Post # | Character | Title |
001 | Morningstar | Soul-Touched Erik reconnects with the ANUBIS |
002 | Ya'Han/Enel | The Crimson Hurricane Ya'Han trains in a simulation chamber |
003 | Gemma | Observations From the ICG, Gemma watches Noiva |
004 | Stark | Emotionally Confused Jayson trains alone in the Gymnasium |
005 | Maya | The Devil is in the Details Maya investigates a strange celestial anomaly |
006 | Lopez | Echoes and Shadows Shar'El tasks Adriana with the Staff Psych Eval |
007 | Enel/Andersson | Pains and Aches Zub goes to sickbay and speaks with Sofia |
008 | Lopez/Ya'Han | Two For One Session Jayson and Ya'Han see Adriana for their eval |
009 | Gemma | Group Session Gemma goes to see Adriana |
010 | Shar'El | Introspective Shar'El thinks about the crew and visits Adriana |
011 | Maya/Lopez | Comparing Thoughts Maya and Adriana study the anomaly |
012 | Lopez/Enel | Unexpected Session Zub runs into Adriana |
013 | Noiva | Shadows and Orders Koniki gives Ava her orders |
014 | Morningstar | Mission Briefing The senior staff are told about the anomaly |
015 | Noiva | Dual Roles Brooke goes to see Adriana |
016 | Shar'El | Back In Action The ANUBIS leaves NEW ALEXANDRIA |
017 | Gemma | Shadows in the Logs Gemma is susecious of Noiva |
018 | Lopez | Shadows of Connections Adriana has a sisterly chat with Amanda |
019 | Enel/Ya'Han | Hunting Shadows Zub and Ya'Han go after Gemma |
020 | Noiva | Shadowed Calculations Noiva reports on her failed attack on Gemma |
021 | Lopez | Fractured Minds, Fract... Adriana tries to help Gemma |
022 | Gemma | Together, As One Gemma recuperates from the attack |
023 | Gemma/Enel | A Glimpse Within Zub escorts Gemma back to the IGC |
024 | Maya | Shifting Alignments Gemma visits Maya in Stellar Cartography |
025 | Lopez | Echoes of Amanda Adriana goes for breakfast and sees Amanda |
026 | Shar'El | Ghosts and Shadows Shar'El report to Erik about odd sightings |
027 | Stark/Ya'Han | Shadows of the Past Jayson sees the ghost of his former wife |
028 | Andersson/Bruxa | Examination, Evaluation Jayson is brought to Sickbay |
029 | Ya'Han/Enel | Beyond the Glass Ya'Han and Zub check in on Jayson |
030 | Gemma | Inner Debates Gemma has a conflicting inner debate |
031 | Morningstar | Mission Briefing - Take 2 More information is given, Adriana reinstated |
032 | Lopez | Questions Adriana chats with Amanda about what happened |
033 | Ya'Han | Tactical Review Ya'Han analyzes the situation, and Jayson |
034 | Maya | Unexpected Discovery Maya discover a small ship, adrift |
035 | Shar'El | Change of Plan The ANUBIS goes to help the crippled ship |
036 | Enel | Move 'Em Out Zub dispatches the MACO to Shuttle Bay 1 |
037 | Stark/A'Janni | Threading the Eye of... The ANUBIS maneuvers to save the ship |
038 | Ya'Han/Enel | Conflagration Zub save the ship's only passenger |
039 | Andersson/Bruxa | Between Life and Oblivion Medical team fights for Zub's life |
040 | Gemma | A Name in the Ashes Gemma investigates the unknown woman |
041 | Lopez | Shadows in the Light Amanda is troubled at the sight of Christie |
042 | Ya'Han | By the Sphere's Edge Another vessel is found near he anomaly |
043 | Gemma | A Sphere of Trouble The ANUBIS is boarded by the Tzenkethi |
044 | Stark | Fears and Admiration Jayson watches as the staff gets ready |
045 | Ya'Han/Shar'El | Bridge of Blood and... Battle on the bridge |
046 | Noiva/Gemma | When Hope Bleeds, Pt 1 Gemma arrives in Sickbay |
047 | Gemma | When Hope Bleeds, Pt 2 The battle ends in a horrific way |
048 | Shar'El | Aftermath Shar'El gives a status report to Erik |
049 | Lopez | The Pain of Loss Adriana contemplates their loss |
050 | Maya | The Impossible Question Maya speaks with Shar'El |
051 | Enel/Gemma | A Shared Moment Enel and Gemma share a moment in Sickbay |
052 | Ya'Han/Stark | Returning to Duty Ya'Han and Jayson return to the bridge |
053 | Shar'El | When a People Fall The crew suffers an unexpected blow |
