"Operation Rescue, Finale"
Previous posts (ANU) "Operation Rescue, Part 4" / (BAS) "Fresh Squeeze"
“The enemy of my enemy is my friend.”
– Ancient Terran proverb
Setting: Space, Behind the moon of KANTARE
Stardate: 35278.0330
The dark, barely noticeable cloaked form of the USS ANUBIS hung in close orbit of the planet's only natural moon, allowing the vessel to hide from that world's orbital sensor net while allowing it to still have access into the communication network. Although KANTARE was a Federation planet, the crew's mission, as well as their presence in this system, were not sanctioned, forcing them to take extraordinary measures to remain undetected as they pushed forward with their plan.
Setting: USS ANUBIS, Bridge
Stardate: 35278.0330
The Native American sat in his chair amidst a quieter than usual command deck. Every officer was as still and quiet as could be while performing their respective duties to the best of their skills and abilities. Thanks to the work of several other officers, Lt. Stark had made his way into the underground mag-lev without any problem granting him access to the maximum-security prison complex where Ambassador Bonviva's friend and the ship's own Chief of Security were being held as prisoners. The mission was simple; to orchestrate their escape and return them both to their respective lives without drawing any attention to the rescue team.
This, like so many other missions prior, included elements of danger and risk that could barely be measured. Along with the lives of those two individuals, the careers and reputations of all the senior officers involved in this rescue mission were on the line. Despite the high stakes at play, the best that the crew of the USS ANUBIS could do at the moment was to wait and hope that all would proceed according to plan.
Setting: KANTARE, Underground Mag-Lev
Stardate: 35278.0330
As the head prison administrator, Jason Stark had made it this far. Now he sat in one of the chairs as the train sped towards its destination. Every kilometre or so, the rapidly moving transport would pass through some sort of scanning field, and each time it did, the undercover officer found himself holding his breath for fear that his true identity would be revealed.
For this mission to be successful, he needed to reach the prison complex. To facilitate the escape of Bonviva's friend Cagal, Stark's borrowed identity needed to remain intact. To rescue his beloved Ya'Han, Jayson needed every aspect of this plan to proceed perfectly.
Setting: KANTARE, Prison Complex, Control Center
Stardate: 35278.0330
Two shadowy figures stood in front of a wall of monitors displaying various locations within the complex. No technicians were present as the complex's architect believed that it would be the 'human' element that was the most unreliable in ensuring the safety and integrity of the prison.
"This plan of yours better work," the man said with a distinct tone of lingering hatred in his voice.
"I am starting to see why your father exiled you," the woman by his side noted in a voice that echoed an uncanny level of patience. "You need to calm down. Plans are nothing more than guidelines, a rough idea of what is expected to happen. In this universe of multiple dimensions, it is impossible to perfectly predict the outcome of any single course of action. Cagal was the bait to bright the ANUBIS here and your sister is the bait that will ensure that Morningstar and his merry band of fools sink themselves all the way to their necks."
"I am tired of waiting," Ya'Kun impatiently growled. "All you have ever done since the day we met is talk. I am a warrior, man of action the heir of the thrown of NYLA IV. Words are nothing, they are only used by diplomats and ambassadors to appease the weak-minded."
The shadowy woman rolled her eyes and sighed. "Go torture your sister while you still can. Morningstar and his lackeys will be here, sooner or later, they will be here."
"There is no way for them to even get close to this place," Ya'Kun pointed out. "If it was not for you, neither one of us would be here either, he reluctantly added. "Not sure how you did it, but I'm glad you did," and with that, the exiled eldest son of NYLA IV exited the control center leaving the serious woman alone to scan the numerous monitors.
"I just build on the work of someone else," she grinned evilly. "Someone that I intend to thank personally, but that will all come in due time. In the meantime, where are your little pawns, my dear Captain? I know you have a plan, I just need to figure it out to make sure that things unfold according to my plan and not yours.
