cat, flying bat or even an agile wolf would have been all that effective against the trained Intel Operative.
Although the shorter woman had not stated so, the Shillian had been under the clear and distinct impression that any effort to escape or even change form would result in the members of the two undercover teams to be injured or worst killed. Based on this alone the Chief Science Officer had decided to not pursue her previous line of thinking and instead focussed on complying with the directions of her captors, the Vorta leading them and of the Intel Operative who had apparently joined them.
"As soon as we reach the landing platform, we will take care of these meddlers," Vellanor hissed in a tone of voice that hinted the permanency of her words. Killing all four undercover Starfleet officers in a more public area such as the tavern would have raised too many questions and attracted attention that the Vorta had obviously wanted to avoid. This had been a welcomed break by all four away team members which was followed by an even more appreciated act.
"That would be a mistake," Enaii stated in her usual cold, icy voice, the Intel Operative not even having bothered to look in the direction of the Vorta.. "You need an engineer, and the Oltharian is exactly that."
"Fine," Vellanor sighed in dismay as if a prize had been taken away from her. "We'll take care of the other three and bring him with us to the Paradox."
"I thought Vorta's were smarter than that," the red-skinned Jorelian said adding a mock chuckle in the end. "Kill us and Elan here won't help you with your engineering problems onboard the PARADOX. Face it Vellanor, you need us *all* alive, like it or not."
Vellanor glared at the freighter captain before she stormed out of the tavern having motioned her men to follow, the Vorta having clearly not liked the fact that all four Starfleet officers would have to be taken to the PARADOX. Fear of failure in her mission to restore the Dominion to its highest glory had for the time being given the away team members a break, one that had strangely enough been given to them thanks to the intervention of the Intel Operative.

Jessica Solarik

Lieutenant Commander Maya
Chief Science Officer

"To see the world in a grain of sand,
and a heaven in a wild flower.
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
and eternity in an hour."
- William Blake (British, 1757-1827)
OLD-P213: USS ANUBIS: Fairborn: Day 4 - 2115 ("A Logical Explanation")

"A Logical Explanation"
[Previous Post Sabrina's "Betrayal"]
"Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end."
- Ambassador Spock
Setting: YUDARA Asteroid Field, Planetoid, Trade Center, Tavern, Room
Stardate: 63073.2115
The words spoken by the Intel Operative and the subsequent realisation made by Doctor Summers echoed in the mind of the gentle giant who could not bring himself to agree with the CMO's conclusion.
To say that Elan knew Enaii would have been a grave overstatement. The Oltharian had worked with the Intel Operative, had gone on missions with her and had assisted with the creation of several devices to be used by the woman in many different situations. One of his greatest accomplishments in that area had been the 'Person Intel Command Assistant' or more commonly referred to as PICA. The small floating disk had been designed to follow Enaii and provide a dynamic access to her files when onboard the ANUBIS.
Like every other officer onboard the SCARAB-Class Intel Cruiser under the command of Captain Rikar, the CEO knew of the ILO's style and methods which included a beyond icy disposition and an honesty that could be perceived as overly blunt. Another attribute associated with the Intel Operative and one that defined her in many ways had been her ability to calculate the full impact of her words and actions. Enaii had never been, nor could ever be, someone prone to an impulsive decision.
Logic therefore demanded that the words spoken by the ILO had been meant to accomplish something that for the time being had eluded the understanding of everyone immediately involved.
"She betrayed us!" Doctor Summer repeated, anger having replaced her initial shock. "Why else would she say that Starfleet was here to reclaim the PARADOX ."
"Actually Doctor," Rikar began, carefully having selected her own words in a way that made the Jorelian looking woman sound almost Vulcan. "Enaii stated that 'Starfleet is here to reclaim what is theirs' and never actually specified that Maya or anyone else for that matter was a Starfleet Officer."
"You are going to tell me that Enaii deliberately used a partial truth to suit her final goal?" The CMO demanded obviously not at all convinced about the CO's own conclusion which greatly different from her own.
"It would fit Enaii's Modus Operandi," the Oltharian calmly added. "She has never been one to casually say something. Her words have always reflected her thoughts or stated something that would lead to achieve something that she wanted or needed."
"I can't believe what I am hearing!" Lea blasted, obviously exasperated by the defence offered on behalf of the ILO by the ANUBIS CO and CEO. "You two are so *blinded* by your own personal relationship with that woman that you are willing to excuse her betrayal of us," the CMO snapped as she made her way towards the red skinned woman. "Captain, are you going to tell me that you honestly trust that woman at 100%? That would don't believe, for an instant, that she might have some reason to turn her back on us all for her own benefit?" Doctor Summers quickly turned to face the towering Oltharian not giving Captain Rikar a chance to answer. "And you, are you so scared of that woman that you can't accept the facts as they have been presented to you?"
Both the CEO and CO looked at each other for a short period, silently considering the logic offered to them by the ship's CMO. As accurate as Doctor Summer's words might have been, both Elan and Sabrina still refused to believe that Enaii could have betrayed them. Another reason, one that had been beyond their grasp had to be the reason why the ILO had acted as she had.
All eyes suddenly went onto the doorway as it was kicked open and several armed guards rushed inside to forcefully take hold of all three occupants followed by the Vellanor and Enaii. Doctor Summers actually managed a sad smile as she noticed the ANUBIS' Chief Science Officer standing in the background, an energy weapon aimed directly at her head.
"Starfleet," the Vorta sighed with a distinct hint of disgust. "When will you people ever learn that the galaxy is not yours to police?," Vellanor stated as she slowly approached the Jorelian freighter captain, an air of superiority having enveloped the servant of the Dominion. "Soon your precious Federation will be reduced to where it belongs; as the Dominion's obeying slaves."
Francois Charette
Lieutenant Elan Talak Fairborn
Chief Engineering Officer
Robotics Engineering Officer
OLD-P212: USS ANUBIS: Rikar: Day 4 - 2110 (" Betrayal ")

" Betrayal "
(Previous Post was Jessica's "You Can Only Fool Some People Some of The Time, And Some Even Less")

Setting: YUDARA Asteroid Field, Planetoid, Trade Center, Tavern
Stardate: 63073.2110

The cold icy reflection in the eyes of the ANUBIS' Intel Operative revealed nothing about the woman behind it nor the chain of events that had lead Enaii to be here now pointing an accusatory glare directly at the Shillian. Maya could only guess as to what had happened since the last time she had seen the ILO, and fear what would soon come to pass.

"Why?" the troubled shapeshifter asked of the ILO without actually saying the word out loud. What had happened? Had this been a ploy to gain the Vorta's trust or had something snapped within the Operative's troubled and twisted mind to turn her against her friends… if such a tern truly applied to those who knew and worked alongside Enaii?

Setting: VIPER 1, Cockpit
Stardate: 63073.1955

The small craft that had so fully drawn the ILO's attention had belonged to another time, one that very few people knew of, and even fewer had been able to tell the tale of. The ship, like its history would not have appeared on any files found within the records of SFI or any other Intel Agency, that had been the reason why she had recognized it and why Enaii had sent the other two pilots away.

The temporal signature surrounding the ship indicated that it was of this time, of this reality but Enaii knew better, she knew that it belonged to the past, to a time of ruthless acts and chilling darkness. That ship, like so many other things, belonged to a time the ILO had endured and had helped shaped the person that she was today.

Setting: YUDARA Asteroid Field, Planetoid, Trade Center, Bar
Stardate: 63073.2015

From the shadows the ILO quietly observed as Ensign Dalziel in her persona of Natalie Portree and Ensign Mitshiba as a Romulan Operative entered the establishment and made small talk with the Hypello barkeep. Unseen eyes rolled in disappointment as they followed the ANUBIS' aCSciO as she made her way closer to the small stage and the Orion slave seductively swaying upon it.

Jade had been her name and Enaii knew her well enough to know that Akira's disguise had not fooled the Orion woman for a second. It had not been the Ensign's fault for she had approached a woman renowned for having survived through nightmares the likes of which no one could have imagined. Nightmares that the woman hidden in the shadows had shares to earn the name Onyx.

The Intel Operative emerged from the darkness only long enough for Jade to see Onyx and register the subtle movement of her head. Not knowing why, nor truly caring to know, the Orion dancer returned the small poisonous blade that had been concealed in her skimpy outfit and smiled to the Romulan impersonator who had no idea that her life had just been spared.

Setting: YUDARA Asteroid Field, Planetoid, Trade Center, Market Place
Stardate: 63073.2035

The meeting with Jade had been most informative even if only a few words had been shared between the two women, but they had been enough to lead the ILO to her next destination. Enaii arrived just in time to observe the Kzinti Huntress and Kerelian betrothed speaking to the elderly Xindi insectoid she had come to see.

The crew of the ANUBIS had truly a gift for finding trouble wherever they went, and this forsaken place had been no different. Some might have believed the ILO to have been paranoid, but the fact of the matter had been that once again her involvement would save the lives of her shipmates.

"Going somewhere?" Enaii asked of the Xindi, her voice as frigid and empty as space itself. Slowly the ILO approached the insectoid, not truly having expected him to reply to her question. Both of them knew what this meeting had been about and that only one of them would eventually walk away. Any betting man aware of this meeting had already set the odds well in favour of the woman known as Onyx.

The explosion that followed and enveloped the small stall had insured a great many things, the first of which having been that the Xindi would never again report to its master. The second objective had been to insure that no ship left the trade center for the time being, and lastly that no evidence of the ILO's involvement in this matter would ever be found.

Unseen by anyone else, the Intel Operative left the commotion she had created and headed for her next objective and likely another team from the ANUBIS who needed to be saved, even if they did not know it at the time.

Setting: YUDARA Asteroid Field, Planetoid, Trade Center, Market Place, Tavern
Stardate: 63073.2055

Betrayal had been and would continue to be a normal and even expected part of the merciless Intel world. A world filled with layers upon layers of questionable associations that could vanish within a single heartbeat. Survival in this world depended on one's ability to see the signs and betray those that would have betrayed you before they could do so.

Although many believed the Selay known as Sumariss to be the main player in this little game, the Intel Operative had already figured out the truth. The real threat to the crew of the ANUBIS and their mission to save the galaxy had not been an individual per say but rather a entity that had been forced to take on the guise of a simple, harmless garment.

The best part of this was that the Vorta who had done so much to use and eventually betray the Selay once the PARADOX had been under their control had herself been betrayed by a group that Vellanor had not even known had been involved in this battle for time itself.

Setting: YUDARA Asteroid Field, Planetoid, Trade Center, Market Place, Tavern
Stardate: 63073.2115

"Betrayed?" Vellanor repeated with complete disbelief. "You know nothing of what is going on here," the Vorta added in a threatening tone that anyone else other than the ILO would have been concerned about.

"Your efforts to take the PARADOX from Sumariss will fail," Enaii stated coldly and without any hesitations. The name of the Selay having been more than enough to show that the woman who had introduced herself as Onyx might have known more than the Vorta had initially granted her knowledge of.

"Why are you telling me this?" Vellanor demanded, apparently having forgotten about the other shapeshifter who had also been present in the room with them.

"Because," Enaii hissed as she ever so slowly shifted her eyes onto the nervous Shillian-turned-Founder. "Starfleet is here to reclaim what is theirs."

Setting: YUDARA Asteroid Field, Planetoid, Trade Center, Market Place, Tavern (another room)
Stardate: 63073.2115

The young woman stood frozen in place… completely stunned by what she had just heard. 

"Who is this *Onyx* lady and how did she know that we're here?" The CMO asked, her body posture echoed that of the ANUBIS' CO.

"She sounds familiar," the Oltharian added, not quiet able to place the voice with a face, a fact that very much bothered him.

"She should sound familiar," Rikar offered with a sigh. "That's Enaii," the CO reluctantly admitted having known that her life-mate had still been involved with the Orion Syndicate under the codename Onyx.

"Enaii betrayed us?!?" the CMO gasped unable to bring herself to accept that conclusion as she verbalized the thoughts everyone in the room had.
Sabrina Jones

Captain Sabrina Rikar 
Commanding Officer 
"We are Grey, we stand between the Candle and the Star, between the Darkness and the Light" 
-Entilza Delenn, Babylon 5
OLD-P211: USS ANUBIS: Maya: Day 4 - 2100
("You Can Only Fool Some People Some of The Time, And Some Even Less")

"You Can Only Fool Some People Some of The Time, And Some Even Less"
(Previous Post: "An Obvious Problem")

Setting: YUDARA Asteroid Field, Planetoid, Trade Center, Tavern
Stardate: 63073.2100
Even isolated from the other members of the away team, the thoughts of the Chief Science Officer had been more focussed on the dress worn by the Vorta instead of the Lieutenant of the Dominion herself. There had been something strange, something not quite right about the dress and being the scientist that she had always been, the Shillian had dismissed her current predicament in favour of getting a closer look at the intriguing garment.
It was only when the door closed behind them that the Shillian-turned-Founder realised that she had been completely alone with the Vorta. No one else had been in the room that they had stepped in, a fact that the Chief Science Officer had found both unnerving and reassuring. If Vellanor had truly been concerned about the identity of the Founder, surely she would not have ventured alone into a room with her. Of course this left one major questions unanswered; why had the Vorta requested a private meeting?
"Please forgive me Founder," Vellanor said in a tone that left the Shillian believing that the Vorta had been in the throws of an emotional conflict of epic proportion. Alone with a member of a species they perceived as gods would have been enough to make any sentient life form ready to emotionally, if not psychologically, break down. "I hope that you will not take offence to my having wanted to speak with you, alone."
"I am not offended Vellanor," the Shillian replied, this time having made certain to use the name instead of the race. "You are simply performing your duties to the best of your abilities, and for that you should be commented," the scientist added, this having been the one chance the shapeshifter had to mend the error she had made, or at the very least put enough doubts in the mind of the Vorta so as to delay any unpleasant questions.
"Thank you," the Vorta said while giving the Founder a deep bow of respect, "I only live to serve," Vellanor continued, a hint of hesitation having appeared in her words. "Please forgive me for saying this, but I was wondering if you are alright. You seemed a little troubled, preoccupied back there."
The shapeshifter remained speechless, frozen in that one instant in time, uncertain as to what to say or do that would explained her behaviour without the risk of raising suspicions or worse cause the Vorta to continue on this line of questioning. Each time Vellanor made an inquiry the Shillian risked saying something that would endanger her life, or more importantly the mission.
"There are just many things currently on my mind," the Shillian replied, silently hoping that the answer had been sufficient to ease the concerns of the Vorta and end this segment of their private conversation.
"I completely understand Founder," Vellanor offered as she lowered her head and bowed. "May the Great Link allow you to put your mind at ease."
The Shilian-turned-Founder frozen as she watched the dress worn by the Vorta begin to move independently as if it had suddenly gained a life and consciousness of its own. Two words echoed endlessly in the mind of the Chief Science Officer, words that meant far more than she had discovered in her research of the Founders, words that left no doubt that she had been in far more trouble than anyone could have ever imagined.
As a shapeshifter the Shilian could have fooled most into believing that she had indeed been a Founder by taking on the form of a native cat or bat from her world, but there had been no way for the Scientist to fool an actual leader of the Dominion. Although both species had shared certain similarities when it came to being able to take on other forms, the methods of such a transformations, not to mention the range, had been completely different.
Organic as well as inorganic forms had been mere routine to a Founder who could change from one shape to the next as many times as they wished unlike a Shillian who had been limited to very specific animal forms where each transformation would leave the shapeshifter physically drained and without clothes. Beyond that, the ability of the Founders to join in what was referred to as the Great Link had been something completely unique to their species and well as beyond the reach of the Chief Science Officer of the USS ANUBIS, regardless of whom she may have pretended or wished to be.
Her heart raced as the Shillian watched the fluidic movements of the dress as it stretched to draw increasingly closer leaving the shapeshifter to understand but too late the reason why the dress had seemed so strange. Now only a miracle could save the scientist from revealing her true identity to the Vorta.
"WAIT!" Came the commanding voice of someone the Shillian had instantly recognized, a person who the shapeshifter had not at all expected to see at the trade center, but one whom she had been more than happy to see intervene when she had. The scientist did her best to hide her delight as her eyes fell onto the form of the short woman who had seemed to have appeared out of nowhere as she so often did.
Enaii shot a quick glare at the Shillian before she turned her attention to the Vorta, her dress having rapidly returned to its original state. "My name is Onyx, and you have been betrayed," the Intel Operative stated without any further explanations which left the Chief Science Officer to wonder if this had truly been the rescue she had initially believed this to be.

Jessica Solarik
Lieutenant Commander Maya
Chief Science Officer

"To see the world in a grain of sand,
and a heaven in a wild flower.
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
and eternity in an hour."
- William Blake (British, 1757-1827)
OLD-P210: USS ANUBIS: Summers: Day 4 - 2100 ("An Obvious Problem")

"An Obvious Problem"
[Previous post: "An Unexpected Break", written by the charming and romantic William]

Setting: YUDARA Asteroid Field, Planetoid, Trade Center, Tavern, guest quarters
Stardate: 63073.2100

While Elan worked on listening in on what was happening with the shapeshifter, the CMO and CO worked on their other problem. That of dealing with the thugs between them and the CSciO.

"We could always use our phasers on a wide stun setting," Lea offered as a possible solution to their predicament. The sarcasm in her voice made it clear that she knew what Rikar would say in return.

"We are not armed," the Jorelian captain replied unimpressed.

"What about using hyposprays filled with a powerful sedative?" The CMO offered next. The sarcasm in Lea's voice even more pronounced than before.

"Unless you have a dozen of them already prepared with you, that is not an option," Rikar sighed. Apparently Lea had decided to be difficult at this time. Something that the red skinned woman had not appreciated in the least. "Why are you doing this?"

"Doing what?" Lea asked in return sounding as frustrated as could be. "You want me to come up with a plan rescue Maya. You want me to just pull out of thin air a way to knock out a dozen armed aliens. You want me to magically find a solution to a problem that is just impossible."

"Impossibility is a state of mind," the CO said not at all having found this conversation at all helpful.

"Fine!" the Rutian dressed woman exclaimed as she threw her arms up in the air. "Let's just phase through the walls. That way we won't have to deal with those thugs and we can all jump that Vorta together."

"Nothing is impossible," the Olthairan calmly announced as he flicked a switch on the wall panel. The giant's voice having been a perfect contrast to the frantic ramblings of the Rutian dressed CMO.  Elan turned to face the frantic Doctor, his gaze immediately melted her irritation.

Lea found herself unable to look away from the Oltharian, a storm of emotions having washed over her. Had she been truly frustrated with their situation or had there been something else? Had the CMO felt that powerless to help the Shillian or had the Doctor felt helpless towards something else?

For the first time Lea had  wished that Eve had been there for her to talk to. Things had apparently gotten out of hand and left Doctor Summers feeling like a fool.  The Rutian dressed CMO had been ready to offer an apology to her CO when something else happened.

=/\= Founder, =/\= the voice of the Vorta was heard indicating that Elan had succeeded in his task.  =/\= Please forgive me for saying this, but I was wondering if you are alright. You seemed a little troubled, preoccupied back there. =/\=

"She's not buying it," Lea said rather calmly, the CMO having regained control of her emotions. "That one slip tipped her off and she now suspects that Maya is not a Founder."

"We may have another problem," Elan added. "I was able to tap into the internal sensor grid. According to these readings, there are three distinct entities present in that room."

"Would make sense for the Vorta to not go in alone if she suspected something," Rikar said. This situation had gone from bad to worse in record time, and things were not looking as if they would improve soon.

"The problem is worse than that," the Olthaian said, his voice still as calm as ever. "The sensor scan shows two biological life forms."

"Two?" Lea repeated. "But you just said that there were three distinct entities?"

"I did," Elan confirmed. "The third does not register as being *biological*."

The Jorelian captain seemed to go from a red complexion to one more on the pink side of the color chart. "There is a Founder in that room?"

"You mean a *real* founder! In there with Maya and that Vorta?" The CMO gasped. Trying to deal with a dozen thugs had been difficult enough. Dealing with a shapeshifting alien able to take on *any* form had been an entirely different matter.

"I guess it's official," the red skinned woman sighed. "We have a problem."

Tiffany Reeve

Lt. Lea Summers
Chief Medical Officer
OLD-P209: USS ANUBIS: Russell: Day 4 - 2055 ("An Unexpected Break")

"An Unexpected Break"
[Previous post: "A Friend in Need"]

Setting: USS PARADOX, Jefferies Tube
Stardate: 63073.2055

Over the last thirty minutes Ensign Russell had not only returned to Cargo Bay 6 to insure the safety of his son Shawn but had also managed to make his way where he suspected Anya Green had been held captive, all of this using only the ship's maintenance access tunnels.  All of this scurrying around like a mouse in a maze had forced Adam to gain a ability to do so quickly and silently, a skill that he had grown to appreciate.

It had been with a certain level of pride that the former YORKSHIRE's FCO found out that his suspicions had been correct.  Not being in possession of the ship's security codes had meant that the aliens who had commandeered the PARADOX had not been able to gain access to the ship's brig, leaving them with only limits alternate selections to easily and safely keep anyone a prisoner.

From behind the panel which he had silently moved aside enough to allow him to see inside the bio-containment field, Adam had been able to see the his friend and ally laying on the ground, bound and bruised.  Anya looked as if she had gone through several rounds with an enraged Klingon, but the Arcadian did not give any impression that she had succumbed to her treatment and revealed anything about what she had found or done.  All that remained had been for Ensign Russell to devise a plan to get her out of there without getting himself captured.

A direct assault had not been an option as it would risk revealing his presence to everyone and in so doing placing Shawn in danger.  No, Adam could not permit himself to do this, but nor could he let Anya stay in her present condition.  He needed to come up with a plan, a good plan, and as quickly as possible before this Sumariss that had been mentioned returned and decided on the Arcadian's final fate.

Adam waited and watched as the two goons guarding the room wandered around the bio-containment field never giving the hidden Ensign a single opportunity to even move from his current location.  That was until a Bolian entered the room and told the pair to head to the Engineering level to take care of something.  Having been visibly bored with their current task of guarding the defenceless Arcadian, the two had appeared more than happy to comply with their new orders.

This had been the opportunity the Ensign had been waiting for and quickly prepared himself to strike.  He would get only one chance to rush in and tackle the Bolian down after the force field had been deactivated.  What Adam would need to do with the unconscious blue skinned alien still had not been decided, but for the time being rescuing Anya had been the one and only thought on his mind.

The moment the force field was deactivated by the Bolian, Ensign Russel had been ready to leap passed the panel that he had fully moved aside.  It would take him several seconds to reach his target so he needed to sprint like never before, at least that had been the plan until he saw the Arcadian reach out and embrace the new arrival.

Puzzled by this strange way to deal with a captor, Adam found himself waiting for the scene to further unfold and hopefully provide him with a few answers instead of a universe of questions.

"Why I'm risking my neck for you is beyond me," the Bolian softly sighed as he inspected the woman's many bruises.  "I should leave you here and continue on with our mission."

"You have always been too soft-hearted," Anya said in a pain filled whispered voice.

"You are lucky that Sumariss was delayed at the trade center," the Bolian continued while he pressed a hypospray to the Arcadian's neck. "It gave me enough time to solve this lovely problem you created.  Now we have to get out of here, can you stand?"

"I'll try," Anya said, the journey to her reaching a standing posture having been a slow and painful one.

Adam watched, now more then ever puzzled as to why this unknown Bolian had helped someone who had obviously been against their employer.

"Computer," the Bolian instructed immediately after he and Anya had stepped out of the containment field.  "Initiate False Echo program 5."

Ensign Russell remained absolutely silent as he watched a holographic recreation of the Arcadian appear on the floor where the real woman had been only a few seconds ago, making it seem as if the prisoner had never actually left.

Without someone to actually rescue, Adam decided to retreat back to the safety and isolation of the Jefferies Tubes while he tried to follow the Bolian to hopefully discover what this had been all about.

William Reeve

Ensign Adam Russell
(in another reality)
Flight Control Officer
OLD-P208: USS ANUBIS: Lopez: Day 4 - 2055 ("A Friend In Need")

"A Friend In Need"
[Previous post: "I'm Not Laughting"]

Setting: YUDARA Asteroid Field, Planetoid, Trade Center, Market Place
Stardate: 63073.2055

Adriana could not help but be in awe at the size and strength of the black-furred Kzinti.  She had never in her wildest dream expected to ever meet another alien the size of the Oltharian CEO, yet there he stood.  Grex held onto his daughter as if she had been nothing more than a feather, his arms easily taking on the task to carry the weakened form of the Kzinti huntress.

As the aCMO turned Kerelian betrothed observed the strange pair, Adriana wondered what had been the story between the two of them.  She knew little about Hex and even less about the Kzinti culture, but to see a father and daughter hold such spite for one another had been unimaginable for Ensign Lopez.

"Grex!" Adriana suddenly called out as she noticed a large pool of blood on the giant's arm.  "Are you in anyway hurt?"

"No," the towering Kzinti sternly replied as if the question had been in some way insulting.  "Why would you ask such a question?"

"Because I had truly hoped that this had been your blood and not hers," the aCMO said while pointing to the blood-stained sleeve of the hunter's shirt.  "I don't have the needed equipment to stop the bleeding, and if we don't she will die."

The imposing male Kzinti hunter quickly looked around in search for something that would help them in their current predicament, and without warning suddenly changed course and rapidly headed for what appeared to be an impressing temple.

"Where are we going?" Adriana asked, having been forced to run in order to keep up with the Kzinti's impressive stride.

"As much as I hate to go back there," Grex said without looking back, "I suspect that there will be someone in that temple that can help us."

In only a few steps the towering hunter had not only climbed the many steps leading to the main door but had also stepped inside the oddly strange structure.  [[Why do I have the feeling Lt. Cmdr. Maya would *love* to see this?]] Adriana thought to herself as she continued to struggle to keep up with the hunter.

"PRIEST!" Grex called out drawing the attention of an elderly Efrosian who had apparently been busy taking care of a humanoid woman.  "Your assistance is required, NOW!"

Despite the rather rude tone of the Kzinti, the Efrosian approached and immediately set his attention on the form of the smaller Kzinti female who seemed to almost vanish in the grasp of the male.

"She was hurt during that explosion," Adriana began ready to explain all that had happened and the efforts that had been taken to halt the bleeding, but the aCMO was cut short by a simple hand gesture from the Efrosian.

"I am Kane," the aged alien said with a gentle smile that seemed to fill the room and radiate an aura of absolute peace and tranquility. "I will help."

The Efrosian led the way to a small room and instructed the towering Kzinti to place his ward onto a small, primitive bed.  Once he had been satisfied that Hex had been safe, Grex took a single large step back and gave the Priest room to do as he needed.

"You will save her," the Kzinti said in a way that seemed to mix the concerned tone of a worried father with the threatening echo of a ruthless hunter.

"That's what he does," the humanoid female announced as she stepped into the room to join the others.  "I'm Mortina, a Betazoid, and all I can say is that for one reason or another Ojall helps others."

"I'm guessing that he helped you too," Adriana said having taken her eyes away from Hex only long enough to take in the woman's features.

"More than you can imagine," Mortina admitted before the imposing Kzinti pushed his way passed her to leave the room.

"I'll wait outside," Grex growled leaving the Kerelian dressed woman and her new Betazoid acquaintance to wonder as to the reason why he seemed so distant from a member of his own species.

Marissa Montonera-Lombardi

Ensign Adriana Lopez
Assistant Chief Medical Officer
OLD-P207: USS ANUBIS: Fairborn: Day 4 - 2055 ("I'm Not Laughing")

"I'm Not Laughing"
[Previous Post Sabrina's "Regroup"]
"While I admit the universe does have a sense of humour, I doubt very much this is a joke."
- Rev Bem, Andromeda
Setting: YUDARA Asteroid Field, Planetoid, Trade Center, Tavern
Stardate: 63073.2055
Elan kept a watchful eye on Vellanor as she moved through the room, speaking to one gang member after the other. Something had bothered the Vorta, that much had been clear, but the Oltharian had still been unable to determine what that something had been - although he did have an idea.
Maya seemed equally troubled although for an obviously different reason. With a single ill chosen word the Chief Science Officer had feared that she had placed the entire mission, not to mention the safety and lives of those senior officers next to her, in danger.
"What do you think Vellanor is asking them about?" Lea asked of the Oltharian in a whispered voice.
"Trying to confirm or refute her suspicions I would guess," Elan replied having managed to stop short of adding his usual show of reverence to the ANUBIS' CMO by calling her *Healer*.
"I thought Vortas looked upon Founders as gods," the Doctor pointed out, her gaze having shifted from the CEO and moved onto the Shillian shapeshifter before finally landing on the red-skinned Jorelian woman.
"Under normal circumstances no member of the Dominion would dare to question the claims of a Founder, whatever it may be," Rikar explained as she glanced in the direction of the Vorta who had apparently completed her round of questioning. "Unfortunately for us, this is far from being normal circumstances."
"There is something strange about the dress she wears," Maya offered as if having either not heard the whispered conversation or having decided to ignore it. "It does not flow as it should."
"How can you focus on her dress knowing that she may be questioning *who* you are?" Lea demanded, her nervousness having reached its boiling point.
The whispered conversation between the four undercover Starfleet officers came to an abrupt end when Vellanor and two gang members approached the table.
"These gentlemen will escort you to more suitable accommodations while we wait for things to calm down and the landing platforms restored to full operating status," the Vorta announced in that usual tone which seemed to annoy most other races. As everyone rose from their chairs, Vellanor turned to face the shapeshifter and offered a low, deep bow before continuing. "Founder, with your permission I would like for you to follow me. There is a matter of great important that I need to bring to your attention, in private."
The Oltharian quickly glanced in the direction of his CO to see what her instructions had been. Although being a being dedicated to peace, Elan still held the lives of his fellow shipmates above his religious beliefs, and would act accordingly if required. A simple shake of the Jorelian woman's head though made the ANUBIS' CEO step down from his readiness to jump into action.
"If there anything you need from us," Rikar offered to the Vorta although her words had been equally meant for the Shillian, "we won't be far."
Vellanor offered a cold, icy smile which hinted that should things unfold as the Vorta had expected, the Jorelian, Oltharian and Rutian would have other issues to content with. Maya nodded her understanding and tried as best she could to reassure to other members of the group without actually saying anything.
Vigilantly, the three officers followed their escort out of the room while Vellanor and the shapeshifter vanished inside of another room - that one guarded by two other gang members.
"Now what?" The Chief Medical Officer, her concerns for Maya having increased with each step they took.
"There is nothing that we *can* do," Rikar whispered reluctantly. "Not for the time being at least."
The three aliens were brought into a small room and as soon as the door was closed behind them, the undercover officers sprung into action.
"Elan," Rikar began as she directed the massive Engineer towards the wall where the replicator had been located. "See if there is some way to listen in on the conversations that are taking place in the other rooms. We way not be allowed there, but I want to know what's going on so that if we need to act we can do so quickly."
The ANUBIS' CEO immediately complied and went to work, removing the panel of the control console to gain access to the inner circuits.
"How do you plan to deal with the dozen or so thugs between us and Maya if we need to act?" The CMO asked, certain that the Jorelian freighter Captain, Olthairan Engineer and Rutian woman would not be able to successfully fight all of them should the situation called for it.
"That's what you and I have to figure out in the next minute or so," the CO stated.
"That's not funny," Lea sighed.
"It wasn't a joke," Rikar countered with in an all too serious tone.

Francois Charette
Lieutenant Elan Talak Fairborn
Chief Engineering Officer
Robotics Engineering Officer
OLD-P206: USS ANUBIS: Rikar: Day 4 - 2050 ("Regroup")

" Regroup "
(Previous Post was Dawn's "Making New Friends")
Setting: YUDARA Asteroid Field, Planetoid, Trade Center, Tavern
Stardate: 63073.2050
The young woman and the imposing Oltharian followed Vellanor into the tavern and immediately realised that they had stepped into a new world of trouble… not because they had been surrounded and outnumbered by a dozen of scruffy looking aliens, but rather because another team had already been there. Normally Rikar would have been happy to see both Doctor Summers and Lt. Cmdr. Maya, but in this particular instance the ANUBIS' CO figured that having a Vorta and a Founder in the same room had not been such a good idea… especially considering that the Founder had in fact been a Shillian.
"You?" the leader of the gang that had brought the shapeshifter and Rutian here called out in astonishment. "What are you doing here?
"Plans have changed," the Vorta announced, sounding as unimpressed as could be. "That bounty hunter is getting too close for comfort."
"Grex! That stumbling mountain of fur? I wouldn't be concerned with that walking carpet," the leader said as he laughed out loud. "He couldn't find his way to scratch himself if he was neck-deep in a pool of Tarkalian mites."
"You truly have a repulsing way with words," the Vorta stated in disgust as she shifted her attention away from the alien to discover that two outsiders had been also present in the room with them. "You sorry excuse for a worm," Vellanor exclaimed as she began to make her way to the sitting shapeshifter and Rutian. "You are lucky that there are no Jem'Hadars here to follow my instructions or I would have your hide replace the curtains of this stink hole."
"Well…" the CMO gulped as she leaned in closer to the Shillian while never taking her eyes from the rapidly approaching Vorta, "at least we know that there are no Jem'Hadar present on this asteroid."
Maya braced herself as the distance between her and the Vorta rapidly vanished, the CSciO not at all certain as to what was about to happen.
"You honour us with your presence Founder," the Vorta offered as she stopped about a meter away from the sitting shapeshifter and displayed her reverence through a long, deep bow. Maya allowed a faint sigh of relief to escape from her lips although the Shillian knew that this had not meant by any means that they had been out of the proverbial woods . "I was not aware that there was another here on this forsaken asteroid."
"An other?" The CMO whispered in shock only loud enough for the woman sitting with her to hear… the idea that there had been an actual Founder here in the trade center had sent a chill down Doctor Summer's spine.
"It is best not to inform everyone of our whereabouts or of our intents," Maya explained hoping that her words would be sufficient to end the Vorta's queries before they actually began.
"The Founders are wise in all things," Vellanor stated as she once again bowed with the utmost respect to the being she considered to be nothing short of a god.
"Who are those people who have brought here?" The Shillian demanded, trying as best as she could to play her part in this little Intel gathering adventure of theirs.
"They are no one of importance," the Vorta quickly reassured. "They have offered their knowledge and skill as engineers in exchange for a simple component they require for their own vessel."
"There is nothing simple about a transphasic power regulator with a sub harmonic coupling," the red-skinned Jorelian captain stated as she took only a single step towards the sitting shapeshifter before being intercepted by two armed aliens.
"Indeed," Maya said and added a faint grin to display interest which she hoped would leave the Vorta to understand that these people were now under the protection of this Founder. "Sit," the Shillian instructed the pair of undercover Starfleet Officers. "Let us discuss this matter in more details… and in private," the CSciO added as she shot a quick glare in the Vorta's direction.
With a snap of her fingers Vellanor instructed the gathered gang to bring in two more chairs to the table and allowed the Jorelian woman and Oltharian giant to approach unchallenged.
"Will you be requiring anything more Founder?" the Vorta inquired with yet another deep bow of respect.
"No," Maya replied as she waved the woman away. "That will be all Vorta."
The servant of the Founders blinked a couple of times with surprise before bowing once more, "The name is Vellanor, Founder and I remain at your devoted service."
"That might have been a mistake," the young woman whispered as she took one of the chairs that had been brought and sat next to the shapeshifter.
"How's that?" The Rutian dressed woman queried, echoing the whispered tone of their CO.
"Vortas are a genetically engineered race of clones," the red-skinned woman explained. "There are few *models* at any given time and I am pretty certain that all Founders know them by name."
Even through her makeup it had been easy to see that the Shillian had suddenly felt worried as she glanced at the Vorta who in turn had shot an inquisitive look in the Founder's direction.
Sabrina Jones

Captain Sabrina Rikar 
Commanding Officer 

"We are Grey, we stand between the Candle and the Star, between the Darkness and the Light"
-Entilza Delenn, Babylon 5
OLD-P205: USS ANUBIS: Mitshiba: Day 4 - 2045 ("Making New Friends")

"Making New Friends"
(Cont. from "Scientifically Speaking Things Can Always Get Worse")

Setting: YUDARA Asteroid Field, Planetoid, Trade Center, Landing Platform D
Stardate: 63073.2045

Natalie Portree, the civilian dressed Romulan Tal Shiar Operative and their Ferengi acquaintance had arrived at their destination, safe, sound and on time.  Unfortunately the universe had other plans for the Intel team and their lackey.

"I was afraid of that," the ANUBIS' CNS sighed. As she looked at the displayed status lights of the landing platform  "That blast  we heard caused the flight control of the trade center to stop all ships from departing."

"There is likely a dampening field in place to insure that no one beams off this asteroid," Aki added, her narrowed eyes having stopped on the increasingly nervous looking Ferengi.

"Hey, don't look at me!" Caden said as he again rose his hands as if surrendering.  "It wasn't my fault.  There is no profit in blowing things up.  Selling the explosives yes, using them, no."

The more Caden spoke the more the aCSciO of the ANUBIS realised just how much she despised the Ferengi's one and only reason for existence - profit.  How the species had managed to evolved to eventually make it to the stars had been beyond Aki's understanding.  Aki's growing disdain for the race and individual was brought to an abrupt stop when another alien stepped out of the entrance to the landing platform, his reptilian features clearly displaying anger.

"Not having a good day I take it," Eve said, her eye patch having indicated that although the Selay had been of this time and dimension he had been exposed to a great deal of temporal energy, thus making him a creature worth speaking to.

"Ssstupid sssecurity sssystem," the Selay said, his anger having elongated the already pronounced *s* sound of his words to an almost painful length.  As he realised that he had not been as alone as he had initially expected, the reptilian humanoid pressed a single control on his armband and took one large step back.  "Who are you?"

Natalie quickly noticed the sudden increase in the Selay's nervousness, especially when he noted the Romulan features of one of the three aliens who had surprised him.  The odds had been very good that this had been Sumariss, the individual mentioned in the bar and the one who held their passage onto 'a large ship'.

"My name is Natalie Portree," Eve replied with a calmness that seemed all too natural for the Counsellor.  "We are here to see Sumariss and offer our services in exchange for transport off this Rigellian hell hole."

"One of your associates instructed us to be here, at Landing Platform D, at this time," Aki added having figured that her keeping silent at this time would not help their situation.  To strengthen her position and establish that she had been who she had appeared to be, the sCSciO had needed to be more than a silent observer.

"You called for us boss?" One scruffy looking alien said as he rushed out of the entrance followed by a handful of others, all armed with a strange mix of phasers and disruptors from every corner of the quadrant.

"Look friend," Eve began knowing that their unexpected arrival had placed Sumariss and his gang on the defensive.  "We were simply told that you were looking for some help in engineering and that you might be willing to trade a way off this rock for our expertise and assistance.  If we were misinformed we will happily be on our way and leave you to your business."

Natalie Portree had not even taken a single step away from the Selay and his summoned troops before Sumariss spoke.  "You three are engineers?"

"I'm a freelance pilot," Eve clarified.  "So I have some working knowledge in that field and know what needs to be done to get something to work.  My friend Saaki here is talented in many different fields," the undercover CNS added as she pointed to the ANUBIS' aCSciO who had decided to play 'Tal Shiar Operative', a role that she seemed to grown more and more comfortable with.

"What about him?" Sumariss asked, pointing a rather threatening finger at the Ferengi.

"He's a pair of lobs on legs," Natalie chuckle back.  "He's a pain, he smells, but he can be useful at times."

Caden sarcastically grinned at his hu-man friend for the colorful introduction she had given him.

Sumariss seemed to debate the situation for a while before he motioned for his men to clear the entrance to the landing platform.  "Alright, you're in.  We just have to wait for the flight control to allow us to leave and we will be on our way."

Dawn Bohr

Ensign Akira 'Aki' Mitshiba
Assistant Chief Science Officer

OLD-P204: USS ANUBIS: Maya: Day 4 - 2040
("Scientifically Speaking Things Can Always Get Worse")

"Scientifically Speaking Things Can Always Get Worse"
(Previous Post: "New Companion")

Setting: YUDARA Asteroid Field, Planetoid, Trade Center, Tavern
Stardate: 63073.2040
The Founder and Rutian sat at the table they had been escorted to surrounded by roughly a dozen nervous looking aliens, the sound of the recent explosion having sent nearly everyone in the room into a state of complete panic. Something had happened and although none knew what had taken place for certain, all seemed to agree that it meant trouble for them in the long run.
Hidden and sequestered within the building there had been no way for the Shillian Chief Science Officer to know what had happened or if any of the other members of the away team had been involved. Judging by the expression on the face of the Chief Medical Officer, Doctor Summer seemed to quietly share in these concerns.
When the leader of the gang of ruffians finally returned, a simple glare from the Shillian had been enough to make him alter his course to approach the table of the shapeshifter and of her companion. "My apologies Founder, there seemed to have been an explosion at one of the smaller stalls in another sector of the trade center. Everything seems to be under control but the landing platforms have been taken off-line for the time being," the man nervously reported as if scared that the news would displease the Founder and endanger his own continued existence.
"Go," the Shillian-turned-Founder instructed trying her best to come across as annoyed at the news as best she could. "Make sure that all *is* under control and let us know the moment the situation has been resolved." The order had been clear enough to send the alien rushing immediately to do as he had been told but vague enough not to let on that the Chief Science Officer of the USS ANUBIS had no idea what she and Doctor Summers had found themselves in the middle of.
"Nice that he obeys you like that," the Chief Medical Officer grinned in a whispered voice as she leaned in closer to the Shillian. "Maybe this turn of event will play in our favour and lead us straight to the PARADOX."
"Unfortunately, hopeful thinking holds little chance against the scientific premises of the Chaos theory," the Shillian Scientist whispered back. "The odds that things will unfold to only benefit us are much smaller than those which claim that something will happen to hinder our progress in one way, shape or form. In fact any delay or obstacles encounter during our mission may prove to be only side effects of a sequence of events that will affect reality as we know it. For all we know the explosion we heard has begun a chain reaction at the quantum level that will lead to a complete molecular destabilization of all matter within this universe."
Doctor Summers blinked several times and remained completely silent as she allowed the words spoken by the Shillian woman to sink in, that was until the Rutian dressed woman noted three new arrivals into the tavern. "Or things could be even worst than what you just described," the Chief Medical Officer said with a long sigh, her gaze locked on the new arrivals.
"What could possibly be worst than the complete collapse of all matter leading to the end of all life in this reality?" The Shillian Scientist inquired with puzzlement, only now having realised that the attention of her companion had been entirely focused elsewhere.
"That would be a good start," Doctor Summers offered as she quickly pointed to a red-skinned Jorelian freighter captain who bore an uncanny resemblance to their Commanding Officer, a towering Oltharian giant by her side, the two of them having followed a uniquely dressed Vorta into the tavern.

Jessica Solarik

Lieutenant Commander Maya
Chief Science Officer

"To see the world in a grain of sand,
and a heaven in a wild flower.
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
and eternity in an hour."
- William Blake (British, 1757-1827)
OLD-P203: USS ANUBIS: Fanggot: Day 4 - 2040 ("New Companion")

"New Companion"
Previous post:"Commotion"

Setting:YUDARA Asteroid Field, Planetoid, Trade Center, Market Place


Hex watched the flames from the explosion engulf the small stall for another moment before turning back to follow the Kerelian betrothed. The explosion was unexpected, but the Kzinti's mind was elsewhere. The stranger had appeared more than once and the fuzzy humanoid was beginning to think it was not just a coincidence.

"Adriana, those here will wonder about us due to the fact that we were in the direct vicinity right before the flames erupted. We should move faster." Hex stated, catching up to the aCMO.

"You always talk like that... all business, why is that?" Adriana questioned, quickening her pace to keep the young Kzinti from running into her.

"I was taught to talk this way when I was young, as a diplomat for my village, and the daughter of a very... unpopular bloodline. It's easiest to talk to people when you place words as I do, for me at least." Hex answered, rolling her shoulder.

Tingling ran down her arm each time she rolled her shoulder; something hurt. Hex stopped a minute and tried to flex her arm, earning herself a very sharp pain in the shoulder. Ensign Lopez had stopped a few feet ahead, looking back with concern.

"Hex? What's wrong?" the aCMO asked, pivoting herself into a position with which she could see both ends of the narrow alleyway.

"Nothing much... my shoulder hurts is all." Hex mumbled, trying to keep her arm still as possible and failing.

"Let me take a look at it." Adriana offered, stepping closer to the Kzinti.

"What? Why?" Hex asked, moving away from the approaching doctor.

"Cause you can't really protect me if your shoulder is broken, and I need to be prepared just in case." the woman answered with a grin.

Hex grumbled, inwardly cursing herself for being stupid before taking her hand away from the wounded shoulder. Adriana gasped, reaching out to touch the Kzinti's shoulder, but stopping when she noticed the stiffness of the other Ensign's posture.

"Does it hurt that bad?" the Kerelian disguised woman asked, pulling her arm back a moment to inspect it with only her eyes.

"Not really, it's just annoying." Hex lied, feeling the pain burn in her shoulder even as she spoke. The Kzinti wasn't about to allow the doctor to do a full analysis on her now, when things needed to be done and people protected.

"I'll have to at least bandage it to stop the bleeding... but it looks like something from the explosion might have gotten jammed into your shoulder." Adriana observed, taking care not to touch the wound more than needed.

"We need to take whatever it is out then?" Hex questioned, her ear twitching slightly.

"Right." the aCMO confirmed, still looking over the wound, wondering how to best manage the removing process while in a trade center alleyway. 

Before the doctor could offer a suggestion, the huntress sighed and quickly moved her hand over the wound. Taking a deep breath, she dug her claws into the wound quickly, gasping in pain.

"HEX! You don't have to do that! We could have found... something." Adriana chided, trying again to keep both her surprise and her voice to a minimal.

"This is easier, and less... " Hex twitched as she slowly began to pull a small, yet long, object from her shoulder, "Less hazardous... "

The doctor sighed, it was useless to scold Hex about it now. Looking around quickly, Ensign Lopez decided to play on the Kzinti's grounds and use whatever they had to aide her. Pulling slightly at her dress, she wondered how much of it she could use to bandage the young humanoid's shoulder.

Hex heard a rip as she was inspecting the piece of shrapnel that had been embedded into her arm. Looking at her crew mate, the Kzinti realized that her dress had become smaller instantly due to the fact that the aCMO was holding a potion of it in her hands.

"I'll bandage you up for now, but we'll have to take a look at that when we get back." Adriana said, smiling at the Kzinti's astonished look.

Gently wrapping the cat-like woman's shoulder, Ensign Lopez felt the Kzinti twitch. Assuming it was from pain, the aCMO continued slower than before. Hex let out a feral hiss in the direction they had come, which made Adriana look up a moment to see the large imposing black Kzinti from before in the entrance to the alleyway, staring at the two women with a grin.

"Well, well, well, it's not everyday you see a young Kerelian betrothed bandaging the arm of a weakling Kzinti huntress." the male said smoothly, seeming somewhat happy with the outcome.

"Wouldn't have happened if you hadn't caused that explosion." Hex stated bluntly, her words sounding dull from the pain, but still venomous.

"What makes you think I would do such a thing?" the older Kzinti questioned, feigning a look of hurt at the mere mention of his involvement.

"You're a hunter, but since you're here, I'm guessing it's not animals you hunt." Hex answered, hissing under her breath as the bandage was pulled closer to her flesh.

"You're observant, I'll give you that. I want to know if you spoke the truth though little Forsaken. Are you truly the daughter of Vladina Fanggot?" the dark-furred male asked pointedly, making the young aCMO feel uncomfortable with a stare in her direction.

"Yes." Hex stated, for no other words were needed, she was wasting her strength talking to the likes of this man when all he did was insult her.

"Then, as your father, I am obligated to help you." the Kzinti stated, grimacing at his own words.

"My father is dead. Even if you were him, what makes now so different from before? Where were you back when I was young?" Hex questioned, assaulting the imposing figure with words since she could not use force to make her questions more imposing.

"There's no time for this talk. Where are you two heading?" the humanoid stated, pinching the bridge of his feline nose with two fingers, oddly irritated.

"Landing platform D." Adriana answered, finishing Hex's bandages, but earning herself a glare from her fellow Ensign.

Before she knew it, the Kzinti huntress was at least four feet above ground in the elder Kzinti's arms. Hex squirmed, but it was futile to resist his tight hold and the Ensign was getting dizzy from the blood-loss.

"My name is Grex," the imposing Kzinti stated, bowing slightly to the Kerelian, "and I will lead you to where you need to go. Unfortunately"

Ashley Shane

Ensign Hex Fanggot
Assistant Sec/Tac officer

"Laugh as long as you breathe and love as long as you live."
- Unknown
OLD-P202: USS ANUBIS: Rikar: Day 4 - 2040 ("Commotion")

" Commotion "
(Previous Post was Marissa's "Never Look Back")
Setting: YUDARA Asteroid Field, Planetoid, Trade Center, Market Place
Stardate: 63073.2040
The young woman stood motionless as she tried to gather information as to the explosion that had drawn everyone out of the business they had been busy with. As imposing as the asteroid and trade center had been, the sound of the large crash followed by the general commotion had been impossible to miss. All that remained had been to ascertain if whether or not this event had anything to do with the undercover presence of the ANUBIS' crew here.
From his higher vantage point the Oltharian had been able to get a more precise bearing as to the location of the explosion, but like his CO the CEO had not followed the sizable portion of the crowd that had suddenly headed that way.
"It appears to be in the general area where team 2 was beamed down," Elan stated in a whispered voice to the red-skinned woman standing immediately in front of him. "It also looks like the landing platforms have been taken offline for the time being to insure that no ship leaves the trade center." 
"Fanggot and Lopez can take care of themselves," Rikar nervously offered, more as a means to convince herself than anything else. As their CO the young woman's initial response had been to rush in and insure that everything had been under control or to render assistance if either Ensigns needed it. Instead though the Jorelian freighter captain had to distance herself from the commotion… not only to protect her own cover but that of the two Ensigns as well. Like the other members of the away team Hex and Adriana had been on their own.
"This has to be the most excitement this place has seen in months," an unfamiliar voice offered which caused both the towering Oltharian and the red-skinned woman to turn in its direction. Less than a meters away from the pair, a female Vorta stood nonchalantly, the expression on her features pointed to the explosion not having drawn her interest in the least.
"If it means that I can make a few extra credits, the whole asteroid field can be blown up for all I care," Rikar chuckled back, having hidden and dismissed her surprise at the unexpected arrival of the woman.
The Vorta smiled as only they could, the power and protection of the Dominion having given them a sense of entitlement and security like no other. That the race also revered the Founders as *gods* for whom they had been willing to lay down their lives for had not helped in diminishing this overbearing confidence of theirs. "Allow me to introduce myself," the servant of the Dominion began, "I am Vellanor and I have a business proposition for you."
The statement made by the Vorta immediately caught the young woman's attention… in roughly the same manner as the woman's dress which had seemed to flow over the her figure in a rather peculiar manner.
"We're listening," the red-skinned woman replied unimpressed as she crossed her arms in front of her, not wanting to appear too anxious or concerned with the Vorta's words. Truth be known though, Rikar had already figured out that the woman's arrival had been due to their little chat about the transphasic power regulator with the Xyrillian… and that this had been a potential lead to the PARADOX.
"This is not the right environment to talk business," Vellanor stated, her hands showing the surrounding buildings to the pilot and her engineer. "If you will follow me, we can discuss my business proposal in a more suitable, and private location."
The young woman's eyes narrowed ever so slightly as she gaze at the departing Vorta whose words had been spoken with the utmost of charm and savoir-faire but also hinted to this request not having been as friendly as it might have sounded. Still this had been the best lead that had presented itself to them and Rikar saw no reason not to pursue it… after all the fate of the entire galaxy seemed to rest on the outcome of this mission.
As the Jorelian freighter captain and her engineer followed a few steps back behind the Vorta, Elan whispered a single word to his CO meant to draw her attention to the general area in which they had been heading in. "Three." Rikar immediately understood the significance of this detail, one that she suspected could make things much more difficult for everyone. The number mentioned by the Oltharian had referred to the team assigned to the section they had been heading to… a team comprised of Doctor Summers as an infected Rutian woman and Lt Commander Maya who for this Intel gathering mission had taken on the role of a Founder.
Sabrina Jones

Captain Sabrina Rikar 
Commanding Officer 
"We are Grey, we stand between the Candle and the Star, between the Darkness and the Light" 
-Entilza Delenn, Babylon 5
OLD-P201: USS ANUBIS: Lopez: Day 4 - 2035 ("Never Look Back")

"Never Look Back"
[Previous post: "New Coordinates"]

Setting: YUDARA Asteroid Field, Planetoid, Trade Center, Market Place
Stardate: 63073.2035

"Was it just me or was that guy a little *buggy*?" Adriana whispered to her companion after a few seconds, referring to the Xindi Insectoid they had just left behind.

