Family Information:
* Grandfather: Claude Paquette, age 77
Occupation: Retired Starfleet Engineering Officer
* Grandmother: Sarah Paquette, age 75
Occupation: Retired Starfleet Science Officer
* Father: Eugene Paquette, age 52
Occupation: Starfleet Engineering Officer
* Mother: Claire Paquette, age 48
Occupation: Starfleet Medical Officer
* Brother: Steven Paquette, age 25
Occupation: Starfleet Security Officer
* Sister: Tiffany Paquette, Age 22
Occupation: Freelance geologist / archeologist / explorer
Extended Family:
Personal Information:
Favourite Drink: Risian Tea for leasure, chech'tluth for party
Preferred Food: Pretty much anything spicy
Hobbies & Interests: Reading old paper books, learning more about history
Goals: To make her parents proud
Additional notes: You never know what will come out of her mouth. Can swear like an old time sailor and drink one under the table (yes, Klingons too).
Starfleet History:
(24)25005.1 - Entered Starfleet Academy
(24)28355.1 - Graduated from Starfleet Academy
(24)29014.1 - Entered Senior Officer Training
(24)29355.1 - Completed Senior Officer Training & promoted to Ensign
(24)29356.1 - Assigned to STARBASE 141
(24)29358.1 - Save the crew of the Runabout she had been on, heading to STARBASE 141
(24)29361.1 - Received a field promotion to Lieutenant Junior Grade from Commander McTavish for bravery under presure
(24)30062.1 - Reassigned to USS ANUBIS as CEO
(24)31294.1 - Promoted to Lieutenant by Captain Morningstar
(24)34020.1 - Promoted to Lieutenant Commander by Captain Morningstar
Personal History:
Played by: Lorraine Paquette
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