

LT JG Zub Enel   

(Picture - from Star Trek Voyager)
Gender: Male
Race: Voth
Age: 32 Terran Years
Date of Birth: (2402) SD: 02321.0
Place of Birth: Elkhiffa Hatchery, FARPOINT STATION, DENEB IV
* General: Zub Enel has a short torso and long legs like a reptilian beach ball on stilts. His mocha brown scales sprout downy feathers that stir like he is standing in a breeze. This fluttering and subtle scale color changes betray his moods – of which he has many and feels deeply.
* Height: 7 feet or 213 cm
* Weight: 250 lbs (113 kg)
* Eyes: Gold irises, round black pupils that, like Humans, are highly reactive to light and emotion.
* Hair: Voth have no hair per se but are covered with a fine down the same color as their scales. This down prickles like human neck hair when a Voth is frightened or in a high emotional state.
* Academy Major: Security (Anti-Terrorist Tactics)
* Academy Minor: Tactical (Starship Weapons)

Additional Training:
* Zub Enel understands the tactical and strategic advantages of intelligence gathering. He studies counterintelligence techniques and tries to keep up-to-date on intelligence gathering tools, though by their nature, new tools are rarely available for training.)
Family Information:

* Father: Zub Enes, 123, Voth
Occupation: Warp Core Specialist
* Mother: Gen Ubi, 119, Voth
Occupation: Oceanographer

* Hak Rabi, 32, Bartender
* Sha Mali, 32, Materials Artist



Extended Family:

Personal Information:
Favourite Drink: Allakas malt
Preferred Food: Any fresh vegetables or flying insects
Hobbies & Interests: Botany, brewing and martial arts

Personal: Always get back up.
Professional: Protect crew, ship, and planet – if need be – but never evil about it.
Awards and Service Ribbons

(24)21002.1 - Entered Starfleet Academy
(24)25157.1 - Graduated Starfleet Academy
(24)25259.1 - Entered Senior Officer Training
(24)26160.1 - Completed Senior Officer Training & promoted to Ensign
(24)26234.1 - Assigned to the USS HERMES as member of ad hoc security details
(24)28207.1 - Reassigned on the USS HERMES to Security Away Teams squad leader
(24)30262.1 - Reassigned to the USS UBERLAND as aSec/Tac
(24)35005.1 - Reassigned to the USS BASTET as Sec/Tac
(24)37012.1 - Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grace

Personal History:
Zub Enel was the first to hatch. Even though his 16 nestmates emerged the same day, and despite scientific proof to the contrary, his parents retained Voth beliefs in the primacy of birth order. They were harder on him and held him to higher standards. While succeeding at school and sports, he was expected to put his siblings before his own needs. His success at academics and athletics have held him in good stead during his Starfleet career. Yet, emotions strengthened by decades of suppression threaten to burst forth. As a counselor would say, “He’s got work to be done.”

Played by: David M Inverso
Understanding Zub Enel
Zub Enel is a tank, a leathery tank with a big heart.

His true nature is to protect and serve. Protect those around him. Serve the Federation or any organization with justice as a core value.

As the oldest nestmate, Zub was expected to look after and protect his 16 siblings, which grew ever more difficult as he and they grew up. Voth males naturally want to leave the nest and find new situations in life. Independence starts early, even when they are too young to make anything of themselves. Voth females tend to form female clans and become so insular they ask for nothing from anyone, especially males. Clans, too, start sooner than survivability allows.

Zub spent most of his youth scampering after his wayward brothers and ensuring his sisters had adequate food and everything they needed. There were rafts of opportunities to fend off interloping males intent on finding mates among his sisters. Many a physical fight ensued once he located a missing brother. Sometimes, the brother’s new mates joined the battle. As a result, Zub Enel learned how to fight and win.

At 7-foot-tall, covered with scales, and sporting a massive head crest, Zub is naturally intimidating. He learned early he could stop fights simply by maintaining steady eye contact and not smiling. As a youth, he enjoyed such intimidation. As he got older, he grew to see intimidation as part of the bedrock of society – simultaneously good and evil. In his experience, no society flourished if it couldn’t protect itself from someone who wanted it all or power over it. And there was always someone. Deep down, he dislikes having to fight. Yet, he knows he must fight and win when there is no avoiding it. So, he drills and practices constantly, always ready.

Since joining Starfleet, Zub Enel has enjoyed being part of an organization genuinely tasked to keep peace among the galaxy’s myriad planets. He is happy to fight the enemies of the Federation because he sees himself on the side of protecting the common good of an entire galaxy. It does not matter that there are enemies everywhere. He’s ready for them.

Ah, what of love? Would Cupid survive firing an arrow at Zub’s heart? That remains to be seen. Zub Enel genuinely cares about the people around him. He will work hard to ease their suffering. He’ll protect anyone who doesn’t deserve a smack upside the head. He wants people to abide and does his best to help that happen.

Does this musclebound heap of gristle have a weakness? If he is still and looks deep down inside, he sees a child sitting with his knees up to his chin, pouting. This child wants to do what *he* wants, but he can’t. He has too many responsibilities. Too many people are counting on him. He must come through for others. Always. If you ask Zub Enel what he wants to do, he has no answer. No one has ever asked.

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