"Funny," Hex grunted at her friend's play on words.

"What really gets me is that he thought you and I were shapeshifters," the aCMO added in an even softer whispered voice.  "I thought Commander Maya was the only shapeshifter here," Ensign Lopez continued having referred to not only the woman's special ability but to her disguise also.

"Agreed, but I would be also be concerned about the fact that *we* needed to escape from this place," the Kzinti huntress said before she came to a complete stop, her ears having perked up as if she had heard something worth investigating.

"He did mention something about not mentioning to Rinno that he had helped us escape," Adriana recalled.  "Wonder who that Rinno fellow is and why that Xinti seemed so nervous," the aCMO added having only now realised that her friend had stop, almost running into her. "Something wrong?"

Hex's ear twitched as the Kzinti Huntress turned to look back at the colourful stall they had left behind, then without any warning Hex turned back and tackled the Kerelian betrothed in a rather undignified manner.  Before the bodies of the two Ensigns had hit the ground, a large explosion shook the entire market place, its origin having been that same stall they had just left.

"What happened?!?" Adriana gasped as Hex quickly bounced back to her feet and took on a defensive battle posture.

"Looks like our travel agent was given a one-way trip of his own," the Kzinti snarled, her eyes cautiously inspecting the many individuals who had rushed to see what had happened.  Judging by the size and focus of the explosion, there had been no doubts in the mind of the Security officer that the merchant had not survived.

"Do you think this was because of us?" The Kerelian dressed woman nervously asked, not entire sure if she needed to get back to her feet as well or start crawling away to avoid being seen.

"It's impossible to say at the moment," the Sect/Tac officer replied, her senses tuned to the flurry of activity now taking place around them.  "What I do know is that it will be safer for us to get out of sight.  Maybe someone just didn't like bugs, but there is no reason for us to stay here and find out if there was more to this."

Hex extended a hand to her friend and quickly pulled her onto her feet so that the two of them could make a hasty retreat into one of the alleyways and away from the increasing commotion.  While keeping Adriana in front of her and in sight, the Kzinti managed to glance back one last time at the chaos they were leaving behind.  What she saw this time made her fur stand on end.  Standing several meters away from the main hustle and bustle of the crowd with a rather pleased grin on his face had been the imposing Kzinti who Adriana had run into only minutes ago.

The Kzinti huntress did not know why but she knew that the beast who had claimed to be her father had played a part in what had taken place, a fact that Hex found disturbing and extremely unappealing. Based on what had happened and what she had seen, the Sec/Tac officer knew that they would run into the hunter once more in the not too distant future, that they wanted to or not.

Marissa Montonera-Lombardi

Ensign Adriana Lopez
Assistant Chief Medical Officer
OLD-P200: USS ANUBIS: Fanggot: Day 4 - 2025 ("New Coordinates")‏

"New Coordinates"
Previous post: "Too Easy"

Setting: YUDARA Asteroid Field, Planetoid, Trade Center, Market Place
Stardate: 63073.2025


Hex watched her fellow crew mate as she walked through the trade center, glaring at all who dare eye her for a challenge. Though the Kzinti was very well trained in hand-to-hand combat, the huntress doubted that she'd be able to force off an entire army of possible suitors from her new friend.

Easing into character was easy and unnoticeable to the Ensign. The main reason being that the Kzinti was unknown as a Starfleet officer and had never before preformed Intel work. For all Hex knew, the entire galaxy assumed her dead, save a few.

Concern washed through the Ensign as she noticed her companion's arm being grabbed by a sickly green passerby. Tensing her muscles, Hex moved to get a closer look at the undercover aCMO, just to make sure she was safe.

Almost muttering to herself vainly, the Kzinti noticed the young betrothed Kerelian look in her direction, if only for a brief moment. Worry made itself known as the huntress found herself wondering what could be wrong.

Walking swiftly after her though the market, Hex arrived at her side just in time to see her fall to the ground. From what the Kzinti could tell, her friend had rammed herself into a very imposing looking Kzinti hunter.

"Watch where you're going little one," the male threatened, "Don't want to get *too* hurt before your big day."

Noticing the signs of hostility, Hex moved to place herself between Adriana and the much larger member of her species. "Watch who you're talking to, that is *if* you want to keep your skull attached." she hissed, trying to make herself sound fiercer than she felt.

"Who are you to tell me what to do?" the dark-furred humanoid sneered.

"I'm the second child of Vladina Fanggot, High Priestess of KZINTI PRIME. So, I suggest you move aside and let my companion and I pass through," the huntress retorted, moving forward a step and trying to act prouder than she was of the statement.

Unpredicted, the imposing elder Kzinti laughed. "I'm supposed to believe that *you* are the child of my loins? You look nothing like your older brother Damon."

Hex froze, her mind whirling and turning over information. Everything was suddenly wrong, her childhood, her work, her family. [[My father is dead,]] she repeated in her mind several times before getting the courage to stand straight again.

"You know not of what you speak. My father is dead, and so will you be if you do not move from my way," the younger Kzinti threatened, baring her fangs slightly in challenge.

Adriana, though confused, remained silent. Seeing as they were both Kzinti, she didn't want to get involved by commenting on something that might make them both turn on her. The images of Hex doing what Kzinti's usually did, according to some, was still fresh in her mind. The aCMO didn't want this giant cat to confirm her fears.

Grabbing the exceedingly smaller Kzinti by the robe, the larger elder rose her off her feet to place her at eye level. "You dare speak back to me? I can slit your throat here and now if I believed it necessary, and I'm not a very *logical* man."

"In other words, you're not a very *smart* man." Hex jeered, hissing to his face just as easily as she did when their heights differed.

Obviously enraged by her words, the male hissed back, tossing Hex to the ground. "You're lucky I have things to do shrimp, otherwise I would have settled this here and now." the cat-like man warned.

"I'd love to have seen you try, *father*," the huntress jeered again, egging on the elder in a menacing voice.

"If you're still here when my buisness is finished, you can bet that I'll have your hide as a trophy," the hunter snarled, his face tightening as he turned and went on his way.

"Hex!" Adriana whispered urgently, "What was all that about? We're supposed to be inconspicuous!"

"I know... I just couldn't have him degrading me like that... to say he was my father was a low blow," the Kzinti sighed, picking herself easily off from the ground.

"Just promise not to get into any brawls while I'm around. We have work to do and I can't really help you while I'm in this dress," the aCMO cautioned playfully, beginning to walk again.

"No promises." Hex declared, grinning at her the human woman and earning herself a sigh of exasperation.

Just as they began to walk again, Adriana stopped the Kzinti huntress with a tug at her arm and a nod in the direction of an interesting, and colorful, stall. A merchant was motioning to them very urgently, looking hastened and distraught. Cautioning their each and every step, the two woman approached the odd looking bug creature.

"You made it just in time." the elderly insectoid Xindi breathlessly claimed, looking over his shoulder every so often with a twitch, "I was beginning to think you'd never make it."

"We're here now... " the Kerelian disguised woman ventured, somewhat copying the creature's movements in looking hasty.

"Well, what are we waiting for? I've got you all set up with a ride to the planet, as we agreed. It took some doing, but I found a large vessel that is heading in the direction you mentioned. It won't be free, but I'm sure you can swing something with the Commanding Officer in that ridiculous outfit." the Xindi laughed, looking around once more. "His name is Sumariss. He *seems* like the reasonable type, but I'm not entirely sure."

"Our appearance does not suit you?" Hex questioned, looking down again at her clothing, taking a mental note to sew herself new clothes sooner than later.

"NO! No, it's perfect Lady Martolin. I would never insult your attire." the Xindi explained hesitantly, moving away from the Kzinti slightly, "I would go with the two of you shape-shifters, but I'm afraid I have a buisness to run here."

"Where will we find our vessel?" Adriana asked, keeping her voice low as to not be overheard.

"Landing platform D, it leaves in a little while, so I suggest you high-tail it down there and never turn back." the male stated evenly, again looking over his shoulder, "But, if you ever do return, don't tell Rinno that I was the one who helped you escape this place."

"Understood, we'll leave right away." the Kzinti nodded, turning to go and feeling the man's bug-like hand enclose around her forearm.

"Do be safe. Take this with you, it's all I have to offer." the Xindi cautioned, dropping a small bag into the Kzinti's hand, closing her fist around it.

Hex nodded at the male, clamping her hand over his forearm as well before walking away, somewhat dragging the aCMO along with her. The Kzinti shoved the bag into one of her inner pockets meant to hold weapons reloads and continued walking.

"Landing platform D, it could be a lead." the human noted, following close behind the Kzinti huntress.

"It could, but I doubt it. Many ships must come to dock here, and that means that we could be merely walking into some kind of trap meant for someone else." Hex noted, stopping in a small shady place to cool down and talk.

"It's the only lead we have so far, unless you want to hunt down that Kzinti from before." Adriana answered, noting the Kzinti's ear twitch at the mention of her previous rival.

"Fine, we'll go, but stay behind me at all times in case something bad happens. I'm not going to be the reason for another death." Hex sighed, watching the crowd.

Giving each other a solemn nod, the two ANUBIS Ensigns headed out into the fray. Hex wondered who was the real shape-shifter who was supposed to meet with the bug-man, as well as what the small pouch now in her pocket contained.

Ashley Shane

Ensign Hex Fanggot
Assistant Sec/Tac officer

"Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today"
- James Dean
OLD-P199: USS ANUBIS: Summers: Day 4 - 2015 ("Too Easy")

"Too Easy"
[Previous post: "Not So Easy", written by the tall, dark and handsome, William]

Setting: YUDARA Asteroid Field, Planetoid, Trade Center, Market Place
Stardate: 63073.2015

Lea glanced back at the Wadi as he scampered off to hide in an alleyway. The fear in the alien's eyes hinted to visions of a horde of Jem'Hadar descending upon him. As pathetic as the display had been, the CMO could not help but grin. The CSciO had been a total success in her first portrayal of an infamous Founder.

"I think that Wadi is going to be needing a change of underpants after this," Lea chuckled in a whispered voice.

"That was not my intent," Maya replied, sadness easily heard in her voice. "The goal is for us to gather Intel and eventually find the PARADOX, not to scare people to their knees."

The CMO thought of a way to respond to he Shillian's statement. Bottom line the CSciO had been correct, but gathering Intel in a place like the YUDARA trade center required that extra edge. An edge that the CMO believed very strongly had been theirs through the disguise and performance of her team companion.

Just as they were ready to enter into the establishment that the Wadi had indicated, Maya stopped. The CSciO begam a thorough examination of their surroundings which prompted the CMO to do the same.  Lea scanned the people walking about, apparently minding their own business and saw nothing. She continued her search for something out of place by looking at the other buildings. Again Rutian-dressed Doctor saw nothing of interest.

"What's wrong," Lea decided to ask, hoping that Maya had only caught a passing case of nerves.

"If the bar is our main bearing, look at heading 1-1-2," the CSciO stated. Lea immediately followed the instructions and noted a strange looking alien looking right back at them. "Now look at 1-7-8 and the other moving at 2-2-6," Maya added.  Doctor Summers complied and now saw what she had initially missed. Two other aliens, dressed as the first one had been, were keeping a close eye on them. A little too close for the CMO's liking.

"They are awfully curious about what we're doing," Lea said as she returned her eyes onto the first alien. The CMO had wanted to be impressed by Maya's observation skills but fear had made that impossible for the time being. "Maybe they are just amazed to see a Founder," Doctor Summers offered not truly believing that this had been the actual case.

"Everyone else followed that Wadi's lead except for those three," Maya sighed. "They are not afraid, nor even concerned. Their interest was immediate as if they had been looking for a Founder from the very start."

"The question is why," Lea said now fully understanding why Maya had stopped as she had.

"Founder?" A fourth alien, dressed in similar clothes as the first three said from the establishment's entrance. "If you would care to follow me, we have a table waiting for you."

"Come," Maya instructed her Rutian companion as she suspected a Founder would have. Not playing the part that she had selected for herself would have been catastrophic. So the CSciO continued as she had in the hope that this would lead to the break that they had been looking for.

Lea quietly followed and tried her best to keep the three aliens behind them in view. When the CMO noticed half a dozen more similarly dressed alien inside, the Rutian-dressed woman experienced cold chills.

"You shall be safe here Founder," the apparent leader of this gang of ruffians said. With an almost graceful gesture he invited both women to sit at the table that had been set for them.

"Well, that was easy," Lea sighed as she took the seat that had been offered to her.

"Too easy," Maya replied knowing that only a true Founder would be able to get out of this situation if things went south.

Tiffany Reeve

Lt. Lea Summers
Chief Medical Officer
OLD-P198: USS ANUBIS: Russell: Day 4 - 2025 ("Not So Easy")

"Not So Easy"
[Previous post: "The Magnificent Ferengi"]

Setting: USS PARADOX, Jefferies Tube
Stardate: 63073.2025

Something had changed and Adam had not liked it.  Not one bit.  The ship had somehow felt emptier, with far fewer people roaming the halls, so in theory things should have been easier, but the reality had been an entirely different thing.

Every key system of the ship had been placed under full time surveillance, the guards posted appearing uglier and meaner than the previous.  There had been no way for Ensign Russell to perform any further sabotage, at least nothing that would have truly mattered.  So reluctantly Adam had ventured through the ship using the Jefferies Tubes in the hopes of finding something to help his cause.

All of this of course while not getting caught.  When one of the panels inside the cramped crawlspace suddenly crashed onto the floor, Adam had been mortified.  He had been so careful to remain quiet, to not draw any attention to his presence.  Now he could hear a couple of goons talking about what they had heard and who between the them would go to investigate.

Adam contemplated the possibility of him taking the intruder to this ship by surprise, to use one of the pipes he had found to give the creature a new bump on its head, but the Ensign quickly dismissed that plan.  As successful as his surprise attack may be, it would leave no doubt in anyone's mind that there had been a saboteur onboard.

As much as he hated it, Adam had to admit that his work and efforts would be far more successful if his presence remained unknown for as long as possible.  So like the rat he had imagined himself to be on a few too many occasions while crawling through the Jefferies Tubes, the Ensign made a hasty retreat and hid silently in the nearest junction.

"This ship is nothing but a pile of floating junk," one alien said, having obviously discovered the fallen panel.  "Everything in here seems to be either broken, breaking or falling apart."

"Sumariss went to get extra engineering help," the other alien said, his voice not having sounded all that distant thanks to the echo through the crawl space.  "All we have to do is to make sure that the traitor we have with us doesn't get the chance to do more damage."

"That should be easy enough," the first laughed.  "She's been kept rather busy."

Adam's blood frozen in his veins.  He had initially believed that they had known of his presence, but the last words spoken by the goons pointed to something much more dangerous having happened.  If the traitor they had mentioned had been Anya, the entire ideal of keeping this ship from falling into unlawful hands had been place in jeopardy and worst the life of his own son had now been placed in direct danger.

As soon as he had thought the coast clear, Adam rushed back to the cargo bay to check on Shaun's condition.  This had not been the first time the young boy had been left alone, but the Ensign would have never been able to forgive himself if anything happened to him.  To lose his beloved wife had been hard enough, but to lose his child would be something that he would never be able to recuperate from.

William Reeve

Ensign Adam Russell
(in another reality)
Flight Control Officer
OLD-P197: USS ANUBIS: Dalziel: Day 4 - 2025 ("The Magnificent Ferengi")

"The Magnificent Ferengi"
(Previous Post: Dawn's "Something Smells Fishy")

"'Sometimes the only thing more dangerous than a question is an answer.'"
-Zek to Quark, the 208th rule of acquisition, DS9, "Ferengi Love Songs"

Setting: YUDARA Asteroid Field, Planetoid, Trade Center, Market Place
Stardate: 63073.2025

The two women left the bar as casually as they could, but it was hard to contain the excitement they both felt at getting a solid lead on a 'large vessel'. They were an odd couple anywhere else, but in the trade center it was nothing unusual to see a Tal Shiar and a 'space pirate' weaving through the crowd.

"It could be a garbage scow," Aki offered. "Or a trade freighter."

Ensign Dalziel considered this. Thanks to Maya's work on the eyepatch, Ms. Portree had discovered that the man's 'aura' indicated he was from their dimension. But then again, she also saw no deception in his offer to them. Regardless of the doubts, the lead was still promising.

"Then we'll need a graceful story to back out of the man's nice offer," Eve responded. "But as soon as I get a look at whatever he's transporting us in, I should be able to see any energy signatures that indicate the dimension of origin." Dalziel had also tried to memorize the schematics for both the ship and its shuttlecraft. Actually, she had spent more time on the shuttle's design parameters, due to possibly needing them for a quick getaway if things got out of hand with the PARADOX. Then again, there might not be much of a universe to escape to if the multi-dimensional ship met a destructive fate.

"He mentioned someone named 'Sumariss'. Is that name familiar to you?" Mitshiba asked.

Portree shook her head, tossing a few pieces of dark hair around as she did so. "It doesn't ring a bell. I wish it did."

"So, what's the plan?" The woman posing as a Tal Shiar said, still watching in amazement those around her keeping a respective distance, or better yet, trying to avoid the strange pair. She hoped her crewmate was faring as well in the Kerelian betrothal getup.

Natalie looked absolutely grim. "There are too many variables... at least three possibilities I can think of offhand."

"Okay, let's have them." Aki was surprised how logical the Counsellor could be when she had to be.

"You mentioned the first one. We could have the wrong ship. Once I see the transport vessel, I should know. We need to develop a signal that once it's used, it's a cue to refuse the job and leave the area."

Aki gave herself a mental pat on the back for beginning to think like an agent rather than a Science Officer. "Next?"

"The second option would be the most favorable. The man is alone and the transport vessel is proven to be linked to the PARADOX. I can easily overtake and incapacitate him and we can plan an ambush of the ship using the transport vessel."

Mitshiba gulped. The way Eve had said the word 'incapacitate' was without hesitation. Enaii would have been proud, if she ever openly displayed such an emotion. "And the third?"

"The transport vessel is the right one, but the away crew in the trade center outnumbers us. Then, we need to go with them to the PARADOX, and attempt to win the favor of the crew, all at the same time trying to stop the ship."

"We could rendezvous with some of the others and take them with us to the meeting location," Aki said hopefully.

"I've been thinking about that. However, since the identity of this vessel is not a certainty, I don't want to divert the others from their own investigations which may be more fruitful. We can't put all our eggs in one basket."

Mitshiba sighed, reluctantly agreeing with the Counsellor. "It was a nice thought while it lasted."

All of a sudden, Eve stopped walking.

"What is it?" Aki asked.

Eve looked around in a complete circle, slowly, purposefully. "I get the uncanny feeling we're being watched."

"There's a fine line between being 'watched' and being 'stared at'," the Romulan woman quipped. "Besides, who would be looking for us?"

"Oh, hell," Natalie said in a whisper, focusing her attention on the subject of her concern. She now knew the answer to that question.

"As I live and count latinum, if it isn't Natalie Portree," the Ferengi man said, leaning on the door frame of a small shop less than 500 feet from the bar they had just left. "I never thought I'd see you again."

Natalie huffed and rolled her eye at the squatty orange figure. "That's just another difference between us, Caden. I was *hoping* to never see you again."

Caden laughed nervously. "What's a little lost profit between friends?"

Portree smiled with pure evil. "Surely *you* haven't forgotten the twenty-first rule of acquisition?"

"Never place friendship above profit," he said in response, inching away just slightly from the tall woman. "Well I guess you had me there, Natty old pal."

Natalie slapped him on back, perhaps a little harder than she had to, and watched him shudder and cough with a perverse pleasure. "What brings you to this corner of the universe, my little man?"

"Profit- what else?" Caden replied with a toothy grin. "Gambling, debauchery, drugs, sex, it's all here. And I have a hand in everything," he finished proudly.

"Even the local security forces, I presume?" Portree asked.

"A good Ferengi never reveals all his secrets... let's just say a few have been handsomely rewarded to look the other way."

"Same old Caden," the pilot replied.

"So, who's your lady friend?" Caden said, winking at the Romulan woman. Even though they weren't the lobes of a Ferengi, those pointed ears had a certain attractiveness about them. 

Aki fought the urge to slap the pedantic entrepreneur.

"Hands off, Caden," Portree said sharply. "She's with me and that's all you need to know. Otherwise the Tal Shiar are likely to have you for dinner tonight with a nice chianti."

Caden raised both his hands in a 'no harm, no foul' position. "Okay, okay, no need to get offended. Can't a businessman admire pure beauty?"

Ensign Mitshiba could feel her fist clench with disgust. "Listen, pal-" she began, trying to sound even more irritated than she already was.

Portree interrupted. "I'm afraid the admiration party needs to be cut short, Caden. We have a rendezvous to make in less than twenty minutes. So, if you'll excuse us-"

"A rendezvous?" the Ferengi said with excitement. "Can I come with you?"

"No. It's going to be dangerous," Natalie said truthfully. "If you think the Tal Shiar are bad, they have nothing on these guys."

But Caden wasn't listening. He pulled a large carpetbag from behind one of the shop's merchandise stations and was giving instructions to his assistant, an Andorian male about as tall as Eve. 

"What part of 'no' don't you understand?" Natalie said as the Ferengi met them in the middle of the street. "I'll even pay you just so you'll leave us alone. How does that sound?"

"I need safe transport out of this Rigellian hell hole," Caden said pleadingly. "There have been strange things happening at the temple lately, and it's been bad for business."

"What kind of strange things?" Mitshiba asked, unable to hold her curiosity in check.

"I d-don't know," he stammered. "Something about a plain-clothes Starfleet officer being abducted by a cult that's into mind control," Caden said wildly. "I want my brain and my money to stay safe, thank-you-very-much."

At the mention of the words 'plain-clothes Starfleet officer', Eve and Aki exchanged pained glances. "How far is the temple from here?" Natalie barked at her Ferengi friend. None of them could have known that the person Caden had heard about was Mortina Millings, so the two ANUBIS officers naturally feared the worst.

"About five minutes north of here," he said with hesitation, realizing his chance to flee may have just been compromised by his own latinum-covered tongue. "Now wait just a minute, don't *we* have a ride to catch?"  

"Business before pleasure," Ms. Portree said. "Besides, don't forget 'the riskier the road, the greater the profit'."

"I respect your study of profits- that's the sixty-second rule of acquisition. Okay, I guess I'm in," Caden agreed weakly.

"You're in?" Aki couldn't help but question the Ferengi inviting himself to the group.

"That's okay," Natalie said with mock soothing, allowing the man to step in front of them. "We can use him as a shield if they start shooting."

Caden glared at Portree. "You would never-"

Natalie's one eye narrowed in anger. "Don't *try* me, you little troll," she hissed. "You owe *me* for the mess I got you out of on VALLA ROYALE. Those Bolians would have drawn and quartered you for that Ponzi scheme if I hadn't stepped in."

Caden lowered his shoulders in defeat. "Your memory is better than I thought... for a hu-man."

Portree waved a hand to the north, not acknowledging the compliment. "Lead on, my good sir. You know the place better than we do."

Susan M Ledbetter
Ensign Eve Dalziel

"I savored those stories; I read them slowly, one each day. And when I was done, I wished I hadn't read them at all. So I could read them again... like it was the first time."
-Melanie to Old Jake, DS9, "The Visitor"
OLD-P196: USS ANUBIS: Mitshiba: Day 4 - 2015 ("Something Smells Fishy")

"Something Smells Fishy"
(Cont. from "The Good, The Bad, The Scary")

Setting: YUDARA Asteroid Field, Planetoid, Trade Center, Market Place
Stardate: 63073.2015

The eyes of the Romuan woman darted from one target to the next, the former aCSciO now a hopefully convincing Tal Shiar undercover agent trying her best to keep her nervousness in check.

"Relax," Natalie Portree whispered with a smile, the former CNS having fallen into the role of her alter ego with remarkable ease.  "It's the others that should be nervous, not you," she continued as she took a sip from her drink.  "Just the idea that a Tal Shiar agent *might* be in here has already caused many to seek alternate seating arrangements. Let them be nervous about you, not the other way around. Give them half a chance and they'll take care of getting the nervousness level in this bar up to a new record."

Aki took in a deep slow deep breath before she again looked around the room.  This time, her vision not obstructed by her own fears, she had been able to see the apparent discomfort and nervousness in others. When her eyes met theirs they would quickly look away and grab whatever drink had been in reach.  One alien had been so flustered by the fact that the Romulan had looked his way that he had reached for someone else's drink, an unfortunate development that had landed him on the floor knocked out by the drink's unhappy owner.

"Rumor has it that you are looking for transport on a large vessel," a scruffy looking humanoid said in a husky voice as he pulled out a chair and joined the two woman at their table without having been invited to do so.

"Maybe," Eve replied nonchalantly while Aki remained silent as per the first rule the CNS had mentioned prior to their arrival here, the aCSciO still refused to consider the possibility that she might need to comply with the second.

"How good are your engineering skills?" the alien asked, his eyes dancing between Portree and the silent Romulan.  "We are not a luxury liner, you'll have to work to earn passage."

"Working is not an issue.  As for my engineering skills, I'm a pilot, what do you think?" Eve half grinned to the man, having laced impatience in her last few words.

Aki narrowed her eyes as the alien's gaze became locked on her, obviously waiting for any sort of reply from the Romulan.  Remaining quiet had no longer been an option, so the aCSciO decided to jump into the deep end and leaned in closer to the man, his offending smell even more omnipresent as before.  "I'm better at engineering than you are at bathing," the Romulan snarled back, trying to be as cold and unimpressed as possible.

The alien growled softly as he moved back slightly into his chair before he exploded in an all out belly laugh that filled the entire establishment.  "I like you," he said once he had managed to stop laughing.  "Sumariss may not, but that's not my problem.  Be at landing platform D in 30 minutes, I need to get some other things before we can head back.  Don't be late," and with that he left in the same manner that he had arrived.

"That was easy," Eve whispered as she took another sip of her drink.

"Speak for yourself," the Romulan offered as she downed nearly half her drink in one gulp.  "The stench from that man was potent enough to peel the paint off a starship.," Aki explained trying to keep herself from gagging.

"Hopefully that means we're on the right track," Eve said with a wink. "Never trust a crook that smells like roses."

Dawn Bohr

Ensign Akira 'Aki' Mitshiba
Assistant Chief Science Officer
OLD-P195: USS ANUBIS: Fairborn: Day 4 - 2025 ("The Good, The Bad, The Scary")

"The Good, The Bad, The Scary"
[Previous Post Marissa's "Here Kitty Kitty Kitty"]

"A whim, a thought, and more is sought. Awake my mind; thy will be wrought."
- Ancient T'Kon incantation of knowledge

Setting: YUDARA Asteroid Field, Planetoid, Trade Center, Market Place
Stardate: 63073.2025

Captain Rikar and the Oltharian Chief Engineer had been the last to beam down into the trade center located on one of the larger asteroids of the YUDARA SECTOR. The Commanding Officer of the USS ANUBIS had chosen to take on the role of a Jorelian freighter captain while Elan had decided to go with something simple that suited him all too perfectly.

"Elan," Shoray, the red-skinned woman formerly known as Sabrina Rikar began as the two ventured into the open street. "I really don't think this is such a good idea. Someone might recognize you without a disguise."

The towering Engineer smiled as only he could as a gentle and friendly glow enveloped him while he leaned over towards the red-skinned woman. "Captain, I'm 7 feet, 6 inches tall, the only way for me to be inconspicuous is to not be there in the first place. Coming here as *your* Oltharian Chief Engineer makes perfect sense since records will clearly show that I resigned from Starfleet to return home and that I left home because I needed to get back to what I enjoyed the most."

"Being an Engineer," the CO nodded before she sighed to herself. "Alright Elan, you're the *engineer*, where do we start?"

From his height the Oltharian scanned the street and the buildings that lined it. Several shops and taverns could be seen, all of which appeared as seedy and questionable as the next. Still after a few moment Elan selected that he thought would be a good starting point for their search for information on the location of the USS PARADOX.

As strange as it had seemed, both the Jorelian and Oltharian made their way to the shop without as much as drawing a glance, as if it had been completely normal for these people to see a red-skinned woman followed by a walking colossus.

"Excuse me," Shoray began as she drew the shop owner's attention onto her while her imposing companion stood around the corner out of sight. "We are looking for a transphasic power regulator with a sub harmonic coupling," Rikar said having rehearsed this exact line word for word as it had been given to her by Elan himself. The reason for this had been as simple as the Oltharian's disguise since that particular part could and would only be found or required for a Federation trans-dimensional vessel.

"What do I look like? A Federation parts depot?! The Xyrillian merchant snapped through his breathing apparatus. "And why are you looking for something so specific?"

Rikar did her best to hold back the grin that had threaten to emerge. Their plan had worked and the merchant had taken the bait as the CO and CEO had hoped someone would.

As if following a play rehearsed to perfection the Oltharian stepped into view and looked down onto the Xyrillian merchant. "My captain's freighter is in need of several parts including that one, and I am hoping to retro fit this component to our main drive section to hopefully more than double our maximum warp output."

Taken aback by the sheer size of the giant who had suddenly appeared behind the Jorelian woman, the merchant took a few seconds to think of his next words. "Federation transphasic power regulators are not compatible with anything that we have around here," the Xyrillian stated obviously having set a trap for the Oltharian, one that the ANUBIS' CEO had been more than ready for.

"True," Elan began as he placed his hands on the counter and still managed to be several heads over the merchant. "The power distribution nodes of a Jorelian freighter would never be able to take the strain of the narrowed, focussed transphasic energy stream, that is unless we had in our possession several Federation built ODN power relays."

"You have Federation ODN power relays?" The merchant countered with, his voice having switch from a tone of disbelief to one of peaked interest.

"We got them from a Ferengi who salvaged them from a wreckage," Shoray said. "He seemed rather anxious to get rid of them, for a profit that is."

"Alright, tell you what," the Xyrillian said as he leaned in closer to the Jorelian woman while trying his best to keep his distance from the towering colossus. "I'll ask my contacts to see what I can find, but if I can't find the part you are looking for and decide to unload those ODN power conduits, I would be willing to take them off your hands."

"Let's ask around somewhere else," Elan said as he moved away from the merchant's counter, knowing all too well that the bait had been set and taken.

The Xyrillian quickly reached for the red-skinned woman's hand. "Alright, I'll even give you five percent more than what you paid for those power conduits. You'd be making a profit this way instead of risking blowing your ship into the next century."

"I'll keep your offer in mind," Rikar grinned as she left and caught up to the Oltharian, their plan having worked to perfection. Maybe that had been the reason why the ANUBIS' CO had felt oddly nervous. Things had gone maybe a little *too* well.
Francois Charette
Lieutenant Elan Talak Fairborn
Chief Engineering Officer
Robotics Engineering Officer
OLD-P194: USS ANUBIS: Lopez: Day 4 - 2015 ("Here Kitty Kitty Kitty")

"Here Kitty Kitty Kitty"
[Previous post: "Fear Can Be a Dangerous Thing or a Powerful Ally"]

Setting: YUDARA Asteroid Field, Planetoid, Trade Center, Market Place
Stardate: 63073.2015

The idea of being a betrothed Kerelian prancing around inviting others to challenge another man's claim now more than ever seemed a bad idea to the ANUBIS' aCMO.  An increasing number of man and creatures she could only surmised had been the male of some strange alien race had taken time to look her way to study the woman and her dress.

More than once Adriana had found herself fidgeting with the bracelets around her wrists, wondering if maybe she should not have had a few more there to increase the odds in her favor.  The only thing having kept Ensign Lopez from running back to the designated transport coordinates for an emergency egress had been the calm and collect presence of the Kzinti huntress a few paces back.

Adriana had managed to catch a few glimpses of the ANUBIS' Sec/Tac officer as she looked over her shoulders to study some of the men gawking at the bride-to-be.  Luckily for the aCMO most of these aliens seemed aware of the antiquated culture and the significance of the dress, those who had not been knowledgeable about it having been held back by friends who did.

This left the betrothed Kerelian open to the verbal jeers of many who knew that only a physical challenge could be answered.  As vulgar as some of the comment and stares had been so far though no one had dared to accept the challenge, a fact that had made the Ensign exceptionally glad.

"I'd watch out for that one," a green skinned Orion woman whispered to the Kerelian as the two came within earshot of one another.  "She looks like the type that might enjoy claiming you as a prize."

The aCMO remained stunned for a moment then stopped and glanced in the general direction indicated by the Orion woman, curious and terrified to see what matter of beast the green skinned passer-by had meant to bring to the Kerelian's attention.  To Adriana's surprise and puzzlement though all she noted in that direction had been the Kzinti huntress.  Could it be that Hex had been the one she the warning had been about?  It was true that the Sec/Tac appeared somewhat formidable in her outfit despite her 5'2" frame, but Ensign Lopez could not bring herself to see what the Orion woman had seen.  After all what kind of prize could a Kzinti huntress want with a betrothed Kerelian woman?

A shiver swept through the curly haired woman as one possibility for the warning came into focus in the aCMO's mind.  She had come to hear some stories and legends pertaining to the Kzinti people while back on CESTUS III, stories and legends that Adriana had never dared to ask Hex about for fear that they had been completely untrue and would offend her friend.  Actually, part of Ensign Lopez had also reasoned that not asking would insure that she would not be made to find out if these graphic tales, either in part or in whole, had indeed been true.

Their current mission had proven to be a perfect excuse to not think about such things, at least up until now.  Images her own head mounted on some wall as a trophy haunted the aCMO's next several steps to the point where Adriana failed to see something large and black having made its way in front of her.  Of course by the time the betrothed Kerelian had made this realization it had been too late and Adriana impacted against the imposing form with as little grace as could be imagined.

A vague sensation of skin-tight leather and fur covered muscles had imprinted itself into Ensign Lopez' mind as she attempted to understand what had happened while struggling to get back to her feet. The impact had been such that the betrothed Kerelian had landed face first on the ground, facing away from the wall she had encountered.

Thanks to the dress, the task of getting back to her feet had proven to be a rather difficult one but eventually the aCMO managed to find her way back to an upright position.  Once on her feet she pivoted on her heels to see that the imposing figure in front of her stood a great deal taller than she did.

Once Adriana had managed to identify the species of this mountain that she had ran into, her breath became so short that she feared passing out do to the lack of oxygen.  If the betrothed Kerelian had received a warning because of the Kzinti huntress who had been following her, what matter of alarm should the aCMO have been expecting after having collided with a larger, meaner looking Kzinti bounty hunter?

Marissa Montonera-Lombardi

Ensign Adriana Lopez
Assistant Chief Medical Officer
OLD-P193: USS ANUBIS: Maya: Day 4 - 2010
("Fear Can Be a Dangerous Thing or a Powerful Ally")

"Fear Can Be a Dangerous Thing or a Powerful Ally"
(Previous Post: "Freshman Mistake")

Setting: YUDARA Asteroid Field, Planetoid, Trade Center, Market Place
Stardate: 63073.2010
The transporter sequence from the SPHINX had ended and deposited the Chief Medical Officer and Chief Science Officer of the USS ANUBIS safely and unseen in a dark alley of the Trade Center. After a quick review of their respective attires and confirming that their quantum field generator had been operational, the two disguised Starfleet Officer took in a deep breath and ventured into a more open area.
The Shillian took a brief moment to visually scan their surroundings and take in the sights which included an astonishing number of alien species. Under normal circumstances the Chief Science Officer of the USS ANUBIS would have rejoiced at this unique opportunity to perform several exo-social studies as well as observe specific inter-species dynamics. A sudden short, forced cough from the Chief Medical Officer reminded the Scientist of the reason why they had been here and that time had not been an ally.
With purpose in her steps, the Founder led the way followed by the infected Rutian several steps back, a sight that made many believe that the sickly woman had either been under the protection of the shapeshifter or had figured that it had been the safest place to be. Either way none of the various aliens present in the street had given the odd pair as wide a berth as possible.
Upon seeing the smooth features that almost flowed into each other of the Founder, several merchants quickly scanned their immediate surroundings obviously looking for signs of the Dominion's dreaded muscles. The fact that no Jem'Hadar could be seen actually concerned many, certain that no Founder would venture out in public without several divisions of their ruthless troops nearby and ready to act at a moment's notice.
The pair pressed on until the unaware patron of a rather seedy looking establishment stumbled out and fell to the ground less than a meter in front of the shapeshifter who for obvious reasons stopped. The Shillian tried to convert her surprise and desire for scientific exploration of the situation into a more disgusted glare, one that the Chief Science Officer had envisioned a Founder offering in a similar situation.
Still unaware of his immediate surroundings, the humanoid looking male awkwardly raised himself onto his feet only to stumble backwards onto the ground once he saw the female shapeshifter standing so close to him. Having seen the facial features of the alien, the Chief Science Officer immediately recognized the species as having been Wadi, a race from the Gamma Quadrant and one that had a great deal of experience with the Dominion.
As if he had seen death itself, the Wadi dropped onto his knees in an apparent attempt to beg for his life. The Chief Science Officer remained silent, uncertain as to what to say to the frightened man for fear that anything she might say would raise questions as to her true identity.
When the Wadi raised his gaze to the shape shifter several seconds later, the Shillian realised that she had needed to do something now, her continued silence no longer having been sufficient. "You know why I am here," the Chief Science Officer stated in her most menacing voice which unfortunately came out more as oddly annoyed.
The alien quickly cast his eyes back down and pointed with a trembling finger at another establishment on the other side of the street. Satisfied that the situation had been resolved to the best of her immediate abilities, the Scientist made her way in the indicated direction followed by a visibly amused Rutian.

Jessica Solarik

Lieutenant Commander Maya
Chief Science Officer

"To see the world in a grain of sand,
and a heaven in a wild flower.
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
and eternity in an hour."
- William Blake (British, 1757-1827)
OLD-P192: USS ANUBIS: Dalziel: Day 4 - 1845 ("Freshman Mistake")

"Freshman Mistake"
(Previous Post: "Side Tracked" by Francois)

For the life of me I cannot remember
What made us think that we were wise and
We'd never compromise
For the life of me I cannot believe
We'd ever die for these sins
We were merely freshmen
-Verve Pipe, "Freshmen"

Setting: USS ANUBIS, Dalziel's Quarters
Stardate: 63073.1845

Eve let out a deep sigh of relief upon returning to her quarters. Even though it felt as though it had been days since she had last set her sights on the sparsely decorated rooms, in reality only a few hours had passed. And, with a mission briefing only a half hour away, she didn't have much time to linger. Captain Rikar seemed to understand everyone's need to prepare, and didn't hesitate to allow those who needed to, to leave the Bridge.

There were only two things that significantly differentiated the quarters from when she had first arrived on the ANUBIS: the civilian attire laid out on her bed, and the small altar occupying a corner of the room. 

The raven haired woman approached the altar and sank to the floor, legs crossed, taking a few minutes to pray silently for a successful outcome to the tasks ahead. But, try as she might to clear her mind, the image of the troubled Engineer crept into the Counsellor's thoughts.

[[First, do no harm,]] Eve thought with embarrassment at the medical professionals' mantra. As much as she tried to help the gentle giant, prod him softly in Lea's direction, and determine what made the Oltharian tick, it only ended up throwing him into a workaholic funk. And that saddened her deeply. In her short time aboard ship, she hoped beyond hope that her presence had made a positive difference to those around her. It was one of her prime motivational factors. To know that there had been an obvious misstep, and the consequences could clearly be attributed to her, it was hard to forgive... to gather one's professional laurels and move forward.

It was a reminder at how far she still had to come. And, it was also a reminder of how well one could function despite lasting emotional trauma. Elan Fairborn was a paragon, an example of the best of what Starfleet had to offer. But he was obviously stuck in the throes of unfinished business, with one Amber Satori.

Eve mentally vowed to do whatever she had to do to help the Chief. It wouldn't be easy with his inability to venture into the heartache without closing himself off from the others. But if there was anything she liked, anything to break the feeling of being inadequate, it was a challenge.

Ensign Dalziel allowed some of the disappointment of the day to fall aside, a core of excitement for the mission ahead causing a smile to form on her face as she rose from the floor to examine the trappings of 'Natalie Portree', the persona she had chosen to adopt.

Natalie was a skilled pilot and a woman for hire, who would do practically anything for a price. Due to Eve's previous use of the character, the persona's rap sheet was readily available to most people that would be looking for it. Instant street cred was a priceless commodity.

The garments were deceptively simple, but effective. The Counsellor's hands traced over a black eyepatch, possibly the most menacing part of the ensemble. Not only did it cause others to get a certain perception of her as someone not to be messed with, it held a special array that allowed her to trace energy signatures...

Setting: USS ANUBIS, Deck 12, Astrophysics Lab
Stardate: 63073.1345

(Flashback time)

"Thank you for completing this on such short notice," Eve said, truly impressed with Maya's interest in the side project. The eyepatch had always been a part of her persona's disguise, but never had its function been so elevated.

(This portion has been written by Jessica)

"Actually it is a limited range scanning device based on the eye-piece used by the Vortas during the Dominion War combined with some of the technologies that are currently in used to allow the blind to see. Microscopic optical fibres and sensor elements have been woven into the material to relay the information gathered to a miniature screen located in the inside. Normally such information would be transmitted directly to the optic nerve or to the brain itself, but since removing one of your eyes was not an option this will have to do. Because the device had to remain small and light, the range and capabilities of the scanners had to be sacrificed but I am certain that it will prove to be useful during our travel through the trade center. I made sure to add a quantum field variance scanner so that you can see actual temporal anomalies. That scanner should in theory also allow you to *see* if something or even someone does not belong to *our* time or dimension. The infrared scanner is as basic as can be but should be sufficient for you to see if something is out of place and added to the bio-scanner you might even be able to identify if someone is lying to you. I would suggest that you wear this for an hour before we head down to the trade center so that you can become more accustomed to the device and the way it displays information."

(Back to mine)

Eve immediately put on the device over her right eye, realizing that time was growing short and she might not have the opportunity at the time Maya was suggesting she wear it. "Thanks again, Commander Maya."

"Glad to be but a small part of the advancement of science and research," The Shillian replied with obvious pride. 

The Counsellor ventured into the corridor, hoping to 'see' something. About ten yards away, she caught a glimpse of the ILO, Enaii, with a young blonde girl trailing closely behind. She knew from the personnel files this had to be her daughter Talia. But the image resonance she was receiving just didn't add up. Dalziel turned around and went back into the lab.

(Back to Jessica)

There was a trace of panic in the normally calm Cardassian woman's voice. "It's not working. Talia is registering as if she does not belong to our time."

"Technically speaking, Talia has not been born yet," Maya replied.


"The device is working according to designed specs, and in this case Talia was actually born several hundred years from this time and somehow brought back. This information is of course classified and should you wish to learn more would need to speak to Commander Enaii, not because she is her mother but rather because as the Intel Operative she is aware of the specifics surrounding the temporal origins of the young girl."

(Back to mine)

Eve took this information and filed it away for mental safekeeping. Somehow she thought it would be quite some time before this was the topic of any conversation whatsoever with the ILO. 

Setting: USS ANUBIS, Sickbay
Stardate: 63073.1925

Doctor Summers and her eager assistant, Adriana Lopez, were having a rather animated conversation about Adriana's choice of undercover attire and the perils of Intel work. Given the unusual, secret existence of the ANUBIS and its mission, it probably wouldn't be the last time such topics were discussed.

(From Tiffany's post "Something Borrowed")

"You'll do just fine," Lea reassured. "If there had been any doubts about your skills, Enaii would have already said something. Her continued silence is the best endorsement you'll ever get."

"It's too bad that she will not be there with us," the aCMO admitted. "I guess I would feel better knowing that she had been out there dealing with the difficult issues."

Lea chuckled. "Personally I am happy that Enaii will not be with us. That way I know that we have the best out there ready to swoop down to our rescue if things get really difficult."

"I hadn't thought of that either," Adriana said, feeling a little better than she had. "Now I just have to figure out what I'll wear."

"Come with me," the CMO said. "I may have something that you can borrow for this  mission, something that you might find rather interesting."

(Back to mine)

"Good luck," Eve said genuinely. The other two women turned, both a little startled, not having any idea how long the Counsellor had been standing there. 

Ensign Dalziel cut an imposing figure. She was wearing a stretchy black jumpsuit, and even though very little skin was showing, the form fitting silhouette left little to the imagination. The temporal belt, not yet activated, was barely visible against the black material. In addition, knee-high weathered-looking black boots with a thick but stable heel for walking or running made her look even taller than she already was, and a rather malevolent black eyepatch covered her right eye. Her long dark tresses had been pulled back in a ponytail, with pieces of hair left loose at the crown and falling over her face as she turned her head. 

"It's a little... severe," Lea offered after taking a moment to examine Eve's getup.

"I *like* severe," Eve said with a grim, throaty tone, one gray eye piercing right through the ship's Doctor like a knife. For a split second, Lieutenant Summers didn't know if the Cardassian-born woman was going to steal the crown jewels or try to suck her blood. Logic indicated neither was an option, but there was something unknown and wild in the Counsellor's gaze.

"Relax," Dalziel added, lightening her tone almost imperceptively, but still keeping an emotional distance from her friends. She draped a crimson pashmina around her neck and then donned a short gray belted trenchcoat that just skimmed the bottom of her hips. Unbeknownst to the others, here were hidden pockets throughout, to allow for some tools of the trade to be carried inconspicuously. "I'm heading to the staging area." 

Setting: YUDARA Asteroid Field, Planetoid, Trade Center, Market Place
Stardate: 63073.2010 

The Romulan-looking woman and her tall freespacer escort moved throughout the plaza with relative obscurity. There was a cornucopia of races and peoples present, each with their own private motives. 

Eve scanned the crowd, both literally and figuratively. She noticed that the few people who caught the solemn gaze of Natalie Portree turned away quickly with a mixture of fear and disgust. That was the exact effect she had been looking for. 

"Anything unusual?" Aki said quietly, so that only Eve could hear.

Eve glared at her companion. If she hadn't been in character, she would have laughed at the question. There was very little in the trade center that *wasn't* unusual. "Nothing indicating anyone out of place," she quipped, "or time."

"Understood," Mitshiba replied, trying to look as dangerous as a Tal Shiar was supposed to.

"There are two things I want you to remember," Eve continued, not pausing in her search.

"What are they?"

"First, silence can be your friend. If you aren't sure how to respond, silence can be very effective. It makes the opponent wonder what you're thinking. Look at how few words Enaii uses in her communication with others."

Aki fought the urge to grin and sort of halfway succeeded, making a face that looked more like a smirk than an outright smile. "I hope that Maya is able to follow that advice."

Eve glared again, so convincingly that it made Aki cringe. "Perhaps you should have picked a more humorous identity."

"What's the second thing?" The assistant Science Officer asked, trying to scowl.

Eve took a ragged breath. "If anything happens to me, your only obligation is to save yourself and complete the mission. Don't try to be a hero. The needs of the many far outweigh the needs of the one."

"Nothing's going to happen to you," Aki said as convincingly as she could, even though she knew Eve's words were heartfelt.

"Of course not, but if it does, those are your directives." They approached a large bar with a gaudy but filthy lighted sign in a language that neither of them knew. "Follow my lead," Dalziel grunted as she led Aki inside the bar. 

The smell of synthale, grime, and smoke hit Aki in the face like a wet, gritty blanket. She stifled a cough as her eyes focused to dim light. 

The bartender was a deep blue, almost a turquoise color, his oddly shaped head featuring two large eyes, one on each side, with a sort of humanoid looking nose and mouth in the center. He was on the short side, wearing a brown vest and pants, his large feet without shoes. "Can I help yoo, Ladieesh?" he drawled with a thick accent.

Eve recognized him as a Hypello, an ancient race from the planet SPIRA. It was the first time she had seen one in the flesh. "We're looking for transport off this planetoid. Preferrably a starship or other large vessel where we can barter our services for safe travel."

"And what shervices would theesh bee?"

Natalie Portree leaned over him, turning on her special brand of charm. "Practically anything... as long as it's illegal."

The Hypello seemed pretty laissez-faire with this information. It was obviously not his first rodeo. "I shee. Would yoo care for shomething to drink? Twoo drink minimum for all our reshepected guests," he offered in a congenial tone.

Mitshiba surveyed the shopworn room while Eve chatted up the strange bartender. The back of the room had a thin stage apparently designed for dancing. There were several whoops and catcalls at the woman currently whirling and gyrating for the crowd. She was an Orion slave girl, her green skin glowing with beauty and exertion. Long voluminous dark hair swirled with each suggestive movement, and her skimpy outfit shimmered in the stage lights. A small placard next to the stage indicated the dancer's name was Jade. "Not very original," Aki noted under her breath, but she could see the skill with which the woman was undulating and making use of the entire stage.

"Two synthales to start with," Portree growled at the barkeep, laying a substantial amount of credit chits on the bar, more than enough to pay for the drinks many times over. "And remember, we mean business."

The Hypello was overjoyed at the riches bestowed upon him. "I will shee too it yoo twoo are treated like royalty while I researsch your requesht."

"I would appreciate not wasting our time if you cannot find what we seek. I will give you one hour to locate transport. *Understood*?" Portree finished a little harsher than she meant to, but it had the right result.

"Yesh, ma'am," he said meekly. "M'oshi ish at your servish."

Susan M Ledbetter
Ensign Eve Dalziel

"I savored those stories; I read them slowly, one each day. And when I was done, I wished I hadn't read them at all. So I could read them again... like it was the first time."
-Melanie to Old Jake, DS9, "The Visitor"
OLD-P191: USS ANUBIS: Morningstar: Day 4 - 1950 ("Side Tracked")

"Side Tracked"
[Previous Post Dawn's "Romulan Jitters"]

Setting: YUDARA SECTOR, Inside the Asteroid Field
Stardate: 63073.1950

The three small crafts referred to as VIPERs snaked their way through the shifting asteroid field as they searched for the missing USS PARADOX; the cause of the temporal problems which threatened the entire sector, quadrant and possibly even the galaxy as a whole. The unmarked one-man fighters remained in formation as best as they could while they performed a systematic search of the area, relying far more on their eyes than their troubled instruments.

Setting: VIPER 3, Cockpit
Stardate: 63073.1950

"Elan might have insulated the VIPER's internal systems from those temporal anomalies, but that is unfortunately not helping our sensors," the former CO of the USS LANCELOT sighed to himself. As much as his training and experience led him to want to share his discovery, Morningstar kept his thoughts to himself. Communications between the three vessels had been restricted to emergencies or drastic course changes as per Commander Enaii's explicit instructions. "Great, according to these readings now, we are flying through an ocean of Tarkelian amoebas. That or Andorian organic ale, and I'm not sure which one it is or which of those is actually *less* desirable."

=/\= New course; 0-3-1 mark 3-4-2, =/\= the cold, commanding voice of the ILO onboard VIPER 1 came over the comm channel without warning as did her change of course which left the Native American to wonder if the Intel Operative had noticed something off their low starboard side.

Erik scanned the area as best he could with his eyes, seeing nothing more than he had since their entrance into the YUDARA SECTOR. All that there seemed to be in this region of space had been floating rocks, some as small as a tricorder while others were as large as a starship.

From the corner of his eye Morningstar saw what he believed to be a small alien ship of a configuration that he had never before seen. What truly caught the Native American's attention though had been the speed at which the ship, if indeed it had been one, traveled through the asteroid field. Despite its speed, the three VIPERs managed to gain on it due to the most part on some impressive manoeuvres from the lead ship piloted by the ILO.

Just as the trio rounded the latest group of asteroids, a small black shuttle came into view. The slick craft displayed no markings, not that Morningstar had actually expected to see any given the rather questionable reputation of those who called this sector of space home. What truly proved to be strange though was the way Commander Enaii had reacted.

