Family Information:
* Brother: Nathan Andersson, age 30, Terran
Occupation: Civilian Doctor
* Sister: Natasha Andersson, age 28, Terran
Occupation: Starfleet Nurse
Extended Family:
Personal Information:
Favourite Drink: Peach soda
Preferred Food: Vegetarian Pasta
Hobbies & Interests: Exobiology and painting
Goals: Following the events that led to the death of 28 million citizens of Paris, EARTH, Sofia's only ambition is to make amends and prove herself to both her family and Starfleet
Personal History:
Born into a family of medical workers, Sofia had little choice but to follow in the path set before her. As the youngest of three children, she quickly found it difficult to meet everyone's expectations and soon feel pray to the ideals of Richard Edgerton and the Neo-Essentialist. Following the defeat of the group of extremists, Sofia was sentenced to prison, starting with a stay at the Versaille detention center where she would help with the cleaning efforts of Paris.
After having proven herself and helped with the discovery made by some members of the crew of the USS ANUBIS, Sofia was granted a pardon and assigned to the USS PHOENIX. Several months into her tour of duty, she was abducted by Romulan agents and later presumed dead as the operative installed to replace her was killed by a dimensional creature. She would be rescued, along with Nicole Dima, the CNS of the USS ANUBIS by the crew of the BASTET after both Ensigns found themselves captives of the Romulans.
Played by: Tiffany Reeves
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