Scarab-Class Specialized Nebula-Class Starship Technical Specifications
Starfleet Engineering, SB4, Orbiting Mars
Modified Version
Class: Scarab / Specialized Nebula
Type: Intelligence Gathering / Infiltration / First Contact
Length: 442 m
Width: 318 m
Height: 130 m
Decks: 29 (Main Hull), 5 Array Section
Number in Service: 4
USS SCARAB, NX 18500 (prototype, not for general service)
Total: 785
Crew/Officers: 645
Marines: 50
Civilians: 90
Warp Propulsion System (WPS):
-Type: Static Warp/Transwarp
Impulse Propulsion System (IPS):
-Type: Omni-directional Sub-Light
Warp Speeds:
-Standard Cruise Speed: Warp 7.5
-Maximum Cruise Speed: Warp 9.999984
-Maximum Sustainable Speed: Warp 9.999999988
-Maximum Emergency Speed: Warp 9.999999998
Transwarp Speeds:
-Standard Cruise Speed: Warp 12 (Transwarp 3)
-Maximum Cruise Speed: Warp 16.975 (Transwarp 7.975)
-Maximum Sustainable Speed: Warp 16.9975 (Transwarp 7.9975)
-Maximum Emergency Speed: Warp 16.999982 (Transwarp 7.999982)
Phaser System:
-Type: Mark XIII
* Total: 6 banks
* Maximum Effective Range: 500,000 km
Pulse Cannon System:
-Type: Mark VI
* Total: 4 banks
* Direct line of sight firing arc
* Maximum Effective Range: 300,000 km
Quantum / Tri-Phasic Torpedo System:
-Type: Marx XI Seeking/Direct
* Total: 3 tubes
* 2 fore, 1 aft
* Maximum Effective Range: 4,700,000 km
Deflector Shield System:
-Type: Mark XII Multiphasic / Metaphasic Shielding (Nested)
Additional Systems:
-Bio-Regenerative Hull Matrix
*Type: Mark V
-Ablative Armour Generators (x124)
*Type: Mark IV
-Energy Dispersal Countermeasures
*Type: Mark II
-Personnel Transporters: 8
-Emergency Transporters: 7
-Cargo Transporters: 5
-Main: 6
-Simulation Chambers: 2
-Personal: 8
-Main Processors:
* Type: Mark XV
-Total: 2
-Dedicated Sub-Processors:
* Type: Mark IX
-Total: 7
* Main Bridge (Deck 1)
* Intelligence Gathering Centre / IGC (ARRAY Deck)
* Sickbay (Deck 7)
* Stellar Cartography (Deck 13)
* Holodecks 3-6 (Deck 16)
* Main Engineering (Deck 22)
* Environmental Control (Deck 28)
Shuttle Bays:
-Total: 3
* 3 aft
Embarked Craft:
-Euphrates-class Runabouts: 2
-Type 6 Personnel Shuttles: 4
-Type 9a Cargo Shuttles: 2
-Specialized crafts: 7
* Viper-Class interceptors: 3
* Locus-Class land rovers: 2
* Barracuda-Class Underwater / stealth mobile command unit: 1
* Sphinx-Class Land mobile command unit: 1
Additional Notes:
- Showers: Although sonic showers are standard fixtures on all Federation starships, Senior Officers on board Scarab-Class Cruisers such as the USS ANUBIS have access to both water and sonic showers. This feature was part of the initial design concept from Admiral C. Koniki, claiming that this would help keep the Senior Officer's morale up during extended undercover missions. No actual water containment systems are used, so the water is "replicated" at the mouth of the shower head (at whatever temperature has been requested) and immediately recycled upon doing into the "drain". This insures that no wastes are created and that the energy expenditure is kept to a strict minimum.
- Holodecks: To help in times of extreme needs, or in the case of a catastrophic system's failure, Holodecks 3, 4, 5 & 6 on board all Scarab-Class Cruisers have an independent power supply and computer processor, allowing them to function even when main power and/or the main computer is down. This was designed to permit the creation of specialized areas, such as additional Sickbays to assist should such areas be inaccessible or unable to operate as intended for whatever reason.