Setting: USS ANUBIS, Observation Lounge
Stardate: 35278.0335
"Enjoying the view of the KANTARE moon?" Xana asked as she walked up to stand next to the Junior Ambassador.
"Actually, no," Adriana admitted. "I would rather be somewhere else doing something other than wait."
"Waiting is never easy," the Bolian/Terran woman acknowledged with a knowing smile. "Unfortunately, it is a necessary part of the world we live in. Patience, as they say, is a virtue."
"I know that it is just hard to be patient when the lives of close friends hang in the balance." It was easy to see that Adriana was upset. "Ya'Han is down there being submitted to who knows what horrors."
"Ya'Han can take care of herself, likely better than most of us, so you have nothing to worry about that," Xana said in a reassuring tone.
"Jayson is rushing to her help under the disguise of the prison administrator, what if the mask or gloves fail any one of the checkpoints?"
"Do you not have confidence in the work of Doctor Bruxa and Lt. Cmdr. Maya?"
"Of course I do," the Counsellor/Junior Ambassador quickly replied. "I would trust them each with my life, and we both have done so multiple times already."
"Then, why not trust their work now?" the azure-skinned Ambassador queried.
"How do you do it?" Adriana asked of Xana, looking straight into the woman's violet eyes. "How do you remain so calm in situations like this? Cagal is a dear friend, and yet you just stand here worried about me instead of him."
"Call it an efficient use of available time and resources," Bonviva grinned. "Success in any endeavour requires you being able to clearly identify what you can and cannot affect. Spending an hour yelling at a wall only means that you wasted that hour as well as the breath you used. We both could hang around the Captain and drive him nuts with endless questions and theories, and in the end, it would mean that not only have we wasted our time but his as well. The same could be said if we went to the IGC and be with Shar'El, or in Main Engineering to stand with Sonja. The best we can do right now is to avoid becoming a hindrance to others. Things will happen as they are meant to happen regardless if we annoy someone else or not."
"In other words, trust in the plan?"
"Not just the plan," Xana corrected. "Trust in the people involved in the plan. In time, you will come to trust those people who never even knew were part of the plan."
Adriana sighed. "Easier said than done I'm afraid."
Setting: KANTARE, Underground Mag-Lev, Prison complex platform
Stardate: 35278.0345
As fast as the train was, it reached its destination much slower than the undercover officer would have preferred. What mattered most now was that he was finally there leaving him with the next phase of the rescue mission, which was to actually access the prison complex.
With purpose in his step, Jayson stepped out of the mag-lev and made his way to the elevator that would bring him up to what he expected to be the primary processing and reception area. There, the mask and gloves would be put to even closer scrutiny along with his ability to act.
"Welcome back, Sir," one of the two guards said as the prison administrator approached them and the access room to the elevator shaft. Stark nodded his head and proceeded to walk between them only to be stopped. "Excuse me, Sir, but aren't you forgetting something?" The device that the man was holding, which Jayson had failed to notice earlier, was clearly meant to scan and confirm someone's genetic identity.
"Sorry about that," the undercover officer offered, clenching his fists tightly to ensure the flesh-like gloves were properly in place and secured. "Guess I have other things on my mind."
Both guards smiled knowingly, recalling the pink-haired woman that had been brought in earlier. "If you would be so kind as to provide us with a blood sample, you can be on your way.
Jayson did his best to hold back his surprise. A blood sample? Why would they use such an archaic verification method instead of a simple genetic scan? What trouble Stark, even more, was the knowledge that there was no way his blood would be a match for that of the real prison administrator. The Chief of Operations of the USS ANUBIS quickly considered all of his options. Running away would only trap him in the mag-lev, so that option was quickly dismissed. It was likely that his combat training would permit him to overcome both of the guards but doing so might set off alarms that would bring more people to investigate. The only option he could go with at the moment that to submit to the test and hopefully find a way to explain the lack of a match.
A hypospray-like device was pressed against his neck and within seconds a small sample of blood was retrieved before being placed in a scanner located near the sealed door.