The VIPERs were brought to a complete stop less than a kilometre from the unknown craft, a tactic that hinted the ILO knew either the ship or its pilot despite the strange configuration and lack of identifying marks.

=/\= VIPER 3, you have lead, =/\= the ILO announced to the Native American's absolute shock. =/\= Return to previous location and resume search pattern. =/\=

Erik opened the comm channel but remained silent as he figured that any attempt to get an explanation from the ILO would have been at the very best utterly futile. Having accepted that there had been only one possible course of action, based on that he had given his word to obey any and all instructions from the ILO, the former CO motioned to the other VIPER pilot to follow. Silence reigned as VIPER 2 and VIPER 3 backtracked and returned to their previous location and resume their search for the PARADOX.
Francois Charette
Lieutenant Elan Talak Fairborn
Chief Engineering Officer
Robotics Engineering Officer
OLD-P190: USS ANUBIS: Mitshiba: Day 4 - 1950 ("Romulan Jitters")

"Romulan Jitters"
(Cont. from "Approach")

Setting: USS SPHINX, Staging Area
Stardate: 63073.1950

[[Team 1 will be beaming down in 10 minutes… get yourself ready,]] Aki thought, the words spoken by their Commanding Officer having embedded themselves into the aCSciO's mind.  Only 10 minutes to prepare herself and get into the state of mind of a Tal Shiar undercover operative.

As a scientist on board the ANUBIS, Aki had learned from Maya that analyzing a situation could provide a unique mental focus that overwrote everything else, even nervousness.  So the ensign began to target her thoughts onto specific matters relating to her current situation.  What made a Tal Shiar operative different from anyone else? What made any Intel operative different from anyone else?

The more Aki explored the answer to these and many more questions, the more she came to realize that her only guide and role model had been Commander Enaii.  The operative was a cold, calculating woman who said little and managed to be omnipresent everywhere on the ANUBIS and even here now on the SPHINX.  Mitshiba knew that there had been no way for her to act or even think as the secretive and mysterious woman did, but at the very least it had been a starting point.

"Alright," Aki whispered to herself as she straightened her clothes. "What would Enaii do if she were here?"  The aCSciO smiled sarcastically as she imagined the Intel agent sitting in one of the corners, partially hidden within the shadows, observing silently the rest of the away team, likely in apprehension in their lack of knowledge about the world they were about the step in.

In an effort to get more into character, and using the ANUBIS' Intel agent as a model, Aki headed for the nearest corner and sat with her back to the wall.  There she tried to calm her thoughts to become as still as possible.

[[She looks like she would be able to stay like this for hours if needed,]] Aki noted as she recalled the few times she had caught a glimpse of the ANUBIS' ILO while sitting in this particular manner. [[She always has her back to the wall too.  I wonder if that is to be able to better focus her attention on things in her field of vision? Maybe it is so that she had brace herself with greater ease should something happen.]]

As much as she tried to get into the mindset of the Intel agent, Aki realized that she lacked most if not all of the core knowledge needed to be able to accomplish this task.  Enaii had been good at hiding her secrets, really good and had even managed to hide from the rest of the crew that she had secrets.  Eventually the aCSciO relented in her quest to understand the ILO and simply focused on hiding her nervousness and insecurity from the rest of the galaxy.

"Let's go," Eve said as she stepped into the room, startling out of her wits the otherwise preoccupied aCSciO who had not heard or seen her team partner arrive.

"I guess there's even a skill required for sitting with your back to a wall," Aki sighed, a little miffed at herself for having allowed her ANUBIS Cns to sneak up on her as she had.

"What?" Eve asked, not having understood where that last comment had originated from.

"Never mind," Ensign Mitshiba replied coyly as she got up onto her feet.  "Just trying to get into character and understand the way a true Intel Operative thinks."

"Good luck," Eve chuckled as she fell into step with Aki who headed for the transporter platform.

Dawn Bohr

Ensign Akira 'Aki' Mitshiba
Assistant Chief Science Officer
OLD-P189: USS ANUBIS: Rikar: Day 4 - 1945 ("Approach")

(Previous Post was Tiffany's "She Said")

Setting: USS SPHINX, Command and Control
Stardate: 63073.1945

The young woman sat at the control station of the SPHINX, a craft designed to be a mobile command center for away mission holding all of the primary necessities while remaining as compact as possible. Depending on the mission profile this craft could become a home away from home, but the red headed CO doubted very much that this would be such a mission. Time had been their enemy from the start… and despite the recent calm Rikar doubted that they would have any great deal of time to find the PARADOX and resolve this matter.

"I did not get the chance to comment on your disguise Captain," the Shillian who sat at the auxiliary control station offered as she glanced in the redhead's direction. "The Jorelian freighter captain look really suits you."

Rikar laughed out loud. "Thank you Commander," the CO replied with an amused shake of her head. "Your overly generous praises are much appreciated, but the truth remains that this is the least original disguise, and one that will require me *months* to get the red tint off my skin. Your idea to go as a Founder was nothing short of a stroke of genius… one that I would suspect Enaii would have been most impressed with."

"This disguise will be effective only as long as no one places me in a situation where I would have to prove who and what I am," the CSciO countered with, the seriousness in her voice hinting to the woman's nervousness.

"That holds true to most of the disguises the Senior Staff has hoped for," Rikar stated. "Lea may appear as a survivor of the Rutian GIDDA plague, but a quick bio-scan would reveal that she is not a carrier of the disease… not to mention that she is not even Rutian. Akira's Romulan appearance will for sure give her a fair amount of freedom in moving about the trade center but it would not take much for an experience Intel operative to know that she is not Tal Shiar or even Romulan. Adriana's Kerelian betrothal dress is sure to make people talk, but all it will take is one drunk bachelor to expose her as a fraud. We will all need to be very careful during our stay at the trade center and rely on the element of surprise to gather as much information as we can."

Before the Shillian could come up with another counter argument, the young woman placed the SPHINX on autopilot and made her way to the back of the craft where the rest of the Senior Staff had gathered for the short trip.

"We are about 15 minutes away from the asteroid that holds the trade center," the red-skin disguised CO announced as she walked into the room. "To avoid drawing unneeded attention to us and in order to cover as much ground as possible, we will be beaming down to different sections in groups of two. Unless your disguise permits it, avoid contact with each other but keep an eye out for trouble. This location is normally a rough kind of place, and with the temporal anomalies wrecking havoc it will likely be worse."

"No problem," the Kzinti Chief of Security chuckled nervously, her twitching ear having been a dead giveaway that her feelings had not matched her words. "We get in… rattle a few cages… get the Intel and get out."

"You can always tell those Officers who are going on their first Intel mission," Doctor Summers stated as she rejoined the group having left the solitude of the staging area after having heard the captain's voice.

"The teams will be as follows… Ensign Dalziel, you will be beaming down with Ensign Akira. Ensign Fanggot, you will be keeping an eye on Ensign Lopez and make sure that no drunken bachelor gets too close," the redheaded woman stated, her reference to a drunken bachelor having somewhat confused the Kzinti woman. "Doctor Summer you and Commander Maya will be beaming down together while Lieutenant Fairborn and I will form the last team. Ensign Thomas will remain onboard the SPHINX to coordinate out efforts and will be on stand-by should something unexpected occur."

"Be sure to verify the proper working condition of your quantum field generator before beam down," the Oltharian stated, wanting to have some time should last minute adjustments be required.

"Team 1 will be beaming down in 10 minutes… get yourself ready," the redheaded woman instructed before she made her way back to the SPHINX's C&C.

Sabrina Jones

Captain Sabrina Rikar 
Commanding Officer 
"We are Grey, we stand between the Candle and the Star, between the Darkness and the Light" 
-Entilza Delenn, Babylon 5
OLD-P188: USS ANUBIS: Summers: Day 4 - 1945 ("She Said")

"She Said"
[Previous post: "He Said", written by the most wonderful man in the universe, William]

Setting: USS SPHINX, Staging Area
Stardate: 63073.1945

Lea had retreated to an empty area of the craft that would be taking the senior staff the rest of the way. For some reason the CMO had begun to feel nervous about the mission. The strange part in all this had been that this had not been her first Intel gathering assignment.

After having returned from her first tour of duty doing deep space exploration, Lea had been approached by SFI.  From there she went undercover deep into Dominion controlled space to gather as much Intel as possible on the Founders and their minions.

To avoid her nervousness from betting the better of her, Lea took a deep breath and forced her thoughts to travel back to a time when things were simpler, easier.

Setting: EARTH, San Francisco, Starfleet Academy
Stardate: 50006.1215

Still feeling the pressure of having been accepted at Starfleet Academy, Lea had stepped out into the gardens after her first class of the day, her head filled with facts about many new races that she had no problems keeping straight.  The next four years would be challenging, but Cadet Summers didn't care, she had made it to where she had needed to be.

As she stepped onto the perfectly manicured grass, Lea noticed another Cadet approaching her, one that she quickly recognized has having been in her class.  There had been nothing special about the 5'7", brown eyed, brown haired man and she feared that he had came to introduce himself to her.

"Hello," the man said, his chest stuck out like some sort of animal trying to impress a potential mate.  "I'm Cadet Russell, but you can call me Adam.  We're in the same Alien civilizations class."  The Cadets' gazes locked for a moment as each thought about the possible outcome of this encounter.

[[Shoot me now,]] Lea thought as she saw a beaming smile appeared on his lips. [[I guess the next four years are going to be more difficult than I thought.]]

Setting: EARTH, San Francisco, Starfleet Academy
Stardate: 53359.2245

Graduation day!  The last four years had gone by in the blink of an eye and now Lea faced the rest of her life as a Starfleet Officer. Ensign Summers sighed at the man sitting next to her knowing that without Adam as a study partner she would have likely made it through the Academy an entire year earlier.

Now she had been granted a position on a deep space explorer, an assignment that she truly looked forward to especially for one very important detail, Adam would not be there by her side.

"Lea," Adam began as he nervously reached for the woman's hand. "I need to ask you something, something very important.  I know that you are thrilled with your assignment and that it is what you had wanted, but I would like for you to come with me to DS6," Ensign Russell said.

The request made by Adam triggered a lengthy silence between them that was filled with thoughts about what had just been said.  [[Please tell me that you are joking. I don't need you. I certainly don't love you.]]

The silence continued until Adam finally spoke once again.  "Please answer me."

Lea wet her dried lips and sighed. "I'm sorry. I can't ask for a transfer and I can't be what you want me to be," she replied before standing from the table and leaving Adam alone and heartbroken.

Setting: USS SPHINX, Staging Area
Stardate: 63073.1950

Lea leaned back against the wall she had been sitting against.  That single decision had shaped the rest of her life and made her the person that she was today.  She had been alone, traveling the galaxy while secretly seeking companionship.

As good as things had been, Lea could not stop wondering what her life would have been had she said yes.

Tiffany Reeve

Lt. Lea Summers
Chief Medical Officer
OLD-P187: USS ANUBIS: Russell: Day 4 - 1945 ("He Said")

"He Said"
[Previous post: "Beauty and the Beasts"]

Setting: USS PARADOX, Jefferies Tube Leading to Environmental Controls
Stardate: 63073.1945

The sound of footsteps on the other side of the bulkhead had halted Adam's progress, the last thing he needed was to be discovered. Granted the odds that those on the other side of the wall could and would hear him crawling around had been exceptionally small, but there had been no reason for the Ensign to take those kinds of risks.  There had been too much at stake.

To avoid his impatience from getting the better of him, Adam took a deep breath and forced his thoughts to travel back to a time when things were simpler, happier.

Setting: EARTH, San Francisco, Starfleet Academy (Alternate reality)
Stardate: 50006.1215

Still feeling the excitement of having been accepted at Starfleet Academy, Adam had stepped out into the gardens after his first class of the day, his head filled with facts about so many new races that he had problems keeping them all straight.  The next four years would be challenging, and Cadet Russell felt nervous, but he had made it to where he had wanted to be.

As he stepped onto the perfectly manicured grass, Adam caught from the corner of his eye another Cadet, one that he quickly recognized has having been in his class.  It had been hard to not notice the 5'7", azure blue eyed, blonde haired woman and now he would have the opportunity to introduce himself to her.

"Hello," the man said, his chest stuck out like some sort of animal trying to impress a potential mate.  "I'm Cadet Russell, but you can call me Adam.  We're in the same Alien civilizations class."  The Cadets' gazes locked for a moment as each thought about the possible outcome of this encounter.

[[Wow, she's gorgeous,]] Adam thought as a beaming smile appeared on his lips.  [[I guess the next four years aren't going to be as difficult as I thought.]]

Setting: EARTH, San Fransisco, Starfleet Academy (Alternate reality)
Stardate: 53359.2245

Graduation day!  The last four years had gone by in the blink of an eye and now Adam faced the rest of his life as a Starfleet Officer.  Ensign Russell smiled at the woman sitting next to him knowing that without Lea as a study partner he would have likely never made it through the Academy.

Now he had been granted a position of Runabout Pilot on DS6, an assignment that he truly looked forward to except for one very important detail, Lea would not be there by his side.

"Lea," Adam began as he nervously reached for the woman's hand.  "I need to ask you something, something very important.  I know that you are thrilled with your assignment and that it is what you had wanted, but I would like for you to come with me to DS6," Ensign Russell said.

The request made by Adam triggered a lengthy silence between them that was filled with thoughts about what had just been said.  [[Please don't think that I am joking.  I need you.  I love you.]]

The silence continued until Adam finally spoke once again.  "Please answer me."

Lea wet her dried lips and smiled. "I'll ask for the transfer first thing in the morning," she replied before leaning into his arms.

Setting: USS PARADOX, Jefferies Tube Leading to Environmental Controls
Stardate: 63073.1950

Adam wiped the tears from his eyes.  That single decision had shaped the rest of his life and made him the happiest man in the galaxy. Together they had created a family, traveled the galaxy and even made a home on NEW EARTH.

As bad as things had gotten, Adam could not imagine what his life would have been had she said no.

William Reeve

Ensign Adam Russell
(in another reality)
Flight Control Officer
OLD-P186: USS ANUBIS: Lopez: Day 4 - 1940 ("Beauty and the Beasts")

"Beauty and the Beasts"
[Previous post: "Something Blue"]

Setting: USS ANUBIS, Deck 26, Specialized Craft Storage Area
Stardate: 63073.1940

Doctor Summers and Ensign Lopez entered the spacious room to find several members of the senior staff already present; each dressed in accordance to their new Intel gathering persona.  Most had grouped to review and discus the mission as well as their respective clothing and disguise selection, a topic that Adriana had actually hoped to avoid altogether.  That hope was quickly shattered when Ensign Thomas noticed the two new arrivals.

"You look marvelous," the COO said in an admiring tone upon seeing the aCMO.  "Who's the groom or are you looking for someone to fill in that role?" Elliot playfully asked which prompted the Romulan looking woman by his side to launch a swift elbow to his ribs.

Adriana sighed deeply as she shot another glare in the direction of her superior.  "This was Doctor Summer's idea," Ensign Lopez explained somewhat reluctantly.  "It's a Kerelian betrothal dress."

"That would explain the numerous bracelets," Akira said with a grin, obviously aware of the specifics of this alien custom.  "You'd better hope that no one accepts the challenge or you might end up betrothed to a Gorn or maybe something even worse."

"I for one can't think of anything worst than a Gorn wanting to marry me," Adriana dryly chuckled not having found that possibility in the least appealing.

"Try imagining what the honeymoon would be like," Doctor Summers teased in a whispered voice to the aCMO which caused her to physically shutter.

"I can take down a Gorn," Hex who had been dressed in hunting attire said with a level of confidence that actually surprised everyone in the group.

"I believe it," Adriana grinned trying her best to ignore the CMO's last words.  "I was there when you knocked down Drell with a single bounce, all that while you were under the effects of a sedative."

"Whatever happens, Hex and I will be there to protect your honor and virtues," Elliot said before he was forced to dodge another swift elbow from Akira.  "And what are you supposed to be Doctor?" The COO promptly inquired in an attempt to divert the focus of their discussion onto another matter.

"That dress is of Rutian design is it not?  From the GIDDA outpost if I am correct." Mitshiba interrupted, the aCSciO having apparently already figured out the CMO's intended strategy for their Intel mission.  'The stitches along the neckline as well as the style of the shoulders are very specific."

"When did you become such an expert on alien fashion?" Adriana asked of her friend while the aCMO silently wished that she had been the one dressed as a Romulan instead of the aCSciO.

"Let's just say that fashion has been an interest of mine for a while," Aki vaguely explained having fallen into what the aCMO believed to have been the comfort zone of her role.

"GIDDA?  Wasn't that outpost destroyed?" Elliot asked, the name having sounded oddly familiar.  "I seem to recall that name having been mentioned in one of my Academy classes."

"Almost entirely wiped out by a mutated strain of plasma plague," the aCMO clarified still feeling a little strange standing next to Doctor Summers while she wore that dress, even if it had been a replica.

"This is going to be a mission for the books," the COO laughed.  "A Kzinti huntress, a possible Romulan Tal Shiar agent, a Kerelian beauty and an infected Rutian exile; that trade center is never going to be the same again."

"Let's just hope that one of us will be able to get the Intel we need," Adriana said in a solemn tone, "Because in the end it won't matter much who we are or who we pretended to be."

Marissa Montonera-Lombardi

Ensign Adriana Lopez
Assistant Chief Medical Officer
OLD-P185: USS ANUBIS: Summers: Day 4 - 1935 ("Something Blue")

"Something Blue"
[Previous post: "Using the Scientific Method...", written by the clever Jessica]

Setting: USS ANUBIS, Corridor
Stardate: 63073.1935

Not wanting to be late for their departure to the trade center, Lea and Adriana had rushed out of Sickbay. The aCMO had remained quiet, stunned by the disguise Doctor Summers had forced onto her assistant. On her side, the CMO had grabbed the civilian clothes she had intended to wear on their way out. The two women remained perfectly silent during their dash to the nearest turbolift.

Once at their first destination, Ensign Lopez took a moment to think while they waited. "Lea," Adriana said in a trembling voice before the turbolift doors finally opened. "I'm having second thoughts about this outfit. Maybe we could go back and look at something else?"

"No time for second thoughts," the CMO said as she pushed the aCMO inside the turbolift pod. "I don't even have the time to dress," Lea added as she followed her assistant and the doors closed behind them. "Deck 26," Doctor Summers instructed the computer before she began to remove her uniform.

"What are you doing?" the aCMO gasped, not at all sure as to what Doctor Summers had in mind.

"Hold this," Lea said instead of a reply, having tossed a ragged blue dress towards her assistant.  "I was so preoccupied with getting you the perfect disguise that I forgot to get myself dressed. I'll just need a minute or two."

"You are going to be wearing *this*?" Adriana gasped as she studied the garment in its entirety. The fabric within her grasp felt old, almost dirty, which perfectly matched the appearance of the dress.

"Why wouldn't I?" the CMO replied as the last piece of her uniform was tossed onto the floor.

"Because it looks like something a leper would have worn. I mean back in EARTH's ancient days that is," Adriana said, unable to draw her eyes from the dress.

"Pretty close," the CMO added as she took the dress from her assistant. "That dress is a duplicate of the type that was very popular on the Rutian planetary outpost of GIDDA."

"GIDDA! Wasn't the population of that outpost decimated by some sort of mutated plasma plague?" Adriana said, instinctively rubbing her hands as if trying to wash them clean of whatever the dress might have left behind.

"Nearly 90 percent of the population perished inside a 36-hour period," Doctor Summers confirmed. "When the Rutian government investigated what had happened, they discovered only a few survivors. These were quickly found to be carriers of this plague which claimed the majority of the research and aid teams. The pathology of the plague showed that it was transmitted through direct skin-to-skin physical contact. To avoid this plague from spreading to their homeworld, the Rutian government exterminated all life on GIDDA."

"I still don't understand why you would want to wear this dress," Adriana said having completely forgotten about her own disguise.

"Rumors surfaced that a few survivors of GIDDA escaped from their world before the Rutian military arrived. Although none have been found, many are still wary about them being out there. With a little change to my hair color and this dress, I believe that I will be able to pass for one of those survivors."

"You will either cause a riot or have every weapon wielding person in the trade center try to kill you," Adriana gasped. "I fail to see the advantage of this disguise for our mission."

"The pathology report showed that only Rutians were susceptible to this plague," Doctor Summers added as she straightened her dress. "I am hoping to play the *pity* card in gathering information. Maybe someone will have heard something about some time traveling ship that could help me save the outpost."

"You know something," Adriana sighed. "I really think you should let Enaii take care of coming up with disguises. Or anyone else for that matter."

Lea shot a glare at her assistant as the doors to the turbolift opened.

Tiffany Reeve

Lt. Lea Summers
Chief Medical Officer
OLD-P184: USS ANUBIS: Maya: Day 4 - 1935 ("Using the Scientific Method...")

"Using the Scientific Method to Intel Work or is it Using the Intel Method to Scientific Work?"
(Previous Post: "Giant Amongst Us")

Setting: USS ANUBIS, Personal Quarters
Stardate: 63073.1935

Researching and cataloguing the temporal anomalies within this sector of space had taken the greater majority of the available time the Chief Science Officer had at her disposal. It had therefore not come as any surprise to the Shillian that she had not considered how she would venture to the trade center.

Her markings resembled those of any Trill which had served on many prior occasions to ward off questions that could have quickly become unpleasant ones. As a Trill, no one within Starfleet had any reasons to inquire as to the origins of the woman who had always managed to keep a rather low profile when in public. The problem this time thought had been that being recognized as a Trill would not alleviate the inquisitive glares that would be cast in her direction, in fact the opposite most certainly held true.

Trills, as a race, had long ago been accepted by the general galactic majority as being strong associates and supporters of the Federation. Therefore it had been a logical assumption to believe that within the confines of the YUDARA SECTOR anyone remotely allied with Starfleet would receive a less than warm welcome.

Had the crew of the USS ANUBIS been in possession of more time to prepare for this away mission, the Shillian scientist might have decided to undergo some higher level of cosmetic surgery to better hide her true heritage. Unfortunately time had been one thing that the crew, as well as the galaxy as a whole, had in very short supply. Whatever disguise the Chief Science Officer would ultimately decide upon would have to be equally simple in its implementation and effective in its appearance.

Using her skills as a practiced scientist, the Shillian had carefully reviewed the situation and created a short list of potential possibilities as to her disguise. The list was further streamlined when considerations to how certain races would be greeted by the ruffians found within the trade center came into play.

Had the crew of the USS ANUBIS been able to take the proper time to infiltrate the area and carefully gather the information they required, this debate would have been over before it had actually started. Instead the Shillian Scientist found that her decision needed to take into account many of the elements that she had learned from having been around Commander Enaii.

Once both Scientific and Intelligence methodology had been applied to the decision making process, the Chief Science Officer of the USS ANUBIS had been left with a single choice, one that seemed to perfectly balance the required simplicity of a disguise with the efficiency of rapid gathering of Intel.

The Shillian gazed upon her reflection once more, still trying to accept that the face looking back at her had been her own although slightly modified. A simple pigment additive which matched her own skin colour had been applied to hide the markings, and her facial features had been made rougher thanks to simple sub-dermal implants matching her genetic makeup had graciously been provided by the Doctor Summers.

The façade required for this mission had been rendered with great precision and had met the perfectionist ways of the Chief Science Officer. Unfortunately the persona that hid beneath the disguise had lacked the strength and confidence required to bring this new persona into the realm of credibility.

Under normal circumstances the Shillian would have abandoned this particular disguise and sought the assistance of the resident expert in this field, but Commander Enaii had been otherwise occupied with the task of taking the VIPERs out to search for the USS PARADOX. This left the Chief Science Officer with one inescapable truth; there had been no time to change her earlier decision.

Having reluctantly resigned to the new role she had given herself, the scientist took in a deep breath and stared one last time at the reflection looking back at her. As a *Founder* the Shillian hoped to be able to gather Intel quickly and efficiently without the need to prove to someone that she indeed had been a shapeshifter, at least one with far lesser skills than the renowned leader of the Dominion.

Jessica Solarik

Lieutenant Commander Maya
Chief Science Officer

"To see the world in a grain of sand,
and a heaven in a wild flower.
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
and eternity in an hour."
- William Blake (British, 1757-1827)
OLD-P183: USS ANUBIS: Fairborn: Day 4 - 1935 ("Giant Amongst Us")

"Giant Amongst Us"
[Previous Post Dawn's "The Right Decision?"]

<<During a time of great chaos where past and present meet, warriors from the shadows will travel through the stars unseen to right what had been made wrong.>>
- 112th Prophesy, written by Ukalli and transcribed into the T'Kon book "Stars of Tomorrow" some 5000 years ago.

Setting: USS ANUBIS: Deck 29, Specialized Craft Storage Area
Stardate: 63073.1935

Elan stared at the Mobile Command Unit known as the SPHINX and allowed his mind to travel back to days long gone by. Once upon a time, while the Oltharian had been a simple, inexperienced officer under the tutelage of joined Trill by the name of Callista Reo, Ensign Fairborn had been asked to take part in a similar mission as the one the crew of the ANUBIS now faced.

It was true that the mission led by Captain Callista Reo had not been as dangerous as the one the Oltharian would soon embark upon, but as a recent graduate of the Academy, any Intel mission had seemed to be as dangerous could be.

The Oltharian smiled ever so faintly as he remembered the rather interesting discussion he and the Captain had shared in regards to the disguise that would best suit the being of his size and attitude.

"Is everything alright Lieutenant?" Ensign Dalziel inquired as the ANUBIS' Counsellor entered the room and approached the motionless engineer.

"My apologies," Elan offered with a deep bow in the direction of the physically altered Cardassian woman. "I was lost in memories of my first Intel mission."

Eve chuckled as she thought of her next words. "You never forget your first." the Counsellor stated. "I hope those were happy memories," Ensign Dalziel added to insure that their conversation would not venture onto another, more personal matter.

"It was an Intel gathering mission," the Oltharian replied. "A little like this one although we were not after a lost Federation vessel able to travel through space and time. The mission itself was not actually the focus of my thoughts, but the preparation for it."

"I'm guessing that you had trouble figuring out what role your alter-ego would play." The Counsellor stated easily understanding that hiding the giant's true appearance and gentle nature would have been a very difficult task, both then and now.

"During that first Intel mission I was assigned the role of a business partner who for all intents and purposes doubled as a bodyguard," Elan explained. "At least bodyguard in general appearance only, but that was never an issue as our Chief of Security accompanied us."

"I am sure that you did exceptionally well as a bodyguard," Ensign Dalziel offered as she looked up at the towering giant.

"Your appearance alone would be enough to make most people quickly reconsider any illicit actions against anyone by your side."

"Appearance alone might have been sufficient in a shady civilian outpost on the edge of Federation controlled space," the Oltharian sighed. "But I fear that my simple size may not be enough to dissuade some of the more tempestuous elements that we will encounter in the trade center."

"You have nothing to worry about Elan," Eve said with a playful smile and wink. "If there is anything I have learned about this crew thus far it is that each and every member of the senior staff is well capable of taking care of themselves even in the face of the most demanding of situations. 

Whatever we end up against I am sure that we will succeed in our mission and find the PARADOX well before it is too late."
Francois Charette
Lieutenant Elan Talak Fairborn
Chief Engineering Officer
Robotics Engineering Officer
OLD-P182: USS ANUBIS: Mitshiba: Day 4 - 1935 ("The Right Decision?")

"The Right Decision?"
(Cont. from "Focusing On The Good")

Setting: USS PARADOX, Cargo Bay 6
Stardate: 63073.1935

The Arcadian watched as father and child devoured the fruits that had been brought to them.  From the very beginning Anya had wondered if her decision to join the mission to discover and exploit the secrets of this ship had been the right on.  To be able to travel through space and time had held an indisputable attraction, but there had been more at stake than the simple riches the Selay had mentioned.

That fact had been its strongest in the eyes of Shawn, a young boy who had been drawn into this mess by no decision of his own, or even of his father.  Adam had decided to take matters into his own hands to insure the safety of his son as well as the countless other children out there who would see their lives turn upside down by temporal changes.  Of all the people in this galaxy, Anya suspected that Adam had been the one best to understand this unique situation.

"I doubt Sumariss will be gone for more than a few hours," Anya said, handing over the last of the apples to the six-years old boy.  "We will need to act quickly."

"Thank you," Adam smiled in a way that made the Arcadian know that her decision to side with the former Starfleet officer against her employer had indeed been the right one.

Setting: USS ANUBIS, Corridor
Stardate: 63073.1935

The Asian aCSciO made her way down the corridor en route for the transport craft that would be taking the senior officer of the ANUBIS to the trade center within the YUDARA SECTOR.  Dressed in simple and understated civilian clothes Aki reviewed the steps that had lead her to decide on this particular outfit and disguise for this Intel gathering mission.

Being as unnoticeable as possible while in the trade center would insure not attracting any unwanted attention that might prove to be detrimental to their mission.  Time after all had been against them and dealing with ruffians had not been something any member of the senior staff could afford to do.  On the other hand, being able to rapidly show strength and character could expedite the Intel gathering as people would follow their first impressions upon meeting a new arrival to the trade center.  Appearing small and weak had not been an option, but coming in like a crazed Klingon looking for a fight had been equally undesirable, so Aki had to find a delicate balance between the two extreme.

"Aki, is that you?" Elliot called out from a little ways back in the corridor which made the aCSciO stop in her tracks before slowly turning around to greet the rapidly approaching COO.  "Whoa, you look amazing."

"Thank you," Aki said rather disappointed that she had been so easily recognised.  "Amazing was not my intent here."

"That was not the way I meant it," Elliot quickly said in an effort to correct the situation.  "I meant that you look *amazing* in that outfit and that I think Captain Rikar is going to be pleased with your selection."

"I'm glad that you think so," the aCSciO said while she lowered her eyes and readjusted her clothes, "because to be entirely honest I am not sure that I made the right choice, but we do not have the time available to debate and review this matter."

"What do you think is wrong with the way you look?" the COO asked out of surprise having truly believed that the outfit and facial modifications had been perfect.

"I'm not entirely sure," Aki replied.  "Maybe it's just my nerves or maybe it is because I am not sure how those in the trade center are going to react to seeing someone like me walk into their domain."

"I wouldn't worry about that," Elliot said with a heartwarming smile. "No one in their right mind would challenge a Romulan who seems to have something to hide from the general population.  I know that I sure wouldn't get in your way if I was in their shoes."

Aki let out a faint sigh of relief as she and Elliot continued down the corridor, the aCSciO feeling a little more confident that she had made the right decision.

Dawn Bohr

Ensign Akira 'Aki' Mitshiba
Assistant Chief Science Officer

OLD-P181: USS ANUBIS: Russell: Day 4 - 1930 ("Focusing On The Good")

"Focusing On The Good"
[Previous post: "Hunting Attire"]

Setting: NEW EARTH, Settlement
Stardate: 61212.2230

It had been one year exactly since the survivors of the USS YORKSHIRE had found a new home on this planet, a year filled with joys, smiles as well as hardships and tears.  NEW EARTH as it had been christened had been an odd mixture of heaven and hell, with sceneries worthy of paradise and dangers imagined by cruelest of demons.

Adam leaned back against one of the large rocks that had been long ago rolled where they now stood to provide his hut with additional support.  The coolness of the stone felt good against his back after a long day in the field, and it was with peace that he gazed up at the stars knowing that his family had been safe.

"Gazing at the stars again?" Lea asked, her smile indicated that she had not been agree, but in fact supported her husband's preferred pastime.

"Just wondering if we'll ever find our way back to them," Adam replied in a dreaming way.

"Is our being here so bad?" Lea sighed as she sat next to her man. "We have a roof over our heads, food on the table and friends to share our daily accomplishments with."

"You're amazing," Adam smiled as his hand tasted the softness of his wife's cheek.  "You barely managed to save Josh's life after he ran into that hell spawn wolf-thingy and you still can find the simple beauty in us being here."

"It is better to focus on the good around you and smile rather than to only see the bad and wallow in sorrow," Lea said, her smile filled with such love and warmth that Adam felt it impossible to not agree.

"Never leave us," Adam begged in a whispered voice.

Setting: USS PARADOX, Cargo Bay 6
Stardate: 63073.1930

"Dad?" Shawn called out from within his father's arms.  "Is that nice lady going to come back soon?"

"She will," Adam replied in as much a reassuring way as he could while doing his best to hide his own uncertainty from his son.  It had been a while since the Arcadian woman had left the Cargo Bay with a promise to return.  Anya had offered her assistance to the father and his son and had vowed to help them in whatever way she could to insure that the PARADOX would not fall in the wrong hands.

Adam's head snapped up when he heard the sound of the cargo bay's large door open.  This had been a moment of truth in which he would know if the Arcadian could be trusted or if he would have to fight for the life of his son.

A faint sigh emerged when he saw the Anya alone and holding what appeared to be a bag of provisions.  With a wave of his hand in motioned for the Arcadian to join them, which she immediately did.

"Here," Anya said as she reached into the bag to fetch an apple which she handed to the young boy.  "I replicated some fruits and water for you both.  Since there had been no indication that anyone else had been using the replicators, I can imagine that you have been living off emergency rations."

"Thank you," Adam happily said as he accepted Anya's second apple. "Were you able to do anything else?"

The Arcadian shook her head clearly disappointed by her own lack of success.  "Sumariss is not the trusting type so I was unable to do anything, but you managed to do enough damage to the systems to force him to seek more *expert* help.  He left for the Trade Center a little while ago with a few of his men to search for engineers to help fix the systems.  This will give us a little bit of time and freedom to rest, eat and plan our next move.  I just do not know what that will be.  We are still outnumbered and will soon have to deal with more people including engineers to make our task complicated.  If Sumariss finds out about any of this, he will skin the three of us alive before jettisoning us out the nearest airlock"

"It is better to focus on the good around you and smile rather than to only see the bad and wallow in sorrow," Adam said as he took a large bite out of the apple that he had been given.  As much as he tried to be happy with the latest turn of events though, the death of his wife had left a void that Anya's friendship and help had been unable to offset.

William Reeve

Ensign Adam Russell
(in another reality)
Flight Control Officer
OLD-P180: USS ANUBIS: Fanggot: Day 4 - 1930 ("Hunting Attire")‏‏

"Hunting Attire"
[Previous post: "Dangerous Proposal"]

Setting: USS ANUBIS, Deck 17, Hex's Quarters
Stardate: 63073.1930


Working hard to keep a scream from building up in her chest, the female Kzinti criticized her wardrobe. Not having expected to be using much more than her Starfleet uniform when she first left the Academy, Hex had made it a point not to spend on useless things such as clothing. Now, that choice was being regretted as the Ensign literally pawed through her things, looking for something suitable to wear.

What was found was even less than Hex expected. Aside from her Starfleet uniforms, the feline had only two other outfits. Pulling out the first, her eyes began to tear up with frustrated emotions and memories. [[Not that one... not ever,]] the Kzinti scolded mentally, folding the cloth back into a trunk which she then stored under her blankets for later scrutinizing.

Ears perking up slightly, Hex pulled out her only other option. It was old and probably a bit tight, but a bit of sewing and stitching would mend that easily, and she had more than enough time. Taking care not to drop the robes, the Kzinti reached deeper into her bags to find a small sewing kit she had become quite attached to.

Sitting in the lotus position on the floor in her cramped room, the Ensign began to sew. Her old Kzinti robes for hunting were still in very good shape, but they no longer fit the fuzzball's newly developed muscles and curves. Humming to herself a tune not even she recognized, Hex pulled her needle and gold thread through her clothes over and over again.

Finishing a few minutes later, Hex pulled the garment over her head and modeled her work. Not a stitch out of place, but not that concealing either. The short, light brown robe only fell down to the Kzinti's knees and was worn traditionally strapless. Small gold seams made it shimmer like a mirage in the desert.

All hunter Kzinti's wore light brown robes or possibly nothing at all while out on the hunt. The robes made them blend in with their sandy wasteland surroundings and made targeted prey more at ease when, and if, they were seen. Hex's robes were beautiful, but they represented a deadly strength that the Kzinti cherished.

Her black fur standing slightly on end in embarrassment, the Kzinti opened her door and let out a sigh of relief when she realized no one was in the corridor. Hex quickly made sure to secure the quarters before rushing toward the turbo-lift in hopes of acquiring it empty.

Looking back as she rounded a corner, the Ensign was met with a strong resistance in the form of a body. Crashing to the floor and struggling underneath her unknown attacker, Hex fought violently as strong arms held her down.

"Hush! They'll find me if you aren't quiet..." a low and hesitant voice begged as the Kzinti was suddenly released.

"Who'll find y-" her sentence was cut short as she looked up into the fearful eyes of the Klingon, know only as Karg. "What the... why aren't you in the Sickbay?"

"I came looking for you actually," Karg answered shortly, removing himself from the ground to sit upright.

"No need to worry about anyone finding you, the sensors here will tell them where you are if anyone were really looking." Hex stated bluntly, solidifying herself into a calm and cool exterior she would normally use.

"Then I don't have much time..." Karg muttered, casting his eyes downward.

"Not really, unless you plan to just sit here and say you were sleepwalking," Hex answered sarcastically, pushing herself onto her feet before offering the fallen Klingon a hand.

Karg chuckled slightly, but refused the Kzinti's hand and stood. "I came to apologize, and to thank you for your assistance earlier."

"There's nothing to apologize for, and I need no thanks from you at the moment Karg, I'm extremely busy." Hex noted, crossing her arms.

"Busy doing what? Playing dress up oh honored Starfleet officer?" Karg sniped gently, pointedly looking down at the Ensign's attire.

Blushing deeply, Hex snarled under her breath, "It's none of your business what I'm doing... besides, you shouldn't even be down here."

"So drop me off back at Sickbay, since I've said what I came here too." Karg suggested, shrugging his shoulder slightly.

"I will." Hex answered, glaring through narrowed eyes at the Klingon. There was more that met the eyes to him, but the Kzinti decided that it was better not to know.

Walking swiftly past the Klingon, making sure to grab his arm in passing, Hex thought of how very *thrilled* the doctors would be to have their visitor back. [[How am I going to explain why I had a Klingon passenger with me?]] the Kzinti thought, muttering to herself as she pulled Karg into the turbo-lift.

Ashley Shane

Ensign Hex Fanggot
Assistant Sec/Tac officer
OLD-P179: USS ANUBIS: Lopez: Day 4 - 1930 ("Dangerous Proposal")

"Dangerous Proposal"
[Previous post: "Something Borrowed"]

Setting: USS ANUBIS, Sickbay
Stardate: 63073.1930

Ensign Lopez looked with combined puzzlement and admiration at the wonderful dress that Doctor Summers had carefully pulled out from a nearby closet in her office.  The garment gave the impression that it belonged to some kind of high ranking political official or maybe even a member of a royal lineage.  As delightful as the dress had been though its appearance and shape had confused Adriana as she was rather certain that the outfit presented by the CMO would draw far more attention than the one that the aCMO had already put on.

"It's breathtaking," Adriana admitted, not daring to move closer to the dress for fear of damaging it in some way.  "But how is this better than what I am currently wearing?  Wouldn't this dress get the attention of the entire *sector*?"

"This is a Kerelian betrothal dress," the CMO said with a devilish twinkle in her eyes.

"You will have to forgive me Doctor," the aCMO said in an apologizing manner, "but I seem to be missing something important here.  What do the Kerelians have to do with this?"

"Kerelians are a Humanoid race very close to Terrans in appearance, but they possess some rather unique social quirks," Doctor Summers explained as she approached Adriana and placed the dress beneath her assistant's chin to see how the garment would look on the aCMO.  "One such quirk is the 'proof of love' that a male must perform after having declared to his beloved's family his intention to marry.  Over the centuries the tradition has changed somewhat to be less dangerous, but there are still many families that require this 'proof of love' to be shown has is had been during the height of their civilization and before the Federation's involvement in their world's affairs."

The aCMO appeared as puzzled and confused as ever but still agreed to put on the dress following the Doctor's insisting eyes and gestures. While Adriana changed into the new garment, the CMO continued with her explanation.

"You see, in the golden days of the Kerelian civilization it was customary for a male to demonstrate his affection and desire to marry by fighting to the death any wannabe suitors.  The dress was an indication to anyone that a challenge had been sent and that the woman wearing it would belong to the victor.  As no rules were truly established for such combat, the practice quickly became that the primary suitor could bring with him as many friends as he wanted to insure his victory.  In some isolated cases the suitor ended up being betrayed by one of his own men, but in general the battles proved to be quick and merciless.  Faced with such a development it became common for the challenge to be unanswered which irked many who had wanted to show just how serious they had been to marry their loved one.  Because of this the Kerelians began to venture to other worlds to make their challenge known," Doctor Summers explained and paused for a moment as she admired her assistant in the dress that had been provided.

"I still don't get how advertising a challenge by wearing this dress is going to be *less* dangerous than wearing what I had initially had on," Adriana said, now more nervous than ever although she did like the way she looked in the ravishing looking garment.

"Remember that the suitor wanted to show that he could win *any* fight to prove his love," Doctor Summer continued.  "When traveling to other another planet it was not uncommon for the suitor to bring with him a small personal army or even enlist the assistance of mercenaries.  It quickly became general knowledge on other worlds that accepting such a challenge would become a nearly certain death sentence because there had been no way to know for certain how many others would swoop down to defend the maiden's honor."

"That may be all nice and sweet," Adriana sighed, "But you seem to be forgetting something; I am not Kerelian and there will be no suitor or army waiting to swoop down to my rescue if things should get out of hand."

Doctor Summers grinned as she reached over to her desk for something. "Just stay close to Elan and wear these," the CMO said as she placed several small metallic bands around the aCMO's wrist.

"What are those?" Adriana asked, not at all convinced that this had been such a great idea.

"The custom evolved over the decade to include an additional warning to any potential challengers.  Each small wrist band indicates that the primary suitor has one follower by his side, so the more bands you display the less likely you will be to have things get out of hand," Doctor Summers ended with as she placed over a dozen bands around her assistant's wrist.

"This is still a potentially dangerous bluff," Adriana stated, concerned that she might not be able to successfully pull such a performance.

"That is what the world of Intel is all about my dear," the CMO grinned.  "As rough as this Trade Center may be, I doubt that anyone will dare to risk their lives in this way.  It is all about weighing risk against return, so they will likely be more afraid of you than you will be of them.."

"I really hope that you are right about this," the aCMO gulped having accepted as much as she could that this would be her disguise for their mission.

Marissa Montonera-Lombardi

Ensign Adriana Lopez
Assistant Chief Medical Officer
OLD-P178: USS ANUBIS: Summers: Day 4 - 1925 ("Something Borrowed")

"Something Borrowed"
[Previous post: "Status", written by the admirable Sabrina]

Setting: USS ANUBIS, Sickbay
Stardate: 63073.1925

Lea, Adriana and Eve had returned to Sickbay to complete their preparations for the away mission. From what they had been told, the Trade Center within the YUDARA SECTOR had been a rough place. This was a location that any self-respecting Starfleet Officer would avoid if given half a chance. Of course being within Gorn space had pretty much insured that.

Using this knowledge as a starting point, the CMO, aCMO and CNS vanished into separate rooms. There they put the final touches on their outfits and alternate identity, not that the later had truly been necessary. As a member of the NEW ALEXANDRIA complex their current identity had already been secret enough.

Doctor Summers had slipped out of her uniform and replaced it with something more low key. The earthly colored garment had not been all that flattering, but that had not been the point. Lea had made her selection based on comfort and functionality. As she looked onto the image looking back at her from the mirror, Lea grinned. The outfit combined with a make-shift field med-kit should not draw any unwanted attention to the CMO.

Pleased with her appearance, the CMO returned to the main treatment area.  Lea felt a wave of excitement as she noted that she had been the first to return. All that needed to be done now had been to wait for the others.

"What do you think?" Adriana asked as she presented herself to the CMO.

Lea remained silent, the shock of what she had just seen having been to much to put into words.

"Is there a problem?" The aCMO asked while she reviewed her own appearance to see if something had been out of place.

"Depends," the CMO chuckled slightly. "Do you want to find clues as to the PARADOX's whereabouts or be abducted and sold as a slave?"

"You think this is going a little overboard?" Adriana asked not truly having expected an answer. The outfit she had selected had not been all that revealing, but enough to draw a fair amount of attention to the aCMO. "I just figured that it would be easier to get some answers from people this way. It's not like I could wrestle the information out of them like Hex could."

"There are other ways to gather Intel," the CMO explained with a smile. Lea's experience and training in Intel had made that point clear many times. "Mata Hari might have charmed the information out of men, but she lived in a different time and place. Although you would certainly be able to get any men to talk, there are other things out there immune to such charms. Think about it this way; would a Gorn be more talkative if you sat across a table from it?"

"I hadn't thought of it that way," the aCMO said, the wind having been taken from her sails. "Maybe I am not suited for this Intel stuff."

"You'll do just fine," Lea reassured. "If there had been any doubts about your skills, Enaii would have already said something. Her continued silence is the best endorsement you'll ever get."

"It's too bad that she will not be there with us," the aCMO admitted. "I guess I would feel better knowing that she had been out there dealing with the difficult issues."

Lea chuckled. "Personally I am happy that Enaii will not be with us. That way I know that we have the best out there ready to swoop down to our rescue if things get really difficult."

"I hadn't thought of that either," Adriana said, feeling a little better than she had. "Now I just have to figure out what I'll wear."

"Come with me," the CMO said. "I may have something that you can borrow for this mission, something that you might find rather interesting."

Tiffany Rose

Lt. Lea Summers
Chief Medical Officer
OLD-P177: USS ANUBIS: Rikar: Day 4 - 1915 ("Status")

(Previous Post was William's "A Gift")

Setting: USS ANUBIS, Conference Room
Stardate: 63073.1915

The young woman stood at the end of the long table, her emerald eyes scanning the members of the Senior Officers who had reported as ordered for the last mission briefing before they would venture into the YUDARA SECTOR… and hopefully onto the PARADOX.

"Alright people… lets make this one quick… Maya, care to start us off?" The redheaded woman began as she lowered herself onto her chair and waited for the Shillian to begin her report.

"I am not sure what happened, but something changed in the temporal signature of the anomalies. The first set we encountered and scanned seemed to be totally random and unpredictable, but the more recent ones seemed to be far more specific as to their temporal reach… the best part of this is that we have been able to narrow down the source area of these anomalies," the Chief Science Officer explained as she summoned a holographic three-dimensional map of the asteroid field which comprised the YUDARA SECTOR. "The PARADOX is somewhere in this quadrant. Unfortunately this has not changed out timeframe… we need to find the ship and restore the fabric of space-time before we witness a complete breakdown of the temporal structure that holds our reality together."

"That area covers more than a quarter of the sector," the COO pointed out with distinct disappointment. "It's still a search area that could take weeks to fully survey and I suspect that we don't have that much time at our disposal."

"That is why we are sticking to the original plan," the redheaded CO added. "Commander Enaii will be taking the VIPERs out and search that area while the rest of the senior staff will be heading down to the Trade Center. Hopefully one of us can catch a break before it is too late," Rikar explained as she shifted her attention to the ILO. "Is your squadron ready?"

The Intel Operative simply nodded and glanced at the Oltharian Engineer who immediately understood that the next part of the briefing had become his.

"All three VIPERs and the SPHYNX have been retrofitted with the same temporal shielding that we will be using while in the Trade Center," Elan announced as if the task he had accomplished had been nothing more than routine. "We will not have to worry about any temporal distortions during the survey of that quadrant the asteroid field and our approach of the Trade Center."

"So the personal temporal fields are ready?" the CO inquired, not because she had not known the answer but more so that the rest of the senior staff had been brought up to speed on that particular aspect of their mission.

"Thanks to the assistance of Lieutenant Fairborn and Lt. Commander Maya, the devices are ready for immediate usage," the Assistance CSciO stated with a hint of pride. "Doctor Summers has confirmed that they are safe to use."

"The field generated by these devices does not appear to have any biological effects," the Cardassian-born Counsellor stated as she jumped into the conversation. "I would like to warn everyone though that we did not have the time to see if prolonged exposure to such a close proximity field will have any neurological effects."

"Relax Eve," Lea sighed. "An average individual would have to be exposed to a field of that intensity for more than 10 hours straight before there would be any possible risks," the CMO stated. "Personally I hope to have this mission done and over with in four."

"According to Lt. Commander Maya's predictions," Ensign Lopez offered as she did some quick calculations on her PADD. "We likely have no more than nine hours to solve this problem. If we do manage to be exposed to that field for longer than that, I suspect that neurological problems may be the least of our troubles."

Although Adriana's words had been offered with a certain light-heartedness, the Kzinti Sec/Tac Officer seemed rather troubled by the fact that they had no more than nine hours to somehow find a clue as to the PARADOX's whereabouts, gain access to the ship, deal with whatever enemy force had claimed the vessel *and* fix the D-Drive before reality as they knew it came to an end. Hex silently lowered her head into her hands and allowed only the twitching of her ear to hint as to her misgivings towards their mission objective and timeframe.

"Alright…" the CO continued. "Everyone is to finishing preparing, get equipped and report to the SPHYNX in 25 minutes. We leave for the Trade Center as soon as the VIPERs have cleared the ship and entered the Asteroid field."

Setting: USS PARADOX, Cargo Bay 6
Stardate: 63073.1915

For the last fifteen minutes the Arcadian woman had explained her situation to the inquisitive young boy, Anya Green having done her best to ignore the man pointing the pulse riffle at her. She had not wish them any harm but the woman knew that her nervousness would have overwhelmed her had she acknowledged the protective father's presence.

"Let me get this straight," Ensign Russell inquired. "You are part of a mercenary group hired by a Selay who is trying to go back in time to save the members of his religious order?"

Anya nodded her head and even smiled as she noted the pulse riffle being lowered ever so slightly.

"Something doesn't add up," the man said with a deep sigh. "Where would an exiled Selay priest find the kind of credits he has already dished out to you and your friends."

"They are not my friends," the Arcadian quickly corrected. "I was attracted by the prospect of wealth, nothing more… and now I wonder if it is all truly worth it."

"I wish I could believe you," Russell softly growled as he raised the weapon in his hands back to bear onto the still sitting Arcadian woman.

"I trust her, dad," Shaun stated as only a child could which immediately melted his father's suspicions.

"We are going to need your help to get this ship back to the people to whom it belongs," the Ensign explained. "I may not be able to promise you wealth and riches, but I can guarantee a clear conscience if we succeed."

"I'll do what I can to help," Anya nodded with a smile to both father and son.

Setting: USS ANUBIS: Array Section, Deck 3, VIPER Launch Bay
Stardate: 63073.1930

=/\= Bridge to Commander Enaii… you are cleared for take-off, =/\= Ensign Thomas announced over the open communications channel.

=/\= Good luck, =/\= Rikar's voice followed up with causing the ILO to actually grinned for a brief moment, a reaction that had been witnessed by no one else.

The ILO began her pre-launch verifications and gave the signal to her two wingmen to do the same.

=/\= VIPER 3... Ready, =/\= the Native American announced after a few seconds, the distinct gladness in his voice not at all impressing the ILO who had accepted to not only have him join her squadron but also to permit his recommendation to take over the role of the pilot for VIPER 2.

=/\= VIPER 2... Ready, =/\= Drell announced, the Klingon FCO having been assigned to pilot the last VIPER despite his having been relieved of flight duty for the time being due to his altercation in the ANUBIS' Sickbay with Karg.

Enaii sighed to herself in response to what she perceived as a weakness of her part in having allowed the Klingon to join her squadron, yet his skill as a pilot had been impossible to overlook. At worst case, should Drell prove to be any sort of liability, the ILO had not issues about shooting him down herself if needs be.
Sabrina Jones

Captain Sabrina Rikar 
Commanding Officer 

"We are Grey, we stand between the Candle and the Star, between the Darkness and the Light" 
-Entilza Delenn, Babylon 5
OLD-P176: USS ANUBIS: Russell: Day 4 - 1855 ("A Gift")

"A Gift"
[Previous post: "An Unexpected Discovery"]

Setting: USS PARADOX, Cargo Bay 6
Stardate: 63073.1855

Children because of their innocence or some unknown insight into life which they lost with age were able to judge a person's character nearly instantaneously, or at least that had been what Adam believed.  Shaun had often been able to identify dangers back on NEW EARTH without having known any of the specifics of the situation.  On one particular instance the boy had saved the life of both his mother and father.

