"Cause and Effect"
Previous posts "The Man In White"
"If you were waiting for the opportune moment, that was it.”
― Captain Jack Sparrow
Setting: Unknown planet, underground structure
Stardate: 36101.1240
Whatever trance the CMO was in ended the moment the Chief of Security flew backward from her assault on the Man in White, the field protecting him pushing the flying Nylaan back with as much force as she had used to strike.
"Her leg, it's broken," Sofia said wincing, the CMO not needing any medical scanner to make a preliminary diagnosis. "We need to bring her back to our ship."
"I do not believe that will be possible, Doctor," the Native American said, glaring at the Man in White. "Do your best with what is available."
"See, that is why Koniki likes you, well at least tolerates you," the man said, his words confident to the point of tipping into arrogance. "You don't waste time trying to find some impossible solution. You accept what is and carry on."
"I have not accepted us being stuck here," Morningstar forcefully challenged. "If you know so much about us, you know that we will not stop trying to escape."
"Speaking of knowing so much," the Ambassador added, "How is it that you know them?"
"Let's just say that your *Captain" is not by any stretch of the imagination the only troubled soul Koniki recruited into his shadowy world," the Man in White said. "The only difference is that I decided not to stay and continue to be subjected to his ever-shifting moods." The man's explanation was cut short when a soft beep came from the PADD in his hand, causing him to cast his gaze upon it.
Setting: Unknown planet, a Trade Building
Stardate: 36101.1240
"Here we are," Balthier proudly announced. "Back on the surface."
"Are you sure?" Commander Mitshiba sarcastically inquired. "This place is just as dark and damp as the cave we were in."
"Maybe so," the debonair gentleman smiled, "but the merchandise here is much less dangerous than the Grogg. That is as long as all you do is look at it. Now, where are your friends?"
"The dampening field generated by the buildings is making it impossible for the tricorder to get any sort of readings," the Shillian scientist reported. "Even if we stepped out of range of this particular field, we might not be able to locate them if they are in or under another similar field."
"We have to figure out a way to locate them," Gemma softly growled. "Those Grogg that were after us will not be delayed forever. Despite all of the forks and detours we took to get here, it is only a matter of time before they find us."
"There might be a way," the Viera said, looking straight at her travel companion. "What about... Kryd?"
"Who is Kryd?" Adriana asked, the Counselor picking up on the hesitation in Fran's voice followed by Balthier's face when the name was mentioned.
"Kryd is a *what*, not a *who*," the pirate said, visibly not wanting to entertain the suggestion made by his exotic companion.
"If it will allow us to locate the Captain and the others, what are we waiting for?" A'Janni offered, the Caitian quickly siding with the Viera.
"Down kitty, down," Zub half-whispered to his friend.
"All right," Counselor Dima pressed on. "*what* is a Kryd?"
"It's a telepathic giant ooze used by the 'Seekers of All', a religious sect dedicated to the search for a universal force that binds the universe together," Balthier replied. "When one of them steps into the ooze, their mind can be taken countless light-years away. With a little control, you can focus your thoughts on a person or place. According to the sect's followers, the experience can be quite intense and enlightening."
"Giant ape-like warriors on one side, a giant telepathic ooze on the other, this place is full of surprises," Mitshiba offered in shock.
"That's just on this planet," Balthier noted. "Fine, I guess it is time for us to go for a little bit of enlightenment. Let's go."
Setting: Unknown planet, underground structure
Stardate: 36101.1245
The more the Man in White read the content of his latest message, the angrier he became until his rage could no longer be contained, leading him to throw the small handheld device across the room to crash and shatter against the far wall.
"Bad news?" Xana asked, the Bolian/Human hybrid sounding rather pleased by the man's display of emotions, which showed him to not be as in control of himself or his environment as he tried to appear to others.
"Nothing that concerns you," the Man in White snapped before walking through the wall where the Betazoid painting was.
"Well, that was unexpected," the Ambassador said wide-eyed, not having expected the man to just phase through the wall.
"How is Ya'Han?" the Native American asked of the Doctor who was attending to the injured Chief of Security as best she could.
"She's in pain and is unable to walk," Andersson reported, not sounding pleased in any way by this turn of events. "We need to get her back to the ship ASAP."
"Easier said than done I'm afraid," Erik offered with a deep sigh. "What is your take on our host?" The Captain asked of the Ambassador.