Setting: KANTARE, Prison Complex, Control Center
Stardate: 35278.0347
A flashing red indicator drew the woman's attention to one particular screen. According to what's being listed as the cause of the alarm, someone had failed one of the identification scans. The woman tilted her head ever so slightly as she observed the nervous man awaiting the results of the scan.
"There you are," the mysterious woman grinned as she reached for the control panel to override the alarm. "I knew that the dear Captain would not disappoint me. Now, it would be improper and impolite for us to deny his poor little minion his prize, especially after making it this far."
Setting: KANTARE, Underground Mag-Lev, Prison complex platform
Stardate: 35278.0348
Jayson was readying himself for a fight. There was no way he would try to leave without Ya'Han, so the plan was simple, he would fight his way into the prison complex and do everything possible to get her out, even if it cost him his life.
When the guard turned, the undercover officer was surprised to see a smile on his lips. "There you are, Sir. Have a great day.
The Lieutenant hesitated for a few seconds as the door to the room giving access to the lift opened. Was this some sort of a trap? The smiles coming from the two guards seemed to indicate otherwise, and not having any other viable option, Stark stepped in trying his best to appear as confident as the prison administrator would under such circumstances.
Setting: KANTARE, Prison Complex, Cell
Stardate: 35278.0350
A bald Ya'Kun stood in the opened doorway staring at his youngest sister as she hung on the wall, her arms stretched over her head. "This brings back memories," he hissed, recalling another instance when the two of them were in a very similar position.
"At least this time I do not have to deal with someone claiming to be me," Ya'Han said defiantly, the Chief of Security not allowing herself to be any less than what she was despite the less than flattering position she was in. "What is it that you want, Ya'Kun? The last time we were like this, you wanted to kill me to ensure that your fake sister would not encounter any opposition from me. You wanted to use my name to rally support for your claim to our father's throne."
"HE IS NO LONGER MY FATHER!" The eldest brother screamed, displaying but a fraction of the rage that stirred within him. "He is no more my father than he is yours. We are both without a family or a home of our own."
Ya'Han was ready to refute her brother's claim. Unlike him, she had found a new home, a new family and even a purpose. Her life had drastically changed from what it was meant to be, so much so that she now found herself on opposite sides to that of her brother in regards to their father. It was true that the youngest daughter's dislike of her father was still very strong, but she had come to terms with the person he was and the things he had done to her, both directly and indirectly. This was clearly not the case for her brother but pointing this out right now would only make a bad situation worse.
"You wanted me here, why?" Ya'Han asked. "I can only imagine that you went through a lot of trouble to have me brought here, but why? What is it that you want with me, aside from enjoying watching me be your prisoner like this."
"Do I need a reason?" Ya'Kun snarled back. "I am the eldest, you are the youngest, that alone is enough. I was meant to be the next great ruler of our world and people while you were meant to be nothing more than a plaything for one of our father's business associates. Whatever reason or reasons I might have are for me to know. The life that you have come to know will end, just not by my hand."
=/\= Sir, your presence is requested. =/\=
The respectful and clearly feminine voice made Ya'Kun cringe hinting to the brother's sentiments of the person who had spoken. Instead of leaving the cell, the eldest brother stepped in and approached his restrained sister, grabbing a handful of her still purple hair before speaking. "You were meant to be nothing and that is exactly what you will end up being. Nothing!"
=/\= NOW! =/\= The same disembodied voice was heard, this time coming across as far more demanding and commanding than before.
"Goodbye, *sister*," Ya'Kun hissed as he let go of his sister's hair so that he could slap her with force. "You are nothing and will be less than that soon."
Warding off the stinging pain of her cheek and while tasting her own blood in her mouth, Ya'Han watched her brother exit the cell leaving her once again alone wondering what was happening and what he meant by her soon becoming less than she was.