Setting: NEW EARTH, Forested area about 3 km from the settlement
Stardate: 61031.1130

The entire Russell family had ventured into the woods in search of berries that would be used in tomorrow's celebration of Shaun's fourth birthday.  Lea and Adam could not help but smile as they watched their son run ahead of them finding each and every fallen branch and leaf to be a treasure beyond measure.  As unforgiving as their new home had proven to be, NEW EARTH had also been found to hold certain charms which the survivors of the YORKSHIRE had quickly learned to embrace.

"Shaun," Lea called out to her son.  "Don't go too far, there are dangerous beasts in these parts of the wood."

Adam chuckled and pulled his wife closer so that he could steal a quick kiss before speaking.  "The most dangerous thing we have seen in these woods are those winged squirrels.  I think you can relax a little."

"There are still a great deal of things we do not know about this planet," Lea reminded Adam as she gently brushed his cheek with her hand.  "We have to be careful."

"Yes *Doctor*," Adam teased as he used his wife's nickname.  Although she had majored from Starfleet Academy in the field of Operations, Lea had taken on the role of Medical Officer since their arrival on NEW EARTH.  "Hey Shaun, over here.  Found some berries for us to take back."

The boy rushed back to his parents' side but suddenly stopped a few meters short of the large berry bush that his father had discovered.

"Come on Shaun," Lea urged as both she and Adam reached for the berries.  "These are just like the ones by the brook, and I know that you love these."

"No!" Shaun called out almost in tears.  This had been more than enough to get both his mother and father to stop dead in their tracks and turn to be by their son's side.

"What's wrong sweetheart?" Lea asked as she cradled the boy in her arms.

Shaun said nothing, and after a few moments pointed with a trembling finger to the berry bush where his parents had been.  The trio watched with curiosity as one of those winged squirrels that had been mentioned earlier landed to enjoy one of the larger berries.

"See," Adam grinned as he turned back to face his son.  "There is nothing to worry about," the father continued as he knelt in front of his son.

"Adam," Lea said in a trouble voice which sent her husband to immediately turn to glance at her and then fully around to look once more at the berry bush.

The winged squirrel laid on the ground, motionless, as if dead or at the very least paralysed.  Just as the questions as to what had taken place formed in their minds, the trio watched as a set of vines extended from beneath the bush, grabbed the fallen animal and dragged it beyond sight.

Setting: USS PARADOX, Cargo Bay 6
Stardate: 63073.1856

Based on that experience alone Ensign Russell had decided to follow his son's lead without question when they had discovered the troubled Arcadian woman in what had become *their* home.  Shaun had proven the usefulness of his special *gift*, and given the circumstances Adam had been more than willing to side with his son's intuition.

"Alright," the Ensign said as he watched his son take the woman hands into his own without any hesitations.  "We're listening."

William Reeve

Ensign Adam Russell
(in another reality)
Flight Control Officer
OLD-P175: USS ANUBIS: Mitshiba: Day 4 - 1845 ("An Unexpected Discovery")

"An Unexpected Discovery"
(Cont. from "Possible Reason")

Setting: USS PARADOX, Corridor
Stardate: 63073.1845

Following their latest setback in getting the ship's D-Drive to work, most of the hired hands had been dispatched by Sumariss to search the ship for spare parts that could be used to repair or bypass the increasing number of malfunctioning systems.  The Arcadian had volunteered to search the lower decks having suspected that she would have less of a chance to run into one of the broken bodies of a fallen crew member.  As much as she fancied herself to be a mercenary, Anya Green had quickly come to realise that petty theft had been about as far on the wrong side of the ethical line that she cared to venture.

The reports that she had overheard as to some of the graphic discoveries made by others while on board this ship had turned her stomach and had convinced the Arcadian that she would not be able to kill someone regardless of how much wealth she had been promised.  It was true that the idea of being able to travel through time had been an alluring one, but not so much that she had placed it above the life of another.  So far they all had been lucky as none of the mercenary had run into a survivor that they would have had to deal with, permanently.

The Arcadian made her way down the corridor as she searched for undamaged power relays and soon came up on an area that displayed clear signs of a terrible battle.  Whatever nightmare the crew of this vessel had been forced to face, it had been brutal in its storming of the ship leaving dark crimson marks on the walls, floors, ceilings and bulkheads.  As disturbing as this discovery had been to Anya she found it within her to be thankful in that such brutality had nearly insured that she would not discover any survivor during her search for spare parts.  As much as the woman had hoped this thought would have made things easier, it proved to instead made her wish that she had been somewhere else.

Further down the same corridor Anya discovered her first victim of the onslaught, and the Arcadian immediately turned away having been unable to deal with the scene.  Although she had seen it only for a split second, the broken form of the crewman had already become engraved in her mind.  Certain that she would not be able to go further the troubled woman backtracked her steps and entered the nearest door.

Setting: USS PARADOX, Cargo Bay 6
Stardate: 63073.1855

Shaken to the core by the nightmarish vision she had stumbled upon, the Arcanian leaned back against a set of boxes and slipped down into a fetal position where she began to cry uncontrollably.  This had not been the first time Anya had seen death, but to see a body so completely mutilated had been too much for her to handle.  Crying and shaking like a young child, the woman started to truly question the reasons why she had been here and if Sumariss' promised wealth had really made all of this worth while.  Maybe if they had been here merely to scavenge the ship of any and all usable parts she would have been able to accept her presence here, but the truth of the matter had been much darker.

Through her continued tears Anya wondered if she had not become part of a chain of events that would make others experience the nightmare that had befallen the crew of this ship.

"Are you alright?" A young voice asked which caused Anya to look up and see through her tears a boy of no more than six years of age.

"Who are you?" The Arcanian asked in return while she fought back her tears.

"I was about to ask you that same question," a more mature and menacing voice interjected which brought the Arcadian's attention onto a man pointing a pulse rifle in her direction.

Dawn Bohr

Ensign Akira 'Aki' Mitshiba
Assistant Chief Science Officer
OLD-P174: USS ANUBIS: Lopez: Day 4 - 1845 ("Possible Reason")

"Possible Reason"
[Previous post: "Shapes of Things to Come"]

Setting: YUDARA Asteroid Field, Planetoid, Trade Center, T'kon Temple
Stardate: 63073.1845

Not having anywhere other to go, and confident that he knew where the woman he had just rescued would be safest, the Efrosian Priest returned to the T'Kon templ with his new ward.  Although free from her imprisonment, the woman's entire body trembled in her hands of her savior, which only made Ojall quicken his pace.

Once at the Temple though the Efrosian Priest was somewhat dismayed to find that the robbed T'Kon Priest had been no where to be found, having vanished just as quietly as he had initially appeared. Although curious as to the man's whereabouts, Ojall concentrated his thoughts and actions on the now sobbing woman sitting on the stairs of the main altar.

"Here, within this temple, you are safe," Ojall said as he did his best to comfort the troubled woman.  This had not been the first time that the Efrosian Priest had gone out to help a soul in need, and somehow he suspected that it would not be the last.

Mortina did her best to withdraw her tears and regain control of herself, but the trauma that she had endured along with the unexpected rescue had caused a flood of emotions to wash over her.  As much as the woman tried she just could not bring herself to be calm and properly thank the Efrosian for his deed.

Ojall slowly rubbed his hands together as if trying to warm them before he gently moved his fingers to rest on the woman's forehead. In a strange massaging way his fingers slid behind the crying woman's ears and down onto her neck before the Efrosian Priest restarted the process.

"You are Betazoid," Ojall calmly said smiling calmly.  "Open your thoughts to mine and see that you have nothing to fear as long as you are here."

There had been something about the man's touch that instantly made Mortina feel at ease, and after a few moments she did as she had been asked.  Once the telepathic bridge had been created, the Betazoid's troubled thoughts met with a tranquility that she had never imagined possible.

"Relax," Ojall continued having felt the woman's turbulent mind to his.  "Concentrate on the sound of my voice.  Allow your fears and worries to slip out, do not try to hold them back or even question where they had come from.  Focus on the here and now, on my voice and on the simple fact that you are safe from all harm."

Mortina felt her body and mind gradually relax as the Efrosian continue to speak and guide her into a state of peace the likes of which she had never experienced.  Minutes later the Betazoid found herself as calm as could be, her fears had all but vanished and her tears had long ago stopped.

"Thank you," Mortina said, her thoughts having been made to be at peace.  "For everything."

"It was an honor to be of assistance," the Efrosian replied as he added a deep, respectful bow.  "Now maybe we can find out why you were in this predicament."

The Betazoid sighed as memories of her incarceration briefly returned before the calmness of the Priest once again crossed over the Telepathic bridge that had been established to insure that Mortina would not fall back into the condition that she had previously been in.

"If you will permit me, I will search your memories for clues as to what may have caused you to be treated in such a manner," Ojall offered and although Mortina held onto some reservations the mental and emotional peace that she had been made to experience had been more than enough to make her willing to participate in this exercise.

The Efrosian Priest closed his eyes and pushed the mental link between the two of them to a deeper level.  The Betazoid felt as if a Vulcan had just initiated a mind-meld but without the forceful intrusion or the coldness normally associated with the thoughts of a member of that race.  Instead Ojall's reach into her memories had almost been that of a warm blanket that only served to relax Mortina even more than she had been.

Minutes passed and when Ojall withdrew his mind from Mortina's, the Betazoid felt oddly at peace and a little smaller.  "Have you found something?"

Ojall leaned back and remained silent for several seconds before he offered a reply.  "I am not certain if I have, but there is something about that Selay mind you touched that troubles me.  Something that may be nothing, or may prove to be at the center of everything that has recently happened here."

Marissa Montonera-Lombardi

Ensign Adriana Lopez
Assistant Chief Medical Officer
OLD-P173: USS ANUBIS: Maya: Day 4 - 1845 ("Shapes of Things To Come")

"Shapes of Things To Come"
(Previous Post: "Dimensions of Reality")

Setting: YUDARA Asteroid Field, Planetoid, Trade Center, Shady Tavern, Second Level
Stardate: 63073.1845
The dimly lit tavern held a wide array of patrons, all of which appeared to have originated from the wrong side of the law. Even some of the more fearsome looking aliens could be seen glancing over their shoulders as if expecting something or someone to suddenly put an abrupt end to their whispered conversations.
In a particularly dark corner of the upper level of the tavern, two clocked figures were having a discussion over a pair of untouched drinks. The half filled glasses had been nothing more than a pretence like so many other things in this establishment which catered to all likes of crooks, thieves and mercenaries.
"She escaped," the dark cloaked figure unhappily whispered. "That old fool took my men by surprise and I can tell you that he was far more agile than anyone could have expected," the concealed figure reported, his voice held no admiration for the Efrosian priest of whom he had been referring to.
"Your inability to perform such a simple task is truly alarming," the female Vorta sighed as she carefully readjusted her own cloak to hide as much of her dress as she could. "You were hired to capture and hold that Betazoid, and now she is free."
"My men and I were hired for a simple abduction and interrogation," the dark cloaked man snapped back, still in a whispered voice.
"Not to fight some crazed monk. You are lucky that we did as much as we did considering that we are still waiting for our initial payment."
Vellanor glanced over her shoulder for a very brief moment and quickly returned to the whispered conversation at hand. "Very well," she sighed. "If you will permit me, I will step out and return with the agreed initial payment," the Vorta offered in a tone of acceptance that seemed to take her partner of fortune by surprise.
"You are not going anywhere," the cloaked figure stated as he reached and took a solid hold of the arm of the Vorta. "What guaranties do I have that you will not just leave me high, dry and without a single credit for my troubles?"
"I do not have the full amount on me," the Vorta quietly replied as she reached for a pouch with her free hand. "I can leave you this as a down payment until I return with the rest."
"You may be cute, but you are still a Vorta," the cloaked man said while shaking his head. "I do not trust you."
"Very well," Vellanor continued having once again glanced over her shoulder. "Would my leaving my dress behind be sufficient to convince you that I will return?"
The dark cloaked figure grinned and immediately let go of the Vorta, his acceptance of the newly offered terms having been unmistakable. Although it had been easy to see that she had not wanted to do this, Vellanor quickly removed her dress without ever allowing the figure sitting on the other side of the small table to see anything more than her cloak.
When the exquisite dress was gently deposited next to the pouch of coins, the mercenary sighed with disappointment, the Vorta having managed to accomplish her disrobing without having allowed him the slightly peek.
"Go quickly and return with my money," the cloaked man growled as he dismissed the Vorta.
Vellanor made a hasty departure out of the tavern using one of the many unlisted exits. Once outside the Vorta searched for a quiet corner where she embraced the shadows and waited.
Setting: YUDARA Asteroid Field, Planetoid, Trade Center, Shady Tavern, First Level
Stardate: 63073.1850
Grex had been told, after some forceful persuading on his part, that the person he had been searching for could be found here, in this tavern. The entrance of the Kzinti Bounty Hunter had been enough to cause several patrons to halt their conversations until such time as they had been satisfied that the black furred giant had not been here for them.
After having scanned the main floor of the tavern, Grex rapidly moved to the upper level to continue his search and hopefully get a better vantage point of the primary level. The moment he reached the second floor, the Bounty Hunter noticed that something had been amidst at one of the tables hidden in the distant shadows. In only a few steps the towering Kzinti had crossed the distance that separated him from his target and discovered that his instincts had once again been correct.
A dark cloaked man laid face down on the small table, a search of his neck for any basic vital signs revealed the frightful trust. The man had been murdered, but what truly caught the interest of the Bounty Hunter had been the presence of two untouched drinks at the table which meant that the victim had not been alone.
The Kzinti quickly searched the immediate area and found nothing to hint of a struggle or even a disagreement. The only proof that something had happened had been that second drink.
Setting: YUDARA Asteroid Field, Planetoid, Trade Center, Alleyway behind the Shady Tavern
Stardate: 63073.1855
The Vorta quickly made her way through the alleyway not taking a single moment to look back. Every second wasted looking back would allow the Bounty Hunter to get closer, and Vellanor simply could not afford to let the Kzinti draw closer than he already had.
As she returned to a busier sector of the trade center, the cloak of the Vorta was pushed away by an inattentive merchant to reveal the same exquisite dress and coin pouch Vellanor had relinquished less than a minute ago.

Jessica Solarik

Lieutenant Commander Maya
Chief Science Officer

"To see the world in a grain of sand,
and a heaven in a wild flower.
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
and eternity in an hour."
- William Blake (British, 1757-1827)
OLD-P172: USS ANUBIS: Russell: Day 4 - 1830 ("Dimensions of Reality")

"Dimensions of Reality"
[Previous post: "A Simple Favour"]

Heart and soul of the United Federation of Planets, and home to the Human civilization.
A world that Adam had always been proud and happy to call home, a world that now stood in complete ruins.  Cities that were once universal beacons of accomplishments to the entire galaxy had been mercilessly reduced to rubble.  The millions of people who had once called this shinning marbled sphere home now only numbered in the hundreds.  Whoever they had been, their extermination of the Human race had been frightfully thorough.

Setting: USS PARADOX, Auxiliary Controls
Stardate: 63073.1830

As a trained Flight Control Officer Adam's skills as a pilot had been more than adequate, but as a saboteur his training in Operations had been somewhat lacking.  At times he wondered if trying to perform Black Ops had truly been within his skills, but necessity had proven to be a strong motivator.

This ship had welcomed both him and his son, despite that fact that they had originated from a different dimension.  Adam still had not been entire sure as to what this meant, but he knew that he needed to help in whatever way he could to insure that the ship did not fall into the wrong hands.  If not for the sake of the ship itself, the father had rapidly made the decision to fight for the sake of his son.

So far Adam had managed to keep his presence on the ship a secret as he performed minor acts of sabotage.  The only hint of his success in his endeavor had been the sometimes loud cussing of some of the people who had come to take over the ship.  The real problem had been that there had been far more of them than him, and could repair the systems faster than he could sabotage them.

From Auxiliary Controls Adam hoped that he would be able to affect multiple systems all at once.  This would allow him to retreat and take some time to truly think of a better way to accomplish his final goal, whatever that might have been.  This had not been *his* universe, and therefore he knew very little as to whom he could trust and whom he should fear.

Having used all of his knowledge in Operations to set the computer to create a cascading overload in the ship's power system, Adam vanished once more into the maintenance corridors and quickly returned to the reason why he had been doing this.

Setting: USS PARADOX, Cargo Bay 6
Stardate: 63073.1845

Shawn had always been a bright, imaginative young fellow.  A boy who could turn a few boxes and a piece of string into a game that would keep him entertained for hours. Maybe it had been because of the environment he had spent the last three years of his life in, a forgotten world that gave nothing even to those who worked their fingers to the bone.

The boy had been the pride and joy of both his parents who had given him everything they could to insure that he had a happy life.  On the YORKSHIRE Shawn had enjoyed the highest level of comfort available to a Starfleet family, and on NEW EARTH the boy had learned to make due with what little had been within his reach.

The change from living on a starship to surviving on a hostile planet had almost seemed easy for Shawn, but to lose his mother had been difficult and haunted the young child each and every night.  Adam sighed as he watched his son play with the small boxes he had found throughout the cargo bay.  For that brief moment in time, Shawn seemed almost content with his life.

Adam fought back tears as he wished that his wife had been here with them.  Together, they could have reclaimed this ship and found a new world to call their own.

William Reeve

Ensign Adam Russell
(in another reality)
Flight Control Officer
OLD-P171: USS ANUBIS: Morningstar: Day 4 - 1845 ("A Simple Favour")

"A Simple Favour"
[Previous Post Sabrina' "Planning"]
<<It has happened, it will happen.>>
- Common saying within Starfleet's Temporal Security Agency
Setting: USS ANUBIS: Array Section, Deck 3, VIPER Launch Bay
Stardate: 63073.1845
"Commander Enaii!" the Native American called out as he ran to catch up to the ANUBIS' Intel Operative. Although short, the woman seemed to move about with amazing speed and grace. "May I take a moment of your time?"
"No," the ILO icily answered, having stopped and turned to face the man only long enough to grant him the honour of her reply.

Erik remained stunned for several seconds, not having expected the answer that he had received. After all the inquiry had only been a courtesy to permit the former CO of the USS LANCELOT to present the ANUBIS' Acting ExO with his request. After having regained his mental composure, Morningstar went after the Operative once more.
"Commander," Erik resumed as she finally arrived by the ILO's side. "I promise to be quick and to not force you to answer anything with more than a few words." Enaii immediately stopped and shot a glare in the Native American's direction which actually made him chuckle. "Let me rephrase that, I could never hope to *force* you to do anything if I want to see tomorrow in a single intact piece, so let me just say that I will not *expect* a multi-word answer to my one request."
"Very well," the ILO sighed, obviously Captain Morningstar had his mind set on whatever this had been, and by now the Operative's curiosity had been peaked.
"I would like to request permission to accompany you on your sortie," Morningstar stated without any hesitation knowing all too well that the Intel Operative had not been the kind of person who enjoyed getting the run-around. "You know my flight credentials are more than adequate to pilot one of these VIPERs," the Captain added having taken a few minutes to review the specs of the ANUBIS' Interceptor Class fighters.
"No," the ILO answered once more, the coldness in her voice not having diminished in the least.
"Enaii," Erik cut in before the Operative could turn away. "I am asking this as a personal favour. Since my rescue from the LANCELOT I have been absolutely *useless* on this ship, and each time I try to offer my assistance with a project it is either classified over my clearance or has already been completed by the time I hear about it. This ship is truly amazing but I need to do something constructive on this mission before I go mad. I promise that I will be nothing more than a pilot on this mission and that I will follow your every commands without question. I just need to feel that I am more than a lump and this is the only real opportunity that has presented itself."
The Intel Operative looked into the man's eyes for several seconds, her stone-cold features not having betrayed in anyway her thoughts or emotions, if she had actually felt any. Enaii could see the desperation in the Native American's eyes as well as the pride that he had pushed aside to permit himself to make this request from her.
"You owe me," the ILO finally uttered before she turned around and resumed her course for the lead VIPER. Erik's smile had been bright enough to light up the entire ship, but he still knew better than to verbalize his feelings to the woman who he knew to be colder than a room full of Vulcans. "VIPER 3," Enaii announced after a few steps, "Launch in 15 minutes."
The Native American quickly ended his smile for fear that the ILO might actually see it and change her mind. Now he had 15 minutes to get fully acquainted with the Interceptor's systems so as to not make Enaii regret the favour that she had made him.
Francois Charette
Lieutenant Elan Talak Fairborn
Chief Engineering Officer
Robotics Engineering Officer

OLD-P170: USS ANUBIS: Rikar: Day 4 - 1830 ("Planning")

(Previous Post was Marissa's "Time to Act")

Setting: USS ANUBIS, Bridge
Stardate: 63073.1830

The young woman sat in the command chair located in the center of the Bridge… the gaze from her emerald eyes lost amongst the streaking stars displayed on the main view screen. The red hue that bathed the inside of the entire ship had been a constant reminder that the ANUBIS had been under the protection of its ablative armour… and therefore nearly invisible to sensors.

"Still no sign of our having been detected by any of the Gorn patrols," Ensign Thomas announced from the Operations station.

"They are all probably too busy dealing with whatever issues have been created by the temporal anomalies that are everywhere," Ensign Mitshiba added from the Science station. Both Ensigns had returned to the Bridge once their task to create a personalized quantum field generator had been accomplished, thanks in some part to the Oltharian Engineer and the ANUBIS' own Avatar.

"Apparently one of those issues is a squadron of Cardassian Galor-Class starships, bearing 288 mark 14," the Kzinti Sec/Tac Officer reported from her station. Hex's words had been laced with a hint of disappointment as she witnessed the battle between the slow, heavily armoured Gorn patrol ship and the three faster, more agile Cardassian cruisers. Ensign Fanggot's mind quickly created a combat scenario in which the ANUBIS had flown into the heart of the battle to teach both sides how a war should be waged.

Standing immediately behind the Sec/Tac Officer, Ensign Lopez grinned to herself as she observed her friend's hand dance on the tactical station as many more scenarios were created and prepared for. The aCMO had accompanied the Kzinti once she had been released from Sickbay under the excuse of needing to insure that Hex had been alright.

Although she had not been overly fond of the idea of having the aCMO by her side, Hex had actually not disliked the idea of having a friend nearby as much as she had expected. The Sec/Tac Officer had even managed to reason that this had been the perfect excuse for her to keep an eye on Adriana and insure that *she* had been alright.

"All three VIPERs have been retrofitted with the necessary equipment to allow them to safely navigate this region of space," the Oltharian reported as he and Ensign Dalziel stepped out of the turbo lift and onto the Bridge. "Annie stayed behind to verify that all of the modifications to the power grid will not impede the Interceptors' combat systems," Elan added while he made his way to the Engineering station at the back of the Bridge.

Although a little curious as to what the ship's Counsellor and Chief Engineer might have been talking about, the redheaded woman refrained from inquiring… as a former Cns, Rikar knew that any question along those lines would have served no purpose and maybe even made Eve's duties that much more difficult in the future.

"Well done Lieutenant," the CO offered as she turned to look at the now sitting Oltharian. "See, I knew that you would have this minor task done well before we reached the YUDARA SECTOR." The CEO simply echoed the Captain's smile and nodded his thanks for the praise he had been given.

"Bridge to Commander Maya," the redheaded woman called out as she turned her chair back to face the front of the Bridge.

Setting: USS ANUBIS, Sickbay
Stardate: 63073.1835

"Go ahead Captain," the CSciO acknowledged as she tightened a belt around her waste. Although very similar to the one normally worn by Startfleet personnel this one had distinct differences, the most notable one having been two small rectangular boxes located on either side.

=/\= Just checking up on your progress with the testing of the quantum field generator,=/\= the CO explained. Although the initial project had been the responsibility of Ensign Mitshiba, the Captain had thought it wise to have the senior most Science officer check the device for any possible problems or side effects.

"Commander Maya was just about to activate one of the devices," Doctor Summers jumped in with as she opened her medical tricorder and stood ready to monitor the Shillian's vital signs. "I'm just here to make sure we don't end up with a mess that will take Elan weeks to clean up."

Maya playfully glared at the CMO for a moment before she reached for one of the small boxes and activated the device.

"The field is active," the Shillian Scientist reported while she looked down at her hands as if having expected for them to be somehow transformed or even vanish. "Initial observations appear very promising," Maya continued as she reached for her own tricorder and performed a few scans of the quantum field that now enveloped her. "The energy output of the field is stable and my instruments show that the miniature quantum singularity reactor is actually performing slightly above expected parameters."

Setting: USS ANUBIS, Bridge
Stardate: 63073.1838

=/\= The field dynamic is a perfect match to the one currently used by our ablative armour and bio-regenerative hull. Ensign Mitshiba and Thomas should be proud of the work they have done,=/\= the CSciO stated which immediately made the two Officers in questions glance at each other to trade a prideful smile.

=/\= Looks like Elan won't have anything to clean down here,=/\= Doctor Summers added with a sarcastic sigh, obviously not at all displeased with the fact that the Shillian had not been turned into a pile of protoplasmic goo.

"I am sure that I speak for our Chief Engineer, as well as everyone else onboard, when I say that we are all very happy to hear this," Rikar announced while her pink lips displayed a playful smile. It had been refreshing to see that despite the rather dire nature of their mission the crew had managed to keep a certain sense of humour… a fact that the CO greatly appreciated.

"Rikar to Enaii," the redheaded woman continued as she pressed a control on the arm of her chair to open a new comm channel.

=/\= Yes,=/\= the ILO replied as dryly as expected, the Intel Operative never having been big on words.

"Annie is performing last minute checks on the VIPERs," the CO announced. "I would like for you to take the lead of the squadron. I feel that having our most experienced pilot out there looking for the PARADOX will play in our favour and may grant us the break we so desperately need."

=/\= Very well,=/\= Enaii replied and immediately closed the channel afterwards, thus insuring that no one would be able to tell if whether or not this had been welcomed news or a task that she felt had been well beneath her position as the ANUBIS' ILO and acting ExO.

"We will be arriving at the YUDARA SECTOR in 50 minutes," the COO announced with a distinct tone of anticipation… maybe even excitement.
Sabrina Jones

Captain Sabrina Rikar 
Commanding Officer 
"We are Grey, we stand between the Candle and the Star, between the Darkness and the Light" 
-Entilza Delenn, Babylon 5
OLD-P169: USS ANUBIS: Lopez: Day 4 - 1715 ("Time to Act")

"Time to Act"
[Previous post: "Something New"]

Setting: YUDARA Asteroid Field, Planetoid, Trade Center, building
across from the T'kon Temple
Stardate: 63073.1715

Despite his frail appearance and advanced age the Efrosian's skills and experience had allowed for his entrance into the secured compound to be an easy one.  Those who had tried to stop him at the door and later down the stairway had been quickly dealt with and rendered unconscious with moves many Kzinti warriors would have been envious of.

To help someone in need, someone who had fallen pray to the corrupted ways of others had been Ojall Chek Kane's greatest calling, yet while doing so he still could not bring himself to severely injure someone. His non-lethal methods had always been quick and effective, and had never proven to be anything less than exactly what had been required during the many years of offering help and assistance to those in need.

As Ojall pressed on in search of this person mentioned by the T'Kon priest, his mind travelled to a time when he had been but a simple student of the monastery he had joined.  There he had learned skills in the field of science and medicine, knowledge in the areas of engineering and combat, and insights into the minds of others that rivaled those of given to Starfleet Academy cadets.  During his apprenticeship the young priest had also learned about compassion and the ability to extend his senses to become one with the world around him.

It had been that specific knowledge and skill which allowed the Efrosian to easily avoid the large metal rod that had been swung at him from behind a support column.  In a single fluid move Ojall redirected the pole and knocked out the one who had held it to send both him and the blunt weapon crashing onto the floor.

"I do not know who you are old man, but this is as far as you go," a man with an icy voice spat from the shadows before several phaser shots ripped through the ambient darkness.  Ojall rolled out of the way while he at the same time retrieved the iron shaft that had been used against him only seconds before.  With the precision of a marksman and the strength of an Olympian the 60-years-old priest threw the rob into the shadows where a loud thud was heard a single heartbeat later.

Ojall could hear the man scamper away as he tried his best to breathe, the metal rod having landed squarely in the middle of his chest.  A normal man would have pursued this attacker to end the conflict but the aged priest had not ventured into this place in search of a fight, but rather in search of a soul in need.

Motionless, the Efrosian listened carefully to his surroundings in an effort to find what he had come here for, his senses stretched out beyond what had been considered normal for most people.  The panting and labored steps of the attacked grew fainter and soon gave way to the sound of a terrified beating heart.

Ojall approached the door and laid a single hand upon it before he spoke.  "I am Kane, I will help," was all that the priest offered to the woman he now knew had been behind the secured door.

[[The door is electronically locked,]] Mortina said from the other side unable to hide her fear, [[you will need some sort of torch to cut through this door.]]

The priest scrutinized the door for a brief moment and decided on a course of action based on the fact that no control panel had been near by.  "Stand away from the door," Ojall instructed before he placed both hands on the door as if he had intended to simply push it open.

Setting: YUDARA Asteroid Field, Planetoid, Trade Center, a Dark Room
Stardate: 63073.1725

There had been something in the man's voice, something that hinted to a confidence, an inner strength the likes of which the Betazoid had never seen.  As her mind reached out to touch his Mortina experienced a never before imagined tranquility, the man's thoughts had been as focused as a Vulcan while at the same time holding a level of emotion that seemed to stretch to the furthest reaches of the universe.

Quickly remembering the instructions that she had been given, the Betazoid moved as far back as she could, just in time to see the door suddenly fly inward as if a tremendous force had pushed it.

"How did you do that?" The Starfleet officer asked in pure amazement having noticed that no tools or instruments had been in the man's hands.

"Now is not the time," Ojall said as he extended a hand of friendship towards the stunned Betazoid.  "I believe that we should both return to the temple, there I will be able to answer some of your questions."

Still rather baffled by what had just happened, Mortina soon accepted the kind invitation and followed the Efrosian out of her cell and back to the T'Kon temple.

Marissa Montonera-Lombardi

Ensign Adriana Lopez
Assistant Chief Medical Officer

OLD-P168: USS ANUBIS: Summers: Day 4 - 1600 ("Something New")

"Something New"
[Previous post: "Oltharian Emotions", written by the amazing Francois]

Setting: YUDARA Asteroid Field, Planetoid, Trade Center, a dark room
Stardate: 63073.1600

The sounds of the struggle that had reached Mortina several hours ago had finally died down. From her underground cell there had been no way for the Starfleet Officer to know what had happened. All she knew was that something had transpired and that now it had ended.

The Betazoid had tried to telepathically reach out during that time. At best she might have been able to let someone know that she had been here, in trouble. At worst the unwilling prisoner might have been able to figure out what had happened. The only thing Mortina discovered though had been that someone somehow had managed to block her telepathic abilities.

~Tsk, tsk, tsk,~ the icy voiced echoed in the woman's head once again. ~Still hoping for a brave knight to come to your rescue, how truly pathetic. I am sorry to burst your bubble, but your salvation will come only at the hands of death itself.~

Before Mortina could say or even react to the dreadful words that she had heard, a very high pitch burst filled the small room. The Betazoid pressed her hands as hard as she could against her ears but to no avail. The ear-piercing sound reached all the way into her soul and soon she found her legs give way under her.

Setting: YUDARA Asteroid Field, Planetoid, Trade Center, T'kon Temple
Stardate: 63073.1630

The battle had been won and the forces bent on destroying the temple had been pushed back. The Efrosian stood next to the black robed priest still unable to comprehend what had really happened. To have been able to visit a temple as it had been millennia ago had been a blessing. To have fought off an assault from creatures not of this time had been a mystery. To have stood shoulder to shoulder with a T'Kon Grand Master during battle had been an impossible dream come true.

"I am most grateful for your assistance," the black robed priest said. A deep bow of thanks added to the sincere emotions felt by the man who should not have been there. "Now it is time for you to be the hero once more. Someone is in need," the T'Kon priest continued while he pointed to a small building across the street from the temple.

Setting: YUDARA Asteroid Field, Planetoid, Trade Center, a dark room
Stardate: 63073.1700

Mortina opened her eyes and was immediately grateful that she had still been alive. The splitting headache she suffered from had been proof enough of this. As the Betazoid slowly pushed herself onto her knees she wondered what horrible fate awaited her. It had been clear to see that her captors had intended to prolong her discomfort and torture for as long as possible. The question though remained as to why.

The sounds of a new struggle reached the distressed Starfleet Officer. It took no time at all for Mortina to realize that these noises had been closer, much closer. Against her better judgment, and fears the captive woman moved closer to the locked door. Hoping.

Tiffany Rose

Lt. Lea Summers
Chief Medical Officer
OLD-P167: USS ANUBIS: Fairborn: Day 4 - 1700 ("Oltharian Emotions")

"Oltharian Emotions"
[Previous Post Jessica's "It Was About Time That Something Went Our Way"]

<<The only way out is through.>>
- Ancient Wisdom

Setting: USS ANUBIS: Array Section, Deck 3, VIPER Launch bay
Stardate: 63073.1700

After having assisted Ensigns Thomas and Mitshiba with their power issues for their personal quantum field generator, the Oltharian had been dispatched to the Interceptor Launch Bay by Captain Rikar herself. The task given to the Chief Engineer had been to retrofit all three of the VIPERS with similar equipment, the redheaded CO apparently having the utmost confidence in the giant's ability to perform this complex assignment in less than half an hour. That had been just how much time the towering officer had before the ANUBIS would reach the YUDARA SECTOR and the source of the increasingly numerous temporal anomalies which threatened to take over the galaxy.

Although it had been quite a while since the Oltharian had taken any time to rest, the fact that he had originated from a world with 36-hour days allowed him to work much longer than most. Added to this Elan's insatiable desire to help and perform his duties to perfection insured that the "impossible" became common occurrence.

"I will take care of the required modifications to the power regulator on VIPER 3," the ANUBIS' Avatar announced all of a sudden without prior warning. With both of his arms elbow deep inside the systems of VIPER 1 the giant did not bother to question why Annie had decided to jump ahead in their work schedule.

"Lieutenant Fairborn?" The inquiring voice of the ANUBIS' Counsellor reached the busy Engineer, making him understand why the Avatar had unexpected elected to move as far away from the Oltharian as possible. Annie's ability to tap into any and all of the ship's systems, including the internal sensors had given the artificial woman an advantage like no other; like knowing when to grant someone privacy before they even knew they needed it.

"Right here," Elan replied while his back rested on the Interceptor launch tracks and his arms vanished within the open belly of VIPER 1. "Please forgive my impoliteness," the Oltharian offered with the utmost reverence in his voice, "but I am currently holding on to this Interceptor's main power conduit and am unable to reconnect it in time to properly greet you."

"No apologies are needed," Ensign Dalziel quickly offered as she knelt by the giant's side. Even while on his back and with the majority of his arms beyond sight, the Oltharian appeared as a massive yet gentle giant. "In fact I should be the one offering you my apologies for coming here and interrupting your work."

"How may I be of assistance?" the Chief Engineering Officer inquired despite the fact that the current task he had been working on had been of the highest possible priority.

"Just thought that you and I could have a word together," the Counsellor stated not having thought of any better way to break the ice with the constantly occupied Engineer. "Trying to catch you during a *down time* seems to be a temporal impossibility."

The Olthairan chuckled slightly while he continued to work on the VIPER's power system. "Being the Chief Engineering Officer of a vessel heading into a mission that could possibly hold the fate of the entire universe in the balance will do that," Elan said in a far more serious tone than Eve had expected.

"I had not realised that Oltharians were so *logical*," the Counsellor stated, knowing all to well that there had been nothing similar between Vulcans and Elan's people.

"Logic has little to do with it," the Chief Engineering Officer countered with. "In fact I would be more apt to say that it is my personal emotions which are the source of the clarity of thought required to focus on this task above all else."

"I noticed in your psychological file a rather overpowering sense to defend and protect others," Eve stated not having figured that keeping secrets from Elan would serve any real purpose at this time. After all it had been standard procedure for a ship's Counsellor to review the psychological files of all Senior Officers. "You care very much about everyone, not only those onboard the ANUBIS, that is an admirable quality."

"This may be so," the Oltharian countered with, "but my primary concerns are for those whom I have come to consider to be far more than shipmates. I would even venture to say that those onboard the ANUBIS are more than friends, they are family."

"Thank you Lieutenant," Eve smiled as she felt unequivocally included in that last statement. "I am honoured to be counted with the likes of Captain Rikar, Commander Maya and Lieutenant Summers," the Counsellor added in a way to help the CMO get a better idea of her official position in regards to the Oltharian.

"I am the one who is honoured in having such passionate and caring individuals around me," the Oltharian stated as he continued his work without any visible signs that the conversation had hindered his task.

"As busy as you always seem to be though, have you ever considered that it could be nice to be able to return to your quarters and have someone special there waiting for you?" Eve inquired in a half thought and immediately realised that she had said something wrong. The Oltharian's entire body had slumped and Elan had all of a sudden appeared to be lost in his thoughts.

Quickly the Counsellor mentally reviewed what she could recall of the Chief Engineer's file and sighed as she remembered a single name that had been mentioned only a few times. Amber Satori; an officer who had served with the gentle giant since his first run through the Academy and who now laid in a coma in the NEW ALEXANDRIA's medical facility. The file had not clearly stated that the two had been in a relationship, but the hints had been there, hints that now had been overly clear to the Ensign, if a little late.
Francois Charette
Lieutenant Elan Talak Fairborn
Chief Engineering Officer

Robotics Engineering Officer
OLD-P166: USS ANUBIS: Maya: Day 4 - 1615
("It Was About Time That Something Went Our Way")

"It Was About Time That Something Went Our Way"
(Previous Post: "Loyalties")

Setting: USS ANUBIS, Deck 12, Astrophysics
Stardate: 63073.1615
Since well before their arrival into Gorn space, the Shillian Scientist had kept a close watch on all spatial and temporal anomalies which had their origins deep within the asteroid belt in the YUDARA SECTOR. Because of the mineral content of the asteroids and their sheer numbers, the state-of-the-art sensors of the USS ANUBIS had been unable to pinpoint the exact location of the USS PARADOX; in fact the sensors had not even been able to manage a general bearing. That was until now.
"Alright, speak to me," Captain Rikar said as she walked into the Astrophysics Lab, as per the request of the Chief Science Officer.
"So far all of the temporal anomalies that we have encountered and catalogued have been of an unspecific quantum nature and display a noticeable displacement away from the YUDARA SECTOR," the Shillian announced without as much as an acknowledgement for the arrival of the Commanding Officer.
"No specific time flow and moving away from the YUDARA SECTOR," Captain Rikar repeated in a much condensed form. "I truly hope that you did not call me down here to tell me that."
"The problem was that the temporal anomalies seemed to have no quantum cause, or link with one another," the Shillian Scientist continued. "The tetryon signature of each of these spatial anomalies seemed to almost be random which made me wonder if the origin of these anomalies was indeed common. Then our sensors picked up this," the Chief Science Officer stated as she called up the specific sensor data onto the main screen of the Astrophysics Lab.
The crimson haired woman studied with great interest the seemingly endless string of information that scrolled up on the screen, most of which the Commanding Officer of the USS ANUBIS had actually been able to understand.
"This looks like a forced, yet uncontrolled, rupture of the space-time continuum along with something else embedded in the energy wave," Rikar said while she continued to analyse the information in an attempt to make more sense of what the Shillian had showed her.
"The additional harmonics in the energy wave is caused by an Matter/Antimatter reaction chamber that is out of alignment, probably due to a phase variance of the injectors brought on by a breakdown in the temporal shielding," the Chief Science Officer added as she called up the engineering specs of the USS PARADOX.
"We already knew that the PARADOX was at the core of these problems," the Captain offered in an almost disappointed tone.
"Yes we knew this," the Shillian agreed, "but this information had not been sufficient to grant us the ability to narrow our search area for the ship. With these latest sensor scans though we can pinpoint the location of the trans-dimensional vessel within appreciatively ten thousand kilometres."
Given that the YUDARA SECTOR and the asteroid field found within span more than twenty times such an area Rikar found the news to be a good one. "Can we get the ANUBIS close enough to use our transporters and beam directly onboard?"
The Chief Science Officer shook her head and sighed. "Even if we could manoeuvre the ship deep enough into the asteroid field the temporal distortions would make transporting directly onboard next to impossible. We might be able to retrofit some of the VIPERs with temporal shielding and send them in for a recon mission while the away team gathers information at the trading outpost and maybe even finds a way to gain access to the ship." 
"It may not be much," the Captain offered, "but at least this will give us a better chance to find the PARADOX and stop it before it is too late."

Jessica Solarik

Lieutenant Commander Maya
Chief Science Officer

"To see the world in a grain of sand,
and a heaven in a wild flower.
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
and eternity in an hour."
- William Blake (British, 1757-1827)
OLD-P165: USS ANUBIS: Mitshiba: Day 4 - 1615 ("Loyalties")

(Cont. from "Condensed Power")

Setting: USS PARADOX, Deck 22, D-Drive Control Chamber
Stardate: 63073.1615

The blast had knocked her clear off her feet and tossed the civilian dressed Arcadian Starfleet Ensign across the large room like a rag doll.  Instead of immediately getting back up, Anya stayed on the floor and gazed at the flickering lights embedded in the ceiling.  How had she managed to get into this mess?

While on shore leave, Ensign Green had decided to seek fame and fortune within Gorn space.  The main reason for that having been that no one there knew of or even suspected her record as a light-fingered thief.  Anya had even hoped that she might run into a handsome, wealthy entrepreneur whom she would be able to befriend and later leave with his purse greatly lightened.  Instead she had come across a reptilian by the name of Sumariss who had neither been handsome nor wealthy.  Still the Selay priest had managed to convinced Anya to help; for a price.

None of the members of the sorry excuse for a band of mercenaries who had followed Sumariss onto this ship had recognized it as having been a Starfleet vessel, a fact that had played in the Ensign's favor. Even Anya had found it difficult to accept that the PARADOX had in fact been part of the same fleet she belonged to, the external and internal design having been different from what she had known or even come to expect.  Still there had been little doubt in her mind once she had worked with the computer and dug deeper into the control systems of this 'D-Drive' that this ship belonged to the Federation; the tale-tale fingerprints of engineers had been everywhere.

She had been the one to identify the full potential of this special device and inform Sumariss that the ship, in theory, could not only travel into other dimention but also through time.  That was when the Selay's drive to take control of this ship took over everything else. This ship had been the answer that he had spent the last 7 years searching for.

The prospect of being paid more for this one job than she would have received for an entire year's worth of service as an Ensign had insured that the Arcadian remained loyal to the Selay, but with each failed attempt to master this technology Anya began to wonder if this had truly been worth it.

Being able to travel through time had opened up a great deal of financial possibilities, but unfortunately it had also raised several ethical questions that the Arcadian had managed to ignore for the most part.  Sumariss wanted nothing more than to save the members of his religious order who had been massacred almost a decade ago, while the rest of the mercenaries had wanted nothing more than to see these untold riches that they had been promised.

What worried Anya had been what would happened once Sumariss' quest had been completed?  If the ship remained in the hands of the mercenaries the potential for profit had been more than any Ferengi could have ever imagine, but it was easy to see that no one else had thought of the impact this would have on the countless lives found within the galaxy.

Could Ensign Anya Green, an Arcadian once consumed with the desire to obtain nothing but wealth, truly place her selfish desire above the safety and lives of billions of other lives?

Dawn Bohr

Ensign Akira 'Aki' Mitshiba
Assistant Chief Science Officer
OLD-P164: USS ANUBIS: Dalziel: Day 4 - 1527 ("The Pendulum Swings")

"The Pendulum Swings"
(Previous Post: "Time" by Sabrina)

"Someone once told me that time was a predator that stalked us all our lives. But I rather believe time is a *companion*... who goes with us on the journey, reminds us to cherish every moment... because they'll never come again."
-Picard to Riker, "Generations"

Setting: USS ANUBIS, Sickbay
Stardate: 63073.1527

For the past several minutes, Ensign Dalziel had handled their Klingon guest with both confidence and trepidation. She spoke quietly and respectfully, sensing that the beleaguered man had been through enough in a short span of time. 

His large, imposing face was etched with a permanent scowl. And yet, he hadn't tried to tear Drell limb from limb, even though his size and strength indicated he could have easily done so. And Eve wanted to know why.

"I offer an apology on behalf of the ship's crew and Captain Rikar. This is not an example of how we assist those in need." It wasn't the first time the branch of diplomacy had been extended in the name of peace. Although, it was perhaps a small shred of peace compared to what they were all facing once they left the safety of the ANUBIS.

Karg shrugged and let out a noise somewhere between a grunt and a cough. "It seems as though people choose to dislike that which they do not understand," he said harshly.

Eve placed her hands behind her back, steepling her fingers. "A Klingon who abhors violence, it is unique. Surely you can admit this, Karg."

"Admit it? I have *lived* it," he practically roared, nearly taking the Cardassian born Counsellor off her carefully crafted guard. 

"It is a narrow path you walk," Eve admitted. It was almost enough to make her feel guilt at the many times she had parlayed physical violence to her advantage. But the satisfaction at using her power for a common good was electrifying. She secretly hoped that Aki and ET had managed to solve their energy problem so they could embark on their mission as planned.

"It is the only path I can follow with a clean conscience. And as much of a burden as it has been, the rewards have outpaced the inconveniences. I am, after all, off that Romulan Warbird." The Klingon seemed to be offering a roundabout 'thank you' for his unconventional rescue.

Eve allowed herself a little smile. "Karg, I want to thank you for speaking with me, as you were under no obligation to do so-"

"NEVER!" Eve's words were interrupted by the strident yell of the aSec/Tac officer.

The pale woman's attention instantly shifted to the Kzinti. Doctor Summers had approached Hex, and she and Ensign Lopez were attending to her even more quickly than the Counsellor could have. Dalziel shared a fleeting glance with the petite furball, a look that was a mix of bewilderment, shame, and sheer terror. It was an active reminder that her work was far from over, mission or no mission. 

"It was not my wish to have anyone fight for me," Karg said, also viewing the event with concern. "Although I can say that little one, she has the heart of a warrior."

Setting: USS ANUBIS, CMO's Office
Stardate: 63073.1547 (about 20 minutes later)

Even for someone so entranced by activity, work, and hustle and bustle, the Sickbay proper was getting a little too crowded. So when the ship's Doctor invited Eve into her office, the Counsellor readily accepted. 

Eve had felt a kinship to Lieutenant Summers almost instantly, although if someone asked her to explain why, she wouldn't have been able to. It had been said that some Doctors had bedside manner, and some didn't. Lea Summers had the most natural and abundant bedside manner Eve had ever seen. She cared for her patients' physical health as deeply as Dalziel cared for their mental health. The fact that the blonde woman offered her support to the new Counsellor was obvious proof of that.

(From Tiffany's Last Post)

"Before I let you go," Lea said as she lowered herself into her seat. "I wanted to say something. It's about Elan. Actually it would be more accurate to say that it's about me and Elan."

Eve quietly sighed. [[It was too good to last.]]

(Back to Mine)

Ensign Dalziel smiled as she remembered their talk in the Black Hole Lounge. "Obviously the two of you have feelings for each other. It doesn't exactly take a Counsellor to notice that."

Summers' face reddened slightly. "Yes, we have feelings... but we've never really discussed them. I feel like I'm standing on the edge of a precipice, wanting to jump, but unable to take the leap."

"And the Chief?"

"About the same... but there's a small part of him I can't read."

The dark haired woman agreed. "He reminds me of an elderly Vedek my parents hosted aboard the ship they were assigned to when I was a kid," Dalziel began. "Full of honor, calm, faith. He spoke very little but his actions said so much about his life's calling. I am beginning to wonder if Elan was a priest in a past life. His 'pagh' has much dignity in it." Not to mention the man was a master Engineer. It made Eve hold the Oltharian in a reverent light.

"But what should I *do*?" Lea asked plaintively.

Dalziel considered her answer. "It may seem complicated, but there are only three distinct possibilities. One, openly admit your feelings for him. Two, wait for him to reveal his. Three, end the relationship... and I don't think the last one is an option for you... for either of you."

"I don't think either of us want to ruin it," the CMO stated.

"Even if it ended tomorrow, it wouldn't change what you both have shared, would it? Especially when it could be so much more. You can't keep a candle burning forever by placing it in a box. You starve the oxygen and the candle burns out. The only way to keep the candle burning is to use it up, until it dissolves away. Otherwise, never light the candle in the first place. But then, you have no light at all."

Lea agreed. "Nobody can live that way. But this feels so...unsure."

"Love is like a pendulum, but it requires a push of momentum, and then swinging, to feel like you're flying. The two of you are evidently providing some movement or else you wouldn't need the services of the Counsellor. But it sounds like you both are afraid to let go and truly fly. But that's not unusual, and it's nothing to be ashamed of. I haven't... had a close personal relationship yet at all," Eve admitted. "So perhaps I'm not the best one to be asking for advice."

"Why haven't you?" Lea asked.

It was the Counsellor's turn to feel hesitant. "Sometimes I think I am meant to be alone. My light shines brightest in the service of others. Right now, I only have room enough in my heart for the crew and myself. Relationships... make things complicated. Can you imagine how difficult it must be for the Captain and Enaii?"

A slight chill crept down Lea's spine with the mention of the ILO. 

Eve mistook the reason for Lea's sudden discomfort. "I'm not saying you should avoid what is happening between you and Elan. But mixing it with duty is not an easy thing. But everything that is worthwhile has an element of risk. Just look at all of us." Eve had finished her coffee several minutes ago, but she finally set the cup down in preparation to leave.

"We're meant to be on the ANUBIS," Doctor Summers said with as much conviction as Ensign Dalziel had asserted.

Eve paused at the office door. "And you have to believe that whatever transpires between you and Elan was destined. Your heart has served as a pretty good guide so far, so why stop trusting it now?"

