Trans-Dimensional Coordinate System
We know that the universe we interact with is one out of an infinite number of other dimensions and realities, each possessing its unique characteristics. If we use our own dimension as the central point for comparison we can create a chart to map out the respective location of each other dimensions in relation to our own. This system allows us to more correctly identify the properties and characteristics of each dimension for analysis.
Using a standard X-Y-Z coordinate system we have begun to map out alternate dimensions to our own, understanding that the further they are from the point of origin the more differences there will be between that dimension and ours. To help facilitate the relative understanding of these differences, each coordinate line is assigned a specific value type.
X-Axis - (TIME) This refers to temporal similarities between the dimensions. This means that a dimension on the same X axis as our own would experience the passage of time at the exact same rate allowing for similar events to have taken place at the exact same time in both dimensions.
Y-Axis - (SOCIAL) This refers to social similarities between the dimensions. This means that a dimension on the same Y axis as our own would have the exact same social events, structure, governments and borders as our own.
Z-Axis - (PHYSICAL) This refers to physical similarities between the dimensions. This means that a dimension on the same Z axis as our own would have the exact same laws of physics and chemistry as our own.
List of dimensions and their coordinate that have been mapped and/or explored:
X: -034 / Y: 311 / Z: -401 -> Chaos Dimension - Home of the Phobophage (FRPG)
The phobophage was encountered by the crew of the PHOENIX and was discovered to "eat" fear and possesses the capability to trigger realistic and often fatal hallucinations in its victims.
X: -004 / Y: 084 / Z: -002 -> Parallel Dimension - Location of ELYSIA (ALPHA 001) (DH)
Dimension in which the BASTET was stranded in following a run-in with the Lokustaar.
X: -001 / Y: 031 / Z: 099 -> Silicon Space - Home of the Akitashiinu (DH)
All life encountered within this dimension is comprised of silicon instead of carbon.
X: 000 / Y: -134 / Z: 338 -> Fluidic Space - Home dimension of Species 8472 (VOY)
A dimension where space itself is comprised of a dense fluidic substance.
X: 000 / Y: -048 / Z: 000 -> Parallel Dimension - Home of the J'Den (DH)
One of the many dimensions the Masters invaded and enslaved, although the J'Den were able to win back their freedom.
X: 000 / Y: -012 / Z: 000 -> Mirror Universe - Home of the Terran Empire (ENT / DS9)
A dimension where only a few major events occurred differently setting up a universe with strange parallels.
X: 000 / Y: 000 / Z: 000 -> Home Dimension - Primary Dimension (DH)
Our home dimension.
X: 000 / Y: 014 / Z: 731 -> Giant Space - Home dimension of giant Nanites (DH)
A dimension where a ship from our universe is roughly the size of a humanoid cell.
X: 000 / Y: 017 / Z: -002 -> Broken Mirror Universe - Home of the EARTH Alliance (AKA The MovieVerse) (DH)
Although similar in many way, this dimension is quite different from our own. (Writers used movie quotes throughout their posts while in this dimension which is loosely based on various Sci-Fi movies including, but nor limited to, Firefly, Mad Max, etc. This dimension is meant to be more of a *wild card* where pretty much anything and everything is possible.)
X: 000 / Y: 034 / Z: 000 -> Parallel Dimension - Home of the Galactic Commonwealth (FRPG)
An alliance of all major powers in the galaxy of this dimension created through diplomatic avenues to allow the exploration of the multiverse and the expansion of scientific knowledge. Home dimension of the USS HAWKING.
X: 000 / Y: 036 / Z: 000 -> Parallel Dimension - Home of the Interstellar Consortium (FRPG)
The Interstellar Consortium is a peaceful confederation of worlds organised under the rule of a Consortium Assembly and a First Minister.
X: 001 / Y: 044 / Z: -002 -> Parallel Dimension - Home of the Yxidii (DH)
Although there are several astrological similarities, the evolution on most worlds failed to mirror that of our dimension.
X: 002 / Y: 121 / Z: 098 -> Parallel Dimension - Home of the Pa-Ha-Sa (DH)
The entire dimension emits a strange vibration that the inhabitants of PA-HA-SA are able to tap into to generate effects that in other dimensions would be considered as magic.
X: 012 / Y: -072 / Z: 021 -> Parallel Dimension - Home of the Lokustaar (DH)
A desolate dimension torn by centuries of war in which only a single race can now be found, the Lokustaar. Some races who have traveled to this specific dimension have refered to it in various form and translations as the 'Plane of Hell'.
X: 013 / Y: -049 / Z: 681 -> Microverse - Unexplored (DH)
A dimension where matter is thousands of time larger than that of our universe. Matter is forced to expand to match this much larger scale forcing the D-Drive to be set to a specific setting to avoid the ship and everyone 'exploding'.
X: 099 / Y: 099 / Z: 099 -> Unknown Dimension - Unexplored (DH)
The USS BASTET travelled to this dimension only for a short time, making a hasty return following the encounter of an unknown force that appeared to want to study the crew and their reaction after having been made to believe that they each had been made to believe to be completely alone.
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