Setting: KANTARE, Prison Complex, Corridor
Stardate: 35278.0355
Jayson had made it through two more checkpoints to make it this far, again without any incidents. The Operations Officer made a mental note to thank both Maya and Satella for their amazing work once he would be back on the ship, although he was not sure how they had managed to have his blood pass the earlier test. Whatever they had done, it had permitted him to make it this far, now the next step was to reach the control center and locate Cagal and Ya'Han. Once that was done, all they needed to do was to head to the ventilation chamber and hope that Sonja had figured out a way to reach them using the ANUBIS' transporter system.
The prison administrator stood in front of the door upon which a small metal plate could be found, the engraved inscription on it identified the room beyond as his goal and destination, the control center. Jayson drew a long deep breath before reaching for the hand-print recognition scanner, not because he feared this latest identity verification but rather because he was concerned as to who or what he might find on the other side of the door.
As the door slid open and he stepped into the room, Stark was relieved to find that there was no one there. No guards confirming the identity of those coming in and no technicians on duty watching over the numerous screens lining the far wall. This, he believed, would make his task of finding the two inmates that much simpler. Granted, it would have been easier had someone been there for him to ask as to the location of the two individuals, but it might have come across as suspicious to have the prison administrator inquire as to the whereabouts of his most recent acquisition.
It did not take long for the undercover officer to locate the two people he was here for, and as soon as he took note of their location Jayson exited the control center and made his way to his first target.
Setting: USS ANUBIS, Main Engineering
Stardate: 35278.0400
"How are you doing?" Shar'El inquired of the redhead engineer who was busy with what appeared to be some very complex calculations displayed over three screens.
"I would be doing better if people would stop interrupting my work," the Chief Engineer snapped. "First it was Ani, then it was Adriana, and now you. What is this, the annual meeting of the 'let's see how far we can push Sonja' chapter?" Taking a moment to address this latest interruption, Paquette turned to look at Shar'El. "Listen, I am trying to get a transporter beam to reflect off one of the deep exploration satellites to reach the KANTARE orbital communication network. From there, that beam will need to be perfectly aimed to fit into a literal pinhole before it needs to pass through a dispersion field intact. Once that's accomplished, that same beam will need to be bounced a few dozen times to reach the prison complex's ventilation chamber located at the lowest possible level because that blasted architect figured it would not be safe to have those air vents follow a straight line down. Adding to this the fact that I will have no opportunity to test any of this because beaming something down might actually warn someone as to what we are trying to do, so tell me, how am *I* doing?"
The Commander smiled. She knew that this tirade was not directed at her specifically. Sonja was under a great deal of stress, they all were. "All right, I will let you work, but I know that Jayson and the others are in good hands. I would not trust anyone else with doing this level of impossibility."
The redhead engineer dismissed the Commander with a wave of her hand as she turned back to her calculations. "The term impossible only identifies something that we have not yet figured out how to do. Getting our people back is not an *impossibility*, it is just a massive pain in my ample aft section. So, one way or another, we will be ready to bring them back, even if I have to drill a hole for the transporter beam to use instead of that infernal air vent."
Setting: KANTARE, Prison Complex, Corridor
Stardate: 35278.0410
To say that the prison complex was huge would be a grave understatement. A single of the octagon sections would have been considered large, but to have eight such structures all linked by one central control unit made navigating through this maze a challenge on its own. Thanks to the plans obtained from the architect by the first away team though, this task was made a great deal easier allowing Jayson to reach the cell he needed without any undue delays.
As soon as the solid metal cell door was opened, Stark noticed the woman with shaggy purple hair hanging by her wrists on the far wall. He quickly rushed to her side, fearing the worse. "Ya'Han, are you alright?"
"Jayson?" The Chief of Security mumbled as the voice she knew all too well did not match the face she was looking at. "Is that you?"
"What have they done to you? No, don't answer that, we do not have the time. I need to get you out of her and somewhere safe while I fetch Cagal. Once that is done, we will be able to make our escape from here," Jayson helped Ya'Han down to the floor after releasing her wrists from the shackles keeping her there. "Take a moment to rest, I will be back for you."
