Personal History:
From a very young age Charles N. Koniki displayed an odd interest for Intel work, so it was no great surprise that he chose that specific field when joining Starfleet. While on board the USS GEZA, Charles developed an affinity for all things Egyptians thanks to the interest in that particular domain displayed by the ship's CO, Captain Sadat.
It took no time for Charles to embrace the ancient Egyptian theme as his own, decorating his quarters to reflect the style.
During his first few missions his translating and deciphering skills were quickly recognized and put to use which allowed Charles to decode an intercepted transmission saving the lives of the away team including that of the First Officer who had been in charge.
The more Charles dealt with the world of Intel the more he found himself comfortable with the environment, understanding the mentality of those operating in the shadows with such great ease that he could predict with fair accuracy the intentions of those plotting against the Federation. Unfortunately, as in all things, the greater understanding of that world also led Charles to becoming a more secretive man, one who found it increasingly difficult to trust others.
Long before having been appointed as Head of Starfleet Intelligence, Charles had dealt with numerous threats to the Federation, and when some of these proved to be within the organization itself he became even more suspicious and careful in selecting those he would trust enough to share details with.
As the Neo-Essentialist Movement surfaced, Charles recognized certain signs which concerned him, but being unable to share or act on these feelings, he remained silent while keeping the movement under close watch.
When He was given command of the USS SCARAB, Charles immediately began to bring upon cosmetic changes to the inside of the ship to reflect a more Egyptian feel claiming that he was doing so in memory of his mentor and first CO, captain Sadat. The love for this particular style only grew with every year to the point of becoming an obsession.
With a select few by his side, as head of Starfleet Intelligence Charles began to plan for a special project, one that would be meant to protect the Federation from behind the scenes without implicating the Federation or its allies. The project was named NEW ALEXANDRIA. When the time came to select a possible location for this base of operation, the GEZA nebula was mentioned which made Charles grin as he believed it to be destiny. From that point, the NEW ALEXANDRIA project took on a very single minded Egyptian theme which continued well after the project was completed.
As the head of the secret base of Operations, Charles deals on a daily basis with secret plots and plans aimed at the Federation and its allies, using the resources he has put into place in this project NEW ALEXANDRIA protects the Federation as best they can from threats that are unknown and unseen by those in power.