Susan M Ledbetter
Ensign Eve Dalziel

"I savored those stories; I read them slowly, one each day. And when I was done, I wished I hadn't read them at all. So I could read them again... like it was the first time."
-Melanie to Old Jake, DS9, "The Visitor"
OLD-P163: USS ANUBIS: Rikar: Day 4 - 1600 ("Time")

(Previous Post was Ashley's "Bonding")
Setting: SELAY, Temple of Sanai
Stardate: 55244.0200 (roughly 7 years ago)
The continuingly increasing members of the fledgling religious order had long ago retired to their sleeping quarters within their sacred temple… unaware of the plan that had been set in motion against them. For the Selay, the idea of a religious order fully dedicated to peace had been as alien as the United Federation of Planets, but that had not been the reason for the opposition that the group had generated.
In addition to the peaceful ways being preached by the order's leaders, new members were encouraged to give up the old ways and forgo killing… even for food. In the entire known history of the Selay people, none had ever eaten something other than freshly killed meat. This along had galvanized the rest of the general population into a single-minded opposition.
The Temple of Sanai would not see the rising of the next day's sun, and those inside would be granted an eternal peace… somewhat similar to the one their leaders preached.
When the carnage began, only a handful of young acolytes managed to escape into the nearby hills. Hours later an intensive search was initiated for them and all were brought back in shackles before the sun had reached its apogee over the city's main building where justice was dealt… usually quickly and deadly.
In a show of mercy, the leaders of the public revolt allowed the handful of young Selay to avoid the fate of their fellow worshipers and were exiled from SELAY to never set foot on their homeworld for as long they lived.
Sumariss silently vowed that he would return to his home and show the others the error of their ways… and in time they would come to accept this religious movement as a step in their society's evolution.
Setting: YUDARA SECTOR, Asteroid Field
Stardate: 63070.0615 (roughly 3 days ago)
The exiled Selay had ventured into this region of the galaxy in search a kind soul to assist in his work to return home as a visionary… not be hunted as an heretic as he had been for the last 7 years. At first Sumariss had given vessels from his planet only a minor leeway… but over the years it had become evident that this had not been sufficient if he had wanted to remain alive. Now several light-years separated him from any Selay ships.
Sumariss had been rather shocked to see a Selay freighter in orbit of the trade center… and as small as the ship might have been it had been enough for the exiled acolyte to seek refuge deep within the asteroid field and wait for the freighter's departure.
While waiting in peaceful meditation Sumariss allowed his thoughts to venture to a time that he hoped would be in the near future when he would be able to return home as if nothing had happened. If only had been able to travel back in time, he would have been able to warn his fellow believer of the attack and save them all from the unspeakable horrors that had been unleashed upon them.
It was then that a strange ship unexpectedly appeared in a burst of light and led the exiled Selay into a sequence of events that would be felt across the entire galaxy.
Setting: USS PARADOX, Deck 22, D-Drive Control Chamber
Stardate: 63073.1600
Samuriss entered the room that he had been visiting over the last 3 days on a regular basis… each time holding onto the hopes that the solution to the events of 7 years ago had been within his grasp.
"I think I finally managed to stabilize the temporal field," a mercenary engineer announced, his only interest having been in discovering the secrets of this ship… not to help the Selay in his foolish quest.
"You did not," Sumariss announced in a rather matter-of-fact manner.
"How are you so sure?" the Engineer inquired. "There is no way for us to tell from here."
"Unless you have just made this breakthrough a few seconds ago, I can say with certainty that you have failed in your efforts," Sumariss said… an profound emphasis on all of the *S* sounds in his words hinted to a high level of disappointment.
"Alright mister *smarty-pants*," the engineer snapped as he echoed the Selay's way of speaking. "Since you are so smart, tell me how you know this so certainly."
"I just came from a very lengthy discussion with Sobaless… my mentor and leader of the religious order I belong to… a Selay of amazing wisdom and one who was killed by the acts of short-sighted people more then 7 years ago."
"Great," the engineer sighed as he rubbed the back of his neck. "At this rate I might has well just place a photonic grenade in the entire assembly and see what happens," the frustrated mercenary uttered as he unleashed a single powerful kick against the base of one of the control consoles. Immediately a set of explosions filled the room… the last of which created a temporal shockwave that knocked everyone off their feet and extended well beyond the hull of the alien vessel.
Setting: USS ANUBIS, Deck 12, Astrophysics Lab
Stardate: 63073.1605
Maya's eyes lit up as she noted a sudden change in the readings from her instruments.
"Captain Rikar," the Scientist called out after having tapped her comm badge. "Please report to the Astrophysics Lab… I have something important to show you… and time is of the essence."
Sabrina Jones

Captain Sabrina Rikar 
Commanding Officer 
"We are Grey, we stand between the Candle and the Star, between the Darkness and the Light" 
-Entilza Delenn, Babylon 5
OLD-P162: USS ANUBIS: Fanggot: Day 4 - 1550 ("Bonding")‏

Previous post: "Between You and Me"

Setting:USS ANUBIS, Sickbay


Watching her movements intently in case they would give anything away, the Kzinti listened as her friend and crew-mate spoke. Though her mind was still busy with thoughts of its own, Hex knew it was the right thing to hear the woman out and talk awhile. Anything distracting would do when one's own mother can enter a peaceful mind at will.

"It's just... you seem so stressed and poised for attack all the time, like your expecting someone to hit you or something. I know you don't really like talking about it... but I feel I should help," the young human female stated.

The hitting comment stung, but Hex didn't let it show, continuing the conversation smoothly as though she were talking to anyone else, "I'm sure there are other things on your mind besides my welfare."

"Yes, as I said before there are many things on my mind..." the aCMO admitted, falling somewhat into line with her friend's official way of speaking while thinking of her sister's ever lingering presence.

"As for helping me..." Hex wanted to say more, but her throat closed up. She didn't want to be so cold and formal with everyone, but it was a hard habit to break. Taking a shuddering breath that allowed her voice to settle, the Kzinti began again, "As for helping me, I'm honored by your concern, but I can take care of myself."

Adriana seemed to take the Kzinti's words badly, Hex noted her stance change and her face fog with unease. "I guess I saw that one coming." Ensign Lopez said, smiling slightly to let the Sec/Tac officer know she was attempting at humor.

Sighing, Hex rested herself back down against the biobed and turned to lay on her side and look at Adriana. Though the Kzinti knew next to nothing about most of the crew members, she knew that almost everyone was battling their own inner demons. Maybe... maybe it was time to let someone help her for a change.

"I wasn't trying to be rude... or to push you away, I merely... " Hex sighed again, it was more difficult to talk then she had hoped, "I just don't usually open up to people. Especially not to counselors."

"I understand that, it's hard for me too." Ensign Lopez explained, sitting down on the side of the biobed carefully as to not make the Kzinti nervous, "I still think it would be a lot easier to talk to someone... hopefully who didn't think I was insane."

The furry humanoid allowed an honest grin to grace her face and nodded her understanding. All her people who knew where the Kzinti was thought she was insane, but Ensign Fanggot knew better. A warm flutter that Hex never felt before rose up in her chest. A thrilling sense of belonging washed over her as the aCMO returned her grin.

"Understand that I can't tell you everything about me... there are somethings better left unknown even to those closest to me." Hex cautioned, a serious tone entering her voice before she smiled gently, "but, besides that, I'd rather hear why you would consider yourself *insane* in the first place. For some reason it doesn't seem hard to come by on this ship."

Adriana smiled uneasily, but seemed willing enough to the Kzinti. Not wanting her to feel uncomfortable, Hex moved to sit cross-legged on the biobed to wait. The Ensign had never been a good talker, but she was an expert at listening and even more so at understanding.

"Well, I have a sister named Amanda who follows me around all the time" the aCMO confided quietly, the Kzinti noted the slight reddening of her cheeks.

"That's common, my brother follows me around a lot, but he couldn't find me if he wanted to anyway." Hex stated bluntly, a cold acid creeping into her throat.

"No, I mean my sister is actually *here*." Adriana enforced, glancing over to the corner of the room.

"Right now?" Hex questioned, her thin brows rising.

"Yes, just over there, but no one can see her but me... " the aCMO replied, nodding off in the corner's general direction.

The Kzinti smiled a serene smile, it changed her entire visage, the once tense, cold and collected exterior literally evaporated. "Sometimes, it's better to have someone no one can see, than to not have anyone there at all." Hex replied, a warmth touching her tone and making her sound wise and peaceful.

"It can get annoying sometimes, but, when you say it that way, it sounds much better," the human noted, "It also makes it sound like you're alone often too... "

It took less than a millisecond for the cold and tense exterior to return. "I am often alone, now and always." the Kzinti stated, "And that is how it must always remain." venom streaked into her voice, but was gone when she looked back at the other young woman.

"Why?" Adriana asked, curiosity making her sit slightly slouched over to be eve-level with the shorter Kzinti.

"A Kzinti is, in all respects, almost always alone. Only through marriage do you truly bind yourself to another, though most don't unless they find their soulmate." Hex explained, trying to keep the edge from her voice.

"Soulmates, I didn't know other cultures had them." Adriana said, curiously looking over the dark-skinned Kzinti.

"The Kzinti people believe that a person's soul is only half of a complete soul, separated and cast into two different bodies.  The purpose of life is to search for your soul's other half so that they can be reunited.  After death, if one's soulmate was not found, the soul is reincarnated into a new body and their search continues for another lifetime, hence the tern of "old soul".  If on the other hand the soulmate has been found, the two souls merge into one and are granted access to the Far Place where they create two new "young souls" that are set forth to search for one another. I have no soulmate for I am Forsaken, therefore my soul can never go to the Far Place." Hex explained again, her voice taking on the characteristics of a story-teller's, her ear twitching with annoyance at the last bit.

The young human woman found herself stunned, "Forsaken? What could you have done become Forsaken?" she asked.

The Kzinti's black fur stood on end, her ears flattened against her head as she raised her eyes to once again meet those of the aCMO. Hex's entire appearance had become wild and tense with anger, her fangs showing when she spoke, "I was born."

Ashley Shane

Ensign Hex Fanggot
Assistant Sec/Tac officer
OLD-P161: USS ANUBIS: Summers: Day 4 - 1545 ("Between You and Me")

"Between You and Me"
[Previous post: "Common Ground", written by the free flying Marissa]

Setting: USS ANUBIS, CMO's Office
Stardate: 63073.1545

"Would you like a cup of coffee?" Lea asked of Ensign Dalziel who had followed the CMO into her office.  Eve had been told to follow, and had done so with a certain sense of trepidation. When someone asked to see the ship's CNS alone, it was never a good sign.

"Thank you," Eve replied. "I'll take it double strong, double sweet, double cream." The Ensigns eyes scanned the room for a hint as to what this might have been all about. The only thing the CNS found was a steaming cup of coffee waiting for her on the corner of the CMO's desk.

"Sit, drink, relax," Lea said more as a command than a suggestion. Although Eve suspected that this had not been the way she had meant it, the CNS still complied.

"Something on your mind?" The surgically altered woman asked, the question usually being enough to get people talking. Instead though Lea just stood behind her desk, her attention fixed on the main treatment area. After having taken a sip of her drink Eve shifted slightly to her right to see what the CMO had been looking at. A faint smile formed as she saw Ensign Lopez and Fanggot chatting together.

"You shouldn't worry about either one of them," Eve forwarded. The odds had been good that the CMO had been concerned about either or both of the officers in her sickbay. All that the CNS had to do now had been to discover why.

"I'm not worried," Lea said, the smile on her lips echoed in her words. "Adriana has already proven herself to be a very capable medical officer. Hex, from what I have seen and heard, as done the same in her field. I know that they have issues. We all do."

[[Here it comes,]] Eve thought certain that Lea had been on the verge of revealing what had been troubling her.

"I just wanted to let you know that if you need someone to talk to, I am here for you." The CMO said almost causing Eve to chock on the sip she had just taken.

"Trying to steal my job?" the CNS asked in a rather faked amused way.

"Oh no," Lea replied as she quickly turned to face the sitting Ensign. "Adriana is better qualified than me. Actually I would suspect that the biobeds are more qualified than me in that matter. I was just offering you a shoulder to lean on and a friendly ear if you need to talk."

"Forgive the bluntness of my question," Eve began as she put the half empty coffee cup down. "Have I been sending out any signs that I am in such a need?"

"Not at all," the CMO quickly said to clarify the situation. "As a member of my team it is my responsibility to make certain that you have someone to go to. As the ANUBIS' CNS I know that you will have your hands full. This crew has more than its share of personal issues and ghosts waiting to pop out. I just wanted you to know that you are not alone. I will not claim to try and counsel the counselor, but something just having a sympathetic ear can help."

"Thank you," Eve said with a smile that lit up the room. "Your offer is much appreciated."

"Before I let you go," Lea said as she lowered herself into her seat. "I wanted to say something. It's about Elan. Actually it would be more accurate to say that it's about me and Elan."

Eve quietly sighed. [[It was too good to last.]]

Tiffany Rose

Lt. Lea Summers
Chief Medical Officer
OLD-P160: USS ANUBIS: Lopez: Day 4 - 1545 ("Common Ground")

"Common Ground"
[Previous post: "A Different Perspective"]

Setting: USS ANUBIS, Sickbay
Stardate: 63073.1545

Sickbay had returned to a state of general peace and quiet that the aCMO had grown used to, and appreciative of.  The earlier fight between the two Klingons, if one could have called the unilateral beating a fight, and the impressive intervention by the Kzinti woman had left everyone in the medical department a little frazzled.

Starships were said to be filled with surprises, and apparently Intel vessels were even more so prone to sneaking something unexpected onto their crew.  Maybe this had been the universe's way of insuring that they were ready to deal with the chaos that could be found beyond the hull of the USS ANUBIS.

With everything back to normal and the FCO sent to his quarters under security escort, Doctor Summers had felt comfortable enough to return to her office along with Ensign Dalziel, and leave the aCMO in charge. Adriana had not minded this, certain that the pacifist Klingon and resting Kzinti would not be an issue.

From afar Adriana kept an eye on hex's medical read-outs, easily having noted that the Sec/Tac officer had been resting but far from asleep.  The brainwaves clearly indicated that the Kzinti had been thinking of something although she outwardly appeared to be in blissful slumber.  Once the aCMO's immediate duties had been accomplished, Ensign Lopez approached the resting furry humanoid with a certain amount of caution, not having wanted to startle Hex.

"No need to tippy-toe," the Kzinti said, her eyes still firmly closed while her ears turned to follow the aCMO like radars.  "I am not sleeping."

"I knew that," Adriana said as she continued to cautiously draw closer to the biobed.  "I just didn't want to startle you.  I saw how quickly you jumped on Drell to take him down and I was just trying to avoid being on the receiving end of a similar reaction."

"No need to worry," Hex stated with a gentle grin as she opened her eyes and propped herself onto her elbows.  "That was a combat reflex, I would never jump that way on someone if they actually managed to sneak up on me."

"I'm guessing that it is rather difficult to sneak up on a Kzinti," the aCMO half chuckled, easily imagining that the race acted and reacted very much like any creature that belonged to the feline category.

"Let's just say that my people have reasons for being a little jumpy from time to time," Hex continued as she lowered herself back down onto the comfort of the biobed and closed her eyes once more.

Adriana watched Hex for a little while as she debated as to whether or not to talk to the Kzinti.  The brainwaves still displayed signs that the Sec/Tac officer had been troubled by something and this had led the aCMO to believe that maybe the two of them had something in common that neither one had truly wanted to admit.

"Hex?" Adriana finally asked, the silence in Sickbay having become almost unbearable.  "Can we talk?"

The Kzinti sighed.  "With all due respect, I am not in the mood to have you test your counselling skills on me."

"That's not what I meant," the aCMO quickly added.  "I just wanted for you to talk; as friends."

Intrigued Hex propped herself back on her elbows once more and gazed as Adriana in a way that almost made the aCMO feel uncomfortable. "I'm listening," Hex said rather coldly.

Adriana hesitated but eventually decided that since she had gone this far it had been too late to chicken out.  "I noted on your medical scans that your mind was very active, as if something was troubling you.  Almost everyone on this crew has something on their mind, something that they think about on a regular basis, but your brainwaves indicated that whatever this is, it is something that is exceptionally stressful.  I am not asking of you to share, I just wanted to let you know that you are not alone," the aCMO said before she allowed herself to admit something private about herself.  "I too am plagued by thoughts and visions that make it difficult at times to perform my duties."

Hex gazed at the aCMO with uncertainty.  There had been no way for Adriana to know what haunted the Kzinti but the expression on Ensign Lopez's face hinted to a trouble that mimicked that of the Sec/Tac officer.

"I'm listening," Hex repeated, but this time in a tone that seemed far friendlier and inviting.

Marissa Montonera-Lombardi

Ensign Adriana Lopez
Assistant Chief Medical Officer
OLD-P159: USS ANUBIS: Mitshiba: Day 4 - 1545 ("A Different Perspective")

"A Different Perspective"
(Cont. from "Condensed Power")

Setting: USS ANUBIS, Main Engineering
Stardate: 63073.1545

Aki and Elliot worked under the guidance and supervision of the giant CEO as well as with the assistance of the ANUBIS' Avatar who had held the answer to their problem within her all along.  As much as the aCSciO tried to focus all of her attention on the task at hand, the Ensign could not help but look at Annie and wonder what other surprise hid beneath that Vulcan demeanor or hers.

"Aki?" Elliot asked.  "Do you think that the power regulator that we are looking at will be enough to maintain the field's strength or should we look at a way to adding another?"

The aCSciO turned to face the COO and realized from the look on his face that the question had been asked more than once before, obviously Aki's thoughts had not been as focused as she would have liked them to be.  Quickly reviewing the data available to her the Ensign finally answered,  "The power regulator seems to be more than adequate for the task, plus we don't want to make this device too large or heavy. Annie possesses a strength many times that of a normal Human, therefore we have to keep in mind that the device we are creating will be carried by someone much weaker."

"We still need to keep in mind the safety of each and ever member of the away team," Elliot stated as a counter argument.  "Personally I would be more than willing to carry a few extra kilograms if it meant that I would not risk having my atoms spread to the far corners of this galaxy."

"Based on the information gathered by Lt. Cmdr. Maya on the temporal distortions within the YUDARA SECTOR, the ability of the away team to move quickly will be far more important than their own safety.  Time is, and will continue to be our greatest challenge," Annie coldly stated having accessed the stated information through her own unique link with the ANUBIS' system.

"I'm sorry if I don't see this as clear-cut as you two do," Elliot said to the two woman standing around the engineering work station. "Personally I would like to know that whatever device I am carrying on me while I'm looking for clues will not suddenly fail and leave me vulnerable to the temporal shockwaves that are sweeping through that asteroid field or worst blow me up into sub-atomic particles."

"Any delays, as small as they may be, could prove disastrous, not only for the members of this ship but to the countless sentient life forms living in this the galaxy.  Currently there is no data available to indicate that these temporal distortions will not continue to spread outward and eventually engulf this quadrant, galaxy, and beyond," Annie said in a way that hit Elliot like a runaway starship.

"Are you alright?" The Oltharian asked of the bewildered COO.

Elliot seemed to hesitate a little, but after a deep breath the Ensign looked up at the giant CEO.  "As Starfleet Officers we are told that our actions can have repercussions that can affect an entire planet and civilization, but I don't recall anyone ever mentioning that the fate of the entire galaxy could come to rest on whether or not we succeed in our mission."

"All life is inter-connected," the Oltharian offered.  "Saving a single life can lead to a world finding its way out of the darkness that has engulfed it for generations, or condemn it to generations of servitude under a tyrannical dictator.  We cannot waste time pondering the full impact of our actions; the best we can do is act in accordance to our values and try as best we can to place the well being of others before our own."

The COO let out a lengthy sigh as he returned his attention to the small screen in front of him.  The situation they faced and needed to deal with had proven to be far more important than Elliot could have ever imagined, a fact that rather troubled both him and Akira.

Dawn Bohr

Ensign Akira 'Aki' Mitshiba
Assistant Chief Science Officer
OLD-P158: USS ANUBIS: Fairborn: Day 4 - 1530 ("Condensed Power")

"Condensed Power"
[Previous Post Ashley's "When Kzinti Minds Collide"]

<<Since the invention of the atomic bomb, mankind has researched increasingly smaller ways of generating increasingly larger explosions.>>
- Said by Professor Ornstein, Dean of Philosophy and Ethics, Advanced Research Institute, MARS

Setting: USS ANUBIS: Main Engineering
Stardate: 63073.1530

"Hey big guy!" Elliot called out as he and Ensign Mitshiba entered the Oltharian's domain. Immediately Elan turned to greet the two officers with a deep and respectful bow.

"How may I be of service, friend?" the CEO inquired although he suspected that he knew the answer having looked into the task given to the aCSciO.

"We are having a little power issue," the COO explained rather vaguely as he and Akira moved to stand on opposite sides of the Engineering Control Island with the Oltharian standing at the end nearest to the warp core.

"The warp core is functioning within established parameters," the Oltharian stated without losing a beat. "I am not reading any power fluctuations anywhere within the ANUBIS' systems."

"Our problem is about something entirely different, and a whole lot smaller" the aCSciO stated. "We need to provide power to a portable quantum field generator that will envelop a single individual during our visit to the trading post within the YUDARA SECTOR."

The Chief Engineer grinned ever so slightly as he gazed back at the ANUBIS' COO and aCSciO. After a few seconds Elan reached for his comm badge and summoned the ship's Avatar to join them. Almost as if she had anticipated the call, the female-formed android appeared around the corner mere seconds after the CEO had requested her presence.

"Annie," the Oltharian began, "thank you for coming. Ensign Mitshiba and Ensign Thomas are looking for a way to generate power to a portable quantum field generator. I suspect that this generator will be used to shield the individual away team members from the effects of the temporal distortions that we will most surely encounter while outside of the protective armour of the ANUBIS while in the YUDARA SECTOR."

The artificial woman met the gaze of each of the mentioned officers before she returned her attention onto the figure standing at the end of the Engineering Control Island. "I guess this means I am to be the answer," Annie dryly announced, not a hint of emotion in her voice, not that anyone had expected there to be any.

"You know how we can accomplish this?" Akira inquired, the aCSciO having laced her words with enough emotions to fill in the void created by the Avatar.

"I do not *have* the answer," Annie corrected. "I *am* the answer."

"Wait a minute," the COO interjected. "You are going to tell me that your power system is powerful enough to feed a quantum field generator?"

"Actually, yes," the ANUBIS' Avatar stated in a way that almost bordered on gloating. "I am not a pink, furry, battery powered rabbit aimlessly wandering the decks of this ship Ensign Thomas. My continued functioning is granted by a miniature Quantum Singularity Reactor."

"WHAT?!?" The COO exclaimed.

"Wait a minute," Akira gasped. "You are going to tell us that you are powered by a miniature black hole?"

"The equipment is remarkably similar to the Romulan's core power source for their vessels with a few modifications made using Cytherian technology," the Oltharian explained with distinct pride as he had been directly involved with the creation of this technology. "These advancements enabled us to greatly reduce the size of said reactor while increasing the stability of the containment field."

"If the containment field should collapse for one reason or another," Akira began, still under the shock of what she had just been made aware of.

"You would blow up with the force of half a dozen quantum torpedoes," the COO continued while he unconsciously took one large step backwards.

"Actually the force of such an explosion would equate that of 9.125 of our quantum torpedoes," the Avatar corrected in a matter-of-fact manner. "But the security protocols currently in place within my programming are set to prevent the ANUBIS from suffering from such an eventuality," Annie added as she ever so slightly tilted her head to one side as she looked onto the Oltharian CEO.

"In the case of a field destabilization," Elan further explained, "Annie is programmed to use any and all means available to her to get as far away as possible from any life form. Currently this involves a site-to-site transport into deep outer space."

"How stable is the containment field?" Ensign Mitshiba inquired, a little perplexed by the fact that she had been standing only meters away from a miniature black hole.

"Since my initial activation the field has not fluctuated more than .01 microwatt," Annie announced without any hesitation.

"Our best calibrated phasers have a variance a hundred times that," the COO exclaimed with amazement despite his still very visible fear.

"I assure you that the process is exceptionally safe," the Avatar stated as she called up the designs onto the screens of the Engineering Control island. "With some additional modifications it should be feasible to have a similar reactor contained within a small device that could be attached to an officer's belt."

With that the team went to work with the occasional quizzical glance finding its way onto the Avatar.
Francois Charette
Lieutenant Elan Talak Fairborn
Chief Engineering Officer
Robotics Engineering Officer
OLD-P157: USS ANUBIS: Fanggot: Day 4 - 1530 ("When Kzinti Minds Collide")‏‏

"When Kzinti Minds Collide"
 Previous post “Emotions” by our lord and master Sabrina ::grin::

--Below written by Francois--

Setting: USS ANUBIS, Sickbay
Stardate: 63073.1530

The Kzinti office appeared at peace while on the biobed, her body perfectly motionless and at rest - alas her mind had not been so fortunate.
Setting: USS ANUBIS, Sickbay as seen through a black and white haze

"Where am I?" Hex thought to herself only to hear her own words spoken aloud as if someone else had said them.  The ANUBIS' Sec/Tac officer had easily recognized the ship's Sickbay but the obvious lack of colors and general haze that surrounded her had left the Kzinti to believe that she had someone managed to be somewhere else.

"You *need* to come home," a female voice said as clear as if the person who had spoken had stood right next to the Kzinti woman despite there being no one next to her.
"Mother?" Hex once again thought to hear her words spoken out loud.  If this had been a dream, it had certainly not been one of the pleasant kind.  "Great either I'm in another temporal anomaly or this is one of those dreams that I hate," the Kzinti openly said no longer simply thinking about her words.
"I do not know what you are referring to Hex," the voice of the Ensign's mother continued, "but it is time for you to return home.  There are many things that you need to know about becoming a High Priestess, one such thing being the ability to project your thoughts into the minds of others."
"You mean this is not a dream?"
"No it is not," Hex mother replied which a faint chuckle.
"Alright, if this is not a dream explain to me why I have never heard you this way before?" the Kzinti forcefully demanded still unwilling to accept that this had not been a nightmare of some sort.
"This is the first time that your mind is at peace enough to hear me," the voice explained with a certain tone of disappointment.  "I have tried many times before to reach you this way but your thoughts were too turbulent, too primal to permit you to actual hear me."
"All High Priestesses are able to do this?" Hex questioned as she allowed herself to entertain the possibility that this had been real.
"There are many things that a High Priestess can do," the voice further explained, "and if you wish to learn more you need to return home and take your rightful place."
Hex began to breathe heavily before she screamed at the top of her lungs.
Setting: USS ANUBIS, Sickbay
Stardate: 63073.1535
"Never what?" Doctor Summers asked as she approached the biobed where the ensign had been resting.  The aCMO had requested the CMO's presence after some strange readings had appeared in the latest scan.
"Nothing," Hex said as she tried to dismiss the situation only to notice that the ANUBIS' CNS had been a witness to this little display.  "It was just a bad dream," the Kzinti added as she hoped that the explanation would be sufficient to get everyone off her case.

--Back to me--

"Hex, if there's something you ever want to... talk about, anything," the young aCMO said, noting that the scans had returned to normal and sighing with relief.

"No really, trust me it was just a bad dream, it doesn't mean anything to me," the fuzzy officer stated with an icy bluntness.

It was true after all, nothing of what her mother said had mattered in the least now. Hex was *never* going back home, not without good reason. To marry a priest and take control of her own town was not a reason that suited the Kzinti. Each town was controlled by a High Priestess, a religious icon who oversaw any and all developments to the village. It was a great responsibility, but not at all what the young fuzzball wanted out of life.

Hex noticed others in the room, but was only accurately aware of the two women in front of her. The Kzinti could sense a certain feeling of tension over near where the CO, Enaii and Drell were standing, but couldn't tell much other than that. They hadn't seemed to notice much but her scream either, so the Ensign turned her attention again to Aki and the CMO.

Both medical officers seemed unaffected by the coldness in the Kzinti's answer, or if they were affected they didn't let it show. Hex was determined to make them feel a bit more at ease with her around, even though she was just barely at ease enough to speak to them.

"I'm going to go back and take up my position, but when I get off we could all go to the Black Hole or something?" the Ensign noted with a plastered-on grin, her inner turmoil had begun anew and was beginning to make her feel sick again, her ear twitched twice, if only slightly.

The CMO shook her head, which resulted in a sigh escaping the Kzinti's lips. "I'm afraid we'll have to keep you here for a bit, after such abnormal readings, we can't be sure it won't happen again."

Hex understood the truth when she heard it. The Kzinti was surprised to realize that she was only somewhat dismayed at the fact that she couldn't return yet to her post. A rest would do her well, though the furry humanoid didn't plan to sleep. With Vladina able to jump into her thoughts at any given peaceful time, the Ensign wanted to keep her mind stressed, but rested.

"I'm not going to sleep... but I'll rest here awhile until I'm free to go back..." Hex stated a bit more gloomily than she had originally planned.

Seemingly satisfied, the aCMO and CMO went over to the others, though the Kzinti knew they'd be back. With a small inner determination, Hex decided to put these thoughts behind her and rest, while observing, if from a distance, the situation in Sickbay. Crowded as it was, the officers might need assistance if the Klingons were to go at it again. Not knowing really why, the Sec/Tac officer had taken a liking to Karg and didn't want to see him harmed.

Sleep, at least a peaceful sleep, was usually impossible thanks to the nightmares, but Hex was taking no chances. As the Kzinti lied back down on the biobed, she noticed that it was actually somewhat comfortable. A true grin escaped when the Ensign noted that anything would seem comfy if one spent most of her life sleeping on the hard stone ground.

Ashley Shane

Ensign Hex Fanggot
Sec/Tac Assistant Officer
OLD-P156: USS ANUBIS: Rikar: Day 4 - 1505 ("Emotions")

(Previous Post was Tiffany's "Heated Tempers")

Setting: USS ANUBIS, Deck 7, Corridor
Stardate: 63073.1505

The young woman made her way down the corridor leading to the ANUBIS' Sickbay… the look in her eyes warned anyone she encountered to stay out of her way. To have a fight on her ship had been bad enough, but to see this altercation involve the Assistant Chief of Security had forced the redhead's presence.

"Alright!" the Captain stated as she entered Sickbay without any undo ceremony, "what happened?"

"We are not entirely sure Captain," Ensign Lopez answered from the nearest biobed on which the ship's Sec/Tac Officer laid unconscious. Although a little taken aback by the sudden entrance of their CO, the Assistant CMO continued with her duties which pertained to monitoring the Kzinti Officer's vital signs.

"Ensign Drell and our guest decided to go *Klingon* on us… that was before Ensign Fanggot intervened," Doctor Summers announced as she made her way to the main biobed where Karg had been sitting. "We ended up sedating Drell and Hex which means that there is only one who can explain what really happened… and he is being rather stubborn about saying anything at the moment."

Although a little vague on the details, Rikar understood that the two Klingons had for one reason or another decided to come to blows and that Hex had stepped in just in time to avoid the situation from going further. With this knowledge in hand, the redheaded woman approached the sitting Klingon who displayed clear signs of having been on the receiving end of the confrontation.

"Mr. Karg," Rikar began in a calm voice, her former training as a ship's Counsellor never being too far behind. "When you were brought onboard this ship from the Romulan War Bird it was under the idea of rendering assistance… not to see a hostile element disrupt this vessel's operations.

The Klingon quickly raised his eyes to meet those of the ANUBIS' CO, but just when Rikar had expected the man to talk he lowered his gaze back down and further solidified his silence.

"Captain," the Cardassian-born Ensign offered in a whispered voice as she slid by the CO's side. "Maybe I can try something different," Eve offered having seen the exchange. The moment Captain Rikar had decided to investigate this matter personally, Ensign Dalziel had opted to follow and assist in whatever way possible.

Not having been in the mood for a lengthy debate, Rikar agreed to the Counsellor's suggesion and the redheaded woman turned her attention back to the CMO.

Doctor Summers understood that her report had been required even before the CO had made the request. "It all happened so fast," the CMO stated. "One moment Drell and Karg were talking, and the next our FCO was pounding our guest with all of his might… had Hex not jumped into the fight as quickly as she did, I fear that Karg would have been dealt a one-way trip to Sto-Vo-Kor. What surprised me the most was that Karg didn't put up any fight at all."

"Are you certain that he is Klingon?" Rikar inquired, unable to accept the idea that a member of this warrior race would actually turn away from a fight.

"I don't get it either," the CMO said with a lengthy sigh. "Medically speaking there is nothing wrong with Karg… if there is an answer to this, it's psychological and I suspect that it is going to take a while to get it out of him," Doctor Summers added as she glanced in Eve's direction.

"Let me know as soon as Drell wakes up," the CO instructed thinking that a little time for her to cool down would be wise before the redheaded woman pivoted on her heels and headed back out of the room, not having obtained any more information than she had when she had arrived.

"I don't think she's overly happy about this," Adriana mentioned to Eve in a whispered voice.

"There are a thousand things a CO needs to think about," the CNS replied. "Physical in-fighting between officers is never a good thing… even at the best of times… and this is far from being such a time."

Setting: USS ANUBIS, Bridge
Stardate: 63073.1510

While the CO investigated the events that had taken place in Sickbay, Ensign Thomas and Mitshiba had been busy with the task the redhead had given the aCSciO.

"The miniature field generator could easily be installed in a belt or armband," the ANUBIS' COO stated as he looked at the preliminary designed created by Ensign Mitshiba.

"The field generator has never been the issue… it's the power supply that is the problem," the Asian woman pointed out, this problem having been with them since the start of their work. "I am pretty such that the Captain wants this to work without having everyone carrying a miniature fusion reactor on their back."

"Alright… we have been looking at this problem every way possible," Thomas sighed in frustration. "Either the power supply is not sufficient, too large or too dangerous," the COO explained as he glanced at the various designs that the pair had so far imagined.

"Elliot… you know that I have the utmost respect for you, but I think we need a little more help," Mitshiba nervously suggested.

The COO waited for a few seconds before he nodded his understanding and agreement. "I know exactly who we call ask to help."

Setting: USS ANUBIS, Main Engineering
Stardate: 63073.1515

"Captain," the Olthartian stated with a distinct tone of surprise in his voice. "It is an honour to see you here."

"Thank you Elan," Rikar grinned. Although the ANUBIS had been *her* ship, it had been general knowledge that Engineering in any form had been the CO's weakest point. "Just came to see how everything was," the Captain stated keeping the truth to herself… that she had just wanted to go for a walk while she contemplated the situation that she had left behind in Sickbay.

"All systems are operating within established parameters," the CEO reported with pride. "Thanks to the modifications made to the Ablative Armour and Bio-Regenerative Hull, the temporal shock waves that we have encountered thus far have not had any effect on our systems."

"I am very happy to hear this Lieutenant," Rikar said as her eyes scanned the ANUBIS' Main Engineering as if it had been an alien world to her. "If your time and duties permit, I would like for you to touch base with Ensign Mitshiba. I gave her a difficult project and I am sure that she would be more than happy to be able to draw upon your expertise."

"I would be honoured to help," the gentle giant replied with a smile.

The redheaded woman grinned. "How did I know you would say that?"

Setting: USS ANUBIS, Astrophysics Lab
Stardate: 63073.1525

Since the young woman had decided to take a walk around the ship, Rikar opted to check up on Maya next… the CSciO having been busy since their arrival into Gorn space with the monitoring of all temporal anomalies in this region of space. As the CO stepped into the room she was met with a large holographic representation of this sector of space… and within it several small spheres or various colours could be seen, some stationary while others actually moved, grew or shrank to the naked eye.

"Let me guess," the former CSciO began with as she took a few more steps into the room. "Each of these coloured spheres represents a temporal anomaly that our sensors have picked-up?"

"Actually," the ANUBIS' CSciO corrected, "the spheres being displayed in this holographic image are of the anomalies which have a quantum fluctuation of 15 Temporal units or more.… the colours represent the recorded flow of time within them. As you can see, some of these temporal anomalies are rather extensive in size and temporal impact… thus far the worst I have observed was one in which time flowed backwards at a rate of 1 month per second."

"I know people who would love to spend a few minutes there… the legendary fountain of youth," Rikar stated in an effort to offset the gravity of the situation that had been displayed before her. If the spheres represented only the most sever anomalies, this entire region of space had been in far more trouble than initially believed.

"Unfortunately the temporal shockwaves that encompass these anomalies are exceptionally powerful… strong enough to turn a ship as armoured as this one inside out in mere seconds. I have been forced to recalibrate my own modifications several times to insure that the ANUBIS does not suffer from any of the effects from these distortions in the space-time continuum," the Shillian explained with a tone of seriousness that only served to further emphasise the severity of the situation.

"Have you been able to better pin-point the source of these distortions?" Rikar inquired, the ability to know exactly where these anomalies were originating from could save the crew a great deal of trouble.

"Sorry Captain," Maya replied, her attention still focussed on her work. "As great as our sensors may be, there is no way for them to pierce through the intensity of the central zone of these distortions… the best I can offer is that the source is deep within the Asteroid Field of the YUDARA SECTOR and that we may have as little as 16 hours to put a stop to this before the fabric of space-time itself is ripped to shreds by the temporal tidal waves that are growing exponentially."

=/\= Sickbay to Captain Rikar, =/\= the voice of Doctor Summers was heard over the communications channel before the young woman had been given the chance to think of something to say in response to the scientist's comments.
"Go ahead Doctor," Rikar sighed.

=/\= He's awake, =/\= was all that the CMO said, knowing that nothing more had been needed.

"I'm on my way," Rikar announced before she reached up for her comm badge. "Rikar to Enaii… meet me in Sickbay."

Setting: USS ANUBIS, Sickbay
Stardate: 63073.1535

In the world of Intel, interrogations were as common an occurrence as any other standard procedure… one of the rules in conducting a successful interrogation had always been the establishing of a clear level of control or supremacy. The young woman knew that her position as the ANUBIS' CO gave her a distinct advantage in such a situation, but again Drell the redheaded woman had been worried that her rank would not be sufficient to insure the complete cooperation of the FCO. So Rikar had decided to call upon one of the ANUBIS' greatest assets.

The moment the CO and ILO stepped into the room, the FCO's muscular body immediately responded by moving slightly away. Although there had been no outward hints to this, Enaii had been rather pleased with herself that her simple presence joined with her reputation had been enough to elicit such a reaction from the Klingon.

"Ensign Drell… I have no time to waste on this, so I will ask only once… what happened?" The young woman queried with a tone that bordered on that of a Romulan, a nuance that the ILO found rather enjoyable.

"That *thing* is no Klingon," Drell snarled as he looked over the CO's shoulder to shoot a glare at the man in question. "He may have the body of a Klingon, but his heart is NOT of my world."

"He's a pacifist," Enaii calmly offered, the evidence before her having been more than enough for the ILO to reach the only possible explanation.

The young woman glanced over at Enaii for a few seconds before she returned her eyes onto the sitting Klingon who clearly appeared unremorseful for his earlier action. "I should confine you to the brig for what you did… regardless of your personal beliefs you are a Starfleet Officer and a member of *my* crew and as such I expect more than what you have displayed. Because I cannot afford to have you away from your post at this time, you will be confined to your quarters while not on duty. Is that understood?"

"Yes… Sir," Drell growled softly as she slid off the biobed to stand at attention before the ANUBIS' CO and ExO.
Sabrina Jones

Captain Sabrina Rikar 
Commanding Officer 

"We are Grey, we stand between the Candle and the Star, between the Darkness and the Light" 
-Entilza Delenn, Babylon 5
OLD-P155: USS ANUBIS: Summers: Day 4 - 1455 ("Heated Tempers")

"Heated Tempers"
[Previous post: "Memories Always Cause Headaches...", written by the graduating Ashley]

Setting: USS ANUBIS, CMO's Office
Stardate: 63073.1455

"Here are the preliminary results," the aCMO said as she handed Lea a PADD. The Doctor reviewed the data and smiled. The Ensign had been tasked with a research on infectious diseases common to the YUDARA SECTOR. It had been with some visible relief that the CMO read that nothing major had been found in that area in decades.

"Captain Rikar will be happy to know this," Lea said. "I am sure that the last thing she would have wanted would be for the crew to be in this kind of danger. Have you had the chance to compile the rest of the research?" the CMO continued as she looked up to Ensign Lopez.

Adriana shook her head.  Although relatively simple, the research that had been given to her only a few minutes ago. "Bacterial and viral data is unfortunately not as readily available. I am having the computer do a thorough scan of all medical reports in the region," Adriana explained.

"Good work," Lea smiled, content with what her assistant had thus far accomplished. "Be sure to cross reference with medical logs of trade ships that frequently pass through the sector. They may have come across things that the local authorities were not aware of or simply ignored."

Adriana nodded and turned to leave but almost ran into a tired looking Kzinti Officer. "Hex! Are you alright?" the aCMO questioned immediately while helping her friend onto the nearest chair.

"I just need a cat-nap," the Kzinti officer weakly replied.

"Wow," Lea said as she rushed around her desk while opening a medical tricorder. "She must be really sick, she's developed a sense of humor."

Hex had barely the strength to shot a glare in the direction of the CMO before reluctantly accepting Adriana's help.

=/\= Bridge to Sickbay, is Ensign Fanggot alright? She just left her post without saying anything. Ensign Thomas tracked her movements to you,=/\= the CO said through the comm channel.

"She is here," the Doctor replied. "Let me perform a few tests and I'll get back to you.  Summers out."

After a full body scan the CMO motioned to the aCMO to help her bring the Sec/Tac Officer to one of the biobeds. Hex immediately began to fuss and argue against the two medical officers. "I just need something to get me through this shift, then I can go back to my quarters and sleep."

"Ensign Fanggot," Lea began in as a commanding voice as she could manage. "Your electrolytes and dangerously low and you need immediate rest. Added to this that you abandoned your post on the bridge leaves you with only two options."

"Court martial for having left my post without authorization or a medical certificate to explain what happened," Hex sighed. The Kzinti had been so out of it that only now had the consequences of her actions been realized.

"Come on," Adriana said in a friendly tone. "The biobed are not as uncomfortable as everyone thinks."

Although very weak, the Kzinti Sec/Tac officer continued to offer some level of resistance to the medical officers. Hex finally relaxed when a hypospray was applied against her neck by the CMO.  "This won't knock you out, but it should take the edge off. At least that way we'll be able to get something done without you fighting with us at every move."

Just as Lea had finished saying this the sounds of a all out fight filled the room. Everyone present turned to see Drell, the ANUBIS' FCO pounding with all of his might on Karg. The rescue Klingon appeared either unwilling or unable to offer any resistance and simply allowed himself to be a punching bag. Before Lea or Adriana could intervene, Hex had already jumped off the biobed and over the officer's heads.

There had been absolutely no doubts that agility had been one of the major attributes of the Kzinti people. From the biobed, Hex had managed to leap directly onto the FCO and knock him down to the ground. The Sec/Tac Officer had taken a battle stance when the effects of the hypospray truly began to take effect.

The battle between the Kzinti Sec/Tac and Klingon FCO ended before it had started as Hex collapsed onto the floor. Just as Drell had been ready to seek revenge for what had happened, the CMO applied a hypospray to the FCO's neck. A few seconds later the two warring parties were sound asleep on the floor of the ANUBIS' Sickbay.

"What was that all about?" Adriana asked of Karg who simple looked down onto the two sleeping forms before him.

When no reply came, Lea instructed her staff to move Drell and Hex to biobeds on opposite ends of the room. Maybe now the CMO would be able to get some answers as to what had actually happened in her Sickbay.

Tiffany Rose

Lt. Lea Summers
Chief Medical Officer
OLD-P154: USS ANUBIS: Fanggot: Day 4 - 1450
("Memories Always Cause Headaches...")‏‏

"Memories Always Cause Headaches..."
(Previous Post: "Observations and Questions" by the creative Marissa)

Setting: USS ANUBIS, Bridge
Stardate: 63073.1450

The Kzinti was deep in her own mind as she worked, checking and rechecking all the weapons, shields and everything in between. Complicated as it all seemed, Hex was experienced in working with less-than ordinary circumstances. The Ensign's fingers stopped flying over the control panel for a moment as she thought their situation over.

It was bad, but not the worst that could have happened. The crew was rescued, but what about the rest of the sector? The rest of the galaxy? The Kzinti's head started to spin as she thought of what could be happening on her own home planet. KZINTI PRIME wasn't big on changes, as Hex had experienced personally...


Setting: KZINTI PRIME, Outskirts of the village of Madrino
Time Index : 17 years ago
The young, female Kzinti was, for once, in a very good mood. Not only had she been successful on her very first hunt, but the youth had met a new friend in the process.

"Why is yours bigger than mine? That just can't be fair!" Sunali complained, stroking the fur of Hex's small rabbit-like creature fondly as it rested over her shoulder.

"I saw it first, so I got to get it Sunali, besides, yours is pretty big too you know. You mom will be very proud of you." Hex replied, giving her new friend one of her rare enchanting smiles.

Sunali smiled back, though his was more lop-sided than hers. The two Kzinti children laughed and talked all the way back to the village. It was when they entered that the commotion started.

Hex didn't notice it at first, just able to hear whispers and raised voices in the distance and nothing more. Then she saw them, the Keepers.

Most Keepers were kindhearted and meant well, but the ones controlling Madrino were ruthless and cruel, answering only to the High Priestess. Vladina ruled them with the iron fist of a true leader, but that didn't mean that they respected her daughter as any more than a priestess in training.

"You!" one shouted, moving closer to Sunali with surprising speed, "How dare you walk ahead of the young priestess! Don't you know how disrespectful that act is?"

Hex was taken aback by their sudden concern, but she also knew that it was misplaced when they considered Sunali a threat. The young Kzinti tried to tell them as much, but was caught up in a strong pair of arms by surprise.

"Hey! Leave her alone!" Sunali cried, kicking at one of the men who held him. It was a mistake, Hex knew it was.

Sunali was beaten for misconduct towards the authority, right in front of Hex. She cried out for them to stop, that it wasn't right, but no one would listen to the sobs of a youth, even if she was the priestess in training.

Change. Those who walked in front of the priestess were punished, no exceptions. Nothing would change here, nothing ever could. Hex was carried away toward home as Sunali's torture continued.

Her tears only showed themselves late that night in the confines of her room. There were too many things that needed to change, and Hex was afraid she couldn't do it all. She would need help, and she knew where to get it... 


Setting: USS ANUBIS, Bridge
Stardate: 63073.1450

Blurry vision caught the fuzzball off guard as she literally pulled herself out of her tainted memories. Everything was spinning and her head hurt, pictures spun over her vision and the crew was getting more and more distorted.

The control security control panel seemed to disappear as she leaned forward to catch herself. Everything was suddenly as painful as her memories. Hex couldn't control anything around her, couldn't even see straight.

Without a second thought, the Kzinti stumbled away from her panel, aware of curious looks and calls as she headed for SickBay. [[It's just lack of sleep, all I need are a few pills or something to keep me awake...]] Hex thought, stumbling her way over to the turbo lift.

Ashley Shane

Ensign Hex Fanggot
Assistant Chief of Security/Tactical
OLD-P153: USS ANUBIS: Lopez: Day 4 - 1445 ("Observations and Questions")

"Observations and Questions"
[Previous post: "Easier Said Than Done"]

Setting: USS ANUBIS, Sickbay
Stardate: 63073.1445

The aCMO watched with interest as the ANUBIS' FCO and Sickbay's latest patient exchange a few whispered words.  Judging by the expression on their faces the two Klingons had been in the midst of a mild disagreement or maybe just a difference of opinion on a specific matter.  Either way the level of friction between them had been unmistakable and left the ensign hoping that it would not escalade, the last thing Adriana wanted to deal with had been a physical fight that she had no hope in stopping.

"There is something odd about that Karg," Doctor Summers said as she joined her assistant in observing the pair.  "I haven't put my finger on it yet, but that Klingon just doesn't seem to fit the norm."

"Did you find something new on the medical scans?" Ensign Lopez asked with a smile, all of their previous scans having confirmed that the Klingon genuinely belonged to this time and dimension, yet the feeling had not been the aCMO's alone.  Adriana had been happy to see that Doctor Summers had felt the same way about the Klingon and had hoped that she CMO had discovered some tangible proof to support their feelings.

"No," the CMO sighed, her eyes glued on the patient in question. "There is no medical proof that he is something other than appears, yet I can't shake the feeling that there is something different about him.  Maybe it's nothing more than the fact that he was on a Romulan ship," Doctor Summers said, the mystery surrounding their patient having been no closer to being solved.

Adriana continued her observation of the two Klingons while the CMO returned to her office.  After a little while Ensign Lopez grinned to herself as she thought of Ensign Dalziel and her duties as the ANUBIS's CNS.  It seemed that there had been an unwritten prerequisite for coming onboard the Intel ship either as a crew member or as a passenger; that of having a secret that could not be openly revealed.

Since it was obvious that the Klingon pair would continue this little exchange for quite some time, the aCMO decided to give them a little more privacy while she busied herself with various tasks that had been given to the Ensign by Doctor Summers.

Setting: YUDARA Asteroid Field, Planetoid, Trade Center, T'kon Temple
Stardate: 63073.1445

Although the Efrosian had spent all of his time inside the fabled temple, Kane had become increasingly aware of the disturbances that were taking place in the streets of the trade center.  The priest's first instinct had been to go and investigate, maybe even assist in restoring order, but something had kept him where he had been.

The temple had been the reason why he had come to this sector of space, and although he could not understand why the Efrosian knew that his presence within the sacred walls of the structure had been required.

"Priest!" A strange black-robed individual who had appeared behind Kane said.  Not used to being surprised in any matter, the mediating priest quickly jumped to his feet and turned to face the man. Disbelief filled Ojall's soul as his eyes fell onto a sight that could not have been real.  "I require your assistance," the black-robed man added but still received no response from the stunned Efrosian.

Ojall tried to speak but the sight of the black-robed man had simply been more than the Efrosian had been able to deal with.  Had this been some sort of hallucination?

"Forces are gathering outside this temple," the black-robed man said with authority.  "I require your assistance to defend our sacred ground and push back the invaders.  Will you help?"

Unable to come to terms with what his eyes had seen and his ears had heard, Ojall eventually gave in and bowed to the black-robed man who appeared and acted exactly as the T'kon guardians had been said to so many thousand years ago.

Marissa Montonera-Lombardi

Ensign Adriana Lopez
Assistant Chief Medical Officer
OLD-P152: USS ANUBIS: Mitshiba: Day 4 - 1445 ("Easier Said Than Done")

"Easier Said Than Done"
(Cont. from "Analysis")

Setting: USS ANUBIS, Bridge
Stardate: 63073.1445

Aki sat at the Science station at the back of the Bridge, her mind racing to find a way to accomplish the job Captain Rikar had requested of her.  Under normal circumstances the aCSciO would have liked nothing more than to tackle something like this on her own, but it had taken no time for the Asian woman to realise that this had been her skills.

"You look like you are about to get run over by a runaway starship," ET said in a whispered voice as he leaned over the edge of the science station.

"It might be less painful," Aki whispered back with a sigh.  "How am I suppose to come up with what the Captain requested?"

The COO, as well as everyone else present on the Bridge had overheard the conversation between Captain Rikar and Ensign Mitshiba.  The job that the aCSciO had received had been a simple one, at least to everyone else who had not been given that particular task to do.

"You could always ask for Lt. Cmdr. Maya's help," Ensign Thomas suggested.

"That is not an option," the Cns chimed in, her words matched the whispered tone of the other two officers.  "It's a question of pride," Eve explained, "Aki needs to do this without having to ask for her superior's knowledge and expertise.  Had the Captain wished for our CSciO to be involved, she would have asked her directly."

"Thanks," Aki half snarled.  "As much as I appreciate the psychological evaluation it's not helping me at the moment."

"Aki," the Cns continued, a faint smile having sneaked onto her lips. "If Captain Rikar called you to the bridge and gave you the job of finding a way of protecting the individual members of the away team from the effects of the temporal anomalies, it is because she knows that you are capable of doing this.  Trust me on this when I tell you that our CO knows a great deal about her crew, she may even know some of us better than we know ourselves."

"That would be why she's the CO," Elliot grinned as he flashed a wink at Aki.  "Plus you have an ace up your sleeve," the COO added.

"And what would that *ace* be?" the aCSciO asked, almost certain that she already knew the answer.

"Me of course!" The COO gleefully stated.  "All you have to do is take care of the scientific angle and I will take care of the implementation aspect of your plan."

"Well one thing is certain," Eve quietly chuckled, "he has enough confidence for the two of you and with some to spare."  The Cns moved around to join Aki on the working side of the Science station before she continued, "Let's be serious, you have access to everything you need.  Maya's work and research is fully accessible to you, all you need to do is to find a way to replicate this on an individual basis."

"You could use a miniature power cell, like the ones found in our phasers, to power some sort of field," the COO suggested.  "We would just have to find a way to generate a localised field and have it match whatever the CSciO did to the ship."

"A regular power cell would not be strong enough, it would likely maintain the required field for no more than a few seconds," Aki pointed out as she began to tap several commands into the work station.  "Can't use a quantum energy source either as it may react to the temporal anomalies.  I'm going to have to find some other way to power that field generator without having each and every member of the away team carry a generator on their back."

"I am sure that you will have all of the answers long before we arrive at the YUDARA SECTOR," Eve said with an unshakable confidence before she left the COO and aCSciO along once more.

"Like it or not Aki," Elliot said with another wink, "we all have confidence in your abilities."

"Thanks," Ensign Mitshiba said with a certain hint of relief. Although she had gained enough confidence to face the challenge that she had been given, the task itself would require far more than just wishful thoughts.  "Don't go too far thought, I might need that conviction of yours as well as your engineering know-how in the not too distant future."

Dawn Bohr

Ensign Akira 'Aki' Mitshiba
Assistant Chief Science Officer
OLD-P151: USS ANUBIS: Rikar: Day 4 - 1430 ("Analysis")

(Previous Post was Jessica's "Temporal Pretzel and Other Time Bending Terms")

Setting: USS ANUBIS, Captain's Ready Room
Stardate: 63073.1430

The young woman sat at her desk… her chin rested in the palm of her left hand while her eyes diligently scrutinized to most recent holographic display of the region of space the ANUBIS had been traveling through with all due urgency. Things it seemed had gone from bad to worse, and there had been nothing that the valiant crew of the Intel vessel could do other than watch in utter disbelief… and hope.