(Decks on the ARRAY SECTION are restricted to authorized personnel only)
Deck A-1
-Primary Planetary Sensor Array (directly linked to the IGC and Holo-Simulation Chambers)
-Phaser Array (2 Banks)
-Ablative Armour Generators
Deck A-2
-Pulse Phaser Cannons (4 Banks)
-Docking Ports (x2- 1 Port, 1 Starboard)
-Sensor Deflector Generators
Deck A-3
-Forward Probe Launch Bay
-Interceptor Launch Bay
-Interceptor Launch corridors (x3)
-Interceptor Landing Bay
-Line-of-sight Long Range Forward Sensor Array
Deck A-4
-Intelligence Gathering Centre (AKA the IGC)
-Temporary Quarters
-Auxiliary Computer Sub-Processor
-Escape Pods
Deck A-5
-Holographic Simulation Chambers 1 & 2
-Cargo Bays 1-2
1: BRIDGE, Observation Lounge, CO and ExO Ready Rooms, Escape Pods
2: Senior Officer's Quarters, Escape Pods, Emergency Transporter
3: Aux. Stellar Cartography, FCO OFFICE, SOO OFFICE, Transporter Room 1&2
4: Shuttle Bay 1 & 2, Shuttlecraft Maintenance, Cargo Bays 3-4, Cargo Transporter 1, Airlocks (x4- 1 Port Aft, 1 Port Fwd, 1 Starb. Aft, 1 Starb. Fwd)
5: Junior Officer's Quarters, Escape Pods, Emergency Transporter, Personal Holodeck 1&2
6: Phaser Array (Upper 2 Banks), Crew Quarters, Emergency Transporter, Personal Holodeck 3&4
7: MAIN SICKBAY, Medical and Exo-Biology Labs, Morgue, Counselling Department, Special / Quarantine Quarters, Transporter Room 3&4
8: SECURITY CENTER, Main Weapons Locker, Phaser Range, Crew Quarters, Escape Pods, Lateral Docking Ports (x2- 1 Port, 1 Starboard)
9: Aft Quantum Torpedo Launcher, Lateral Sensor Control, Crew Quarters, Escape Pods, Main Holodeck 1&2, Cargo Bays 5-8, Cargo Transporter 2
10: Phaser Array (Lower 2 Banks), Main Sensor Control, Operations Surveillance Centre
11: Forward Quantum Torpedo Launcher, General-Use Science Labs, Botanical Labs, Arboretum, Emergency Transporter
12: Impulse Engines, Quantum Physics Labs, Planetary Studies Labs, Astrometrics, Astrophysics, Forensics Lab, Transporter Room 5&6
13: Crew Quarters, Crew Gymnasium, Main Stellar Cartography (5 decks high), Personal Holodeck 5&6, Escape Pods
14: Auxiliary Sickbay, Microbiology Labs, Zoology Labs, Bio Chemistry Labs, Quarantine Area, Tansporter Room 7&8
15: Crew Quarters, Crew Lounge (Upper Level), Escape Pods
16: 'BLACK HOLE' (Crew Lounge, Main level), Main Holodeck 3-6, Emergency Transporter
17: Deuterium Storage Tank, Cargo Bays 9-10 (Large), Cargo Transporter 3, Crew Quarters, Phaser Arrays (Lateral 2 Banks), Escape Pods
18: Aux. Lateral Sensor Control, Aux. Shield Control Station, Cargo Bays 11-14, Cargo Transporter 4
19: BRIG, Aux. Security Office, Isolation Rooms
20: Marine quarters, Marine mess hall and training facilities, Emergency Transporter, Airlock (x2- 1 Port, 1 Starboard)
21: Engineering (Upper level), Main Computer Core (Upper level), Cybernetics / Robotics Lab
22: MAIN ENGINEERING, Main Computer Core (Lower Level), Shuttle Bay 3, Escape Pods
23: Engineering (Lower Level), Emergency Transporter, Lateral Docking Ports (x2- 1 Port, 1 Starboard)
24: Navigational Main Deflector Control Room, Astrogation Lab
25: Auxiliary fusion power generator, Fusion generator cooling system
26: Variable Environment Cargo Bays 15-16, Cargo Transporter 5
27: Antimatter Containment Pods, Engineering Work Stations
28: Low Gravity Storage Area, Waste Management, Environmental Controls
29: Specialized craft storage area, Ventral Access Bay, Escape Pods
Cargo Bays: Decks A-5, (#1-2), 4 (#3-4), 9 (#5-8), 17 (#9-10), 18 (#11-14), 26 (#15-16)
Escape Pods: Decks A-4, 1, 2, 5, 8, 9, 13, 15, 17, 22, 29
Main Holodecks: Decks 9 (#1&2), 15 (#3-6)
Personal Holodecks: Decks 5 (#1&2), 6 (#3&4), 13 (#5&6)
Transporters, Cargo: Decks 4, 9, 17, 18, 26
Transporters, Crew: Decks 3 (#1&2), 7 (#3-4), 12 (#5&6), 14 (#7&8)
Transporters, Emergency: Decks 2, 5, 6, 11, 16, 20, 23
-Danube-class Runabouts:

USS RA -> Reserved for the exclusive use of Captain Erik Morningstar
-Type 6 Personnel Shuttles:

The SCARAB-Class is a specialized Nebula-class starship that was commissioned by SFI, its primary mission profile being long range Intelligence gathering, an area that the Federation has found itself lacking in the last few years. The SCARAB-class was designed to be completely self-sustaining, allowing it to achieve mission objective without having to rely on the proximity of a starbase or support vessels.