"NO!" The Chief of Security said as her hair changed from purple to red. "I'm all right and certainly well enough to follow you. If timing is so crucial, you cannot afford to waste time coming back for me. We should stay together."
Jayson knew better than to fight with Ya'Han, even if the battle was only a verbal one, but the Chief of Operations could not help but wonder if there was not another reason behind the woman's absolute assistance. As she had pointed out though, time was of the utmost importance, so he agreed and quickly helped her back to her feet, not daring to question the visible bruise on her face.
Setting: KANTARE, Prison Complex, Control Center
Stardate: 35278.0420
"Why are we back here?" Ya'Kun demanded. "I thought you said that we were finally going to see some action."
"We are," the mysterious woman said. "We can see everything from here," she further explained. "Look, your lovely sister had been rescued by her boyfriend."
"That man is not Jayson Stark, he's the prison administrator," the Nylaan man pointed out as if he was being treated like an imbecile.
"Not according to the blood sample that was taken from him," the woman countered. "He's one of Morningstar's men, and judging by his reaction when he saw your sister, there can only be one explanation. Now, be quiet and watch, you might actually get to learn something."
Setting: KANTARE, Prison Complex, Corridor
Stardate: 35278.0425
Jayson felt invigorated as he walked next to Ya'Han. It was easy to see that she had suffered a great deal and yet she was the one setting the pace. Each time the duo ran into a guard, the Nylaan would fall behind and take a submissive posture, providing a sight that no one dared to question. Jayson had not needed to explain any of this to the Chief of Security, the tactically trained officer having figured this particular dynamic long before Jayson's rescue.
"Cagal should be in the third cell to our left," Jayson announced in a whispered tone sending Ya'Han to rush ahead to secure the area.
"He's in there alone," the red-haired Chief of Security announced having looked inside through the old-fashioned barred cell door.
"Who are you?" Cagal demanded, not recognizing the woman looking at him from the other side of the bars.
"We are here to rescue you," Jayson announced as he came into view. "Your friend Xana Bonviva sent us."
"Xana?" The man exclaimed, visibly puzzled by the fact that this news had come to him by none other than the prison administrator. "How do *you* know her and why would you help her get me out of here?"
"This is not my face," the undercover officer explained. "My name is Jayson Stark, I am the Chief of Operations aboard the USS ANUBIS, and Intel cruiser currently in orbit," as he said this the fake prison administrator used his handprint to unlock the door which Ya'Han quickly swung open. "We have to make it to the easternmost ventilation chamber, once there we will be able to beam out of her."
"No one can beam out of this place," Cagal stated with certainty. "That's impossible."
Ya'Han grinned. "You don't know Sonja, nothing is impossible for that woman. Now, less talking and more walking, we have to get there before anyone notices that we are missing." Having a choice between staying in his cell or following the two would-be rescuers, Cagal wasted no time in following the couple to wherever they would lead him.
Setting: KANTARE, Prison Complex, Control Center
Stardate: 35278.0428
After receiving a memory chip from the nearby console, the mysterious woman turned to face her accomplice. "Our work is done here, time for us to leave."
"Leave?!? Why? You are just going to let them escape?" Ya'Kun was confused and upset, bordering on enraged as he stopped the woman from walking past him by taking hold of her arm.
"Do not touch me," she snarled staring at him with narrowed eyes. "Unless it is your wish to lose your hand as you did your hair. This was only the first step, and now that we have what we need, the rest will come to us without having to worry about anything else. I told you that you would need to be patient, but you have nothing to fret," she said showing the memory chip to the Nylaan man. "This has everything we need to achieve our objective but to do that we need to not be here when the real prison administrator returns."
Although visibly displeased by the way events had unfolded, Ya'Kun decided to comply and promptly released his hold on the woman allowing her to leave with him following closely behind.