"Captain's personal log," the redhead began once she had reached over to a small control panel on her desk, "Stardate 63073.1435... What a mess. It has been an hour since we have crossed into Gorn space and so far our long-ranger sensors have picked up more than a dozen battles opposing ships that belong as much in this time as Leonardo Da Vinci. At least Ensign Fanggot was able to get a little target practice when a half dozen fossil-fuel propelled missiles suddenly appeared in our path. The nuclear explosion that followed proved to be a none-issue for our ablative armour but the light show was enjoyed by many. Ensign Thomas feared that the explosion might draw unnecessary attention to the sector but everyone else in this region of space had apparently been too busy with their respective issues to even notice what had happened.

I can only guess as to the state of the YUDARA SECTOR, the asteroid field and the trading post on it… all that I can do is hope that we will get there in time. No pun intended."

With a press of a control the CO ended the recording of her thoughts which allowed for the young woman to divert her attention onto another matter.

"Ensign Dalziel, could I see you in my Ready Room when you have a moment?"

=/\= I will be right there Captain, =/\= the Cardassian born Counsellor quickly replied, not having considered for a moment to make the ANUBIS' CO wait… whatever her reasons might have been.

The moment the door chime rang, the young woman opened the door remotely and allowed the ANUBIS' Counsellor to enter, the Bajoran looking woman seemed a little nervous, unsure as to the reasons why she had been summoned to the CO's office. "Come in Ensign… I just wanted to check in with you and make sure that you have been made to feel at home on our little vessel… and maybe taken the chance to know some of the crew a little better."

"Thank you Captain," Eve offered with a distinct tone of reservation. "Permission to speak freely," the Counsellor added after a few lengthy seconds of silence.

"The old Intel philosophy claims that 'loose lips sink ships'," the redheaded woman stated with a rather amused smile dancing on her pink lips. "Although I may believe this to be true in certain circumstances, I personally believe that silence between officers can be even more dangerous. Everyone on this crew may speak their mind at any given time without worries… I appreciate candour and honesty," the young woman explained as she leaned back into her chair.

"Thank you Captain," Eve stated with a grin before she proceeded with what she had intended to say. "The ANUBIS may be a great many things, but *little* is not an adjective that I would use to describe it in any manner, and as for having been made to feel at home… I will just say that I definitively feel *needed*."

"I'm guessing that your meeting with Ensign Lopez, Ensign Fanggot, Lt. Fairborn and Lt. Cmdr. Maya proved to be enlightening," the redhead grinned like a Cheshire Cat… it was clear that as the CO of the ANUBIS there had been little that took place onboard the vessel without Rikar knowing something about it. "Do not worry Ensign, my knowing your itinerary has nothing to do with my keeping an eye on you… it was just that my own interest, as a former Cns, ventured onto those same officers."

"So I'm guessing that any standard Counselling technique or trick would be wasted on you," Eve offered with a grin.

"Counsellor," Rikar retaliated with an almost shocked expression. "You know as well as I do that a reply to any question or statement, be it a tried and true or one completely unexpected can reveal a great deal about an individual… that said though I suspect that you not only knew this but thought to test me on my reaction."

Eve simply shrugged her shoulders and smiled. "I guess you could call it a levelled playing field in our current situation," the Cardassian born woman offered as she eased herself into one of the two chairs located in front of the CO's desk. "Ensign Lopez is dealing with her missing sister as best she can given our situation… and is somewhat concerned about her ability to perform to the crew's needs and expectations. Ensign Fanggot is also dealing with ghosts from her past, but hers seem to drive her to perform instead of the opposite. Lt. Fairborn is a unique individual who seems happiest when he has more to do than considered possible… and as for Lt. Cmdr. Maya, I was forced to cut my visit with her short."

"You caught her in one of her usual explanatory moods," Rikar said almost laughing, the Shillian's ability to describe the smallest possible details of the universe in a hundred thousand words had become almost legendary onboard the ANUBIS. "Counsellor… I need you to be perfectly honest with me… this ship and crew is about 5 hours from being hip deep in a situation that could easily send everyone to the funny farm. From your dealing with them, do you believe they are ready and able to face what we may encounter in the YUDARA SECTOR?"

Ensign Dalziel took several moments to consider her reply, but eventually offered a slow nod of her head before she spoke. "This crew is like no other, and it is my professional opinion that they will all be able to perform to your expectations when the time comes."

Rikar smiled and invited the Ensign to return to her duties without actually uttering a word, an invitation that Eve cordially accepted to leave the ANUBIS' CO once again to her own thoughts.

As soon as the door closed being the Counsellor, Rikar spun her chair to one side and spoke. "What do you think?" the CO inquired to what had first seemed to be an invisible presence in the room, a presence which soon manifested itself in the form of a hologram. The ILO turned to look at her mate but said nothing, instead Enaii just sighed and terminated the holographic projection. "Guess that's as warm an endorsement as can be expected from her," the redheaded woman chuckled.

The CO stood from her chair and made her way onto the Bridge of the ANUBIS where she scanned the deck to see everyone busy with their respective tasks… the only person who seemed a little out of place had been Doctor Summers. The blonde haired woman had apparently been waiting to speak to the Captain for some reason.

"How is your patient Doctor?" Rikar inquired as she made her way to the central chair.

"He's fine… I am just a little worried about him," Lea admitted. "He's very distant and doesn't seem to act like a normal Klingon."

"Is there such a think as a *normal* Klingon?" The COO mumbled to himself, unfortunately loud enough for the CO, CMO and FCO to hear.

"Doctor, if you believe that it may help, I will be happy to release Ensign Drell from his duties for a short while so that he can assist you in whatever way possible," the CO offered having thought that maybe Karg would be more responsive to kindred spirit.

"It can't hurt to try," Doctor Summers nodded before she fell into step with the Klingon FCO who had acknowledged the CO's instructions.

Once the FCO and CMO had vanished inside the turbo lift, the redheaded woman opened a comm channel from her chair. "Ensign Mitshiba, could you report to the Bridge… I have a job for you." 

Sabrina Jones
Captain Sabrina Rikar 
Commanding Officer 

"We are Grey, we stand between the Candle and the Star, between the Darkness and the Light"
OLD-P150: USS ANUBIS: Maya: Day 4 - 1330
("Temporal Pretzel and Other Time Bending Terms")

"Temporal Pretzel and Other Time Bending Terms"
(Previous Post: "Something Old")

Setting: Space, Gorn / Federation Border
Stardate: 63073.1330
Under the protection of the deployed ablative armour, the USS ANUBIS easily crossed into Gorn territory undetected by the sentry drones that regularly patrolled the border. The fact had been that even had the Federation Intel vessel not been so well hidden from sight and sensors, the sentries would have likely not been able to lock onto the encroaching ship had they even been right on top of it. Space and time in this sector had been turned into a frenzy of temporal anomalies all of which seemed in conflict with one another to reshape the space-time continuum to an independent will.
Unaffected by these temporal anomalies thanks to the modifications made to both the ablative armour and bio-regenerative hull, the USS ANUBIS pressed on deeper into Gorn space and towards what the crew had hope had been the source of all these time distortions.
Setting: USS ANUBIS, Deck 12, Astrophysics Lab
Stardate: 63073.1330
"Here is the latest data gathered by the mid-range and long-range sensors," Ensign Mitshiba announced as she entered the Astrophysics Lab and handed a single PADD to the Shillian Scientist who appeared overly preoccupied with a set of data of her own.
"You could have transmitted this directly to my console," the Chief Science Officer stated without ever taking her eyes off the complex set of numbers and formulas that were scrolling on both the display in front of her and below her fingers. "Under normal circumstances I would have explained the importance of being efficient and not wasting time by hand-delivering such information, but given what we are currently witnessing, time it seems has lost all relative meaning. I mean there are anomalies out there in which time is standing perfectly still and a few more where things are actually happening *backwards*. Whatever the cause of these temporal irregularities is, we need to find it and put a stop to it before things get worse, if that is actually possible."
"Sorry," the Assistant Chief Science Officer quietly offered as the PADD was taken from her hand. The truth had been that Ensign Mitshiba had wanted to see what else the Shillian Scientist had discovered about the state of the space-time continuum in this region, the Asian Assistant having found several rather disturbing instances from the Quantum Physics Lab from which she had arrived. "It almost looks like some regions of space have been folded onto themselves," Mitshiba stated as she reviewed some of the formulas and numbers that had been scrolling on the larger screen.
"Actually," the head of the Science Department of the USS ANUBIS began, her attention still not having diverted from her current research, "It would be more accurate to say that these regions of space had been turned into a sort of temporal pretzel in which time flows at various different rates from the established galactic norm."
"Temporal pretzel?" Ensign Mitshiba repeated rather shocked by the unexpected words selected by the Shillian Scientist. "Just another reason why I hate those things," the Assistant Chief Science Officer added in a rather weak attempt to lighten the mood.
"No need to worry Ensign," the Shillian continued in all seriousness. "If this rate of change remains constant, and if the data that you have just handed me is accurate as I believe it to be, this region of space will be more like an 'Orion Crushed Black Pea' soup than a pretzel in about thirty six hours."
"Remind me why I wanted to be back in this line of work again?" the Asian Assistant rhetorically asked while she silently wondered if the crew of the USS ANUBIS had what it took to get to the bottom of this situation and solve the matter before all of the star maps would need to be modified to show a large 'Pea Soup' sector of space where the Gorn Hegemony once stood.

Jessica Solarik
Lieutenant Commander Maya
Chief Science Officer

"To see the world in a grain of sand,
and a heaven in a wild flower.
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
and eternity in an hour."
- William Blake (British, 1757-1827)
OLD-P149: USS ANUBIS: Summers: Day 4 - 1330 ("Something Old")

"Something Old"
[Previous post: "Her Sister's Keeper", written by the caring Susan]

Setting: YUDARA Asteroid Field, Planetoid, Trade Center, a dark room
Stardate: 63073.1330    

It had been three hours since Mortina had heard her name yelled out telepathically. Three hours since she had turned around to see someone she had never expected to see. Three hours since she had felt the cold kiss of a hypospray against her neck. Three hours that had felt like a never-ending eternity.

Why her captors had decided to have a digital clock on the wall had been a mystery that Mortina had been unable to solve. All that the Betazoid knew was that three hours ago she had been abducted to be brought here. Wherever *here* was. The room contained nothing more than an uncomfortable bed, a single ceiling light, a locked door and a digital clock embedded in the wall. More important though had been that she had been unable to communicate telepathically with anyone.

At one point Mortina had thought that she had seen one of the walls shimmer as if it had been an illusion. Her hands quickly dismissed that possibility as they touched cold solid stone. Later a small white rabbit hopped across the floor, disappearing as easily as it had appeared. The woman theorized that the hypospray had been loaded with more than a simple sedative. That idea was further strengthened when she suddenly found herself back on the bridge of her ship, only to return to the room a few seconds later.

Mortina had done her best to remain in control of her emotions. Fear and even panic would not served her interest at this time especially knowing her captors. This had likely been a game, a way for them to test her patience and inner strength. That or this had all been meant to slowly drive the Betazoid into a state of insanity.  Her only consolation had been that no strange vision had disturbed her solitude for nearly two hours now.

[[Hope they haven't forgotten about me,]] Mortina thought to herself, not truly believing her own words. [[I would hate to starve here and not be given a reason as to why.]]

~We could never forget about you Mortina,~ an icy voice echoed in the Starfleet Officer's mind.  ~Not after what you did to us.~  After having experienced such silence in her mind, the unexpected voice had almost been too much for the Betazoid to handle. As cold as ice and as powerful as a photon torpedo, the officer actually had to reach for the nearest wall to steady herself.

Mortina took in a slow, deep breath to help with her efforts to regain her composure. [[I did nothing *to* you,]] the woman thought as she scanned to room with her eyes. Had they simply been listening in on her thoughts or had they been watching? [[It was an accident, a combination of misunderstanding and lousy timing.]]

The Starfleet Officer had been ready to continue pleading her case when the single light suddenly went out. Seconds later the sound of metal sliding against metal filled the room. Like nails on a chalkboard the sound had been atrocious and send shivers down Mortina's spine. When the light returned, a small plate of food had appeared near one of the walls.

~You have nothing to worry about in regards to you starving,~ the voice said in a quieter tone, almost laughing. ~We have a far more painful destiny in mind for you.~

Again the Betazoid did her best to control her emotions, almost wishing that she had been Vulcan instead. To show fear or feel concern for her wellbeing would have played directly into their hands. Mortina had no idea what they had planned for her, but one thing had been sure, they had been in no rush to make her discover her fate.

Tiffany Rose

Lt. Lea Summers
Chief Medical Officer
OLD-P148: USS ANUBIS: Dalziel: Day 4 - 1330 ("Her Sister's Keeper")

"Her Sister's Keeper"
(Previous Post: "Nice and Easy")

"Welcome to sickbay. Take a number."
-the Doctor to Nyrian, VGR, "Displaced"

Setting: USS ANUBIS, Sickbay
Stardate: 63073.1330

Adriana felt herself stiffen ever so slightly with the weight of her secret. Even with the strange adventure in the temporal anomaly, this moment seemed far more nerve racking. "What brings you to Sickbay? Are you injured?" Ensign Lopez offered weakly, trying to pretend that she didn't notice that the Counsellor was the picture of health.

"No, I'm okay." Eve's gray eyes were sparkling as if her face was alight from within. Her fair skin glowed with happiness. The relief of being back on the ANUBIS, in the correct space and time, was palpable for the Cardassian born officer, and she couldn't contain that positive energy. But, there was so much work to do.

"I thought we could have a talk," Eve said softly. The dark haired woman had taken a precious few minutes to decide what her first course of action would be when the entire crew rematerialized. Everyone, including Captain Rikar, had looked they had been put through the proverbial wringer. Only a few hours had passed, but for some of them it felt like an eternity... like another lifetime. However, Eve's mind remained touched by the presence of Amanda Lopez on the Bridge. And it was with that singular idea that she came to see the assistant Medical Officer.

Adriana slowly lowered herself until she was seated on the edge of an empty biobed. "Sure."

"Tell me about Amanda, your sister," the Counsellor prodded.

Adriana drew a ragged breath. "My sister... has been missing. Part of my decision to join Starfleet was to have the resources at my disposal to find her." None of this was secret information, although she hadn't said this directly to Ensign Dalziel before.

Eve considered this. Amanda, or the image of Amanda, hadn't mentioned her location. She hadn't mentioned if she was even alive. "Have you received any leads as to her whereabouts?"

Adriana glanced downward. "Not yet."

"How long has it been since you've *seen* her?" Eve continued pointedly, studying the other woman's face for answers.

"I'm not sure," Ensign Lopez answered truthfully, still not knowing if the woman she had been speaking to a short time earlier was only a figment of her imagination or something else entirely.

All this time, her sister was watching the both of them like a Cheshire cat. "You have to trust someone eventually," Amanda said.

Adriana searched for words that would bring understanding or an explanation. But there was nothing she could think of to describe what had been happening to her. 

Surprisingly, or perhaps not, it was Eve who chose to trust the situation first. "I know you're able to communicate with her."

Adriana's face blanched. She didn't know how to respond. "Counsellor, I would never compromise the ship with a hidden message transmission." Well, except for the little favor Enaii bestowed upon her shortly after her arrival to the ship. "Pull the logs and see." 

"That's not what I mean," Eve countered. "I know she's here with you, even though I don't understand the possibility of it. She's probably here with you right now." She looked around the room, unable to see the image of Amanda that was staring at the both of them so intently.

Adriana felt herself shiver as she watched Eve search the air in vain, seeing Amanda just beyond the taller woman's gaze. If it could have been possible, they would have almost touched.

Ensign Dalziel was sensitive to Adriana's discomfort, but knew the aCMO needed to come clean about what had been happening. "Adriana, I don't know how to explain this to you, but Amanda revealed herself to me. I spoke to her."

Adriana lost most of the control she had when Eve first arrived. She felt her cheeks redden, the sting of unfallen tears burning her eyes. But to know that someone else had seen Amanda, it soothed her confused spirit. "How? When?"

"The how, I can't answer. But when... it was during the anomaly."

Ensign Lopez gave Eve a quizzical look. After the bizarre places she had been, the indescribable feelings she had experienced, the idea that Eve had been speaking to Amanda at the same time, it was unfathomable. "Why?"

Eve shrugged and shook her head, the long ebony hair from her ponytail falling over one shoulder."You probably should ask her that. But, if you want my opinion, she seemed to seek out the ship's Counsellor. I got the impression she wished for you to take the same path."

Her cheeks grew warm again, this time with the tinge of embarrassment. "Is that true?" Ensign Lopez whispered to Amanda.

"You've been too stubborn about this," her sister answered. 

Eve continued with compassion. "Adriana... you, more than most, understand what games the mind can play. And after experiencing Amanda's presence firsthand, I can't be entirely certain of what we're dealing with. But I am convinced, she means you no harm." 

"I know," Adriana replied, sneaking a glance at her sister. "But I don't understand why she's here... and I can't control when she appears to me. It could jeopardize our mission."

Eve knew there was some truth to what Ensign Lopez was saying. Being so heavily involved with Intel for the majority of her career, she saw what being in less than optimal mental and physical health could do. But, she was hopeful that she could help Adriana. "I wouldn't worry about that," Eve gently touched Adriana's shoulder, trying to offer comfort to the troubled young woman. "If you've managed to make it this far, I don't see Amanda as a hindrance." 

For the first time, Adriana looked a little more at peace. "What happens now?"

"I would suggest you begin to document any time you have interaction with her, to try and see if there is a pattern to her appearance. Then we'll need to discuss it. Once a week."

"For how long?" Adriana asked.

Eve smiled. "Let's just say it's a standing appointment for the time being."

Susan M Ledbetter
Ensign Eve Dalziel

"I savored those stories; I read them slowly, one each day. And when I was done, I wished I hadn't read them at all. So I could read them again... like it was the first time."
-Melanie to Old Jake, DS9, "The Visitor"
OLD-P147: USS ANUBIS: Lopez: Day 4 - 1330 ("Nice and Easy")

"Nice and Easy"
[Previous post: "Return"]

Setting: USS ANUBIS, Sickbay
Stardate: 63073.1330

Adriana smiled as she verified the latest medical scans on their Klingon patient.  The encouraging results had not been the reason for her happiness, but rather the ability for her and everyone else onboard to be able to think whatever they wanted without having to fear coming face-to-face with it.  No Elysian fields, no corridor filled with kittens, not even a storming battalion of Romulans, nothing other than the cold, hard reality at the end of their fingertips.

Lieutenant Fairborn had not remained in Sickbay for very long, to the visible chagrin of the CMO who had withdrew to the seclusion of her office.  Doctor Summers had claimed that an excessive amount of work had required her attention, but the aCMO had suspected that there had been more behind the sudden change in Lea's mood.

"You do know that she likes him," the familiar voice of Amanda shattered the tranquility of the room which caused Adriana to roll her eyes.

The aCMO went on with her duties, doing her best to ignore the hallucination of her missing sister, a mirage that had grown to be increasingly annoying to the Ensign despite her feelings for her sister.  Ensign Lopez had hoped that the modifications made to the ablative armor by the CSciO would have ended these visions, at least for a little while.  If they had stopped it would have indicated an external cause of these hallucinations, a fact that Adriana would have been rather happy to discover.

"Sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not one of those temporal creations you and the rest of the crew had to deal with," Amanda said as she sat on one of the biobeds.  "I am a creation of your mind, a reminder of what it is that brought you out here and a sounding board that allows you to have a better grasp of this reality."

Adriana spun around and shot a deathly glare at the vision that only she could see.  "If you are my anchor into reality, then I am in much deeper trouble than I had realized," the aCMO said in a forceful whispered voice.  If Doctor Summers or any other member of the medical staff should walk in, the ensign would have been able to claim that she had been talking to herself, an impossible claim to make had she been yelling as she had wanted to.

"I would think that you would be happy that I am here for you," the hallucination said as she jumped off the biobed and moved closer to Adriana.  "Think about it this way, if you were truly going mad, you would be seeing things that would make you run screaming or cower in a corner sobbing uncontrollably.  Instead you get to see a caring, supporting face, one that understands what you are going through and one who is there for you."

The aCMO remained silent for a few moments as the wisdom of the words spoken sunk in; even if in the end they had been her own words.  "It is nice to have someone to talk to," Adriana admitted out loud with a sigh.  As much as she might have disliked the idea of hallucinating about her sister there had been some comfort drawn from the experiences.  With a certain sense of peace the woman turned on her heels and prepared to return to the Klingon's side only to almost run into Ensign Dalziel.

"You are right," Eve grinned, "it is nice to have someone to talk to," the Counselor said with a twinkle in her eyes that seem to indicate that she knew more than she had let on.  A lot more.

Marissa Montonera-Lombardi

Ensign Adriana Lopez
Assistant Chief Medical Officer
OLD-P146: USS ANUBIS: Rikar: Day 4 - 1310 ("Return")

(Previous Post was Jessica's "A Dream is Only a Dream if You Wake Up At The End")

Setting: USS ANUBIS, Bridge
Stardate: 63073.1310

The young woman stepped out of her Ready Room, her red hair appeared as if the ANUBIS' CO had gone several rounds with a couple of angry Nausicaans. Although aware of the visibly distraught CSciO, Ensign Dalziel, the ship's Counsellor had opted to insure first that the Captain had been alright.

The Cardassian born woman prove to be too slow for the Kzinti Sec/Tac Officer who quickly presented herself in front of the redhead. "Are you alright Captain?" Hex inquired as she peeked around the CO to see if any threat to the ship and crew had followed… instead the Sec/Tac saw only one other Officer… Commander Enaii.

Unlike the CO, the ILO appeared as prim and proper as could be expected… not a single strand of hair had been out of place. Several more questions made their way into the minds of the Senior Staff but all remained unspoken… the possible answers having been far too much for any of them to be able to handle at this time.

"Am I to gather that we are finally out of this little time distortion?" The redheaded CO inquired, her eyes ever so slowly having dropped onto the unconscious Klingon resting on the floor of the command deck.

"We are Captain," Maya reported from the Science station at the back of the Bridge. "I have been able to modulate the ablative armour to immune the ship from any further time distortion… the problem is that they are still occurring and at greater frequency. Unless we locate the source and stop it, this entire region of space could be ripped apart by temporal shock waves… not to mention the general chaos that will ensue when ships and people from different time periods encounter one another.

"Alright," Rikar half grinned, her eyes still locked on the Klingon. "If the temporal distortions have been brought to an end… why is he still here?"

"His name is Karg," Elan offered as he took a single step forward. "He was being chased by a rather large group of Romulans."

"He was injured and it was thought to be too dangerous to separate, so we brought him to the Bridge instead," Ensign Lopez added while still attending to the Klingon's wounds.

"My guess is that he was the Klingon our sensors picked up on the Romulan War Bird," Ensign Thomas added as he moved across the Bridge to reclaim his station.

"So he's actually from *our* reality?" The CO rhetorically queried while she tried to imagine how the Klingon had managed to find his way onto a 100-years old Romulan vessel.

"I performed several molecular scans," Ensign Mitshiba, the aCSciO stated as she presented her tricorder to the ANUBIS' CO. "All of the scans I was able to obtain from others showed a quantum variance… in Krag's case there is no sign of this molecular variation… everything points to him being of our time and reality."

"Alright them… Doctor Summers, please transfer your patient to a more suitable location," the redhead said in a tone of voice that hinted her words having been far more than mere suggestion.

"Elan," the CMO began as she turned to face the towering Engineer. "Would you mind carrying him down to Sickbay, in his present condition I am afraid that a trip through the transporter could actually aggravate his condition."

The Oltharian smiled and nodded his understanding and willingness to comply with the demand made of him. As soon as Elan had picked up the Klingon, Doctor Summers and her assistant quickly fell behind and followed, both of their presence no longer having been required on the command deck.

"As soon as the ship is declared fit for travel, resume course for the YUDARA SECTOR," the redheaded woman ordered as she eased herself down into her chair and shot a quick smile in the ILO's direction. "It looks like finding the PARADOX has become more than a simple wild goose chase… it is now an urgent matter."
Sabrina Jones

Captain Sabrina Rikar 
Commanding Officer 

"We are Grey, we stand between the Candle and the Star, between the Darkness and the Light" 
-Entilza Delenn, Babylon 5
OLD-P145: USS ANUBIS: Maya: Day 4 - 1255
("A Dream is Only a Dream if You Wake Up At The End")

"A Dream is Only a Dream if You Wake Up At The End"
(Previous Post: "Mind The Issues")

Setting: USS ANUBIS, Bridge (Reality #2)
Stardate: 63073.1255
What is time?
To many, it is believed to be an unstoppable and irresistible force that effects everything from the smallest atomic particles to beyond the limits of the universe as a whole. To a few, it is a dimension which can be shaped and manipulated at will thus allowing past, present and future to lose all significance.
The Shillian Scientist had worked on the matter that had befallen the crew of the USS ANUBIS for what had felt to be several hours under the watchful gaze of the man whom in another reality had been her father. After several failed attempts to rectify the situation, the Chief Science Officer had decided to take a moment to rest and indulge in the offer made by Sonah; which was to simply listen to the woman as she recalled adventures and events that had marked her life.
Sonah listened intently as the Shillian recalled her rescue from the doomed world that had been her childhood home to her time on EARTH and her graduation from Starfleet Academy. Although not her father, the elder Shillian listened with pride as the Chief Science Officer spoke of the many friends she had made along her journey and of the wonders that she had experienced.

"You should be very proud of all that you have accomplished," the entity which resembled Sonah offered. "I know that I would be if I were in your shoes. You are truly an amazing young woman."
The Shillian paused for a moment and gazed deeply into the eyes of the older man, the reasons that had made the Scientist dismiss the man for whom he had appeared to be having gradually faded into an unseen background.
"My father always said that he knew I would make him proud one day," the Shillian Scientist admitted with a long, drawn out sigh, "but I never got to hear him say those words."
"My dearest Maya," Sonah began as he gently reached out and touched the Shillian's cheek. "I know that this has been difficult for you, that my being here has made things emotionally complicated for you as you are forced to face a past that you cannot relive and a future that you cannot share with one of your own. I may not be your father, but I can assure you that he would have been exceptionally proud of you."
"Thank you," the Chief Science Officer said in an uncharacteristically short replied.
"Now, maybe it is time for you to allow yourself to complete the task that you have been stopping yourself from accomplishing."
Setting: USS ANUBIS, Bridge (Reality #1)
Stardate: 63073.1255
Ensign Mitshiba and Ensign Thomas had worked long and hard at finding a solution to the temporal anomalies that had engulfed the USS ANUBIS while the others took care of each other and their new passenger.
"How is our Klingon friend?" Ensign Dalziel inquired in a whispered voice of the Chief Medical Officer who had wandered by the Counsellor.
"He will be fine," Lieutenant Summers reported as she glanced in the Klingon's direction, who had been laid in the middle of the bridge on the floor in front of the Captain's chair. "Would have been easier to treat him had we gone to Sickbay though," the Doctor added not at all wanting to have to listen once again to the reasoning which had kept those who had made it to the bridge to remain together and on the command deck.
"Despite what Ensign Mitshiba reported from her scans, he may not even belong to this timeline or reality," Ensign Dalziel pointed out.
"Speaking of which," Ensign Lopez said as she joined the Chief Medical Officer and Counsellor while at the same time sending a glance at the Assistant Chief Science Officer and Chief of Operations. "When are you two going to fix this? I thought you had been able to access the work and research done by Lieutenant Maya?"
"I did," Mitshiba replied, clearly annoyed by something.
"All of the data pertaining to this time distortion is right there in the computer," Ensign Thomas added. "We just cannot access it. It is as if someone or something is blocking us from reaching it."
"Who would do that and why?" the Assistant Security and Tactical Officer demanded, not at all understanding who would want this nightmare to continue.
"There is only one person aboard the USS ANUBIS who can restrict access to the scientific data as described," the Oltharian Engineer stated. "As for the why the data had been thus restricted, we can only theorize as to the reason."
"She does not want this to end," Ensign Dalziel offered with a rather ominous tone.
Setting: USS ANUBIS, Bridge (Reality #2)
Stardate: 63073.1300
"Why did you say that?" The Shillian asked referring to the last words spoken by Sonah about it being time for her to allow herself to complete the task she had set to accomplish.
"My dearest Maya, I may not be your father but I am far from being a novice in the areas of physical science and personal psychology. Even without looking at your work station I have been able to determine that you have been finding ways to hinder your own work; the way you nervously looked in my direction as if afraid that I would discover something. Somewhere deep inside, you do not wish for this to end, or for me to leave."
The Shillian Scientist had been ready to unleash a barrage of reasons and facts to prove Sonah wrong, that she had done everything in her power to solve this temporal problem, but in the end no words came out. The more the Chief Science Officer thought about the preposterous accusation brought up against her, the more the Shillian Scientist realised that she had indeed hindered her own work, either subconsciously or not.
"Your friends need you," Sonah said to the Shillian Scientist in a gentle, caring voice as he withdrew his touch from her cheek.

"I am," the Shillian began before she hesitated to finish the sentence.
"You have nothing to be sorry about my dear Maya," Sonah quickly continued. "Just remember that your father is proud of you.
Setting: USS ANUBIS, Bridge (Reality #1)
Stardate: 63073.1305
"Reading a massive build-up of energy in the main deflector," Ensign Thomas announced with great surprise.
"You managed to brake through the data lockout?" The Oltharian questioned, equally surprised by this unexpected turn of events.
"It was not us," Ensign Mitshiba stated as she took several steps back from the science console.
After a few tense seconds the ship was engulfed by a bright flash of light, and when it vanished the members of the crew on the bridge noted that their number had increased by one. The Chief Science Officer had appeared out of nowhere with several tears slowly caressing her cheeks.

Jessica Solarik

Lieutenant Commander Maya
Chief Science Officer

"To see the world in a grain of sand,
and a heaven in a wild flower.
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
and eternity in an hour."
- William Blake (British, 1757-1827)
OLD-P144: USS ANUBIS: Thomas: Day 4 - 1240 ("Mind The Issues")

"Mind The Issues"
[Previous post: "Together At Last" written by the well talented Ashley Shane.]

Setting: USS ANUBIS, Deck 16, Corridors
Stardate: 63073.1240
Elliot looked at his brother and with a smile on his face he asked, "Whats wrong with talking to me?"

With a gaped expression Bob replied, "Nothing much bro, but Montgomery Scott!"

The COO turned from his brother and looked down the corridor and questioned with a nod, "Do you fancy heading to the Bridge I'm going to have to find out what is happening here?"

The starship maintenance worker nodded and agreed, "Lets go then bro."

As they walked the corridor ET could not help but ask, "Why did you not come back to see me after you left? you said that you would come back."

Bob was surprised why his brother had picked now to talk of this, and the surprised look on his face must have been more noticeable than he had expected it too be because his brother had stopped walking completely waiting for a response from him.

"Well, I wanted to but I have been so busy with work that I have simply not had enough time to contact you," responded the maintenance worker.

Elliot turned on his heals and continued to walk in silence with his older brother following in the direction of the turbo lift, then he stopped again and turned to face his brother for a second time and commented "Are you really expecting me to believe that you were to busy to even to give me a call?"

Bobs expression changed and the COO could sense his brothers uneasiness then continued to ask "Really what is it that you are not telling me, you know that I know when you are hiding something."

The starship maintenance worker stared at his brother then angrily retaliated "Well thats good coming from you, when was the last time that you called me to say hello.  I mean one minute your calling me regular and then nothing."  he paused then continued "so really how long has it been?"

This time Elliot was trying to change the subject, "It doesn't matter, lets just get to the bridge OK."

The two men walked into the turbo lift and as the doors were closing Bob's voice stated, "Bridge."

Craig Mitchell

Ensign Elliot Thomas.
Chief Operations Officer.

[The Universe is a huge place, but you always seem to meet someone you know just around the corner.]
OLD-P143: USS ANUBIS: Fanggot: Day 4 - 1130 ("Together At Last")‏

"Together At Last"
(Cont. from "Overactive Imagination")

Setting: USS ANUBIS, Bridge
Stardate: 63073.1130


Stunned, the Kzinti was literally speechless. Hex watched as myth after myth appeared on the bridge, closing her own mind from imagining anything to frightful. It wasn’t working well… her mother’s face was branded into her mind and her cheek still stung slightly. The officer watched the muscled man disappear slowly, thankful for the release in tension.

“Aki,” Hex managed to gasp, “Was that your imagination then?”

Ensign Mitshiba had turned a bright red but answered truthfully, “I was thinking of mythology on EARTH and he sort of… popped into my head.”

“I can see why” Hex muttered playfully, grinning at the aSciO. The fantasy human was obviously something that the aCSciO was used to seeing.

[[I wonder what mother would say if someone like him were to go to KZINTI PRIME…]] Hex thought, quickly cutting it off. It was too late, with an inward groan; the Kzinti watched the space between Eve and Aki shimmer. The Ensign prepared for the worst as a body began to form.

“Aki…” Eve warned, looking at the shape with slight annoyance, “who is it this time?”

“I didn’t, I swear, my mind is clear.” Aki responded defensively, looking at Hex a moment.

What appeared was not her mother, to the Kzinti’s relief, but another member from her past. Relief vanished and Hex froze in fear, it was her brother. Damon now stood in his traditional traveling robes on the bridge.

“Little sister…” he hissed, walking up to close enough to touch her before realizing that they weren’t alone, “you have a lot to answer to…”

“Aki, Eve… I’d like you both to meet my older brother Damon,” Hex stated with only a brief hesitation. With the others in their direct presence, Hex wasn’t as scared of her brother as before.

Damon did what the officer thought was very strange, he actually wrapped his arm around his sister's shoulders and offered a wide smile to the others, “Pleased to make your acquaintance I’m sure, but I really must be going, don’t want to be late for the wedding.”

The other officers glanced at Hex questioningly, which she merely shook her head, to fragile-feeling to respond directly to anything with words. Damon felt her move and tightened his grip on her, pressing his fingers against her collar bone directly over her scar. The Kzinti gasped, he was threatening her.

Hex was tired of the family reunions and the forced marriage she was never planning to accept. Closing her eyes the Ensign tried to imagine Damon away, knowing she’d get questions about it later. Gradually she noticed that the grip on her arms was gone.

“Hex, do I have to arrange an appointment for you too?” Ensign Dalziel sighed; trying to make a mental note of how many patients she’d received after this little trip was over and done with.

“NO!” Hex protested, feeling a sudden panic-stricken fear rise into her throat. The rest of her protest was cut short when she heard the doors to the bridge open.

All those in the bridge turned to see Elan carrying a wounded Klingon through, swiftly followed by Ensign Lopez and Summers as well as the ship’s computer Annie. They looked relieved to see the other senior officers in the room.

The Kzinti moved away from the opening a few steps, trying to put as much distance in between her and the Oltharian as she could without the others noticing. This was all just getting better and better.

Ashley Shane

Ensign Hex Fanngot
Assistant Chief of Security/Tactical

OLD-P142: USS ANUBIS: Mitshiba: Day 4 - 1120 ("Overactive Imagination")

"Overactive Imagination"
(Cont. from "What")

Setting: USS ANUBIS, Bridge
Stardate: 63073.1120

While she sat at the science station, Aki tried her best to better understand what had happened.  From having come face-to-face with the Monkey King and the Jade Emperor to having been an expected sacrifice for the Egyptian god Anubis, these last few moments had been rather difficult to accept as having been genuine events.  The aCSciO chuckled slightly as she silently wondered what other prominent mythological figure would grace them with a visit next.

Without even having consciously thought about it, images began to form in the Ensign's mind, images created from the aCSciO's limited knowledge of ancient Mythology and apparently overactive imagination. Suddenly a single image came into focus, as clear and precise as if it had been a physical object within the officer's grasp.

"Aki?" Eve called out with a great deal of uncertainty and surprise in her voice.

The aCSciO turned away from the science station and quickly discovered what had triggered the Cns' shock, a sight that instantly caught Aki's complete attention.  Standing in the middle of the bridge was a tall and handsome golden haired man with a perfectly sculpted body; his leather pants hugged his muscular legs and left little to the imagination.  The low cut of the weathered sleeveless shirt had given the three women present a delightful view of his strapping chest.  The size of a single of his biceps rivaled that of a normal humanoid's head, and appeared as hard as the strongest metal known to the Federation.

"Oh my," Aki said in complete astonishment before she forced her mouth closed and swallowed hard.  Had she truly been responsible for this? What, or more to the point who, had she been thinking about?  At that very moment the aCSciO could not recall anything or even think straight.

"And you would be?" Eve carefully asked, a delighted smile having crossed her lips.  Although the Cns had been born Cardassian and raised Bajoran, Ensign Dalziel had not been immune to the more than apparent charms of this prime specimen of the male gender that had appeared unannounced on the bridge of the ANUBIS.

"I am Hercules," the mighty muscled man replied in a strong yet gentle voice combined with a beaming smile, "Son of Zeus, Champion of man, and at your service fair maidens."

"Oh my," Aki repeated, swallowing hard once more, her heart pounding faster and faster with each passing moment.  "Can we keep him?" the aCSciO said, her thoughts having actually crossed her lips instead of having remained where they had been meant to be, hidden within her head.

"Aki!" Eve said in a stern, almost disciplinary manner.  "Send him back."

"Sorry," the aCSciO offered in regards to her first statement.  "What makes you think that he's *my* fault?"

"You mean aside from the fact that Hercules is from *EARTH's* mythology, that you have not been able to take your eyes off him even as we are talking, or that you seem ready and willing of resigning your commission so that you can leave the ship with him by your side on the first available craft?" The Cns pointed out with distinct amusement.

Aki had been ready to try and push the blame onto the Kzinti but when her eyes fell onto Hex, she noted the Sec/Tac's posture and twitching ear.  There had been little doubt that as handsome and charming as this mythical creation had been, he had not at all been Ensign Fanggot's 'dream man'.  The CSciO started to wonder what would have actually been her friend's dream man but quickly pushed the thought out of her mind for fear of summoning some large, furry beast.

"I'm sorry," the aCSciO offered, partly to Eve for having allowed her thoughts to once again stray, but mostly to this dreamy vision of a man whom she would have to will back to the realm of fantasy, in a not too distant future.  At least there had not been any urgency in sending him back as he obviously did not represent a threat to anyone.

Dawn Bohr

Ensign Akira 'Aki' Mitshiba
Assistant Chief Science Officer
OLD-P141: USS ANUBIS: Rikar: Day 4 - 1110 ("What")

(Previous Post was Marissa's "Kittens Would Have Been better")

Setting: USS ANUBIS, Bridge
Stardate: 63073.1110

The young woman stood in the middle of the ANUBIS' command deck… her enraged narrowed eyes pierced to the soul of the raven haired woman currently sitting in *her* chair. Once long ago that woman had almost cost Rikar her career as a Starfleet officer… but worse she had almost cost the redhead her life with the ship's Intel Operative and their daughter Talia.

"YOU!" Enaii let out as she appeared at the ExO's station in response to both women having thought of one another. After what the Intel Operative had just endured she had been more than happy to see her wife… at least as happy as she would have let anyone see, but when she noted the presence of the black haired woman the ILO's mood instantly changed.

Over the many years that the Intel Operative had worked, she had come to only truly hate a handful of individuals… and the raven haired woman now sitting in the ANUBIS' command chair had been one of the unfortunate few to have made that particular list. Enaii quickly made her way around the stations located behind the command level and joined her wife in the middle of the Bridge. It was only then that the reality of the situation became obvious to the ILO.
"How?" the Operative questioned, the redhead appearing utterly at a loss to explain this occurrence and the black haired woman grinning from ear-to-ear not at all caring about the question or even its answer.

Scene: USS EXPLORER, Sickbay
Time Index: Several days after the void

Only minutes away from death the young woman had been rescued by the crew of a passing Ferengy cargo vessel. Given the woman assets many on the crew had expected to get a share of the sizable price such a form would have fetched on the Orion slave market. Unfortunately for them their Daimon had decided that selling a Starfleet Officer, regardless of her curves, to the Orions had simply been too dangerous.

By the time the Ferengy ship had contacted the USS EXPLORER and set course to rendezvous with the vessel, the Starfleet officer had awakened and begun to make a nuisance of herself. Having been near death had been bad enough, but to wake up on a Ferengy ship had proven to be too much for the woman. Within a few hours of her stay onboard the Daimon had been more than happy to hand their *prize*, whom they had managed to sedate, back to the Federation without even having asked for any compensation.

The young woman was leaning back against her elbows while still being on the biobed, a puzzled grin painted on her pink lips as the EXPLORER's Doctor and Nurse looked back at her with disbelief in their eyes.

"I tell you... I don't remember. I *do* remember being in a very dark and cold room... but as hard as I try, I can't remember where that room was or how I got there in the first place." The woman said, pleading her case as best she could, the fatigue she still felt clearly visible on her face.

"Welcome to the USS EXPLORER Lieutenant Commander. I am Captain Samantha Carter and if you are at all able and strong enough, I would like to ask you a few questions." Samantha said as she walked into Sickbay having been alerted as to their guest awakened state minutes earlier. The usage of the mysterious woman's rank during the greeting had served a hidden agenda... that of testing the woman's immediate knowledge and memory in the hopes of shedding some light onto her undisclosed past and assignment.

"Thank you Captain... although I have to admit to being at somewhat of a loss as to explain how I arrived into the tender care of your medical staff. As I have repeatedly told your CMO, I don't remember much." The woman said, expecting the EXPLORER's CO to pursue the line of questing the Doctor and Nurse had started almost as soon as she had regained full consciousness.

"Please forgive my bluntness, but you seem to be nothing short of a full blown mystery. Starfleet Operations said that there was no Federation vessel in the sector and that your assignment was stated as being 'Classified' doesn’t answer any of the questions which your rescue has brought to the table."

"That reminds me... I owe you and your crew a very large 'thank you'. I do vaguely remember having a rather rough time with a group of Ferengi. The best I can guess is that they found me and rescued me from wherever I was before you came along and rescued me from them." The woman said, a genuinely grateful smile having come to grace her pink lips.

"Doc?" Carter asked as she turned to face the CMO, wondering if he had anything more to add.

"Other than her exposure to an extreme cold for an undetermined period of time, she could have suffered one or more psychological shock that would have caused this lost of memory. As much as you might want to have me give you more, I can't... I'm a medical Doctor not a Counsellor. All I can base my prognosis on is the results of the medical scans… and in this case they are not telling us a whole lot more than the obvious."

"Captain... I swear... I have no reason to hide anything from you. I want to have the answers to these exact same questions as much as you do." The woman said trying to get up but rapidly reconsidering as her head began to spin.
"Take it easy." The Nurse jumped in with, taking hold of the young woman before she found a way to fall off the biobed she was on.

"You may have regained consciousness, but your body is still extremely weak. You'll need to rest for at least another 12 to 15 hours before I even consider allowing you to get off this bed." The CMO added, ready to reach for a hypospray should the woman argue or even resist.

The young woman eased her head back onto the pillow vaguely remembering similar words of wisdom having been spoken by another CMO in what felt like a lifetime ago.

"Then I have only one question to ask you at this time." The Captain said, having given both the Doctor and Nurse time to ease the young woman back down onto the biobed.

"I'll do my best to answer it Captain."

"What is your name? Starfleet Operations was only kind enough to provide us with your rank and first initial. It would be nice to know what to call you unless you actually prefer Lt. Cmdr. S. Rikar?"

The red headed woman chuckled briefly before the smile that had been on her pink lips vanished as if it had never been there. She knew her name... but for one reason or another saying it aloud had proven harder than she had thought... as if something had not been right with it. Eventually Rikar simply shook her head and met the Captain's inquisitive gaze.

"Sa... Sam... Samantha… my name is Samantha Rikar."

Time Index: Several Months after her rescue

With a new lease on life and an inability to discover more about her previous existence, the young woman had decided to leave her past behind and start anew. Her fiery red hair had been coloured as black as night and her general attitude towards life itself had become one of absolute abandonment… to enjoy life now because tomorrow she might be dead.

The universe, not being without a sense of irony, brought the young woman's path and that of the Intel Operative only known as Enaii back together just in time for Samantha Rikar to announce her engagement to someone else.
It was only days before the actual wedding that the persona of Sabrina emerged once again and reasserted itself as the one and only *owner* of the body, mind and soul that *Samantha* had stolen, and had been rather unwilling to return. 

Setting: USS ANUBIS, Bridge
Stardate: 63073.1115

"Trust me Enaii," the young woman replied to the one word question presented by her wife, "I've been trying to figure it out since she appeared on the Bridge."

"See…" Samantha grinned with unimaginable satisfaction, "my way is so much better. Who cares? I am here and you two will just have to deal with it… it's that simple."

"Deal with this," the ILO snarled as she leaped forward and wrapped her hands around the raven haired woman's throat.

"ENAII!" Sabrina called out in panic. "If this is some sort of temporal anomaly, killing her could kill *me*."

The ILO ever so slowly released her hold on Samantha's neck while still debating on the consequences and relative odds of her desired action. The thought of killing Samantha had been an alluring one, but the possibility of losing Sabrina, as she had once lost Liana had been too much for the Operative to handle… so she withdrew to several steps behind the redhead to insure that nothing would happen from her end.

The ANUBIS' CO took a moment to logically analyse the situation, for the first time allowing her mind instead of her emotions to dictate her words. "Samantha… you and I cannot be here… not like this," the redhead stated as she drew back on her knowledge as a former Chief Science Officer. "We are both the same person… at least in body if not in thought… and we can only exists together as long as we stay within the limits of whatever temporal phenomenon has created you. The moment we leave this place, you will cease to exist, and as this ship's CO I can assure you that we *will* be leaving."

"So you would deny me my life a *second* time?" Samantha queried, not displaying any fear or concerns. "You have been given a second chance… one that is allowing you to leave everything behind and start fresh… think of all the fun and adventures we could have if you just left this 'Federation puppet' act behind."

"The only thing I need to leave behind to have a full and happy life," Sabrina offered with a gentle smile on her pink lips, "is you."

With that Samantha Rikar vanished into nothingness and left the ANUBIS' CO and ILO alone on the Bridge.
Sabrina Jones

Captain Sabrina Rikar 
Commanding Officer 

"We are Grey, we stand between the Candle and the Star, between the Darkness and the Light" 
-Entilza Delenn, Babylon 5
OLD-P140: USS ANUBIS: Lopez: Day 4 - 1110 ("Kittens Would Have Been Better")

"Kittens Would Have Been Better"
[Previous post: "Starts With Goodbye"]

Setting: USS ANUBIS, Corridor
Stardate: 63073.1110

The group of officers led by Annie had finally reached one of the turbolift without any further incident, everyone having managed to keep their thoughts well in check.  The possibility of dealing with a less furry but likely far more unpleasant encounter as the one they had come across during their travel had been incentive enough for each member of the group.

Ensign Lopez had found it easy to keep her thoughts from drifting onto something other than the feeling of Oltharian's protective arms around her.  There had been something calming about Elan's hold on her, a hold that she grew to cherish more as time passed.  Doctor Summers had spoken of the race's adoration for anyone working in the field of medicine, but to experience this first hand had given Adriana a totally new perspective into the ANUBIS' CEO as well as his people.

"Bridge," Annie said as the doors to the turbolift closed.  The Avatar had not needed to use the voice interface but had chosen to do so for the benefit of the other members of the group.

As the pod began to move Adriana felt Elan's hold on her weaken, a feeling that the aCMO quickly noticed and drew her gaze up to meet that of the giant.  "You are safe now Healer," the CEO stated with a smile which the Ensign returned without hesitation as she found the absence of the Oltharian's arms to be less than welcomed.  A glance in the CMO's direction though quickly indicated that Lea had been happy to see the some distance between the two officers.

Ensign Lopez made a mental note to delicately brush the subject of the Olthairan with her superior to see if there had been some sort of relationship between the two of them, one that extended beyond the confines of their professional duties.

"Internal sensors are picking up weapons' fire," Annie suddenly announced.  "Deck 3, near transporter room 2."

"We should check it out," Elan said with a clear concern for his fellow shipmates.

"With these distorted realities who knows what was conjured," the CMO added.  "They may require medical assistance."

"I think the situation may be more urgent than that," the Avatar continued.  "I have identified the type of weapons used; Romulan disruptors."

"Either the Romulan from that War Bird have found a way to get onboard or someone decided to think-up a group of Romulans," Adriana sighed heavily.  "Either way this is not good."

"Redirecting turbolift pod to transporter room 2," the Avatar reported with an uneasy calmness.  "Arrival in 8 seconds."

The rest of the group required no further warning to prepare for what they would be landing in the middle of.  Phasers were quickly drawn and brought to full readiness by Elan and Annie while the two medical officers braced themselves for what they had hoped would not be carnage.

The moment the doors opened a single figure rushed inside and tackled the Oltharian to the ground as the blasts from Romulan disruptors filled the air and impacted against the back of the pod.  Annie quickly lowered herself to one knee to reduce her exposure and returned fire while Doctor Summers and Ensign Lopez did their best to address the issue within their reach.

"A Klingon?" Adriana said as she rolled the body that had knocked Elan down off the stunned CEO.  "And he's hurt; I count at least 3 disruptor impacts to his back."

"I am Karg," the wounded Klingon barely managed having been brought to near death by the multiple weapons' hit he had received at the hands of the Romulans.  "Please help me."

"Annie!" Elan called out, the urgency in his voice made it clear to the Avatar that she had been authorize to use whatever means at her disposal to bring this situation to an end.

"Initiating emergency containment," Annie said as her eyes closed for a brief moment.  "Force fields are now in place, adding 100 parts per thousand of Trichloromethane to oxygen supply."

"100 parts per *thousand*?!?  Isn't that overdoing it a little?" Doctor Summers gasped as a fraction of this would have been more than sufficient to knock out a fully grown man.  The reply came in the form of several loud thumps as the Romulans dropped to the ground like dead lead weights.

"Never trust a Romulan," the Avatar said with what had almost been a smile.  "Plus it means that they will not be causing any more damage to my corridors for a long while."

Marissa Montonera-Lombardi

Ensign Adriana Lopez
Assistant Chief Medical Officer
OLD-P139: USS ANUBIS: Enaii: Day 4 - ???? ("Starts With Goodbye")

"Starts With Goodbye"
Continued from Tiffany's "Trouble Along The Way"

Setting: Alien Planet
Stardate: Far Distant Future

Enaii stood waist deep in a sparkling field of golden grass, she had no idea how she'd gotten here, but she recognized the place immediately.  More importantly, she recognized the time.

This day, with its two crimson suns scorching through a thoroughly crisp breeze blowing straight from a frozen wasteland, marked a fateful day, both in her past, and her future.  The day, that while on an undercover mission in the Obsidian Order, she and her lover, another undercover operative working for another government, stumbled into a reproductive garden and created their love child.  Though her mistress had infiltrated the Order as a Risean pleasure servant and so required no surgical alterations, Enaii herself had infiltrated as a Cardassian.  When their daughter was conceived, or more accurately created, they had abandoned the child to the government of this futuristic planet, so that no one would find out the true genetic lineage of the young operative.

Talia would live her first two years here, without love, without her mothers.  Then some unknown force would return the child to Enaii, back in the past, four years before the day that the ILO had woken up to this very morning, but several centuries before the day that she was experiencing now.

"Enaii?" the voice called out from behind her, and the ANUBIS's acting ExO closed her eyes against a sudden wave of emotion that passed over her.  "What are you doing?" the voice was happy, slightly curious, and so lively that Enaii did not dare move lest she cause the sound to fade.

"Liana," she whispered, barely audibly.  She couldn't move, she wanted to open her eyes, but knew this hallucination would be too fleeting were she to indulge herself.

"Of course it's me," the voice chuckled, the woman sounded as melodious as the sweetest angel.

Suddenly, gently, Enaii felt the woman's hand on the small of her back, tracing her hips as she circled around the operative.

"Enaii, are you alright?" concern laced the Risean's voice, the worry caused Enaii physical pain, and she opened her eyes to reassure the voice.

