Starfleet History:
(24)10005.1 - Entered Starfleet Academy
(24)14338.1 - Graduated Starfleet Academy
(24)15006.1 - Entered Senior Officer Training
(24)15285.1 - Completed Senior Officer Training & promoted to Ensign
(24)16022.1 - Assigned to the USS GALLANT as aSec/Tac in charge of Ambassorial security
(24)17039.1 - Forced to return to CAIT to help his brother
(24)17072.1 - Joined the CAIT security force in order to keep a closer watch on his brother
(24)21279.1 - Following another disagreement with his brother, left CAIT
(24)21280.1 - Hired as Chief of Security on the SWIFTPAW, a privately owned and operated cargo ship
(24)23144.1 - Stranded on EARTH following the Captain of the SWIFTPAW's conviction on accusations of illegal activities
(24)23205.1 - Rejoined Starfleet having been cleared of any wrong doing in his former Captain's illegal activities
(24)23207.1 - Assigned to STARBASE EPSILON 22 as part of the security detail
(24)24241.1 - Reassigned to the USS NORTHSTAR as aSec/Tac
(24)27114.1 - Took part in a mission to rescue the kidnapped daughter of a high ranking diplomat, lost his left eye during the mission
(24)27118.1 - Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade
(24)28038.1 - Recruited by Admiral Koniki to join NEW ALEXANDRIA
(24)28040.1 - Began a two-year training while on NEW ALEXANDRIA to improve his skills
(24)30055.1 - Reassigned to the USS CLEOPATRA as Sec/Tac
(24)33251.1 - Assigned to the diplomatic security detail on KZINTI ALPHA
(24)34063.1 - Following a Lokustaar led assault, saved the Grand Duke, the only surviving member of the ruling government
(24)34170.1 - Assigned to the USS BASTET as FCO
Personal History:
From a young age, A'Janni wanted to physically distingush himself while his brother wanted to do the same but mentally. This resulted in increasing disagreements and arguments between them as they grew older. At the age of 28, A'Janni was forced to leave Starfleet and return to CAIT in order to help his brother who had become involved which questionable political elements. For almost 5 years, A'Janni remained by his brother's side to make sure that he would be safe, but eventually the arguments became too much for him to take and he left, not only his brother but CAIT joining the crew of the SWIFTPAW. After almost 2 years of serving on that vessel, A'Janni found himself stranded on EARTH thanks to his Captain having been found guilty of illegal activities and all of his possession seized. As a former Starfleet officer, A'Janni requested help from the JAG office and was eventually cleared of any wrong doing allowing him to rejoin Starfleet.
Following a mission during which he helped to save the kidnapped daughter of a high ranking diplomat, A'Janni was recruted by Admiral Koniki to join the NEW ALEXANDRIA project where he took part in an intensive training program for the next two years. After this, he joined the crew of the USS CLEOPATRA and was later reassigned to help provide securitu to the governing body of RIGEL V, Admiral Koniki suspecting that something dark was about to take place there. As expected, a few months later, a coup that killed everyone in power occured, A'Janni managing to save a single member of the government, Grand Duke Onerkaj.
Played by: Jayson Sousa