"Clearly he served under Koniki at some point, likely before I joined your crew, hence why he had no idea of who I was. The same can be said about Sofia, and the fact that he did not know anything about us also indicates that he has had no recent contact or Intel from NEW ALEXANDRIA, a lack that we might be able to use to our advantage."
"Our first priority is to get out of here and regroup with the others," Morningstar said giving the room a thorough search for anything that might aid them in this task.
Setting: Unknown planet, Temple
Stardate: 36101.1250
"So where is this Kryd you spoke of?" Gemma asked, the ILO clearly growing impatient.
"One does not simply walk into the Temple of the Seekers of All and jump into their sacred ooze," Balthier explained. "I might not agree with their beliefs, but these people still deserve to be respected and their ways honoured."
"What did you do to them?" Counsellor Lopez asked, certain that the pirate had somehow wronged the members of this sect, thus explaining his abundant willingness to show them respect.
"Nothing," Balthier quickly said in his defence in a higher pitch than usual.
"Why are you back?" A man dressed in plain brown robes asked, the disapproval in his voice along with his clothing and general posture easily identifying him as a member of the sect.
"I brought you some friends in search of knowledge and enlightenment," the pirate explained.
"The sacred ooze is not meant for the general public, Balthier," the monk said defiantly. "The purity of the ooze cannot be tainted by the presence of someone who has not proven themselves worthy of its gifts."
"Great," Sonja sighed. "So we are no closer to finding the Captain and the others."
"Maybe I can help," a bald woman, standing where the ILO had been mere seconds before said. "My name is Ema, Ema Fairchild, I am an..."
"Oltharian?" The monk gasped. "We are honoured by your presence. My apologies, I had not been aware that you were with him," the robed man added as he bowed, directing the priestess's attention to Balthier with a movement of his head.
Knowing that time was of the essence, the Oltharian woman stepped forward to stand alone in front of the monk. "I am on a mission of great importance, a quest for knowledge that holds the lives of four people in its timely completion. This gentleman informed me that you and your sect would be able to greatly facilitate my search for this knowledge. Was he in error?"
"Not at all," the monk replied bowing once more. "It would be an honour for this temple to help one such as you on your quest for knowledge and the saving of lives. Your people's quest for knowledge and respect for all life is well known and is it truly an honour to have you here. Please, come with me, I will take you to our meditation room."
"What just happened? Who is she? Where did she come from?" Balthier asked, both he and his travel companion appearing as confused as could be.
"Let me explain," Nicole said before stopping herself. "No, let me summarize. She's a friend, one that always knows what we need when we need it most. Trust her."
"Yup," Sonja agreed. "Leave it to an Oltharian to find a way to solve an impossible task, especially those who belong to the Religious Circle."
"Elan was not a member of the Religious Circle," the Shillian corrected.
"No, but he wanted to be, and that just as bad."
Setting: Unknown planet, underground structure
Stardate: 36101.1255
While Sofia cared for Ya'Han, Erik and Xana thoroughly surveyed the room they were in, hoping to find something that would allow them to escape. Judging by the expression on the faces of the Captain and Ambassador, their search had proven less than successful.
"That might be why he phased out through the wall," Bonviva theorized. "This room is sealed as tight as a Ferengi vault filled with gold-pressed-latinum."
Morningstar raised an eyebrow. "Why do I have the feeling that I should not ask how you know that?"
"There are some things that are better left unknown," the Ambassador replied in all seriousness. Before anything else could be said both Erik and Xana saw something from the corner of their eyes, drawing them to look at the Betazoid painting. "Tell me you saw that."
"I saw *something*," the Native American confirmed. "Could not tell you what it was though."
"This thing is freaky enough without having it looking at us," the Bolian/Human noted. "I am sure I saw a set of eyes, and they were looking right at us."
"The Man in White said that it reflects our feelings and mood, maybe it just picked up on one of us feeling watched," Morningstar offered as a counter-theory.
"Sofia is too preoccupied with Ya'Han's condition and she is too much in pain to think about anything else. So, either it was you feeling that way or me, and I know it was not me." Bonviva paused for a few seconds, staring at the painting. "There is also a flaw in your theory, none of us were able to see what the others saw on that painting before, so we both would have had to think and feel the exact same thing, which is highly improbable."
The discussion stopped when the same eyes they thought they had seen appeared once again on the painting, the slow repetitive blink only adding to the unsettling sight. This lasted only for a few seconds before the eyes vanished, returning the painting to the scene that each had observed before.