Although built with an impressive offensive and defensive weapons' array, the SCARAB-Class is primarily designed to avoid detection and escape with the least amount of damage. Sensor blocking fields and ablative armour are only two of the ways this is achieved. Should more serious problems be encountered, the SCARAB-class is more than capable of defending itself without relying on backup or assistance, which would be more than likely, unable to reach them in time.
On the outside the SCARAB-Class vessels appears like any other Nebula-Class starship with the exception of the naming system. The Egyptian Deity names used for the three vessels identify them, to those who know what to look for, as the Intel ship they are. Dampening fields are present all over the ship in order to mask its power signature, which would identify it as being heavier and more powerful than a standard Nebula-Class cruiser.
Holographic Simulation Chambers:
Directly based on standard holodeck technology, the simulation chambers are designed to provide any infiltration team with a perfect replica of the area they will be faced with. Directly linked to the planetary sensor array, the simulation chambers have the ability to provide a life-size training area with real-time feed from the sensors, thus allowing the training group to interact with events as they are picked up by the sensors. Of course the simulation is limited to exterior scenarios only, but the ability to train in a perfect replica of a target zone far outweighs any limitations this system might have at this time. The chambers are set to be much larger than a standard holodeck to as to free up the computer's power to deal with moving variable instead of adapting the simulation to the movements of the training group. A 2500 meter squared area can be reproduced in each of the chambers, allowing up to 2 groups to train simultaneously on the same or different scenarios.
Pulse Cannon System:
These were added to the SCARAB-Class' arsenal to provide the vessel with the ability to overwhelm and destroy blockades that might be placed in its path during a retreat. Specially modulated so as to not be identified as being of Federation origin, the four pulse canons have one major setback... that of being immovable, firing in a direct line along the ship's X-Axis.
Bio-Regenerative Hull Matrix:
Adapted with a biological agent that reduces the effectiveness of outside sensors, the Bio-Regenerative Hull Matrix allows the SCARAB-Class to self repair minor damages to its hull while at the same time provide a basic protection from external scans.
Ablative Armour Generators:
The key system of the SCARAB-Class vessel is the Ablative Armour or Ablative Cloak as SFI engineers who developed it have referred it to. The armour is designed to offer the vessel the means to enter planetary systems without being detected, the armour possessing sensor-deflecting properties. In addition to this, the armour was given a pitch-black colour to allow the ship to be less visible to direct observers. This would in theory enable a SCARAB-Class vessel to remain undetected while in orbit, being invisible to radars / sensors and appearing as a black shape to an observer.
The advantage of this system is that no ion displacement is created, as per a Romulan or Klingon cloaking device, but the obvious draw back is that the ship would be easily noticeable should the observer be within a few hundred kilometres, the vessel effectively hiding anything that would be behind it from the observer's point of view.
Energy Dispersal Countermeasures:
Used in addition to the standard shields, this system is designed to force the dispersion of any energy directed towards the ship before actually impacting against the ship's defensive screens or ablative armour. In the majority of cases this system greatly reduces the power of an energy weapon. The EDC has an added advantage of disrupting external sensor locks making the SCARAB-Class vessel that much harder to be found by general sensor sweeps and by directed targeted weapon systems.
In order to facilitate the work of the away team, and considering that the resources of the ship may not always be available, the SCARAB-Class has been equipped with four types of special crafts to assist in the achievement of all mission objectives.
Viper-Class interceptor:
These two-man fighters have been designed to operate both as atmospheric fighters and orbital escorts. Limited in range, the Viper-Class interceptor are meant to provide air support to ground troops or to reach areas where the SCARAB-Class cannot go. In order to avoid being recognized as of Federation origin, the fighters were given a very distinct appearance, very different from what is usually encountered within the Federation and its allies. Even the flight interface was altered, using old style "joystick" control systems along side a direct mind-to-computer interface allowing the ship to respond to its pilot's thoughts.
Like the ANUBIS, the Viper-Class Interceptors have been equipped with a bio-regenerative hull matrix. Although much weaker than that of the SCARAB-Class Cruiser, the hull matrix for the interceptors possesses an additional ability, that of changing colour as needed. This allows the small craft to blend in far better in its environment, allowing it to go from pitch black for night-time flights to sky-blue for day-time.

Locus-Class Land Rover:
These three-passenger large four-wheel drive personnel carries are designed to provide an away team with the means to travel swiftly from one location to another without having to rely on the vessel's transporter which might give away their position as well as the ship's own presence. Equipped with an ultra quiet solid-state engine as well as a basic holographic camouflage system, the Locus-Class land rover is able to appear as almost anything in it's surrounding both when motionless or moving.

