The senior staff of the USS ANUBIS is sent to one of the natural satellites of PI ALPHA III, a geo-unstable J-Class moon as a team building exercise and by the same token to test the auxiliary crafts (Vipers, Locus and Sphinx). From the get go things did not go as well as expected leaving the members of the senior staff to fight for their very lives against the elements.
As if the situation had not been complicated enough, two new races apparently fighting for control of the moon are encountered on the moon's surface. As the crew tries to avoid fighting both sides the moon as well as the ANUBIS are drawn into another dimension.
The crew attempts to remain neutral in the conflict between the Akitashiinu and Yxidii, hoping to avoid being drawn into this inter-dimensional war. In doing so they come across an ancient machine which is discovered to be the source of the dimensional distortion and likely the reason for the conflict between the two races.
Using the ancient machine, the crew manages to send the ANUBIS and themselves back to their own dimension. The moon of PI ALPHA III and the machine discovered there might have been lost, but the crew were still very thankful for having returned in one piece.