Family Information:
* Sister: Drelna Bruxa, age 26, Mikulak
Occupation: Hematologist, Infectiologist
Extended Family:
Personal Information:
Favourite Drink: Terran White Wine
Preferred Food: Mikulak Vegetable Stew
Hobbies & Interests: Playing violin, reading medical journals from other worlds
Goals: To visit new worlds and help as many people as possible
Personal History:
With her entire family working in the field of medicine, it had not been unexpected to see Satella do the same, the only difference being that she wished to do so as a member of Starfleet. As advanced as her race might have been in the field of medicine, their space program was gravely lacking and since she had wanted to see other worlds for as long as she could remember, Starfleet was the only way to reach her goal.
With the blessing of her entire family, Satella enrolled in Starfleet and graduated figuratively never having taking her eyes off her goal, or the stars visible in the night’s sky over the Academy.
Played by: Rachel Johnson
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