Barracuda-Class Underwater / Stealth Mobile Command Unit:
Designed as a basic command post, the Barracuda-class MCU offers an away team with the means to use planetary water systems as a way to hide and move. Equipped with only the basic of medical facilities and rest areas, this MCU is able to carry 1 Locus-Class land rover as well as a total of 30 Marines in addition to the standard 10 members of a Command Team. The Barracuda-Class MCU is also capable of limited flight capabilities, allowing it to travel from the ship to a planet's lakes or ocean and effect a single return trip.

Sphinx-Class Land Mobile Command Unit:
Like the Barracuda-class MCU, the Sphinx-Class MCU is designed to provide an infiltration team of up to 8 individuals with a basic base of operation while away from the ship. Equipped with the same basic holographic camouflage technology as the Locus-class rovers, the Sphinx-Class MCU possesses basic medical facilities and rest area while also offering an away team with an extensive sensors and communications monitoring system. The Sphinx-Class MCU is capable of rapid ground movement as well as limited flight capabilities, allowing it to travel from the ship to a planet's surface and effect a single return trip.

The Intel-Gathering Center (IGC) aboard the USS ANUBIS is the cutting-edge nerve center of SCARAB-CLASS Intel Cruisers, designed for unparalleled precision in surveillance, interception, and intelligence analysis. Every aspect of the IGC's design is tailored to handle the most intricate and demanding intelligence operations, making it the linchpin of any covert mission.
Physical Layout
The IGC is a multi-tiered, circular chamber featuring sleek, ergonomic designs that balance functionality and aesthetics. The center of the room houses a holographic tactical display table, which provides a dynamic, 3D visualization of gathered intelligence, including real-time planetary scans, fleet movements, or intercepted communications. Surrounding this core are workstations arranged in a semi-circle, each equipped with state-of-the-art consoles that allow operatives to specialize in areas like signal interception, sensor analysis, and cryptographic decoding.
A raised perimeter deck offers a commanding view of the operations below, reserved for senior intelligence officers who oversee the workflow and make strategic decisions. The lighting is dim, with consoles and displays emitting a soft, ambient glow, reducing glare and improving focus during extended operations.
Technology and Systems
Advanced Sensor Arrays:
Directly connected to the ship's sensor network, the IGC can monitor a vast range of electromagnetic, subspace, and tachyon-based signals across multiple frequencies.
Sensors are fine-tuned to detect cloaked vessels, monitor planetary activities, and analyze anomalies in space-time.
Communications Monitoring and Interception:
The IGC's communications suite can intercept transmissions across subspace channels, encrypted frequencies, and even low-tech analog signals.
Operatives can triangulate signal sources and identify patterns of communication for analysis.
AI-Enhanced Quantum Decrypting Systems:
At the heart of the IGC lies an AI-driven quantum computing core, capable of decrypting even the most advanced encryption protocols in moments.
The AI continually evolves, learning from intercepted data to improve future decryption efficiency.
These systems allow the IGC to intercept and understand enemy communications in real-time, providing actionable intelligence on the fly.
Data Integration and Analysis:
Incoming data streams are seamlessly integrated into the IGC's databases, analyzed using predictive algorithms and cross-referenced with Starfleet Intelligence archives.
Patterns and correlations that might elude human operatives are flagged by the AI, aiding decision-making.
Secure Communication Systems:
The IGC can transmit encrypted communications to Starfleet Command or allied vessels, ensuring mission-critical information remains secure.
A failsafe quantum encryption ensures outgoing communications are impervious to interception.
Holo-Projection and Virtual Workspaces:
Officers can use holographic interfaces to manipulate data streams, run predictive models, or simulate scenarios.
Virtual workspaces allow the IGC team to collaborate seamlessly, even with personnel on other decks or ships.
Operational Capabilities
The IGC's sensor suite enables continuous monitoring of vast regions of space, capable of detecting subtle energy signatures or covert operations.
Surveillance data is stored for later analysis or immediate action, depending on mission parameters.
Signal Interception:
Whether it’s a distress signal from deep within enemy territory or encrypted orders sent between adversary ships, the IGC ensures no signal goes unnoticed.
Operatives can track the origin, destination, and intent of intercepted communications.
The IGC is equipped with tools to deploy countermeasures, jam hostile signals, or even insert false transmissions to confuse enemy forces.
Stealth Operations Support:
During covert missions, the IGC plays a pivotal role by providing real-time intelligence updates and coordinating operations with away teams.
Personnel and Workflow
The IGC is manned by a highly trained team of technical specialists, cryptographers, and sensor operators. These individuals are handpicked for their expertise in deciphering complex data and adapting to rapidly changing scenarios. A senior intelligence officer typically coordinates operations, ensuring the team remains aligned with mission objectives.
A holographic assistant, integrated into the ship's AI, aids the team by providing real-time insights, automating routine tasks, and flagging critical intelligence.
"The price for peace is eternal vigilance."