Starfleet Exo-cultural report
Race: Horrusi
Home Dimension: 000 / 000 / 000
Home World: HORRUS (Fourth planet - Class M)
Orbital Star(s):
 Horr, G-Type
Civilization Classification: 14
Estimated Population: 287.88 million
Appearance: Small stature with most of them standing just below sixty centimeters. They have an extremely long lifespan that lasts a couple of centuries. Adult Horrusi are characterized by their sharp elfin ears, the cranial ridges of their foreheads, tridactyl hands, and most commonly anisodactyl feet. Their leathery skin and blood are both light green, with their sharp teeth pointing towards a carnivorous diet.

Physical characteristics:
Their diet consists of nutrients that most other species would consider to be disgusting. Most of them, though not all of them, speak with an idiosyncratic dialect of Federation Standard, utilizing non-standard grammar and formalized sentence construction. Soda pop affects Horrusi in the same way that alcohol affects Humans, whilst alcohol itself is poisonous to them.
The Horrusi are considered to be very wise and to have extraordinary mental abilities. Most of them display signs of telepathy and mental suggestion while others possess the ability of telekinesis.

Planetary Report:
The Horrusi homeworld of HORRUS lies on the outskirts of Federation territory in the Beta Quadrant near the Klingon Empire. Their sun is known as Horr and the planet is the fourth planet in a G-type star system and its rotational period is twenty three hours with an orbital period of three hundred and forty-one days. The climate is murky with the primary terrain containing swampland, bogs, jungles, and bayous

Overview of Civilization's History:
The Horrusi government, calling itself the Order of Horrus, is formed from a clan-based system and is lead by the Council of Elders. The Council is run by a combination of the executive and judiciary branches and its leader is known as the First Speaker. Election to this position is once every two years. The Horrusi have no standing military, although they can call upon a levy when their homeworld is threatened. The first and second times that the Council called upon the Levy were because of First Contact with the United Federation of Planets. The third Levy call was because of Starfleet reports about a probable Borg invasion in 2368. (See the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode 'Descent' for reference.)

As a consequence of the third Levy Call, the Horrusi leadership adopted a hard line militaristic stance for a short time. Their actions created such a division among the clans on Horrus. While many clan leaders supported their criminal actions, others were outraged by this behavior and the crisis worsened with the assassination of the First Speaker and the death of her consort, a few days later. The Council of Elders was quickly torn apart by infighting between rival clans. A bloody civil war erupted when one of these clans attempted a military coup of the government.

With the timely intervention of Starfleet in the form of Admiral Tattok came relief, easing tensions all over the planet. The admiral's negotiations saw to the construction of a Federation controlled Forward Operating Base known as Fort Yodakin.

HORRUS is a harsh, humid, swampy world, mostly covered in shallow marshland and interspersed with stifling forests. There are very few truly open bodies of water on the planet. The water supply is thinly invested through the planet's main habitat -- swampland -- although there are vast expanses of mud fields. The Horrusi homeworld is also the home of many creatures such as dragonhawks, swamp snakes, vine wings, and bog slugs. Examples of flora include the Tadder moss, the Jassling, the Flarltree, and the Meat flower.

The planet seldom appears on any astrometric charts, being discovered and re-scouted many times before the 23rd century. The first official Federation survey of HORRUS occurred in 2239 with a team of Starfleet explorers being stranded there and later discovered to be devoured by the local wildlife.

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