054 | Gemma/Lopez | The Terran Enigma Gemma and Ava almost come to blows |
055 | Maya | Spherical Mystery Maya noticed lights from inside the sphere |
Post # | Character | Title |
056 | Morningstar | A Dream Beyond Dreams Erik experiences a fight for life and death |
057 | Shar'El | Mind and Soul Shar'El orders the ANUBIS into the sphere |
058 | Ya'Han/A'Janni | Body and Heart The ANUBIS enters the sphere and fights |
059 | Lopez/Maya | Dreams and Whispers Adriana goes to see Maya |
060 | Stark | Memories and Sorrows Jayson goes to Sickbay for a physical |
061 | Morningstar | Duties and Responsibil... Erik briefs the crew |
062 | Gemma | Names and Secrets Gemma discovers a new persona |
063 | Enel | Victim and Villain Zub deals with a troubled Gemma |
064 | Noiva | Tests and Results Noiva reports to Koniki |
065 | Andersson | Dreams and Hopes Sofia speaks with Cristtiane |
066 | Stark | Courage and Unity Final check for the ANUBIS |
067 | Maya | Dimensional Shapes The ANUBIS finds a new planet |
068 | Lopez | Sisterly Bond Adriana physically feels Amanda |
069 | Gemma | Unseen Enemies The away team arrives on the planet |
070 | Noiva | Hunting The Hunter The away team enters the pyramid |
071 | Ya'Han | Pyramids and Shadows Contact with the away team is lost |
073 | Lopez | Shadow Legacy Amanda leads the team to a pod room |
073 | Gemma | Pyramids and Shadows Gemma has an internal conflict |
074 | Gemma/A’Janni/Enel | Shadow Glow The away team uncover a Yautja |
075 | Noiva | Matrix of Shadow Ava studies Gemma's interactions |
076 | Ya'Han | Fear of Shadow Ya'Han is obsessed with the Lokustaar |
077 | Shar'El | Into the Shadow The team ventures deeper into the pyramid |
078 | Gemma | Voices From The Shadows Gemma struggles with new information |
079 | A'Janni/Enel | Rabbit Hole A'Janni and Zub fall into a trap |
080 | Ya'Han | Haunting Shadows Ya'Han is taken to Sickbay |
081 | Andersson | Mind Shadows Sofia examines Ya'Han |
082 | Shar'El | Conflicting Shadows The away team contemplates their situation |
083 | Noiva | Whispers in the Shadows Ava further suspects Gemma |
084 | Lopez | Something Hiding in... Amanda suddenly vanishes |
085 | Gemma | Shadows Within Shadows The away team enters the Matrix |
086 | A'Janni | Danger Comes in Many... The first test for the away team |
087 | Morningstar | Shadow Revenge Erik visits Sickbay |
088 | Andersson | Neural Analysis Sofia figures out the neural virus |
089 | Noiva | Trials of the Matrix Ava continues to doubt Gemma |
090 | Gemma/Enel | Trial by Shadow The away team enter the building |
091 | Lopez | Real Memories Adriana and Amanda are reunited |
092 | Gemma | Storm on the Horizon Gemma has an internal confrontation |
093 | Gemma/Enel | Threadbare Zub shares a moment with Gemma |
094 | Shar'El | Will to Fight The away team convinces others to help |
095 | A'Janni | Strength and Honor The Matrix fights back |
096 | Ya'Han | Shadow Fighting The ANUBIS opposes the Lokustaar |
097 | Lopez | Dreams no More The away team leaves the Matrix |
098 | Gemma | Battle of the Unseen Gemma discovers a new ability |
099 | Noiva | Battle of Convictions Ava debates as to what she needs to do |
100 | Shar'El | Rescued from the Shadows The first set of Terrans are rescued |
101 | Lopez | The Second Pyramid The away team arrives at the 2nd pyramid |
102 | Gemma | Echoes of the Matrix Christie and the second group is rescued |
103 | Cristhiane/Morningstar | Fears and Shadows Cristhiane is anxious about Christie's return |
104 | Gemma/Enel | Strike 3 The away team arrives late at the 3rd pyramid |
105 | Ya'Han | Plan B The ANUBIS finds a way to help the away team |
106 | Lopez | Standing Still Adriana is frozen by the thought of losing Amanda |
107 | Enel | Bugle Call Reinforcements arrive on the planet |
108 | Noiva | Operative Connection Ava and Gemma share a moment |
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