"What was that all about?" The Captain asked, not expecting an answer.
Setting: Unknown planet, Temple
Stardate: 36101.1300
"I know where they are," Gemma announced as she hurried down the corridor leading to the Temple's main lobby where the others had been waiting. "The Captain and the others are trapped in a room, prisoners and Ya'Han is injured."
"Where did you come from?" Balthier asked.
"No time to explain. We need to get to the underground chambers beneath the southernmost building of this settlement, the one with the large double iron doors," the ILO said, already pushing her way through the gathered officers.
"That building is controlled by the Grogg," Fran gasped. "You can't just walk in, and certainly not reach the underground chambers."
"Trust her," Balthier added. "We have tried."
"Commander," Zub said looking at the Asian woman. "I made a point to keep track of the underground passageways we encountered, and I have identified a couple that should lead in that general direction. A direct frontal assault may not be wise, but maybe we can find a way to gain access to that specific room from one of these passageways."
"You memorized the layouts of the caves and passageways?" Mitshiba gasped.
"Not the layout per se, but the smell associated with each.," the Voth explained. "I am sure that I can find the passageway we need to get us where Lt. Gemma stated we needed to be. There was one particular one that was very reminiscent of the Grogg, so at the time I thought it was best for us to avoid it. Now it seems that it was the way we needed to go all along."
"All right then, Balthier, take us back to the underground tunnels, once there Ensign Enel will take the lead," the Commander ordered. "Let's move out!"
"What about the Grogg?" Adriana demanded.
"The ones that were after us took a different path," the ILO replied. "We should not have any issues with them."
"I was more concerned about the one *in* that building," the Counselor / Junior Ambassador amended.
"The room is unguarded," Gemma said. "There should not be any problems as long as we get in and out quickly enough."
"How many times have I heard that one," Sonja said rolling her eyes. "Let's go. We can all discuss how bad of a plan this was after we get the Captain and the others back." The CEO added as she did her best to keep her concerns for her friend and shipmates to herself.
Setting: Unknown planet, underground structure
Stardate: 36101.1315
"How is she?" Erik asked of Sofia once again as he leaned over the two women.
"She passed out," the Doctor informed. "The pain must have been too much. Are we ever going to get out of here?"
"We will," the Native American said in as reassuring a tone as he could. The truth was that he was not sure how they would manage to get out of this predicament.
"Did you feel that?" Xana asked of Erik. When she saw the questioning look on the Captain's face, the Ambassador elaborated. "There was a low vibration through the floor and walls."
"An earthquake?" The Native American theorized until he too felt what the Bolian/Human hybrid had described, a low, continuous vibration that was growing stronger.
"If I didn't know better, I would say that it's some kind of runaway track vehicle, and it's coming closer, fast," Andersson noted looking up at Morningstar and Bonviva with a distinct air of concern.
The Captain and Ambassador continued to listen to the steadily growing rumble until it was clear that it was not just coming closer but heading straight for them. The two had just enough time to dive out of the way and offer as much protection to the Doctor and her patient as they could before the sealed door flew clear across the room followed by a couple of Grogg who soon after collapsed to the ground unconscious.
"Captain Morningstar?" Misaki asked through the dust as she made her way around the two stunned ape-like creatures.
"Right here," Erik coughed as he raised a hand to indicate his location. "We are all here, and Ya'Han is..."
"Hurt, we know," Gemma announced as she walked in, not having any issues walking over the bodies of the two Grogg. "Zub, take care of Ya'Han. Captain Morningstar, Ambassador Bonviva, Doctor Andersson, I am sorry but time is of the essence. We have a group of Grogg on our tail. The others are doing their best to delay them, but they can't do it for long. We drew those two here to help open the door."
"And a fine job you did at that," Xana noted, looking at the door which was now embedded into the Betazoid painting, likely rendering it no longer usable.
"We have to regroup with Balthier, Fran and the others before we can make our way to somewhere where the ship will be able to lock transporters on us," the Asian First Officer explained.
"Balthier?" Erik asked.
"Fran?" Xana followed suit.
"I will explain once we are safely back on the ship," Mitshiba said as she watched Zub effortlessly lift the unconscious Ya'Han, taking every care to not aggravate her injury.
"Looks like we found a way to get out of here," Xana said, smiling at Erik.
"I would say that the way out found us," the Native American said glancing at the two massive forms currently unconscious on the floor.
Francois Charette
Commanding Officer
Robotics Engineering Officer