"An Unexpected Discovery"
(Cont. from "Possible Reason")

Setting: USS PARADOX, Corridor
Stardate: 63073.1845

Following their latest setback in getting the ship's D-Drive to work, most of the hired hands had been dispatched by Sumariss to search the ship for spare parts that could be used to repair or bypass the increasing number of malfunctioning systems.  The Arcadian had volunteered to search the lower decks having suspected that she would have less of a chance to run into one of the broken bodies of a fallen crew member.  As much as she fancied herself to be a mercenary, Anya Green had quickly come to realise that petty theft had been about as far on the wrong side of the ethical line that she cared to venture.

The reports that she had overheard as to some of the graphic discoveries made by others while on board this ship had turned her stomach and had convinced the Arcadian that she would not be able to kill someone regardless of how much wealth she had been promised.  It was true that the idea of being able to travel through time had been an alluring one, but not so much that she had placed it above the life of another.  So far they all had been lucky as none of the mercenary had run into a survivor that they would have had to deal with, permanently.

The Arcadian made her way down the corridor as she searched for undamaged power relays and soon came up on an area that displayed clear signs of a terrible battle.  Whatever nightmare the crew of this vessel had been forced to face, it had been brutal in its storming of the ship leaving dark crimson marks on the walls, floors, ceilings and bulkheads.  As disturbing as this discovery had been to Anya she found it within her to be thankful in that such brutality had nearly insured that she would not discover any survivor during her search for spare parts.  As much as the woman had hoped this thought would have made things easier, it proved to instead made her wish that she had been somewhere else.

Further down the same corridor Anya discovered her first victim of the onslaught, and the Arcadian immediately turned away having been unable to deal with the scene.  Although she had seen it only for a split second, the broken form of the crewman had already become engraved in her mind.  Certain that she would not be able to go further the troubled woman backtracked her steps and entered the nearest door.

Setting: USS PARADOX, Cargo Bay 6
Stardate: 63073.1855

Shaken to the core by the nightmarish vision she had stumbled upon, the Arcanian leaned back against a set of boxes and slipped down into a fetal position where she began to cry uncontrollably.  This had not been the first time Anya had seen death, but to see a body so completely mutilated had been too much for her to handle.  Crying and shaking like a young child, the woman started to truly question the reasons why she had been here and if Sumariss' promised wealth had really made all of this worth while.  Maybe if they had been here merely to scavenge the ship of any and all usable parts she would have been able to accept her presence here, but the truth of the matter had been much darker.

Through her continued tears Anya wondered if she had not become part of a chain of events that would make others experience the nightmare that had befallen the crew of this ship.

"Are you alright?" A young voice asked which caused Anya to look up and see through her tears a boy of no more than six years of age.

"Who are you?" The Arcanian asked in return while she fought back her tears.

"I was about to ask you that same question," a more mature and menacing voice interjected which brought the Arcadian's attention onto a man pointing a pulse riffle in her direction.

Dawn Bohr <serra.moon.angel@gmail.com>
Ensign Akira 'Aki' Mitshiba
Assistant Chief Science Officer