

Hailey Graham

(Picture - ???)
Gender: Female
Race: Centauran
Age: 30 Terran Years
Date of Birth: (2407) SB:07082.0
Place of Birth: Proxima City, ALPHA CENTAURI
* General: Short cropped blond hair, she has blue green eyes. She is of average build. Pretty but not gorgeous. She wears light makeup and channel perfume
* Height: 167 cm
* Weight: 53.5 kg
* Eyes: Green
* Hair: Blond close cut (Right bellow her ears)
Personal Information
Favourite Drink: Champagne
Preferred Food: Chocolate Truffles
Hobbies & Interests: Cooking, Art, Little House on the Prarie
Goals: She wants to open her own bakery one day
Character Overview
She was born to two parents who loved each other and comes from a very large family. She was born in a resort town and helped her parents at an early age run the cafe they had. At the age of 18 she enlisted into Starfleet and used her skills to be part of the shipboard services program. She has been a bartender and a chef for her entire career. In that time she fell in love with a human who worked as a Steward on a passenger liner. They had a child and got divorced a few years after, when Christopher discovered he was a homosexual. She was set to go to New Alexandria when a form of Stop Loss prevented her from leaving the service. She serves on a rotating basis Bartender and Chief Mess Hall attendent.

Starfleet Personnel Dossier

* Academy Major: Shipboard Services (Chef and Porter Services)
* Academy Minor: Psychology

Additional Training:
Pastry Chef La Cordon Bleau
Family Information:

Father: Ramon Halloway, 72 Centauran
Occupation: Homemaker

Mother: Trina Halloway, 50 Centuran/Human hybrid
Occupation: Owns a coffee shop

Sister: Clairice, Age: 25
Occupation: Lawyer

Sister: Gwendari, Age: 18
Occupation: Unemployed

Christopher Jackson (Divorced), 32 Human
Occupation: Cabin Crew, Transgalactic Spaceways

Cal Halloway age 8, student

Extended Family:
Awards and Service Ribbons
Starfleet History:
(24)25004.1 - Entered Academy
(24)29131.1 - Dropped out of Starfleet Academy
(24)34011.1 - Entered Starfleet Shipboard Services Training
(24)34026.1 - Entered La Cordon Bleau pastry school (Night classes)
(24)36309.1 - Completed Starfleet Shipboard Services Training
(24)36315.1 - Graduated La Cordon Bleau pastry school (Night classes
(24)37012.1 - Assigned to the USS HATHOR as CHEF / SHIPBOARD SERVICES

Personal History:
During her last year as Starfleet Academy, Hailey met her now ex and became pregnant. They got married and she dropped out of the Academy and never went to Senior Officer Training, instead focusing on her then unborn child and husband. After the divorce she still wanted to keep a low profile. Through connections within SFI and Admiral Koniki, her parents ended up on NEW ALEXANDRIA. The boy lives with his grandparents and they still use the surbname Halloway.

When she decided to Enlist, Hailey went under the surname of Graham, with some help from Admiral Koniki, to avoid her ex locating her and their son? Christopher Jackson has been on the SFI watch list ever since although the Admiral has never clearly stated why he demonstrated such a high level of interest for the man even before that.

Payed by: Kaylah Andrews

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