Setting: KANTARE, Prison Complex, Ventilation Chamber
Stardate: 35278.0435
"Here we are," Jayson announced. "Just stand in that corner, if Sonja managed to get things set-up, the ANUBIS will be able to engage the transporters and beam us out."
"Are you people completely crazy?" Cagal demanded, refusing to take another step forward. "You claim to have been sent here by Xana to rescue me, and this is your way out? I think it is far more likely that this is a trap set by you to force me into saying something," he added pointing an accusatory finger at the man he believed to be the prison administrator.
Stark sighed as he removed the mask from his face. "I am not the prison administrator. As I said before, my name is Jayson Stark, and unless you intend to spend the rest of your days here, I suggest you do as I said." Noticing that the fiery redhead was doing exactly that, Cagal decided to follow suit and just as the three of them came to stand in the specified corner a loud alarm began to ring.
"Looks like they figured out that we are no longer in our respective cells," Ya'Han said.
"We need to run," Cagal added. "We are in a corner with nowhere to go. We might as well be trapped rats."
"This is our best option to escape," Jayson said holding the man in place. Looking up at the very small grid overhead, the Operations Officer reached for his subdermal communicator and gently tapped it to activate it. "We are ready."
As the transport sequence began to envelop the three individuals, a smile flashed over Ya'Han's lips. "Thank you, Sonja," she whispered as the three of them vanished long before any of the prison guards could find them.
Setting: USS ANUBIS, Transporter Room 1
Stardate: 35278.0440
Lt. Commander Maya was at the transporter controls just in case her expertise was called upon during this most unorthodox transport sequence.
"Transport Room 1 to Main Engineering, the signal strength is dropping, can you boost the confinement?"
=/\= Boost the confinement! Are you kidding me? This thing is as confined as it gets, there is nothing more I can do. =/\= The Chief Engineer explained. =/\= I'm giving it she's got Captain... well, Science person. =/\=
"The patterns are showing an 8% degradation," Doctor Bruxa announced from the back-up control station. "We need to bring them aboard before the patterns are at less than 85%."
"Maya to Sonja, can we redirect the transporter signal to one of the primary communication satellites in orbit around KANTARE? Once there, the three signals could be stored in the satellite's data buffers. We could then move the ANUBIS to be in a direct line of sight and retrieve the stored signals. That should allow us to regain full signal strength and counter any degradation."
=/\= And they call *me* crazy, =/\= Sonja unhappily sighed. =/\= Fine, we'll do it your way, but I am not going to be the one to tell the Captain that we need to bright the ship out from behind the moon to accomplish this. =/\=
Setting: USS ANUBIS, Bridge
Stardate: 35278.0442
"Maya is having problems maintaining the transporter signal strength," Commander Shar'El reported. "We need to move the ANUBIS out from behind the moon so that we can establish a line-of-sight with the satellite in which the patterns are being stored in."
"Can the satellite hold that much data?" The Native American Captain asked, questioning the validity of the suggested plan.
"I think it is too late to wonder about that now," Shar'El stated. "The transporter beams have already been diverted. Either we move and try to retrieve them, or we get to test just how good a memory capacity the KANTARE communication satellites have."
"Helm, move the ship into a line of sight of the satellite being used. Commander, Inform Maya and Sonja that the ship is moving as requested. Let's bring our people home."
The next few seconds passed in near-complete silence as the ship emerged from its hiding place behind the moon. Although it was still under the protection of its Ablative-Clocking Armour, the odds of the ship's silhouette being detected would greatly increase. Hopefully, they would be able to complete the transport sequence before anyone looked in their general vicinity.
=/\= Transporter Room 1 to Bridge, =/\= Maya began, the pause in her voice cause everyone who heard it to hold their breath in fear of what she would say next. =/\= We have them. Doctor Bruxa is giving all three a quick medical exam before they are to report to Sickbay for a more in-depth examination. The mission was a success. =/\=
Francois Charette
Commanding Officer
Robotics Engineering Officer