"Oh gods," she gasped, the illusion stood in front of her, as real as the day they had been here so many years ago, so many years in the future.  Liana wore a baby blue dress of the finest silk, it hugged her legs in the breeze, as her blond hair flowed backwards in the wind.  She could see their future child in her eyes.  "You are so beautiful."

An incredible smile spread across the Risean's lips, lighting up all her features, making her beauty stand out even more, if that were even possible.  Enaii reached out slowly and gently ran the tips of her finger down the contours of the woman's cheek, her porcelain skin standing up to the touch.  "You feel so real," she whispered in disbelief.

"Of course I'm real," Liana countered, a little taken aback, "Have you eaten anything strange?  I didn't hear about any local toxins, but maybe we should get you back to the ship."

"No!" the operative objected strongly before calming completely, "No, I'm well.  I just got caught in the moment, with the suns at your back like that, you truly look divine... like the gods themselves sculpted you."  She watched her lover's face blush, and struggled to burn the image into her mind, she never wanted this moment to end.  "I love you so much Liana.  I wanted to tell you while we were here, but I never had the strength to admit it until we had no more time left."

"Enaii, we just got here yesterday, and we're staying here for at least a week," the Risean objected, "Are you sure you're alright?"

The Intel Agent smiled widely, her eyes sparkling in the crimson sunlight.  "Perfect.  I just wanted to make sure you knew how I felt."

"I know," Liana whispered as she leaned forward and just barely touched Enaii's lips with her own before parting.  "I love you too."

The pleasure servant reached out and took her young lover by the hand and began to lead her on a walk.  The Operative followed without sound, simply taking in every movement of her lover, committing it all to memory, taking not a single second for granted.  After about an hour of walking silently together, Enaii had almost forgotten about everything, just living in this moment of time.  Whether she was in her past, her future, or a pleasant illusion made no difference.  All that mattered was being here, in this place, at this time, with this company.  As they approached a massive granite wall, carved decoratively in alien heiroglyphs, the reality of her life came crashing back down on the Operative with the force of a tsunami.  They didn't know it then, but this beautiful walled garden, with its gorgeous flowered archways and open sky, was one of six reproductive gardens on this planet.  Couples seeking to have a child would visit the gardens, samples of their DNA taken through undetectable means, and a child was created in one of the baby labs.  This only happened if the forces of the garden, something Enaii didn't fully understand, deemed the couple worthy of a child.  If their love and connection to eachother was strong enough.

Liana's love for Enaii was strong enough to abandon their child in order to save her lover's life.  Enaii would never forgive herself for allowing Liana to make that sacrifice.  But now, as they stood outside of the garden, the ILO had to make a choice.  They could walk inside, as they did so many years ago, so many years from now, on this day, and Liana would have to make that sacrifice again.  Or, Enaii could lead her away, they could explore another garden, and if this really was happening as it had before, if Enaii were really reliving this time, Talia would never be born and her lover would never have to shed tears over their lost child.

The Operative paused, her mind racing a light year every second.  She had never questioned being Talia's mother when the girl showed up on their bridge, she had looked at the child as a gift, a piece of her long broken heart returned to her, a little bit of Liana that would outlive them both.  She never debated keeping the girl at that point, but she had been alone... she could change things now, she and Liana could be happily together.  She had told her daughter many times about her other mother, about how much Liana would have loved her... but the operative had never once that she could remember told the girl that she herself loved her.  Enaii was proud of their child, protective of her, but did she love Talia enough to sacrifice this chance?

Inhaling deeply, Enaii looked at the orchard to the west of them, it would be only a short walk, and they could dine on succulent fruit and lounge under a sweetly fragrant tree. They could forget about this garden with its unique purpose.  Exhaling, Enaii sqeazed Liana's hand just a little harder.  "This garden looks interesting, the walls are so intricate."

The Risean nodded, "I don't suppose you know what these hieroglyphs mean?  It almost looks like it tells a story."

"Well," Enaii almost choked, but managed to keep her throat clear, "Let's go in and check it out."

The angelic woman almost glowed, "Let's!" she exclaimed as she lead the ANUBIS's ILO into the floral sanctuary.  It was just as amazing as the agent remembered, with petals that flowed like liquid over the ground and a sweet perfume filling the air.  A fountain with water too clear to even exist sat in the center, a single bench facing the misted spray stood inviting them to sit and relax.

Quietly, they took their place and sat mesmerized by the natural rhythm of the garden.

After what seemed like hours, Enaii finally spoke, breaking the silence.  "I am not from this time."

"Neither of us are Enaii, but it sure is a magical era, is it not?" Liana replied.  "Wouldn't it be glorious to stay here?  Maybe we'll live long enough to see something like this in our lifetime."

"No," the Operative corrected, "I didn't mean that, I mean, I'm not the Enaii from your time line.  I come from your future."

The Risean nodded, "That does explain a lot.  You seem older, harder... like the years have chiseled you."

Enaii looked away from her former lover, she hadn't thought about the young lady she had been those many years ago, before everything changed, before the universe became cold and empty.  Sitting beside Liana she had almost deluded herself into thinking she could exist just like she had before those years had sculpted her.  But even in these mostly quiet moments, her former lover had picked up on how different she was.  Suddenly she became accutely aware of the starfleet uniform she was wearing as it became heavy on her flesh.

"Can I ask you anything?  Or will it violate the temporal prime directive?" the Risean half teased.

"Ask," Enaii whispered, "I could never deny you anything."

"We're..." Liana paused as if not sure how to say what was on her mind, "Not together in your future, are we?"

"No," the operative replied.

"What happened to us?" the pleasure servant inquired.

Enaii sighed and closed her eyes.  The pain was almost too much to bear.  "We have a child, you and I, she will be born today and she is six years old in my future, which is almost a decade after we return to our time.  She is half Risean and half Human."

Liana nodded, "So we leave her here?  So that your cover won't be blown and you won't be killed?"


"But how?  How could we possibly have a child together?  Especially one born today???" the Risean questioned, the confusion evident in her voice.

"I'm not exactly sure how it works," the ILO answered, "but this place is where the people of this planet come to have their children created from their genes.  The garden works automatically, we have already been sampled, our daughter should be born very soon."

"Is she why we break up?  Is that why you stopped outside of the garden?"

Enaii shook her head only slightly, "We never broke up," she wanted to continue but choked on her words.

"But you said..." Liana argued feebly, knowing where this must be going.

"I stopped because I thought I might be able to make your last days less painful.  I thought maybe I could convince you to run away with me once we got back to our time, if we didn't have the knowledge of our abandoned child, I thought we could make it work."

The Risean was quiet for a few minutes, as if digesting her immanent death.  "You decided to bring me here anyway?  Even when you could have changed it all?"

"I'm sorry Liana," Enaii barely managed to force the words from her throat, she could feel the hole in her heart eating away at her under the pressure of her growing self-doubt.  "I had to, for Talia.  I'm married now, my wife adopted our daughter..."

The Risean smiled the most pure, unburdened smile.  "Talia?  Is that our daughter's name?"

The Operative nodded.

"It's perfect!  Tell me about her."

Enaii grinned, "Talia is more beautiful than the Risean ocean at dusk, and smarter than both of us combined.  She is gentle and kind, but a fiersome force of nature at the same time.  She loves with all her heart, and hates with all her heart, and never does anything halfway.  She can't sing a lick, but she dances like every rythm calls her soul to move and her body is just following along.  She has blonde hair and she is just beginning to develop her Risean markings.  I see so much of you in her eyes."

Tears were flowing freely from Liana, and her left hand covered her quivering lower lip.  "Does she know of me?"

The Operative took her former lover's hand tightly into her own.  "Of course she does.  She was named on Risa as tradition would dictate, adopted there, and your father presided over my wedding... he transfered your rite to my wife, and your spirit."

"My spirit?!?  I will be preserved then!"  The Risean gasped, "Oh Enaii, you could not have given me better news than to know that not only would I live on through a child, but my energy would not be dispersed into nothingness after my death."

The ILO smiled weakly.  She knew how much the rituals surrounding death meant to the Riseans, but she did not personally believe in such invisible forces as souls and spirits.

After another long moment, Liana spoke once more.  "Enaii... tell me how I die."

The operative swallowed hard, she had hoped the woman would not ask this of her.  "Two months after we return to our time we will fight over leaving Talia here...  I will tell you it was not worth your sorrow, and I will leave you.  That night, your true identity will be discovered, the tight five will reveal who you are to the Cardassians.  The beatings will be brutal, and they will go on for hours.  In the end, I will come to you, and you will die on my blade."  Tears broke from her eyes and streamed down the ILO's cheek before she was able to control herself.

"Thank you Enaii," the Risean choked out, "I know this will not be easy for you, but knowing you will come to me, to release me from the torture, and to preserve my spirit... it brings me great comfort."

"It shouldn't!"  Enaii barked, "You will die, and I will kill you!"

Liana sighed and grinned just slightly, "Yes.  But I will die looking into eyes that love me, you will take my last breath into yourself, my child will live for years to come, and she will know of me!  She will be a dancer, a fireball, a smart gentle soul who carries me in her eyes.  What is the point of life if it is not that?!?"  The Risean gently stroked the back of Enaii's hand with the fingers of her free hand.  "You need to let go of these demons...  it's time to move on with the rest of your life."

Before the ILO could reply, and in a dizzying instant, she was back on the bridge of the ANUBIS, alone, and more than a little disturbed that she had lowered her guard enough to allow herself to be sucked into an illusion. 

Growling to herself and harshly wiping away the wetness on her cheeks, she walked to the ExO's station and began trying to figure out what was going on. 

Author's name removed

Writing the hopes, dreams and future of:

Commander Enaii
Intelligence Liaison Officer / Acting ExO

"Whatever absolute darkness there is out there in the universe, she's on a first name basis with it."
~ Hex Fanggot regarding Enaii (Written by Marissa Montonera-Lombardi)
OLD-P138: USS ANUBIS: Summers: Day 4 - 1100 ("Trouble Along The Way")

"Trouble Along The Way"
[Previous post: "Three Girls, a Ship and a Deity", written by the exceptional Susan]

Setting: USS ANUBIS, Corridor
Stardate: 63073.1100

The ANUBIS had never felt so large, and the Bridge as distant as it did right now. With every stray thought a potential hazard, the small band of officers had moved carefully through the corridors. Several times along their journey the CMO had wished to have the mental control of a Vulcan. Lea had figured that to be able to push back all emotions and irrelevant thoughts would have been useful.

That idea hung in Doctor Summers' mind for a while and eventually led the CMO to think of the ANUBIS' ILO. Enaii had not been Vulcan, at least not genetically, but the woman had often displayed a control of her thoughts similar to those of that race. Lea grinned to herself as she thought that the Intel Operative acted far more Romulan than anything else.

Fear quickly washed over Lea as she realized what she had been thinking. Visions of the *evil* Enaii back in Sickbay snapping Adriana's neck instantly turned the CMO's stomach. The Doctor needed to control her thoughts, and quickly before something happened. In an effort to ward off these images Doctor Summers imagined things as far away from what Enaii represented. Happy thoughts, such as birthdays, celebrations were quickly summoned. Gentle and peaceful thoughts quickly followed, like flowers and kittens.

Lea felt a surge of peacefulness wash over her as these thoughts took hold. She had not understood why but the CMO felt powerless to fight this feeling. As if she had been floating, Doctor Summers felt light, almost giddy, a sensation that she could have enjoyed for hours and hours.

Unfortunately for her, someone interrupted the CMO's train of thoughts with a rather abrupt calling of her name.


Doctor Summers jumped as if she had just been awakened from a deep sleep. It had not taken long for Lea to realize why she had been snapped back into reality so forcefully. Dozens upon dozens of small, furry kittens covered the floor for as far as the eyes could see. As adorable as each and every one of them had been, the scene in general had been more of a nightmare than a dream.

"Kittens?" Elan asked his politeness and respect for the ANUBIS' CMO not having wavered despite his puzzlement.

"Sorry," Lea sheepishly replied. "Trust me though; the alternative would be much, much worse."

"As pleasant as these creatures may be,"' the Avatar said. "It would make our journey easier if we did not have to step around them."

"I'm guessing you want me to wish them away," Lea said, still a little amused by the scene she had inadvertently created.

"The alternative would be much, much worse," Annie said in a voice that perfectly imitated that of Doctor Summers.

"That wasn't funny," Lea grimaced. "If you are going to imitate someone while saying something like that, do Enaii. Dispatching innocent kittens seems to be far more her thing than mine."

"You just summon them into existence," Elan playfully added. The CEO knew that the Avatar's words had not been meant as an insult or any other type of affront. The words had just fit the situation too perfectly for the android to ignore.

Lea sighed, closed her eyes and focused her thoughts onto the kittens. To see them vanish had not been enough for the CMO who had not wanted to injure them in anyway. Real or not, those lovely little creatures had deserved something better than to simply be thoughts into oblivion. So Doctor Summers imagined the entire litter transported into another world, a heavenly placed for kittens. Large climbing trees and countless balls of strings were scattered in an endless grassy field.

When Lea reopened her eyes the corridor had returned to its original state, not a single fur ball could be seen.

"There," Lea said with a smile. "No more kittens, now we can make it to the bridge unhindered."

"We can hope," Elan whispered as the band of officers resumed their perilous journey to the ANUBIS' Bridge.

Tiffany Rose

Lt. Lea Summers
Chief Medical Officer
OLD-P137: USS ANUBIS: Dalziel: Day 4 - 1048 ("Three Girls, a Ship, and a Deity")

"Three Girls, a Ship, and a Deity"
(Previous Post: "Who" by the inspirational Sabrina)

"Stories can be whimsical... or frightening... or melancholy... or many other things. But noble stories... are the ones that most affect our lives."
Eudana to Kim, VGR, "Prime Factors"

Setting: USS ANUBIS, Bridge
Stardate: 63073.1048

Ensign Eve Dalziel counted down a break in the Morse Code pattern. She needed to give whoever was watching time to respond, or at the very least time to see the console was not malfunctioning, that there was a methodical rhythm to the blinking lights. 

The empty Bridge had a cold, impersonal feeling, like a museum display. If anyone doubted that it was the crew of a Starship that made her tick, and not necessarily its warp nacelles, this was an irrefutable example.

It was unfortunate that Eve had nobody to share this tidbit of wisdom with. Even though Amanda Lopez had not been completely cooperative, she was someone else to talk to. A kindred spirit. Someone or something with a story to tell. Most of all, Amanda was a reminder of the extreme need for a Counsellor aboard the ANUBIS. It felt nice to be needed.

Eve, noticing her break was over, leaned over the console again, once more telegraphing her cryptic message along the illuminated display.

Suddenly, but without a commotion, The Kzinti assistant Sec/Tac officer appeared on the Bridge as if out of thin air. She looked disoriented, but otherwise unharmed. As Ensign Fanggot's felinoid gaze fell upon the ship's Counsellor, an expression of elation formed on her childlike face.

Ensign Dalziel mirrored the younger officer's relief. "Hex- it's good to see you. Are you alright?"

Hex didn't seem sure how to answer that question, but finally managed. "Yes." Her insides were crawling with everything she had seen and experienced. This wasn't the time or the place to discuss it, and if the petite furball had her way, it would never cross her lips to Eve or anyone else.

The taller woman nodded. "I'm glad to hear it... how did you find me?"

"I don't know," Hex began, trying not to give anything away. "I was thinking about the crew, seeing their faces in my mind, seeing the Bridge of the ANUBIS, and I just... *arrived*."

Even though it wasn't time to stop yet, Eve's hand paused in the middle of her Morse Code message. Amanda's words about Adriana echoed in her mind. [[Everyone is free to think what they wish, experience what they want, with no boundaries.]] "Could it really be *that* simple?" she said.

"Could *what* be that simple?" the Kzinti female said, approaching Eve near the science station.

Eve paused before trying to explain. This was getting way too complicated. "Based on my limited understanding, and certain events that have taken place, it appears the anomaly that separated us can be modified by our own thoughts. In other words, what you think, what you imagine, comes to pass. The thoughts of those inside each temporal bubble create the existence that is experienced."

A look of realization came over Hex's visage. That explained a lot. "So when I thought of returning to the ship, I returned to the ship."

"Yes. With that proof that the hypothesis is correct, I have a concern."

The knot in Hex's stomach resurfaced. "Which is?"

"I am worried that the experiences being crafted by each member of the crew are so distinctive, so vivid, that they may feel as though they *are* reality. That they may not choose to return, or choose to forget their previous lives aboard the ANUBIS." That possibility was overwhelming.

Hex winced. For once she was grateful her childhood had been such a horror. It made her think of her new life, and had brought her back to the here and now.

Dalziel realized she hadn't explained to Ensign Fanggot what she was doing at the console. "I'm sending a message via Morse Code by making the lights turn on and off. I'm guessing that someone is still on the Bridge within another temporal space, and that they may see this message and try to communicate with us. The ship, as well as any other mechanical material, was unaffected by the event."

Hex resisted the urge to check the weapons display. She knew the arsenal was still there, waiting to be used. "Is there anything I can do to help?"

"Actually, you helped me immensely by coming back to the ship. I have another idea. We both need to think of whomever can see this message, and imagine ourselves being able to join with them. If someone has noticed it, this should cause a reunion. Two minds thinking the same thing have to be more powerful than one."

"Okay," the Kzinti woman answered gamely, trying to focus her mind on the console and whomever would be observing it. 

Eve closed her eyes, placing all her energy on the console and imagining someone was seeing her message and that they were trying to find the source. [[By the Prophets, let this work,]] she thought, still transmitting her information to whoever would notice it.

A few minutes later, Eve felt a wash of dizziness overtake her, and opened her eyes reflexively with the discomfort. She saw Ensign Mitshiba at the Engineering station, and Hex was still there on the Bridge also. This was a good sign, probably one of the best signs she could have hoped for. But they were not alone. A rather menacing figure seemed to be tracing their every move with his imposing countenance. It was most definitely *not* one of the crew.

(From Dawn's last post)

"Aki?  Who is your 'tall, dark and furry' friend?" Eve asked while Hex stood unsure if she needed to jump to the aCSciO's defense and rescue or find a corner to hide in.

The Jackal-headed deity turned and growled menacingly towards the two women who had simply appeared out of nowhere as far as it had been concerned.

"That may not be such an easy question to answer," Aki replied, trying to figure out the best way possible to explain the situation.  After a few seconds of deliberation the aCSciO opted for the simplest possible course of action.  "Allow me to introduce to you the physical representation of the Egyptian deity; Anubis."

"You and I are going to have a *very* long chat about this," Eve hissed at Aki before she returned her eyes onto the imposing figure that easily matched the CEO in height and size.

(Back to Mine)

"What is the meaning of your arrival?" Anubis demanded. The thought of three sacrifices made him feel even more superior than he had a few moments ago.

Eve looked to Aki. After all, it was *her* imagination they were all staring at. "I'm busy, and I already told him as much," Mitshiba said under her breath.

"Then why didn't he leave?" Eve thought out loud. She turned to the manifestation and tried to formulate a logical answer. "We are attempting to restore the crew of this ship that has been so honorably named after you," the Counsellor said, attempting to placate the imaginary Deity. "We appreciate your visit, but do not require your assistance. You have already done so much to serve your people."

"Then there will be no ceremony?" the god angrily replied.

"The creation of this ship *was* your ceremony," Eve answered in a level tone, making a mental note to more familiarize herself with Egyptian history. Then once more, she turned to the assistant Science Officer, speaking in a hushed voice. "Just think him away, Aki, that's all you have to do. He *isn't* real. Imagine him going back to the past, back to his people. The only thing that is real is this ship and the predicament we are facing. You have the power here, not him." The counsellor then gazed at Ensign Fanggot, who was staring at the creation with a heightened curiosity. "Don't feed into his energy, Hex. He is a figment of Aki's overactive imagination."

"I just need to find out why the science console is malfunctioning," Aki said, trying to will herself to the task at hand.

"I did that," Dalziel said with perhaps too much excitement. "I was trying to send a message, then Hex and I began to consciously think of whoever was seeing the console, so we could connect with them. And now, here we are." She went over to demonstrate what she had done.

With the confidence that nothing was wrong with the ship, and that what Eve was saying had to be true, Aki's mood brightened considerably. And, as if on cue, Anubis faded into nothingness once again. "Much better," the Asian woman added for good measure.

A more relaxed awareness was palpable as the three women tried to focus their energies on getting back to normal. Hex began running a full systems diagnostic to keep herself occupied. "That was a close call," she admitted, her fur nearly standing on end.

"Everyone has their demons," Aki said, feeling a sense of relief.

Eve grinned at the pun. "I'm pretty well adjusted now... but when I was sixteen, that's another story."

"I don't know anyone who *wasn't* awkward at sixteen," Aki added. Hex silently agreed.

"I'll have to tell you about it sometime," Eve replied. "But you're going to be talking to me first."

"Agreed," Mitshiba reluctantly answered, then realized that the shrewd Counsellor had not given her a specific timetable. It could be months before Eve had an available appointment at this rate. That thought made the assistant Science Officer smile.

"Perhaps you and Ensign Thomas can participate in couples counselling," Eve added softly with a mischievous tone, which caused the smile to fade from Aki's face. Ensign Fanggot stifled a playful giggle.

Eve knew when it was time to change the subject. "Have you had the chance to review the data from Maya's last action before the separate temporal bubbles formed?" she asked hopefully, knowing that Aki would have a much better chance of figuring out what to do than the Counsellor had.

Susan M Ledbetter
Ensign Eve Dalziel

"I savored those stories; I read them slowly, one each day. And when I was done, I wished I hadn't read them at all. So I could read them again... like it was the first time."
-Melanie to Old Jake, DS9, "The Visitor"
OLD-P136: USS ANUBIS: Rikar: Day 4 - 1100 ("Who")

(Previous Post was Dawn's "Shared Madness")

Setting: USS ANUBIS, Bridge
Stardate: 63073.1100

The young woman stood in the middle of the ANUBIS' command deck… her narrowed eyes locked with those of the woman who now stood directly in front of her.  The raven haired woman had a playful air about her, as if nothing in the world had or could trouble her.  This absolute carefree attitude could have easily become the envy of many, but to the redhead this mannerism had only been a source of hatred and disgust.

"So you actually made Captain," the woman dressed in a Starfleet uniform which displayed the rank insignia of a Lt. Commander teasingly stated before she broke Rikar's glare.  "Guess Starfleet is desperate or they have drastically lowered their standards," the woman added as she toured the bridge, her slender fingers caressing whatever surface had been within range.

"Their standards have not changed," Rikar angrily offered as a defence.  "You just didn't have it in you to abide by the rules; all you cared about was the moment, never giving tomorrow a second thought.  As long as you got what you wanted, you didn't care who got hurt in the process.  You were a disgrace to that uniform then as you are now today."

"Sabrina," the black haired woman sighed, her demeanour not having changed a bit… the woman truly appeared as if she had not a care in the world.  "So you made Captain… but at what price?  Just look at that last evening with your dear wife… an evening that she had thoroughly prepared and which you destroyed because you were too busy being this ship's *Captain*," the raven haired woman continued as sat in the central chair and seductively crossed her legs.  "Face it my dear… as much as you may despise me… you envy the freedom that I had… the freedom of being a woman before the responsibilities of being an officer."

Rikar stood with her eyes narrowed and her fists clenched… her rage had grown to such a level that a Klingon would have likely taken several steps back instead of confronting the ship's CO had they been present.

"*Woman* would not be the first word that comes to mind when describing you…" Rikar hissed with enough venom in her words to slay a thousand grown men.

Setting: Somewhere in the middle of nowhere
Time Index: At this point, who knows…

The young woman sat across from the elderly humanoid man, a traditional camp fire dancing between them and a single smooth bolder beneath her.  It had maybe been only minutes... or hours... or maybe even days since she had made her way here... wherever here was... but now she didn't care.

The dark, empty world that surrounded her meant nothing more than what it represented... nothing.  Her entire universe now rested in her immediate surroundings, even closer than within arm's reach.  Thanks to the old man who had welcomed her into what she could only imagine was his domain, the young woman's troubles had all but vanished into the darkness around her.

For the first time in her life, she could honestly say that she didn't care... about anything.  Actually, to be more accurate, Rikar didn't care about the outside world anymore, but she did care about one thing... cared about them very much in fact... her memories.

"I wasn't looking where I was going and suddenly... *bang*!  I ran into him... or was it that *he* ran into *me*?  I don't remember exactly... but I remember his face when we looked at each other afterwards." The young woman said sounding as carefree as could be.

"You seem to have many memories of this person... was he someone special to you?"

"Yes he was... they all were... I can remember so many faces now... so many friends... so many people who filled my life in one way or another... and now... I think... I think I miss them." Rikar thoughtfully said, trying desperately to hang on to specific memories when all she could conjure forth were vague, general ones.

"So now do you believe you can answer my question?" The ancient asked, his voice sounding as gentle as wise as ever.

"Your question?  What question?" Rikar innocently asked, truly not recalling *the* specific question he had made reference to.

"Can you tell me who you are?"

A gentle smile came to grace the young woman's pink lips as for the first time since that question had been ask, she truly believed to have had the answer.

Like a dream taking on physical form, a small ragged, used doll appeared in her hands... and when it did, the young woman clenched it within a loving two-handed grip.

"Who is she?" The wise elder asked, sounding as if he already knew the answer.

"Her name is Samantha... she was the first thing my father gave me... she was my first and fondest memory as a child."  As Rikar recalled that first memory, tears began to caress her cheeks, the emotions summoned being too much for the young woman to contain.

"So... who are you?"

"I am..." she began with confidence and certainty but before the answer crossed her lips, she felt a deathly cold sweep over her, reaching all the way to her very soul.  The shock of the sensation had been so intense that the doll she had in her hands was dropped and fell to the ground at her feet.

As if suddenly deprived of oxygen, Rikar found it almost impossible to breath, her body now trembling from the unimaginable cold that had engulfed her.

Unexpectedly, the campfire that had stood between the elder and herself vanished as if it had never truly existed... then soon after, so did he... leaving the young woman alone in the freezing void, deprived of all light.

Finding it increasingly difficult to draw even the slightest breath, Rikar collapsed to the ground, unable to understand what was happening to her.  Was this it?  Was this the end?

Setting: What used to be the ship's Stellar Cartography, now a floating piece of debris

The intense cold had made it almost impossible for the young woman to open her eyes, but after a while she managed to accomplish this amazing feat.  What she saw was nothing more than a darkness like the one she had just left behind... yet there was something different... something more.

Through the darkness she could make out a single form... an approaching form.  Her first thought had been to call out to this entity, but her body refused to move, literally frozen in the shape of the ball she had been in.

A voice was heard, yet she could not make out what it had said.  Rikar's eyes closed once more, thinking that this would be for the final time when she felt the coldness that had embraced her with such perseverance replaced with the tingling caress of a transporter beam.
Sabrina Jones

Captain Sabrina Rikar 
Commanding Officer 
"We are Grey, we stand between the Candle and the Star, between the Darkness and the Light" 
-Entilza Delenn, Babylon 5
OLD-P135: USS ANUBIS: Mitshiba: Day 4 - 1055 ("Shared Madness")

"Shared Madness"
(Cont. from "Where")

Setting: USS ANUBIS, Bridge
Stardate: 63073.1055

The aCSciO had focused her thoughts on the science station in the hopes that she would be able to understand what the rhythmic power fluctuations had meant, and also in the hopes that her latest guest would just go away.

[[It has to be a message of some sort,]] Aki thought having found it extremely difficult to concentrate with the jackal-headed being wandering the bridge.  [[I just have to figure out what the message is and who sent it?]]

"I demand an explanation," the imposing dark colored deity suddenly requested, his voice thundered through the bridge with such force that Aki had almost been thrown off her chair.  "If this place is a temple dedicated to me, where are the priests?  Where is the altar with your offerings to me?"  When no reply was offered the Egyptian deity approached the only other person in the room, a new possibility having been considered.  "Are you meant to be a virgin sacrifice for me?"

If the words themselves had not been enough to make Aki immediately react, the tone of anxious anticipation in the creature's voice had definitively been more than enough to end the aCSciO's efforts to ignore the jackal-headed deity.

"You want an explanation," Aki shot back obviously not fearing the creature in the least.  "Well here it is: you are on board the Federation Starship USS ANUBIS, which is presently caught in the middle of a space-time anomaly that is as best as I can figure causing thoughts to become reality.  You are one such thought given form, and as much as I hate to admit it, it was my thoughts that brought you into existence.  Granted I did not specifically think of you but given the general directions of my thoughts and my current location you having appeared as you did does make some weird sense.  In short, you are not real, even if this anomaly does bridge both time and space, you cannot be real as you have never actually physically existed.  The idea of you, the concept of your appearance and purpose were created out of fear and wonder by the Egyptian people back on EARTH some 3000 years ago.  Now if you don't mind, I have work to do," the aCSciO unleashed in a way that reminded her of her superior, Lt. Commander Maya.  [[I hope Eve will have some free time in her schedule because I'm going to need several sessions with her after this.]]

Aki forced her way passed the dark, imposing figure to reach the engineering station from where the aCSciO had hoped to gather more information on the power fluctuations occurring at the science station.  Before her hands even touched the panel the voice of the ANUBIS' Cns pulled Aki away from her intended task.

"Aki?  Who is you 'tall, dark and furry' friend?" Eve asked while Hex stood unsure if she needed to jump to the aCSciO's defense and rescue or find a corner to hide in.

The Jackal-headed deity turned and growled menacingly towards the two women who had simply appeared out of nowhere as far as it had been concerned.

"That may not be such an easy question to answer," Aki replied, trying to figure out the best way possible to explain the situation.  After a few seconds of deliberation the aCSciO opted for the simplest possible course of action.  "Allow me to introduce to you the physical representation of the Egyptian deity; Anubis."

"You and I are going to have a *very* long chat about this," Eve hissed at Aki before she returned her eyes onto the imposing figure that easily matched the CEO in height and size.

Dawn Bohr

Ensign Akira 'Aki' Mitshiba
Assistant Chief Science Officer
OLD-P134: USS ANUBIS: Rikar: Day 4 - 1055 ("Where")

" Where "
(Previous Post was Craig's "Wondering With One Purpose")

Setting: USS ANUBIS, Bridge
Stardate: 63073.1055

The young woman stood in the middle of the ANUBIS' command deck… face-to-face with a memory that she had never expected to ever meet in this manner. As much as Rikar knew that the most impossible things were theoretically able to come true given certain specific circumstances, *this* impossibility had been well beyond the realm of events that could come to pass… or so the redheaded woman had believed up until now.

"Come on Sabrina," the raven hair woman playfully grinned. "Smile a little… You look like you're looking at a ghost."

"I am," Rikar replied in a rather puzzled manner. "In a matter of speaking that is… for you to be a ghost you would have to have been alive at one point in time."

"That hurts… that truly hurts... a lot… I was far more than a figment of your imagination my dear Sabrina… a lot more… that you liked it or not..."

Scene: A dark void, somewhere in the middle of nowhere
Time Index: Many years ago, maybe

The young woman gazed with mixed interest at what appeared to be an endless black void… no stars… no shapes… nothing stood out from the smooth blackness to help her figure out where she was… but the strangest part of it all was that as curious as she might have been, she knew, deep inside of her, that it really didn't matter.

"Who… are… you?" A gentle ancient voice, coming from no particular location, asked.

"Am I dead?" Rikar questioned in return, her voice carrying no hints of fear or concern to her own surprise.

"What is the last thing you remember?" The voice countered, sounding like it held the wisdom of the universe in each of the syllable spoken.

The young woman thought for a moment… she clearly remembered the stinging coldness biting at every extremity of her body, yet now she felt nothing… no numbing cold… no pain… not even the loneliness that had saddened her very soul. Actually, the more she tried to remember where the cold had originated from, the more the memory seemed to slip between her fingers as if she had been trying to hold on to water with her bare hands.

"I… I can't remember… I was cold… very cold… and alone… I think… but I can't remember why."
"Then maybe you are dead."

"But I am here… wherever here is." Rikar said with more mental clarity than she had felt in a long while.

"Clever girl," the voice joyfully said as a single light, as faint as a distant star emerged from the absolute darkness that surrounded her.

Instinctively, Rikar headed for that light, and as unreachable as it had first appeared to be she knew that with each step she grew closer to something… something that she had no reason to fear.

"Where am I?" She asked, as the light grew larger… closer… even if her feet didn't move at all. The simple idea of ‘wanting' to be closer to the light seemed enough to bring her to it… or it to her… without any other point of reference she couldn't tell.

"Where is a good question… but I think *who* is a better one."

"Who?" Rikar repeated.

"Yes… Who are you?" For the first time, the young woman could see the form to which the voice belonged. An elderly humanoid man who appeared well in the later days of his time yet radiated an energy that hinted to him being much… much older.

Puzzlement swept over Rikar as she once again tried to answer this simplistic question to no avail. Like the memory of the cold that had enveloped her, her own identity seemed to slip right through her fingers in spite of her efforts to remember.

"Why can't I remember?" The young woman asked, more out of sadness than frustration.

"You are trying to remember the wrong thing… I am asking you *who* you are." The aged man lovingly said, sounding as if he had been talking to one of his children.

"That's what I am trying to remember… isn't it?"

"You are trying to remember a name… not the person who *had* that name." The man explained echoing the wisdom of the universe in his every word.

The young woman thought for a moment at what had been said, trying as best she could to understand the meaning of it all. Her name *was* her… wasn't it? Didn't it represent all that she was?

"What do you remember?" He asked, his gentle voice embracing the young woman like a warm blanket.

"Friends… people… smiles and tears… it's all so vague now…"

"That's alright… those are the important things."
Sabrina Jones

Captain Sabrina Rikar 
Commanding Officer 

"We are Grey, we stand between the Candle and the Star, between the Darkness and the Light" 
-Entilza Delenn, Babylon 5
OLD-P133: USS ANUBIS: Thomas: Day 4 - 1230 ("Wandering With One Purpose")

"Wandering With One Purpose"
[Previous post: "When" written by the highly intelligent and super Sabrina.]

Setting: USS ANUBIS, Deck 16, Black Hole
Stardate: 63073.1230

Elliot had been looking out of the window at the far side of the Black Hole lounge, when he was approached from behind and tapped on the shoulder by the only other person he had encountered.

"So laddy what are we going to do about this wee situation that were in?  It's not like we can drink oor lives away," asked engineer Scotty.

ET turned with a smile on his face and looked at the engineer and replied, "Well we could always see if there is anyway we can contact any of the other crew, I've had a few ideas since we've been here in the Black Hole, now some of them are logical and some are really way out there, but your right we cant just sit here and do nothing, so Scotty what do you say we head to the bridge and see what we can find out?"

The red uniformed Starfleet officer just looked at the Ensign, and if Elliot could read minds he would have thought that the engineer was upset with his decision and at just that point Scotty admitted, "I'm sorry laddy but I do think we could find out more fae goin tae engineering, after all there's no one that kens mair aboot engineering than me laddy and I certainly would like tae get a look at this fine lady's core," as he opens both his arms wide as if to show off the ship to ET.

Ensign Thomas as qualified as he was in his field, he could not help himself from agreeing with the engineering officer and stated "Your right Scotty, after all you may come across something that may help, and if not we can go to the bridge after that and try to figure out our next move then."

Setting: USS ANUBIS, Deck 16, Corridors
Stardate: 63073.1235

This seemed to make then engineer happy cause all he could do as they walked the corridors towards engineering was to smile.

On their way down the corridors Elliot thought that he had saw someone turn the corner at the bottom, and ran towards the vision that he had seen shouting, "Wait! Wait! its me Elliot Thomas Chief of Op... " he stopped in mid sentence as he turned the corner to be staring straight at his brother and croaked "Bob? is that really you?"

ET's older brother Bob just looked at him and cackled, "No it's actually Master Bob to you numpty."

Elliot could not help himself but quickly moved forward and hugged his brother, after a short time Bob commented with a smile. "Bro I think you should stop hugging me, if people see us your going to ruin your rep."

"Oh, I've got someone for you to meet are going to love this, you are bound to know him, I'm telling you that you are not going..." again the COO had been caught in mid sentence, he looked all around him and started quickly walking down corridors then inquired, "Where is he?"

"Where's who?" replied the starship maintenance worker.

Elliot apologized, "Oh I'm sorry bro, I was looking for Scotty.  He was right behind me."

Bob had a curious look on his face when he stated, "Scotty who?"

"Aw come on, the guy..." Elliot paused then continued, "the guy that was the engineer on the Enterprise."

The starship maintenance worker just looked at his brother with his jaw wide open then chirped, "You mean Montgomery Scott the Enterprise engineer?  You mean that he was here?  You mean he was here speaking to you?"

ET smiled and giggled, "Yeah that's the guy, but as quick as you appeared he disappeared, a bit weird eh?"

Bob just started at his brother and commented sarcastically, "You get to speak to Montgomery Scott and I get to speak to you.  Oh this is just perfect."

Craig Mitchell

Ensign Elliot Thomas.
Chief Operations Officer.

[The Universe is a huge place, but you always seem to meet someone you know just around the corner.]
OLD-P132: USS ANUBIS: Rikar: Day 4 - 1050 ("When")

(Previous Post was Marissa's "Gentle Strength")

Setting: USS ANUBIS, Bridge
Stardate: 63073.1050

The young woman stood in the middle of the ANUBIS' command deck… not as alone as she had initially thought, but now she had almost wished that she had been.  The figured that had joined Rikar had not been one associated with pleasant memories… not by a long shot.

"What, no warm welcome for an old friend?"

"You are not my friend," the redhead quickly countered with… not entirely certain as to how this situation had come to be.

"I guess you are right… like it or not… we are much closer than friends."

Setting: Another time, another place
Time Index: 7 years ago… or was it 8? (plus 1 hours from the end of the last post)

The young woman sat in a small compact ball, shivering to the point of barely being able to hold on to the phaser she had repeatedly used to infuse the floating iron beam with energy in order to create some short lived light and heat.

It had been a while since the accident that had isolated her from everything and left the Lt. Cmdr. alone inside a sealed piece of wreckage.  The only reason why she was still alive had been because of the emergency bulkheads that had fallen into place before all hell broke loose.  Unfortunately, the same items that had been responsible for her surviving the structural failure that had befallen the ship had sealed her into the agony she now had to endure.

As time passed, the room she had started to look upon as a blessing of good fortune had rapidly turned into a curse... a dark, cold and lonely curse.  The makeshift escape pod, with its drastic lack of heat and continuously reducing oxygen supply, now felt more like a space floating coffin rather than an instrument of salvation.

With a hand as steady as an earthquake, the blue-lip woman painfully raised her weapon and did her best to aim it at the now very faintly glowing beam that had brought her heat and light, as little as it was, for the last hour or so.

[[I... I wou... would... ha... have... a... better... better... cha.. chan... chance... hitting... an... an... ant... with... a... qua... quantum... torpedo...]] Rikar mentally stuttered to herself as her trembling hand tried as best as she could to accurately position the weapon in line with the intended target.

Numbed by the intense cold, the young woman could barely feel the form of the phaser in her hand, and when her finger finally pressed the trigger, her mind went totally blank for a single, eternal second.  As far as she had known, her aim had been as off as it could have been, and if the phaser's energy bolt came in contact with an already weakened section of the hull, these could easily have been her last seconds in this realm of existence... a fate that she almost welcomed.

To her surprise nothing happened... no explosion... no sudden depressurization... actually there had not even been a shot fired.  Seconds passed and eventually the phaser she clenched in her trembling hand was slowly made to rise to her eyes so that she could try to figure out what had happened.  When the answer became apparent to her, the young woman's frigid grip ever-so-slowly loosened releasing the icy-cold item to the surrounding weightlessness.

The reason for the phaser not having fired had been a simple one... the power supply had been exhausted... now what she had expected to be her greatest enemy... her rapidly depleting oxygen supply took a back seat to the newer, more immediate threat... that of her freezing to death long before she would no longer be able to draw breath.

Hypothermia wasted no time to become better acquainted with the lonely Starfleet officer who had almost accepted what she knew was to come.  Alone... floating in the cold emptiness of space... for maybe longer than she could even imagine... maybe she would finally be able to answer the question that plagued most sentient life forms... was there something on the other side?

The young woman's eyes gave in to the bitter cold that had enveloped her like an eternal blanket... this would be the dream she would never wake from...


"Samantha?" A strange, yet welcoming voice asked.

"Who?" The young woman heard herself answer.


"That's not my name."

"Than what is your name?"

"I... my name is... Ana... no... Cleo... no... why can't I remember?"

"Who is Ana?"

"Ana... Anaqueen... she was my... CO... my friend..."

"Who is Cleo?"

"She was also a friend... but not Human... she was... ridges on her nose... why can't I remember?"

"What other names do you remember?"

"Neil... Daisy... Peter... Jax... Erik... Shioban... Talia..."

"Talia!  Talia is a nice name... who is she?"

"A sweet little girl.  She was my... daughter... sort of... I think... Enaii was her real mother... I was just... a friend... no... I was more than a friend."

"Who is Enaii?"

"Enaii was... strange... funny... weird..."

"But who was she?"

"I... I can't remember?"

"Can you remember who you are now?"

"Yes... I'm... my name is Sab... Sa... I can't remember... why can't I remember?"

"Samantha maybe?"

"Yes... that's it... I remember... I think... I always wanted... I always wanted to be called Samantha... but why can't I remember being called that?"

"What's in a name?"

"But it's *my* name... isn't it?"

"If you want it to be... you have all the time in the universe to remember."
Sabrina Jones

Captain Sabrina Rikar 
Commanding Officer 
"We are Grey, we stand between the Candle and the Star, between the Darkness and the Light" 
-Entilza Delenn, Babylon 5
OLD-P131: USS ANUBIS: Lopez: Day 4 - 1050 ("Gentle Strength")

"Gentle Strength"
[Previous post: "Alone"]

Setting: USS ANUBIS, Corridor
Stardate: 63073.1050

Ensign Lopez had been unable to shake the memory of the small boy and his bloodied clothes despite the feeling of security the aCMO had been made to experience in the arms of the imposing engineer.  The words that the child had spoken incessantly echoed in Adriana's mind even though she had done her best to push them out of her thoughts.

The distressed caused by this had been such that the Ensign had even wished that the hallucination of her sister would appear to give the aCMO something else to focus on.  At least Adriana had been able to handle such visions and even come to reason with them on some far reached level, but the child's words and appearance had been beyond her ability to manage.

"Are you able to walk Healer?" the giant engineer asked.  Adriana looked into the man's white eyes and immediately understood that should her answer be anything else but a 'yes' he would not hesitate to fully take her into his arms and carry the aCMO to their destination.

"I can," the aCMO replied, almost fearing the feeling of the giant's arms no longer protecting her as they had.  "Thank you, for everything."

"It is an honor to serve," the massive CEO replied as he helped Adriana back to her feet.  The aCMO smiled in amazement as she considered the giant's strength in comparison to his delicate touch. How could a titan such as the Oltharian possess a touch that would have normally been attributed to an angel?

"It's his way," an all too familiar voice said.

Adriana quickly closed her eyes and willed her sister away; the aCMO had not wanted to have to deal with a hallucination while not being alone.

"Great," Amanda huffed in annoyance.  "First you want me here and now that I am here you want me to go away.  Not exactly the sisterly thing to do, especially not after everything that I have done for you.  The least you could do is acknowledge my presence."

"Get away from me!" the aCMO let out at the top of her lungs, the stress of her previous vision having had a far deeper impact on the ensign than she could have realized.

The CEO quickly took a step back before he realized that the statement had not been directed at him.  "Healer, is everything alright?"

Adriana looked around in search of her sister's hallucination but instead only found Doctor Summers and Elan looking back at her with visible puzzlement and concern.  The swelling of emotions quickly overwhelmed the aCMO who began to uncontrollably cry which made the Oltharian resume his earlier task of hugging the Ensign.

"I'm sorry," Adriana said sobbing.  "I'm just losing my mind."

"It's alright," Lea said in a supportive tone, her hand having landed on the aCMO's shoulder.  "It's this time distortion that is causing havoc with out minds."

"Space-time," Elan politely offered as a correction to the CMO's incomplete statement."

"Whatever," Doctor Summers sighed as she rolled her eyes.  "Call it a space born bowl of brain mush for all I care, the end result is the same; this situation is going to make us all *nuts* unless we find a way to get out of it."

"Annie," the CEO said to the ANUBIS' Avatar, "Take lead, we will be right behind you."  With that Elan wrapped one arm around Doctor Summers while keeping the other firmly around the still sobbing aCMO. The Oltharian had taken on the role of pillar of strength for both women as they proceeded to the ship's command deck and hopefully a solution to their predicament.

Marissa Montonera-Lombardi

Ensign Adriana Lopez
Assistant Chief Medical Officer
OLD-P130: USS ANUBIS: Rikar: Day 4 - 1040 ("Alone")

" Alone "
(Previous Post was Ashley's "Kzinti Prime")
Setting: USS ANUBIS, Bridge
Stardate: 63073.1040
The young woman stood in the middle of the ANUBIS' command deck… alone.  Something had happened to the rest of her crew, but the redhead's experience had made it so that she had not immediately assumed that she had been the only one not affected… maybe *she* had been the one affected.
A strange feeling washed over the CO as her attempts to communicate with someone… anyone on the ship failed and the idea of her being completely alone took more solid root.  Being alone in a room had never been an issue for the redheaded woman, the thought of someone else being around having always been there, but the idea of being completely alone had triggered long forgotten feelings.
"Brings back memories… doesn't it?" A voice that chilled the young woman's blood was heard and made Rikar ever so slowly turn to face the person who had spoken.
"No… that's impossible… it can't be you…"
Setting: Another place, another time
Time Index: 7 years ago… or was it 8?
The young woman painfully awoke from her unconsciousness, her fingers slowly running over the bump that her impact against the wall had created.  Without any lights or power, Sabrina could only feel her way around the room, unable to fully realize the predicament she was in.  As far as the Chief Science Officer had been concerned, something had happened to the ship and emergency systems would soon kick in.  It was only after several seconds that one major aspect of her current situation became clear to her... she was weightless... floating around the room as if being in space.
When she felt the growing coldness of the room, terror washed over her.  The only way that a starship could become this cold and lose gravitational support would be to have all life support systems off-line... for several hours.  Her heart racing at warp speed, Rikar managed to orient herself using her hands in order to find a particular console and panel.  Behind it she pulled a tricorder and immediately initiated a scan with the hopes that her fears would not be confirmed.
What Sabrina found proved to be worse.  Instead of confirming that the ship's systems had been somehow knocked off-line, the small device in her hand revealed that beyond the walls of the room she was in there had been *no* ship... only empty space.
"This can't be!" The young woman tearfully pleaded as the tricorder data was verified and revivified.  Life support systems did not work simply because there had not been any attached to the section of ship.
Panic took hold of Rikar as silence met her attempts to contact someone... anyone on the ship using her comm badge.  If the ship was not nearby, or worst had been destroyed, she would not manage to survive for more than an hour at best before succumbing to the absolute coldness of space that had already begun to reach within the walls of the room.
As a former Counsellor, Sabrina knew that fear would prove to be her worst enemy in such a situation, and as hard as it proved for her, she managed to regain a semblance of control as she erased her tears from her cheeks.  Using the tricorder that she held with an iron grip, the young woman proceeded to getting a more accurate picture of her situation.
Nearly a fifth of what used to be called Deck 1 had apparently been violently ripped away from the ship and other than Stellar Cartography itself, only two other rooms had managed to survive this catastrophe intact. 
This did not help in anyway unfortunately as no auxiliary power generators had been present in the now floating wreckage... and even if there had been... her knowledge of engineering would not have permitted the young woman to do anything about it.  As it was, the only thing standing between her and immediate death had been the emergency bulkheads that had fallen into place when the accident occurred.
Suddenly, the young woman's thought went to those whom she would have relied upon to help solve this problem... had she not been alone.  Sabrina might have managed to control her panic earlier but her growing sadness in view of her imminent fate was an entirely different story.
"Get a grip!" Sabrina snapped to herself, taking hold of whatever hope she had left.
Again using the tricorder in her hand, Rikar made her way with difficulty to another panel and pulled out a phaser and emergency medical kit.  If there was even the slightest chance for her to be rescued, she needed to be alive for it.  This became her new and only focus.  Trying to understand what had happened to her and the ship did not matter, all she needed to do was survive.
Lack of oxygen and the growing coldness would soon make things impossible for her, so she needed to address these points with urgency.  Drawing on all of her medical and scientific knowledge, Sabrina came up with a plan.  Using the items contained within the med-kit, she would be able to slow her metabolism and allow her to make the best use of the oxygen that had been trapped with her in the room.  The phaser she had retrieved would address the problem of the increasing coldness... all she needed to do was find something that she could use the phaser on.
Using the tricorder, Sabrina located a metallic beam that had been floating around the room as she had.  Taking her time to be certain not to miss her target, the young woman fired the weapon at the beam, infusing it with the phaser's energy.  Within seconds, the low power setting caused the floating beam to glow of a dim red light.  Even though it would not help in shedding light in the room, it would serve the purpose it had been intended for... that of radiating heat... as little as it was.
"Bet my wilderness survival instructor at the Academy never thought of a scenario like this one," the young woman nervously chuckled as she secured the phaser to her side before opening the med-kit in order to address the next problem she faced.

Sabrina Jones

Captain Sabrina Rikar 
Commanding Officer 
"We are Grey, we stand between the Candle and the Star, between the Darkness and the Light" 
-Entilza Delenn, Babylon 5
OLD-P129: USS ANUBIS: Fanggot: Day 4 - 1050 ("Kzinti Prime")‏

"Kzinti Prime"
Previous post "Time for Action"

Setting: KZINTI PRIME, Wastelands
Stardate: 5 years ago


Everything was blurred and hazy when the Kzinti's vision finally cleared. As the mists that had been clouding her mind began to fade away, she found she could do nothing but stare. The sky, a deep blue ocean marked by thousands or millions of shining bright lights. Hex shook her head to clear the ringing in her ear and thought clearly for a moment, [[You can't see KZINTI PRIME sky from the ANUBIS... ]].

Struggling to stand, the Ensign hastily straightened out her uniform and brushed the sand from it. She was back on KZINTI PRIME and, looking around, Hex sighed. It was the planet of her childhood. A childhood best left only to memory, but it was her childhood none the less.

The planet was mostly desert waste lands with small villages or towns as dots all over it's surface. There was very sparse vegetation and very little water, but there was no shortage of mountain ranges and rocky chasms leading to the planet's hollow core.

The steep cliff-like chasms were everywhere on KZINTI PRIME. Those whole preferred the dark, safe habitats underground lived in the hollow of the planet while others, willing to fight any and all intruders, lived above. Hex was standing in one of her favorite places to go as a kid, a deep cave-like chasm in the side of a mountain. It was too high up to see from the ground or for anyone less nimble than her to climb up to.

There, the Kzinti saw herself, although it was a much younger version. Mini Hex was curled into a fetal position against the far wall deep inside her hidden cave. Tears stained her dark cheeks, though no one would notice if they didn't look close enough. Grim covered every inch of her body, torn clothes littered the entrance while the young Kzinti huddled with only her under-gown on.

Hex approached the young child, but was met with nothing she knew in herself, no resistance. As the officer moved closer, she realized that she couldn't see herself. [[I'm going mad... I can't even seem to think straight... ]] she thought desperately, sitting invisibly next to the younger Hex from her past.

"Nothing is right anymore... " the mini Hex mumbled into her knee, "Mom should be taking care of me... not setting me up with some dumb old priest".

The Ensign wanted to reach out and hug the child, not out of sympathy, but out of empathy. This was what had happened the year before she left for the Academy. The younger Hex only looked younger because of ill nourishment and constant beating and exercise.

In the year before Academy, her mother would beat her more often and would sometimes make servants of the temple watch. Hex was, back then, too small to defend herself or to stand and take it, which meant more punishment. Denied entry to any dining halls, the Kzinti had to hunt and fight for the food she needed to stay alive. All normal behavior on Kzinti Prime, anything more was considered doting or overly affectionate. For the females that is.

Men and young boys were treated like gods, though the Kzinti way of life was purely matriarchal. Nothing was given to women who didn't work for it, or had a man work for them. Decreases in the birth rates and increases in the mortality rate was leading to planet-wide chaos. Men were rare and treated as such anywhere they went.

Some, like Hex's brother Damon, had chosen to wander KZINTI PRIME and provide his services as a gene donour, before he settled down.

Hex watched as her younger self cried of hungry, of the cruelty in the world they shared, and of the hardships of being a highly refined priestess's daughter. The Ensign moved away after awhile. Though is *was* her life and her moment, she didn't think she should interfere with her other self's mourning and more than she already had.

The fuzzball slipped silently away into the night, thinking thoughts of the ship in hope of finding herself home. Leaving a much younger self huddling within the cave, unaware of the hardship that was yet to come while she was still facing her own personal hell.

Setting:USS ANUBIS, Bridge
Stardate: 63073.1050

The Kzinti officer soon found herself back on the ANUBIS, realizing that the things she thought about would appear, or in the least be clear to her. Hex was looking around the bridge thinking of people, any people she could remember. She thought of Aki, Adriana and the other senior officers, though she didn't know them all by name. Eve was suddenly just *there* looking distraught but thoughtful.

Hex rejoiced.

Ashley Shane

Ensign Hex Fanngot
Assistant Chief of Security/Tactical
OLD-P128: USS ANUBIS: Fairborn: Day 4 - 1045 ("Time for Action")

"Time for Action"
[Previous Post Dawn's "Improved Madness"]

<<Time is a powerful unforgiving river that follows a course set by anyone else but itself. On any given day, this river can display moods that reach into the bright heights of enlightenment or sink into the darkened depths of madness.>>
- Said by Captain Elan Talak Fairborn on SD 88241.1345, in 25 years in one of countless possible futures

Setting: USS ANUBIS: Corridor
Stardate: 63073.1045

The towering Engineer held onto the troubled Ensign with the utmost of care, not because she had been in distress or because she had been of a weaker build than the Oltharian, but rather because she had been an honoured Healer. That fact alone insured that Elan would comfort and protect the woman with every fibre of his being whatever the problem might have been.

To see a member of the crew in such a state had been enough to make the Engineer wish he could alter time itself, but to see a member of the Medical Staff this way had torn the Oltharian's very soul to shreds. All that Elan could do had been to recall the last words spoken by Amber Satori when she had appeared to him down in Main Engineering; [[Be strong Elan, for us all.]]

"We need to find a way to regroup with the rest of the Senior Staff and put an end to this madness," Doctor Summers stated as she kept her own feelings towards the Oltharian in check. This had neither been the time or place for Lea to allow her emotions to dictate her actions, especially not given the volatile nature of their current *reality*. It had become clear that a single stray thought could lead to trouble, and right now they all had more than their fair share to deal with.

"Annie," Elan began in a soft, gentle voice meant to not disturb the still trembling woman who had found refuge in the Oltharian's arms. "You are the only one able to communicate with the others; we need to know where to focus our efforts."

"I cannot be of more help than I have already been," the Avatar calmly stated. "Although I am somewhat conscious of my communication with some of the other members of the Senior Staff, I am unable to access these records. Based on the currently available data I believe that all information will be accessible once this localised distortion of the space-time continuum is resolved which of course will be too late to be of any meaningful aid to you or anyone else."
"Medical personnel here," Lea said as she waved a hand slightly above her shoulder to draw some attention. "Can I get the non-technical version of that last statement?"

"Like the ANUBIS, I am not affected by the time distortion per say and am able to exist in all created realities as long as these realities permit it. As such, I am able to interact with other members of the crew simultaneously although I am unable to relay the details of these interactions at this time," the Avatar reported using the simplest possible terminology. "Lieutenant Fairborn had hoped that I would be able to directly communicate and relay instructions to the other members of the Senior Staff, but unfortunately my abilities seem to be limited to giving very general directions, such as the ones which led him to this corridor."

"Annie is able to tell whom she has been speaking to," the Oltharian further explained. "The information is more like a distant feeling for a lack of a better way to describe it, so it is making it difficult to narrow down the location of the other members of the Senior Staff. Back in Main Engineering she reported having spoken to you Healer," Elan continued as he offered a smile to the Chief Medical Officer.

"So you decided to head to Sickbay in the hopes of running into us," Doctor Summers theorised. "Instead though, we ended up running into you."

The Oltharian simply nodded, still trying his best not to excessively move so as to not disturb Ensign Lopez who had finally begun to show signs of returning to a calmer state.

"Alright then," the Chief Medical Officer continued as she turned towards the Avatar. "Who else have you been speaking to since this mess started?"

"The information may not be 100% accurate, but there are records available pertaining to a discussion with Ensign Dalziel."

"She was stationed on the Bridge," Doctor Summers stated with a distinct tone of enthusiasm. "It would seem to be the best place to head to next, even if Eve is not there for one reason or another it would be very unlikely that every other member of the Senior Staff who had been there would have left."

"Agreed," Elan noted along with a gentle movement of his head. "Once there we can address the problem of making contact and attempting to link the realities present there with our own."
Francois Charette
Lieutenant Elan Talak Fairborn
Chief Engineering Officer
Robotics Engineering Officer
OLD-P127: USS ANUBIS: Mitshiba: Day 4 - 1040 ("Improved Madness")

"Improved Madness"
(Cont. from "Counsellors Don't Go Crazy, Do They?")

Setting: USS ANUBIS, Bridge
Stardate: 63073.1040

Aki rolled her eyes out of frustration as she made her way to the back of the bridge.  To have one mythological being following her every step had been bad enough, but to have two such beings on her heels had been nothing short of madness.  If only they had not been so intent on arguing with one another maybe this whole situation could have been interesting or maybe even enjoyable on some level.

"So what do you people do for fun?" The Monkey King asked as he bounced from the top of one work station to the next.  The creature's agility had been truly amazing, but with other things on her mind the aCSciO had not taken the time to be impressed by the being's acrobatics.

"Ensign Mitshiba is busy trying to find a solution to this problem," the Jade Emperor replied with a scowl.  "A problem that I am certain you have caused through your childish ways."

"I am sorry if my idea of fun extends beyond sitting on a throne and sipping tea," the acrobatic deity said while he performed a one-handed hand-stand on the main science console.  "Some of us do know how to have fun."

When the console suddenly turned off the Monkey King leaped in a single bound onto the top of the CO's chair while appearing as innocent as possible.

"You are only good at creating mischief," the Jade Emperor huffed as he followed Aki to the station.  "You never take a moment to consider the price others must pay of your amusement."

"Here we go again," the Monkey King sighed as he purposely fell from the top of the chair onto the floor, the nimble being having easily landed on his feet after an acrobatic flip.  "You would have me be responsible for all of the trouble in this universe.  It is so much easier to blame someone else instead of finding the true cause of the problem."

"Will you two be quiet!" Aki snapped, the argument between the two mythical beings having worn out the Ensign's patience.  "I'm trying to figure out what is wrong with this console."

"He must have touched something that he was not supposed to," the Emperor said in an accusing tone as he glanced at the Monkey King who had bounced onto the Flight Control Station.

[[Why couldn't it have been Fek-Lar instead of those two,]] Aki sighed silently.  [[At least he would have been easier to deal with.  Heck, any deity of the underworld would have been better than this.]]  The aCSciO though as she continued to analyze the science station and the odd pattern in which it had been turning itself on and off.

As time passed and she carefully studied the strange console, Ensign Mitshiba did not realize that the Bridge had unexpectedly grown quiet. When this stillness became more than a passing thought, Aki looked up and discovered that the two oriental deities had vanished to instead be replaced by a single, far more menacing one.

[[No one is going to believe me,]] the Ensign sighed as she closed her eyes for a moment.  [[Not even Eve is going to accept this for what it is and will likely have me committed to the psych ward of the nearest starbase.]]

The imposing jackal-headed figure that had appeared in the middle of the Bridge tilted his head ever so slightly as he gazed onto the discouraged form of the aCSciO.  The surroundings had felt oddly familiar to the Egyptian deity, even more so since a likeness of him had been painted on the wall by his right.

Dawn Bohr

Ensign Akira 'Aki' Mitshiba
Assistant Chief Science Officer
OLD-P126: USS ANUBIS: Dalziel: Day 4 - 1030 ("Counsellors Don't Go Crazy, Do They?")

"Counsellors Don't Go Crazy, Do They?"
(Previous Post: "A Friendly Run-In" from the brilliant Tiffany)

"Time is the fire in which we burn."
Dr. Soran to Picard, "Star Trek: Generations"

Setting: USS ANUBIS, Bridge
Stardate: 63073.1030


Time had not always been kind to the Cardassian woman sitting on the Bridge, who was currently alone, except for an unexplained visitor... a woman claiming to be the psychotic vision of the ANUBIS' new Assistant Medical Officer.

Eve's life had been a string of impossibilities. Her immediate family had died in a shuttle mishap, of which she had been the only survivor. If the craft had drifted undiscovered only a few hours longer, even she might have perished. She had been brought aboard the safe haven of a Starship, and fallen into the world of Starfleet, with adoptive parents who had been unlike anything she had experienced in her young life. Their impression on her was so positively overwhelming that as a teenager she renounced her Cardassian nature and adopted as much of a humanoid one as she could. Her desire to pursue a career in Starfleet, and her unique combination of life experiences and skills made her valuable to the Federation, and to Intel. After her training, they sent her into the fire itself of CARDASSIA PRIME for one of her first missions, knowing that if she could live among the people of her birth, if she could face her own history without breaking, then she really was who she claimed to be. Who she *chose* to be. 

So, it was with this inner conviction that her mind chose to stay in the here and now, without so much as a conscious thought. The only fantasy she longed for was the mission to the YUDARA asteroid field, and even that was overshadowed by the condundrum presenting itself to her at this moment.

Eve steepled her fingers, eyes closed, thinking. [[What the hell do I do now?]]

A cup of double strong, double sweet, and double cream coffee along with some intense thought had not made the situation any clearer. Ensign Dalziel was not much further along than when she started. Amanda Lopez, while not hindering to the thought process, wasn't much help either.

"There's just one thing I don't understand," Eve said to no one in particular, opening her large gray eyes. They seemed to sparkle with silver and crystalline flecks. Whether that was the glimmer of curiosity or annoyance was anyone's guess.

"What might that be, Eve?" Amanda said playfully.

Eve glared at the woman. "Where did you come from?"

Amanda shrugged. "I told you already, my crazy sister brought me with her. She really should qualify for a Section Eight discharge due to being unfit for active duty."

Eve considered Adriana's sister's words again. Her story had not changed. And, the Counsellor had never met this woman before. So, the chance that this apparition had been of Eve's creation was growing less and less by the minute. But. that still did not explain her origin. Her desire to be with the Counsellor seemed quite strong. In addition, Amanda seemed to be mirroring nearly every movement, finding any way she could to keep the lines of communication open with Eve. 

Ensign Dalziel continued her line of prodding, open-ended questions. It was part and parcel of the psychological trade, and highly effective. At least if you knew which questions to ask. "If you were with Adriana all this time, what made you leave? What made you come to see me?"

For the first time since her arrival, Amanda truly looked uncomfortable.

Eve mentally pounced even though her body remained surprisingly still. [[Now we're getting somewhere.]] "If you truly wish to help Adriana, you need to be honest with me, Amanda." 

Finally, a more somber mood descended, draping the Bridge in a mist of desperation. Amanda Lopez's pretense began to fall away. "Because she wanted you to know about me.... because she couldn't tell you in words, she was too embarrassed and worried. However, her thoughts finally betrayed her."

"Because of the anomaly," Eve stated.

"Yes," Amanda said solemnly. "Everyone is free to think what they wish, experience what they want, with no boundaries. Adriana may not have realized it yet, but there was a part of her that wanted to tell you what has been happening."

Eve nodded. If that theory was true, the Counsellor was secretly surprised that the Bridge had not gotten a whole lot busier. She had a suspicion that the combined neuroses of the ANUBIS could keep her working double shifts for weeks. "I promise I will try to help Adriana. You have my word."

"Thank you," the other woman offered.

Ensign Dalziel stood up, a bit of newfound energy surging through her. Or maybe it was the caffeine. "But if I'm going to help anyone, I need to be able to communicate somehow." Logic indicated that at least some of the Bridge staff, like herself, had remained stationary when the anomaly took hold. But, unbeknownst to the raven-haired woman who was earnestly searching for something to do to reconnect with the crew, a gentle melody began to play in the ears of Amanda Lopez. Amanda's eyes widened as she tried to find the source of the familiar tune.

Eve approached the various consoles, looking at the options in front of her."I need to get to the others. Amanda, do you have any ideas?" Obviously she wasn't hearing the siren's song that had caught Amanda off guard.

"N-No, I really don't," Amanda stammered, the realization of why the tune was so hauntingly comforting slowly hitting her.

"Come on Amanda," Eve cajoled, honing in on the spot where Maya had been sitting. "If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem."

"I... I have to go now," Amanda said, blinking back tears. "Adriana needs me."

"No, don't-" the Counsellor said, raising her head to look at Amanda. But the other Lopez sister was no longer there. "I hope she's okay," Dalziel said to the thin air, speaking of Adriana. Whatever Amanda Lopez was, Eve believed there was some kind of connection between the sisters.

Eve began to methodically switch the science console lights off and on in the familiar pattern of Morse Code. Hopefully someone would notice the rhythmically blinking display and answer her call for help.

Susan M Ledbetter
Ensign Eve Dalziel

"I savored those stories; I read them slowly, one each day. And when I was done, I wished I hadn't read them at all. So I could read them again... like it was the first time."
-Melanie to Old Jake, DS9, "The Visitor"
OLD-P125: USS ANUBIS: Summers: Day 4 - 1045 ("A Friendly Run-In")

"A Friendly Run-In"
[Previous post: "Time + Thoughts = Trouble", written by the gluttonous Marissa]

Setting: USS ANUBIS, Corridor
Stardate: 63073.1045

After having questioned Ensign Lopez about her earlier nakedness, Lea had turned her attention to the Avatar. The amazing creation of the Oltharian Engineer had taken the lead. Apparently Annie had been the only one not affected by the time distortion, a fact that they all could be thankful for.

"Adriana," Lea said while she continued walking. "Can you think of a way to get the others back in our reality?" When no reply came, the CMO stopped and turned around. "Annie, wait," the Doctor called out. "Adriana has vanished."

Doctor Summers quickly backtracked her steps but to no avail, her assistant had been nowhere to be found.

"I am still detecting her life signs," the android stated as she joined the CMO. "She must have entered another reality."

"Is there any way for you to get a specific reading as to her location?" Summers asked. If they could know where the aCMO had been, maybe they would be able to draw her back into their reality.

"I am sorry," the Avatar replied. "Although internal sensors do read her life signs, I cannot identify the exact location of the signal."

"Great," Lea sighed with disappointment. "Let's hope nothing bad happens to her this time around."


The CMO and Avatar jumped as the scream filled the corridor. Lea quickly ran to her assistant's side to see her crying and covered with blood. "What happened? Where are you hurt?"

The aCMO could only gasp for air as she looked onto her blood stained hand. A quick scan of the Ensign showed that Lopez had not been injured which left the CMO with only one question. Where had this blood come from?

"Adriana?" Lea said as she positioned herself in front of the kneeling aCMO. "*Adriana!*" Doctor Summers repeated with more force in the hopes of easing the woman out of her agitation. "*Ensign Lopez! Snap out of it!* The CMO ordered as she held onto the woman's shoulders.

"The boy," Adriana finally managed. "Where is the boy? He was hurt, bleeding, and said that it was not my fault."

"It wasn't real," the CMO explained. Lea knew nothing of the situation or about this boy, but it was easy to see that Adriana had been extremely upset because of it. "What you saw was in another reality."

With tears flowing from her eyes Ensign Lopez pushed Lea out of her way and dashed down the corridor. Whatever the aCMO had experienced in this other reality had deeply troubled her. Summers quickly got back to her feet and went after her assistant who vanished around a corner. As the CMO rounded the same corner, she found Adriana safely cradled in the arms of the towering Oltharian.

"Elan? Is that really you?" Lea asked unsure if this had been another reality.

"Lieutenant Fairborn," Annie said as she rounded the corner and joined the CMO. "It is nice to see you again."

The Oltharian smiled to Lea and Annie before he turned his attention to the woman in his strong yet caring hold. "It is alright Healer; you are safe now."

Adriana allowed herself to be fully embraced by the gentle giant's embrace. As troubled as she had been, there had been something soothing about Elan's hold on her.

Lea smiled weakly, happy that her assistant had been safe but a little jealous about the position she had found herself in. As innocent as the embrace had been the CMO silently wished that she had been the one lost in the giant's muscular arms.

Tiffany Rose

Lt. Lea Summers
Chief Medical Officer
OLD-P124: USS ANUBIS: Lopez: Day 4 - 1045 ("Time + Thoughts = Trouble")

"Time + Thoughts = Trouble"
[Previous post: "Troubled Memories"]

Setting: USS ANUBIS, Corridor
Stardate: 63073.1045

The aCMO along with Doctor Summers and the ship's Avatar had set out to search for the other members of the senior staff, the idea having been that finding a solution would be easier if they all worked together instead of separately from different realities.

"You still have not explained to me why you were naked when you appeared back in Sickbay," Lea pointed out as the two women followed Annie.

"I was dead," Adriana replied as she lowered her head in shame, "or at the very least I thought I was."

"I was just curious," the CMO explained.  "It's not as if I am unfamiliar with the anatomy of the human female, so there is nothing for you to be ashamed of.  It was not as if you had appeared that way in front of your parents."

The thought of having suddenly appeared in the buff in front of her parents flashed in Adriana's mind, sending a shiver through her body. As the aCMO forced the thought from her mind, a voice called out from behind, a voice that the Ensign had been unable to ignore.


The aCMO turned on her heels to see both of her parents standing a few meters back in the corridor.  "Mom?  Dad?  How is this possible?" Adriana demanded, for a moment having forgotten that thoughts had a direct impact on their reality.

"My sweet little girl," Karl Lopez, Adriana's adoptive father said with a heartwarming smile.

"We've missed you so very much," Diana Anderson, Adriana's adoptive mother added as she opened her arms to hug her daughter.

"How can you be here?" the aCMO asked, still unable to fully understand what had been happening to her and the rest of the ANUBIS' crew.

"The impossible is a common occurrence when you become a parent," Karl playfully chuckled.

Adriana thought about what her father had just said, a line that he had used several times to describe in general terms the drive that one felt when the wellbeing and safety of a child was at stake.

"Ada?" a soft, little voice called out from behind the aCMO.  Unlike the voices of her parents, Adriana had not recognized this one and only turned out of surprise and curiosity.  A small Human child of 10 years old stood in the middle of the empty corridor, his clothes dirty, torn and bloodied as if the boy had been caught in some sort of terrible landslide.  Adriana immediately responded as a Medical Officer above all else, the sight of the injured child having been more than the Ensign had been able to take.  Although the wounds appeared severe, the boy stood without trouble or visible show of pain, something that registered only partially in Adriana's mind.

"*Doctor Summers!" the aCMO called out as she rushed to the boy's side and dropped in front of him, her medical tricorder already in hand. "How did this happen?  How did you get here?  Are you the only one injured?"

The small child ignored all of the questions and just smiled at the frantic woman who had knelt before him.  "It wasn't your fault," he said as his hand touched Adriana's cheek.  "You were so kind to me. You did everything possible.  There was just not enough time.  Don't blame yourself.  It was not your fault," the boy added as he wrapped his arms around the confused aCMO.  "Thank you."

Adriana froze for a moment unsure as to what to do or say.  Eventually though Ensign Lopez gently pushed the boy away to permit her to perform the needed scans so that she could treat the child.  The aCMO became even more confused when the tricorder reported no life signs which led the Ensign to look up to the child once again, this time to see that he had somehow vanished.  The only proof that remained of his having been there at all had been the blood on the Ensign's hand and uniform.


Marissa Montonera-Lombardi

Ensign Adriana Lopez
Assistant Chief Medical Officer

OLD-P123: USS ANUBIS: Fairborn: Day 4 - 1045 ("Troubled Memories")

"Troubled Memories"
[Previous Post Ashley's "Family Reunions Always Lead to Plotting the Downfall of the World"]

<<I look up towards the stillness and peacefulness of space and gaze upon the beauty of the stars. Each sparkle of light represents a cherished memory, a dream of hope or a fantasy of love. It is only when we take the time to look up into the heavens that we can fully understand. That an individual is made of memories, hopes and dreams which are gathered throughout life. Without these things, the soul of a person would be as black and desolate as a night without stars.>>
- Said by Bardef Talak Emzaw, Oltharian Priest, to a then young apprentice to the Oltharian Religious Circle by the name of Elan Talak Fairborn.

Setting: USS ANUBIS: Main Engineering
Stardate: 63073.1045

Like a mythical colossus of stone the Oltharian stood between the Engineering Control Island and the ANUBIS' Warp Core, his white eyes lost in a world beyond the limits of this one. The Chief Engineering Officer had already pried himself out of one created reality to find his way back to this one, but after having spoken with the ship's Avatar the towering giant had found himself torn between realities.

"Lieutenant Fairborn," Annie began as she looked up at the engineer. "Are you alright?"

"An individual is made of memories, hopes and dreams which are gathered throughout life. Without these things, the soul of a person would be as black and desolate as a night without stars," Elan replied through quoting words spoken many years ago by his uncle.

Time Index: some 22 years ago

Those who had hoped to be allowed to follow the path of the Religious Circle sat around the black stone statues, their thoughts focussed on their meditation. Their first test had started far before the sun had begun its journey through the skies, and unknown to the Circle's hopeful, their numbers had counted one more from the start.

The priest in charge of this group occasionally glanced in the direction of the green bush behind which the 8 years old boy had elected to hide. Bardef knew of his nephew's presence but instead of acknowledging it by calling out the boy's name or going over to see him, the simple priest only insured from time to time that all was well.

Elan knew nothing of the methods of meditations, his parents both belonging to the Scientific Circle, having opted to instruct their only offspring in the more *practical* ways. Even though lacking such knowledge the young Oltharian already showed great promise in his abilities and patience, something which Bardef could only rejoice about in silence. Mallock and Sholla had dreams for their son; alas Bardef already knew that the boy's dreams were far differed from those of his parents.

The sun, the physical representation of their god, had already traveled midway across the skies and although the young apprentices had so far proven the strength of their faith with relative ease, the youngest and most inexperienced of the group began to show signs of fatigued. The test required the adepts to meditate for one full rotation of their world. 38 hours of nothing more than sitting, thinking, pondering and concentrating. Even for those who had been instructed in this way, the test would soon enough prove to be a challenge, but for Elan, the challenge had already started a few hours back.

The boy's eyes opened to their fullest when he had feared that the rumbling of his stomach had alerted his uncle and the others to his presence. Luckily for him though, it had appeared as if the sound had not traveled as far has he had expected, Bardef not having moved a muscle. Doing his best to contain his growing hunger, the young Oltharian closed his eyes and focussed on images which he hoped would divert his attention away from the pain in his belly.

Elan's eyes once again opened to their fullest as he felt something land on his folded legs. Fear that he had been discovered filled his mind, but that idea soon vanished as he observed his uncle casually walking around the statue. No indication that he had been discovered could be found, yet the proof that someone knew he had been there could not be mistaken for anything else. Hunger soon gave way to reason and without asking how or why, the young boy quickly ripped at the bread which had miraculously appeared to answer his need.

Setting: USS ANUBIS: Main Engineering
Stardate: 63073.1050

"Lieutenant Fairborn?" The ship's Avatar demanded in as a concerned tone as the artificial being had been able to voice despite her inability to experience emotions. To Annie, Elan represented far more than a member of *her* crew, more than the man responsible for her continued functioning. To the Avatar of the ANUBIS, the Oltharian had been the closest thing to a father she would ever have.

"Those were simpler times," Elan replied as if he had been answering another question, spoken by someone else. "Happier times," he added with a heartfelt sigh as a single tear escaped from his still fixated eyes.

Setting: VALLA ROYALE Orbital Outpost, Cargo bay 7
Time Index: 6 years ago

Their undercover mission had been a success; the crew of the USS DISCOVERY had not only managed to determine the identities of the rogue elements present on the station, but had also set their many business partners against them. Had the away team brought these thieves to justice, their punishment would have likely been several years in a Federation prison, but this way the members of the mysterious "Tight Five" had been granted a lifetime of running from those they had once called allies.

The Captain had been pitiless in her plan, not having hesitated to deal back a fate that the Tight Five had on many occasions bestowed on others, and no one amongst the crew had felt any remorse in this poetic justice. Satisfied that balance restored in the universe, the crew had been ready to return to their regular lives as Starfleet Officers.

That was when it happened. When life for the Oltharian took an unexpected turn and set him on a path that he had never imagined nor even considered possible. That was when Lt. Commander Amber Satori stepped in harm's way to save the crew she had come to admire, and to save the engineer she had come to love.

Setting: USS ANUBIS: Main Engineering
Stardate: 63073.1055

"Elan," the Avatar stated having used the Chief Engineer's first name, an act that the artificial being rarely favoured as it hinted to a closeness between them that could not be mechanically or logically explained. "Why are you crying?"

The emotional reaction to the scenes that the Engineer had been summoning had been beyond the Avatar's comprehension, as well as the reason why the Oltharian seemed so obsessed with continuing with this travel through his own memories. The journey had obviously been a painful one for the gentle giant, yet despite his knowledge of how to end the visions, Elan seemed poised to endure the journey to its bitter end.

Setting: NEW ALEXANDRIA, Long-Term Medical Facilities
Time Index: 3 years ago

The same day Elan had accepted to work for Admiral Koniki and the NEW ALEXANDRIA complex, Amber Satori had been transferred to the state-of-the-art medical facilities of the base. What had been stranger had been that the Oltharian had never made the request even though it had been what his heart had desired.

It had been over three years since Amber had fallen into a coma after having been knocked over the head by a trans-dimensional being. Although every available resources had been used, no actual cause could be found to explain the state that the Communications Specialist had fallen into, it had been as if a part of her had been taken to another dimension, out of reach of her physical body.

Since that day Elan had visited her every chance he had, hoping that her condition might have changed while he had been away - but nothing had ever changed. Her body had not moved since the last time the Oltharian had come visiting, and her bio-readings had been as shallow as they had ever been. Working as the Robotics Engineer had been the only way that he could survive each day without madness taking over his soul .

As mush as Fairborn towered over her, the giant felt insignificant while gazing down at the unconscious woman, his latest visit to her bedside ending in the same manner as the hundred previous had - with him leaving and her staying.

Setting: USS ANUBIS: Main Engineering
Stardate: 63073.1100

"Who is to say that one reality is better than another?" the Oltharian inquired as he looked away from the warp core and onto the Avatar who had been standing by his side. "Who makes the decision as to which reality is real and all others only dreams?"

"We are all masters of our own reality," a sage old voice replied, the Oltharian not having needed to turn around to know who had offered these words of wisdom. "To hide from the truth is not the way, not *our* way. You left OLTHAR PRIME to seek the greater truth of the universe, be it good or bad. You cannot turn your back now on all that you have discovered, regardless of how painful it may be."

The Oltharian turned to face his uncle, ready to challenge his words but when he did the Chief Engineering Officer noticed that the elder priest had not been alone. A smiling woman with fiery red hair stood by the Elder Priest, her emerald eyes gazing with absolute admiration and love at the towering giant.

"Elan," Amber began as she slowly approached the gentle giant. "If you give in to these false realities you will not only lose yourself but everyone else that truly means anything to you. This is where you belong, where you have always been meant to be. You are meant to explore the galaxy, to help those in need, to create mechanical wonders and most important to venture forth and not be held back by the hardships of the past." Amber paused for a moment as she reached for the giant's face and lifted a tear from his features with a delicate finger. "As long as you are in this reality I will always be with you, here, where it counts most," the alien woman added as she pressed her hand against the man's chest where his heart was. "If it is meant to be, we will be together again, not in a dream or in a false reality, but in this one. Then you will be able to tell me about all of your adventures, all of your hardships and how you never gave up on your dreams. Be strong Elan, for us all."

The Chief Engineer closed his eyes and fought back a new wave of tears. When his eyes finally reopened the ANUBIS' Main Engineering had once again been empty with the exception of the Oltharian and the ship's Avatar.

"Annie," Elan offered as he ever so slowly turned to face the android. "How can I help fix this situation?"

Francois Charette (

Lieutenant Elan Talak Fairborn
Chief Engineering Officer


Robotics Engineering Officer
OLD-P122: USS ANUBIS: Fanggot: Day 4 - 1030
"Family Reunions Always Lead to Plotting the Downfall of the World")

"Family Reunions Always Lead to Plotting the Downfall of the World"
Previous post: "What the Heck?"

Setting: USS ANUBIS, Corridor
Stardate: 63073.1030

"Mother? What are you doing here?" Hex stammered, suddenly very self-conscious when standing in front of the woman who had raised her.
Without a moments hesitation, the elder Kzinti strode over to the younger and struck her across the face, the sound echoing loudly through the corridor. Hex did not turn from her, holding on to a weak and battered pride while sensing that Vladina and the officer were alone.

"You… ungrateful little wretch…" Vladina hissed, striking out at the other side of her daughter's cheek, taking pleasure in the fact that the Ensign's face was flushed in embarrassment as well as pain.

"I am never ungrateful to you mother… I merely had to follow my own path," Hex's eyes narrowed slightly, "Not yours."

The next slap hit hard as the Kzinti's mother's strength was fueled by her fury. Nothing was comprehensible as the Ensign's head begin to spin. Hex was vaguely aware that her mother was standing in front of the Engineering room. She wondered why no one came out to inspect the commotion.

"You were my heir, the priestess who would take my place when I was old! What of you now! Look at what you've become!" the dark Kzinti spat at her daughter's feet, "You are Federation scum! Of a different world than your people! You haven't even a mate!"

Hex's face was aflame with embarrassment as she chose her words slowly, "I remain abstinent mother, I have done nothing wrong in that regard, therefore you cannot chaste me for it."

Those who might have watched would have noticed the younger Kzinti's change is pose and posture to match her mother's. They always spoke in the old tongue when alone; her mother preferred it to others. It was hard to speak and horrible for grammar, but it was habit, and one not easily broken.
"You were to give your hand to the young priest of the neighboring village…" Vladina voiced slowly, “He will not have you if you are lying."

"I'm not lying mother, but I will have nothing of him anyway. You and your politics no longer have anything to do with me." Hex said, keeping hold just barely to her edge on the conversation.

"Is that any way to speak to our mother?" a voice joked from the shadows. All of the younger Kzinti's efforts were destroyed as she turned to see yet another member of her family standing in the corridor of the ANUBIS.

The shroud of independence and strength the Kzinti would unconsciously wear around her shattered and crumbled in the brother's steely gaze, surrounded by his raging presence. The Ensign had sub-consciously transformed back into a child as Damon stared into her violet, tearing eyes. Hex *looked* like a child compared to his mass as his strong and steady hands clasped her thin-looking shoulders painfully.

"Damon…" Hex swallowed, on the brink between tears and violence, "Why are you here? Both of you."

Damon's answering smile was cool and looked genuinely sarcastic and playful, but he had a deep coldness in his eyes that only Hex ever saw, "I am here to see you little sister."

"You *will* be wed to the priest Hex, it is your destiny." Vladina stated, now using her normal tongue with her son present. Damon's jaw tightened in response.

"Yes mother…" Hex squeaked, her voice barely audible, defeat was complete with her brother standing before her as he did. The youngest Kzinti could never shake her fear of him. She was acutely aware that he could feel her trembling in his grasp.

"Don't think you've won mother, I still sense resistance in my dearest sister. Hex, you of all people should know that it is futile to resist." Damon stated, giving his little sister a cruel grin when his mother turned away.

"My hold on Kzinti Prime is very limited. If our family is to rise, we must do so through any means necessary, including marriage. The more villages under our control, the stronger we will become. You have family at this moment preparing to secure the last of what we need in Kordinili." Vladina explained coolly, not noticing her child's flinch as she mentioned marriage.

"The priest.” Damon stated in triumph, noting his sister's baleful glare, but enjoying every moment of the time spent with her in emotional pain.
"Yes, the priest. We'll have almost full control by then. We will take the rest by force if needed, and then we will rise Kzinti Prime itself to be a planet to be feared by all." Vladina spat, glaring at her daughter, "Including the Federation"

Hex felt dizzy and was losing consciousness. This wasn't right, the Kzinti knew that it wasn't right, but what could she say? [[Let them believe I will aide them, they'll never find me anyway…]] the officer thought blissfully.

Just as she was about to close her eyes and to surrender to the pounding of her head, Hex thought of her father. What would he do? Her vision was blurry, but she could have sworn she saw the image of her father before her just as she fell into her brother's arms. A big man, black of fur as she was, with only on eye.

The last thing she heard was her mother's strained whisper, "Grex…"

Ashley Shane

Ensign Hex Fanngot
Assistant Chief of Security/Tactical
OLD-P121: USS ANUBIS: Thomas: Day 4 - 1100 ("What The Heck?")

"What the Heck?"
[Previous post: "Reconstructing Reality" written by the Smart and lovely Tiffany Rose.]

Setting: USS ANUBIS, Bridge
Stardate: 63073.1100

Elliot had looked around the ship and to his surprise he could not find anyone anywhere, as he walked back onto the bridge he had the feeling he was being followed, with this feeling he turned quickly to be face to face with a man in red Starfleet uniform.

"Excuse me laddy do you know what's goin' on here?" asked the young man in what sounded to be a scottish accent.

"Eh? do I know you?" replied ET then continued in a soft tone.  "Hold on a minute you look familiar."

The Starfleet officer just looked at Ensign Thomas and then added, "Well I din nae ken who you are laddy but I would still like tae ken where I am cause it surely does nae look like the ENTERPRISE."

The COO looked stunned then commented, "You served on the ENTERPRISE?" he paused then continued with a smile "That ship is legendary and it is an honor to meet anyone who is affiliated with her, even if we are some how in different times.  Oh what is your name by the way, I'm Ensign Thomas or Elliot to my friends." 

This time the surprised look was on the engineering officers face, "Well it's good to meet you laddy, I'm Scotty fae engineering... So what do you mean by different times? I surely can nae be in the future?"

Ensign Thomas just looked at Scotty and smiled then in a happy tone he added, "Maybe we should get a drink, after all I've no idea how we're going to fix this problem, and to be honest my head hurts just thinking about what is going on here."

ET and the engineering officer headed in the direction of the Black Hole, both chuckling about the situation and chatting about what had happened or how it could get fixed.
Setting: USS ANUBIS, Deck 16, Black Hole
Stardate: 63073.1120

Ensign Thomas and the scotsman entered the Black Hole and went to the nearest replicator.

Scotty stood for a second and contemplated what to order, when he asked Elliot, "Can you get any kind o' drink fae this machine or does it hae some kindae security code, as I widnae mind a scotch whiskey purely for medicinal purposes you know laddy."

The COO looked at the engineer and chuckled while he requested from the replicator, "2 scotch whisk..."

Before he could finish the sentence Scotty interrupted, "mind and dinnae fae get the ice laddy."

Elliot smiled then continued to make the request, "2 scotch whiskey's with ice."

ET walked over to the table that the scotsman had chosen, he sat down and passed one of the drinks to the young engineer then took a sip of his whiskey and began huskely,  "So you got any ideas of what could have happened because I have a few myself, but this is the most weird thing that has happened to me.  The computer keeps insisting that there are no personnel missing however after seeing that everyone disappeared from the bridge I rushed back to my quarters and my children are missing too, this is a really weird situation we are in."

The engineering officer sipped his drink then looked at the COO and claimed, "What ever's happened laddy, you can be sure that there's someone somewhere working on fixing this problem, or at least trying to get us back, I mean I dinnae ken about you but my ship and crew need me laddy and I'm dam sure their looking fae some way to get me back."

 [[I hope someone is working on this issue, cause I don't have any idea on how to fix this and I'm dam sure on the way this engineer is drinking, neither of us are going to be able to think straight soon,]] Elliot thought to himself as he took another sip of his whiskey.
Craig Mitchell

Ensign Elliot Thomas.
Chief Operations Officer.

[The Universe is a huge place, but you always seem to meet someone you know just around the corner.]
OLD-P120: USS ANUBIS: Summers: Day 4 - 1040 ("Reconstructing Reality")

"Reconstructing Reality"
[Previous post: "The Perfect Dream", written by the talented Dawn]

Setting: USS ANUBIS, Sickbay
Stardate: 63073.1040

"I'm sorry," Lea tearfully said as she tightly held the limp form of the aCMO in her arms.  "I'm the one that should be dead, not you."

"Who are you talking to?" a frightfully familiar voice said snapping the CMO into a full upright stand.

"You," Lea gasped as her heart raced at warp speed. "You're dead!" she barked before the CMO quickly turned back to the biobed to discover that the body she had only seconds ago been holding had vanished.

"Actually, I think I *was*," the aCMO said rather uncertain of herself. The feeling of peace and the images of the tall grass and blue skies were still very fresh in her mind.

"What is going on here?" Lea demanded to no one in particular as she moved closer to Ensign Lopez. "First I find an evil Enaii in Sickbay who is bent on killing someone. Next she kills you by simply snapping your neck and claims that this was in payment of a debt owed. Now here you are standing, obviously alive and for one reason or another completely naked."

"Naked?" Adriana gasped as she looked down to confirm the CMO's words. Before saying or doing anything else, the aCMO rushed into the Doctor's office. There she would be able to address the absence of her uniform with the help of the replicator.

"Computer," Lea said as she followed her assistant. "What is the status of the ship?"

"According to available information, the ANUBIS is currently intersecting multiple quantum realities," Annie replied, the ship's Avatar having seemingly appeared out of nowhere behind the CMO.

"Deer Lord!" Doctor Summers exclaimed while holding her chest. "Elan needs to add some weight to your steps," Lea continued having been scared half out of her wits.

"My apologies Doctor," the android offered. "It was not my intent to frighten you, I simply responded to your query about the status of the ship."

"Well next time you might want to announce your presence first," Lea huffed. "Is the crew alright?"

"Internal sensors show that all members of the crew are present on the ship," Annie replied. "Sensors also show normal biological readings for the most part."

"Annie," the aCMO said as she returned with a fresh uniform. "What did you say about the ANUBIS and multiple quantum realities?"

"I cannot explain more than what Lt. Commander Maya has discovered," the Avatar explained. "The crew seems to be torn between multiple realities while the ship remains structurally intact. As long as the individual reality permits it, I seem able to travel from one reality to the next without trouble."

"Let's say for a moment that I actually understood what you just said," Lea said as she rubbed the back of her neck. "How is it possible for each and every member of the crew to experience their own individual realities?"

"According to Lt. Commander Maya, the nature of these realities seems to originate from the thoughts of the individuals."

"Let me get this straight," Adriana chuckled. "Our own thoughts create the reality we are in?"

"It is a rather simplistic view, but one that is accurate enough at this time," the Avatar stated.

"If we are supposed to be in our own individual realities, shouldn't you and I not be here together?" Lea asked.

"I was thinking of you," the aCMO admitted.

"And I was thinking of you," Doctor Summers quickly added.

"It is highly probable that the act of you thinking of each other created a link between your realities," Annie theorized.

"Well that answers a few questions," Lea said as she glanced towards her assistant. "I'm just curious as to why you were naked when you appeared?"

Tiffany Rose

Lt. Lea Summers
Chief Medical Officer
OLD-P119: USS ANUBIS: Lopez: Day 4 - 1030 ("The Perfect Dream")

"The Perfect Dream"
[Previous post: "On the Edge of Insanity"]

"The perfect world was a dream that your primitive cerebrum kept trying to wake up from."
- Agent Smith, The Matrix

Setting: USS ANUBIS, Sickbay
Stardate: 63073.1030

Doctor Summers desperately held onto the lifeless form of the aCMO, her thoughts solely focused on the unfairness of life and death. Because of an action she had taken, because of a mistake she had made, Lea had traded the life of a stranger for that of one of her own. Neither had deserved to die and the CMO wholeheartedly wished that she could have traded places with the Ensign now in her grasp.

Stardate: 63073.1030

The tall grass and colorful flowers went on for as far as the eyes could see.  Adriana felt completely at peace, not only with herself but with the universe as a whole, nothing mattered anymore.  As she aimlessly wandered through the grass beneath a picture perfect blue marbled sky, Adriana's bare foot collided with something relatively small but hard.  The impact had not caused any pain, although it most likely should have, but it had been enough to cause the woman to look down and search for the item she had stumbled upon.

As she moved the grass away Adriana discovered a small jeweled box with the initials AL inscribed on it.  Instinctively she opened it and smiled as she listened to the gentle melody that came from it.  The music box matched the one that could have been found in the Ensign's quarters, but the music that it played had originated from its twin, an identical box that had been the property of her sister Amanda.

Adriana lifted her eyes from the closed box now in her hands and saw her home on CESTUS III instead of the field she had expected to find. In front of her stood her parents, each handing a gift to the two small girls before them.

"These are for you," her father said to both little girls.  "They are both inscribed with the same initials to remind you both that you are sisters, forever a part of the other.  Now, inside the music is different, also to remind you that no matter what others may think or say, you two are unique in your own ways.  The music in your heart is yours and even if you share it with others it will always remain yours."

Her tear filled eyes returned to the small music box in her hands. This one had been Amanda's, not hers, and it had been taken by her sister when she had left their home to be with that boy.  Slowly Adriana reopened the box and lost herself in the melody as she recalled her sister's last words, "As long as I have this and you have yours, we will be together."

Adriana's tears flowed like a river, how could she have forgotten about her sister, even if only for a single second?  Amanda had been the reason why she had joined Starfleet, why she had embraced the opportunity given to her by the ANUBIS.

"I have to find my way back," the aCMO said as she tightly clutched the music box.  "I have to get back to the ANUBIS.  I have to get back to Doctor Summers."

Marissa Montonera-Lombardi

Ensign Adriana Lopez
Assistant Chief Medical Officer
OLD-P118: USS ANUBIS: Mitshiba: Day 4 - 1030 ("On the Edge of Insanity")

"On the Edge of Insanity"
(Cont. from "Beyond the Countless and Never Imagined Dimensions of Quantum Mechanics")

Setting: USS ANUBIS, Bridge
Stardate: 63073.1030

To say that something had happened had been an understatement. Everyone on the Bridge had all of a sudden vanished without the slightest noise, but what troubled Aki most had been that she had been the only one to remain behind.  For one reason or another she had been set aside from the others, either by design or by chance and that was the detail that lingered in the Asian's thoughts.

"Computer," Aki demanded.  "Where are Captain Rikar, Commander Enaii, Lt. Commander Maya, Ensign Dalziel and Ensign Thomas."

=/\= All stated Officers are currently on the bridge, =/\= the computer replied without delay.

"Great," Aki sighed.  "Either I'm losing my mind or the computer is malfunctioning, and I'm not sure which is more desirable."

Out of desperation and hope, the aCSciO had moved to each and every station to confirm that her solitude had not been some sort of optical illusion and to confirm that the computer had been the one in error. From the Science station Aki had made her way to the Helm and finished with the Operations station, where Elliot had been only minutes ago.

"Well if this is a trick or some sort of joke, I am really not finding it amusing," the aCSciO sighed as she sat in the COO's chair.

"Tricks are my speciality," a playful voice was heard saying from the CO's chair. Aki immediately turned to look at that direction to see a strange looking humanoid crutching on top of the Captain's chair.  The primate features of the man made him appear more like a monkey than a human, and strangely enough the aCSciO felt as if she had somehow known this individual.

"Who are you and what have you done with the others?" Aki demanded as she drew her weapon and aimed it at the intruder.

The humanoid smiled and tilted his head in an amused manner. "Professor Isaru would be most displeased with you for not having recognized me," he said as he shifted his position to be on a one-handed hand-stand while still on top of the Captain's chair.

Aki watched with disbelief the humanoid's acrobatics and followed him with her eyes as he leaped to the front of the Bridge with a grace and agility beyond anything humanly possible.  The aCSciO thought carefully at the significance of the name that the man had chosen to mention.  Why had the name of her Ancient EARTH Mythology class been used, then it hit her.  "Wait a minute, you expect me to believe that you are the *Monkey King*?"

"Why not?" The humanoid mischievously replied as he danced from one foot to the next.  "Who else would have the power to do what has been done?  To send your friends into nothingness and leave you here along to figure out what happened and how to fix it."

"I would be more inclined to believe that you are a Q or a Douwd than the legendary Monkey King as described by the ancient tales," Aki said with a dry chuckle.  Although the Humanoid had displayed the mythological being's flare and general likeness, she had been far from accepting that deities actually existed.

"Akira Mitshiba," a commanding voice said, its echo easily filling the entire Bridge of the ANUBIS.  The Ensign turned back to look at the Captain's chair, this time to see some sort of royal figure sitting on it as if it had been a thrown.  "Would you be more willing to believe that I am the Jade Emperor?"

The Ensign remained speechless, dumfounded by what had happened.  Aki had been so stunned by everything that she had not even try to move away from the Monkey King as he came to place his head on her shoulder.

"Well, there goes any chances we had of having a little bit of fun."

Dawn Bohr

Ensign Akira 'Aki' Mitshiba
Assistant Chief Science Officer
OLD-P117: USS ANUBIS: Maya: Day 4 - 1030
("Beyond the Countless and Never Imagined Dimensions of Quantum Mechanics")

"Beyond the Countless and Never Imagined Dimensions of Quantum Mechanics"
(Previous Post: "Blissful Peace")

Setting: USS ANUBIS, Bridge
Stardate: 63073.1030
Time had been shattered. Past, present and future had not only collided but forced to merge into a single dimension, one that appeared to encompass everything all at once. At least that had been the initial assumption of the Chief Science Officer of the USS ANUBIS following the failed attempt to fix the temporal distortion that had engulfed the ship and its crew.
It had taken a great deal of effort for the Shillian to not give into her feelings when she had seen her father standing there on the Bridge of the ANUBIS. The clues had been subtle, but enough for the scientist to recognize that there had been far more at play than a mere temporal bridging. Her father, who had been in his prime, had died when she had been very young, yet the man who had appeared before the Chief Science Officer had been older, much older than the Shillian remembered him to have been. If this had been nothing more than a merger of temporal points along a single timeline, Sonah should not have been this old and in fact could have only been as old as he had been when their world had perished.
If the temporal rift created by the Tachyon burst and harmonics resonance had somehow managed to extend into multiple timelines, some of the smaller clues that the Shillian had noted would have likely not been there. The one that had drawn the interest of the scientist the most had been the small pin that Sonah wore on his vest, a simple item made by a simple child only days before everything that Maya had known came to an end.
"You have that overdrive thinking look in your eyes," the elder Shillian said to the busy scientist who had returned her attention onto her instruments. The smile on his lips being that of a proud father as he looked upon his daughter who had not only continued his line of work but far exceeded his hopes and dreams.
"I'm sorry," the Shillian offered as she stopped for a brief moment to reclaim her composure. As much as she had wanted to believe it, as much as she had needed to embrace the idea, this man had not been Sonah, at least not the one the Chief Science Officer had once, long ago, called father. "Please forgive me, but I must be honest, you cannot be *my* father. The temporal inconsistencies are just too numerous to ignore and it is my belief that my initial assessment of our situation with the Romulan War Bird caused the situation that we are now in. I proceeded with the idea that we were dealing with nothing more than a temporal anomaly, a linear distortion of the space-time continuum, but I now realise that I was wrong. I mean I was correct in that we are dealing with a temporal phenomenon but I failed to take into account that we might have also been dealing with a breach in the quantum fabric of space brought forth by the Dimensional Drive of the USS
PARADOX. What I am experiencing now is not a temporal convergence but rather a reality given form by my own thoughts, time is not the only force at play here and I suspect that each member of the ANUBIS is currently in the same situation; trapped in a universe of their own creation."
The Shillian continued her research through the massive archives contained within the computer memory of the USS ANUBIS. The Chief Science Officer knew what she had been looking for and immediately recognized it when her search came across the desired data. A entity known only as 'The Traveler' had once voyaged onboard a Federation starship and stated that thought had been the basis for all reality. He went on to explain that space, time and thought could be made to become one an enable someone to give physical form to their thoughts, to their dreams and even to their fears.
"You are truly an amazing young woman," the Shillian elder offered, a loving smile having graced his lips. "I know that you do not consider me as your father, but I know that I would have been supremely honoured to have a daughter like you."
The Chief Science Officer halted her work, the words spoken by the man who resembled Sonah so very much having been impossible to ignore. The eyes of the Shillian began to fill with tears as emotions and wishes took hold over logic and scientific facts.
"I would have liked very much for you to have been my father," the Chief Science Officer of the ANUBIS admitted. "I would have loved to share the stories and discoveries that I have been part of, to tell you of the friends I have made, and of the life I have made for myself here on this ship."
Sonah smiled at the Shillian as only a father could to his daughter. "My dearest Maya, I would be honoured to listen to all of your stories, to learn about your friends and be made to share in your accomplishments. The universe may not have granted your exact wish, but I am here now and more than willing to fulfil the role that your heart desires."
In another distant parallel dimension, the Shillian scientist could imagine her counterpart having declined this opportunity solely based on the scientific facts that pointed to this man not being her *real* father. This decision would surely be regretted in the near future, so the Chief Science Officer decided to push aside the rules by which her life had been governed and opted instead follow her heart and embrace the moment. After all, had she not been told that time could be an ally if she allowed it to be?

Jessica Solarik

Lieutenant Commander Maya
Chief Science Officer

"To see the world in a grain of sand,
and a heaven in a wild flower.
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
and eternity in an hour."
- William Blake (British, 1757-1827)
OLD-P116: USS ANUBIS: Lopez: Day 4 - 1020 ("Blissful Peace")

"Blissful Peace"
[Previous post: "Dark Times"]

Setting: USS ANUBIS, Sickbay
Stardate: 63073.1020

The agonizing pain that had taken such a complete hold of her mind and body had finally vanished and left Adriana with a sense of peace the likes of which she had never experienced or even thought possible. Her mind had become perfectly still, at rest, and her thoughts as calm as a gentle summer's breeze over a flowery field.

Adriana knew that her eyes had been closed but she felt no urge to open them, or move from the bed she had been laid upon if indeed she had been on a bed at all.  Her body felt as light as a feather, almost to the point of floating.  If this had all been some sort of dream, it had been one that Ensign Lopez had hoped to never wake from.

The idea of not knowing about her sister's whereabouts or condition had somehow lost all significance, as if it had no longer mattered. The endless questions and drive that had consumed her very soul had all disappeared in what had felt to be another life. That alone should have been enough for Adriana to be upset, even enraged, but instead the aCMO found the entire concept almost amusing.  She had been so obsessed with finding this sister of hers; a woman not even related by blood, that it now all seemed too absurd.

Memories of the time the two girls had shared as teenagers now seemed to belong to someone other than herself, as if she had been looking at a historical recording of someone else's childhood.  Even the idea that her adoptive parents had not known about her being alive and safe onboard the ANUBIS had not bothered the Ensign anymore.  Even stranger had been the total lack of interest in discovering why her biological parents had abandoned Adriana as an infant on CESTUS III.

A new wave of peace washed through her being and pushed whatever little bit of hesitation had remained beyond Adriana's thoughts. There had been no reason for the aCMO to worry about what had once been her life, her friends and her family.  The sensation of complete and absolute peace had replaced everything that had made Adriana who she had been and even hoped to become.

Slowly she opened her eyes, not truly having expected to see something in particular, and when Adriana saw an open blue sky the aCMO smiled as if the sight had been exactly what should have been there. Somewhere in the deepest recesses of her mind she knew that the ceiling of the ANUBIS' Sickbay should have greeted her, but she did not find the open sky to be at all strange, and even less unwelcome.

Adriana's muscles seemed to not even be needed to get the aCMO off the biobed and onto the ground where tall grass and beautiful flowers had been waiting.  The scene had been absolutely surreal and impossible; Sickbay had somehow vanished to be replaced by a seemingly endless field set beneath a heavenly blue and white sky.  The scenery reflected the inner peace that the Ensign experienced and it was without any issues that she turned to discover that her body had not moved from the bed despite her now standing amidst the grass and flowers.

"Am I dead?"

The question crossed her list as nothing more than a whisper and immediately after vanished from her thoughts once it had been spoken. This inner peace she had discovered had been far more than anyone could have expected or ignored.

As she began to walk away fro